Balance Sheet 2022 -23
Balance Sheet 2021 -22

Balance Sheet 2020 -21

Balance Sheet 2019 -20

Balance Sheet 2018 -19

Balance Sheet 2017 -18

Balance Sheet 2016 -17

Balance Sheet 2015 -16


FCRA Quaterly Return

FCRA Quarterly Return Jul_Sep24
FCRA Quarterly Return Apr_Jun24
FCRA Quarterly Return Jan_March 2024
FCRA Quarterly Return Oct_Dec 2023
FCRA Quarterly Return July_September 2023
FCRA Quarterly Return April_June 2023
FCRA Quarterly Return Apr_Jun22
FCRA Quarterly Return Jul_Sep22
FCRA Quarterly Return Oct_Dec22
FCRA Quarterly Return Jan_Mar23
FCRA Quarterly Return Jan_Mar22
FCRA Quaterly Return Oct_Dec21
FCRA Quaterly Return Jul_Sep21
FCRA Quaterly Return Apr_Jun21
FCRA Quaterly Return Jan_Mar21
FCRA Quaterly Return Oct_Dec20
FCRA Quaterly Return Jul_Sep20
FCRA Quaterly Return Apr_Jun20
FCRA Quaterly Return Jan_Mar20
FCRA Quaterly Return Oct_Dec19
FCRA Quaterly Return Jul_Sep19
FCRA Quaterly Return Apr_Jun19
FCRA Quaterly Return Jan_Mar19
FCRA Quaterly Return Oct_Dec18
FCRA Quaterly Return Jul_Sep18
FCRA Quaterly Return Apr_Jun18
FCRA Quaterly Return Jan_Mar18
FCRA Quaterly Return Oct_Dec17
FCRA Quaterly Return Jul_Sep17
FCRA Quaterly Return Apr_Jun17
FCRA Quaterly Return Jan_Mar17
FCRA Quaterly Return Oct_Dec16
FCRA Quaterly Return Jul_Sep16
FCRA Quaterly Return Apr_Jun16

CHRIST (Deemed to be University) was born out of the educational vision of St Kuriakose Elias Chavara, an educationalist and social reformer of the nineteenth century in South India. He founded the first Catholic indigenous congregation, Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI), in 1831 which administers CHRIST (Deemed to be University).


Padmavathi M, Activity Centre, LR Nagar, Koramangala

I am studying in 9th grade, I have benefited from a speechless opportunity in the CSP program for the past 8 years. I received school bags, shoes, Christmas gifts, study exposure, extracurricular activities, moral values education which made me more confident. I am able to speak English very fluently and I got opportunity to participate in the stage

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Yashaswini R

I’m Yashaswini R, a sponsored child of CSA, who is a 10th grader in Bethany English Primary & High School. Through the program, I learnt to give respect to others and to communicate well as I improve proficiency in speaking, listening and reading. The support given by the facilitators and volunteers helped me to improve my skills

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(Deemed to be University)

Dharmaram College Post, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560029,
Karnataka, India

Tel: +91 804012 9100 / 9600

Fax: 40129000

Email: mail@christuniversity.in

Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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