CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore

DEPARTMENT OF psychology


Syllabus for
Master of Science (Educational Psychology)
Academic Year  (2019)

1 Semester - 2019 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
MEP121 JOURNAL CLUB - 2 2 50
MEP151 PRACTICUM - 4 4 100
2 Semester - 2019 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
MEP282 INTERNSHIP - 0 4 100


Introduction to Program:
The Master of Science in Educational Psychology designed to prepare highly qualified school psychologists to practice in public schools, higher education and special schools or related educational settings.
Assesment Pattern

Students wil be assessed for prior understanding using formative assesments and learning wil be assessed using summative evaluation.

Examination And Assesments

The programme follows the philosophy of adult education and learning and uses both formative and summative assesments in its approach.

Assessment pattern 

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) for all courses : 70%

End-Semester Examination  (ESE): 30% (30 marks out of 100)


Continuous Assessment

The assessment and grading of the students will take place in the following manner:

  • A formative assessment of the competencies is carried out the beginning of the course. This is not graded.
  • Assessment of the acquisition of the competencies is done continuously throughout the course with a minimum of one assessment per month.
  • Two of the assessments are graded for thirty (30) Marks each. (for 4 credit papers)


Class engagement: 05 marks

Attendance : 05 marks


Attendance Percentage


95% -100%

05 marks

90% - 94%

04 marks

85% - 89%

03 marks

80% - 84%

02 marks

76% - 79%

01 mark









CIA 1 and 2 are conducted by the respective faculty in the form of different types of assignments within the stipulated time for awarding the marks.

The students have to attain minimum pass marks in each assignment or will have to repeat the assignment within the time stipulated by the department.

Marks scored by the students for CIA will be displayed in the student login within a week after the last date of submission of marks by the faculty. Any discrepancy shall be informed immediately to the faculty concerned for correction of marks.

Students who either fail   or do not appear for   CIA  will have to apply for repeat CIA immediately after publishing the results of each CIA component. Application to be forwarded  through the HoD and Dean to the Office of Examinations and obtain necessary approvals. Number of chances for repeating each CIA is only one

. Students who  fail in the  CIA  in a semester have to apply for CIA repeat of the whole course in the subsequent semester


End Semester Examination

  • The End semester (competency) examination for the theory as well as practical courses is held at the end of the semesters .
  • The End semester (competency) examination might take place in the form of written examination, project submission and Viva Voce examination and managed by Office of Examinations
  • Generally the duration of is 2 hours but it may vary for certain courses.
  • Absentee's parents will be alerted through SMS within 1 hour after the commencement of the examination.
  • ESCE for all courses will be conducted for 50 marks and reduced to out of 30 marks
  • Hall ticket with timetable and seating allotment is compulsory for ESCE which can be downloaded from the Student Login or obtained from the department office.
  • Dress code of the University should be followed during the examination days except wearing ties.
  • Permission for admission to the ESCE is granted only if
    • A student has passed in CIA’s for that course with a minimim grade for overall CIA.

o   A student has at least 85% of the attendance in aggregate at the end of the semester.

o   The Vice-Chancellor is satisfied with the character and conduct of the student.


For 2 and 8 credit courses, a similar system will be followed with marks adjusted accordingly. All Internships, practicum, seminars and research related courses will follow the same pattern.

Pass Criteria

A student shall pass each course with a minimum aggregate score of 50 marks with minimum of  50%  for CIA and 40 % for ESE. The overall aggregate to pass a semester is 50%.  Student failing a course due to less than minimum in ESE  shall repeat the ESE while his/her internal scores shall remain valid.

All other regulations pertaining to assessment and evaluation are same as other programmes of the CHRIST (Deemed to be University)





Grade Point-4Point Scale

Grade Point-10Point Scale





80 and above





First Class with


75 – 79




Very good

70 – 74





First Class

65 —69









Above Average






Second Class

50 —54





40 —49




Exempted if Aggregate is more than 50%


Pass Class

39 and below






MEP121 - JOURNAL CLUB (2019 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description

The Journal club is an introductory course aimed at infusing students with logical skills of reviewing scientific journals.

Course objectives

1. To critically appraise scientific literature.


Course Outcome

At the end of the course the students will:

Demonstrate skills of

Reviewing scientific Journals

Identifying components of scientfic writing

Arguing scientific view points

Teaching Hours:30
Core curriculum

Core Curriculum


1) Journal club is held the every Wednesday between 2 and 4 pm

2) Students will present each session

3) Each Student will receive  a copy of Edanz expert scientific review report

4) Students are to work with assigned mentor  to choose and analyze an appropriate article. Articles must be chosen from Journals indexed with    


5)  Powerpoint presentations should be organized as follows: 10 minutes  background, 10 minutes article 15 minutes an analysis 5 minutes


6) Students are encouraged to critically appraise the literature, and develop  their own independent criticisms 

7.) Students will place the criticism of the journal article on the LMS blog and invite discussion from their peers. Every peer must enter a comment

      on the blog.

Text Books And Reference Books:

There are no essential readings for this course. The course itself is a reading course 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Deenadayalan  Y,  Grimmer-Somers  K,  Kumar  S.  How  to run  an  effective  journal  club:  a  systematic  review.  Journal  of evaluation  in  clinical  practice  2008;  14:896-911.


 Kirkhhoff  KT,  Berk  SL.  Using  the  journal  club  as  a component  of  the  research  utilization  process.  Heart-lung  1995;  24:  246-250.

Evaluation Pattern

The Course will follow standard edvaluation pattern adopted by the University for the programme of study.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will introduce the students to the theory and research that informs the practice of educational psychology.



Course Outcome


At  the end of the course, students will

Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific basis for the principles of educational psychology 

Consider evidence-based application in teaching and learning

Critically assess psychological theories that inform learning

Teaching Hours:15
Foundational Theories

Current and Emerging Design and Data Analysis Approaches 


Information Processing 

Social cognitive theory

Sociocultural approaches

Social And Emotional Factors


Teaching Hours:15
Evidence Based Practices

Metacognition in Education 

Enhancing Students' Performance in Traditional Education: Implications From the Expert Performance 

Human Cognitive Architecture: Why Some Instructional Procedures Work and Others Do Not 

Working Memory, Learning, and Academic Achievement 

Motivation: Past, Present, and Future 

Self-Regulation of Learning: Process Approaches to Personal Development 

Self-Concept: A Synergy of Theory, Method, and Application

How Neuroscience Contributes to Our Understanding of Learning and Development in Typically

Genetics and Education: Toward a Genetically Sensitive Classroom 

Teaching Hours:15
Individual differences, cultural and contextual factors

Academic Emotions

Learning Styles


Cultural and Neighbourhood effects


Teachers and Classroom Contexts

Teaching Hours:15
Applications to learning and Teaching

Applications across the life span

Assessment and Decision Making

Instructional Methods

Teaching Special Populations 



Text Books And Reference Books:

1.Woolfolk, A. (2004). Educational psychology (9th ed.). New Delhi: Pearson Education.

2.Robinson, S. (2009). Foundation of Educational Psychology (2nd ed.). New Delhi: Ane Books.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Frederickson, N., Miller, A. & Cline, T. (2008). Educational Psychology. London: Hodder Education. 

2. Rubie-Davies, C. (Ed.) (2011). Educational Psychology Concepts, Research and Challenges. New York: Routledge. 

3. Brophy, J. (2010). Motivating Students to Learn (3rd edition). New York: Routledge. 

4. Smith, T., Polloway, E., Patton, J. & Dowdy, C. (2012). Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings (6th edition). New Delhi: PHI Learning.


Evaluation Pattern

For 4 credit papers (100 marks)

CIA-1 (30 marks)

CIA-2 (30 marks)

Class participation & Attendance (10 marks)

Summative Assessment (30 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

This course emphasizes the importance of practicing equity in education, individually and as a community. The equity literacy framework and other social justice education approaches, theories, and models about multicultural knowledge, attitudes, and the curriculum will be addressed. They will be used to examine the self, policies, and practices. The focus of this course is also on issues around Multilingualism in India and English as a Second Language (ESL) in the school setting in the context of a globalized world.

Course Outcome

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

At the end of the course, students will be able to:

1)      understand that the roots of multicultural education/social justice education is in the principles of human rights.

2)      recognize their cultural context and its influence on perceptions and behavior.

3)      articulate their personal philosophy of social justice education

4)      develop strategies for curriculum planning and designing, including assessments, as they relate to diversity, equity, and student learning

5)      suitably apply the theories of second language acquisition, methods, and assessment.

6)      demonstrate their multicultural knowledge and positive as well as professional attitudes toward working/teaching for equity.

7)      demonstrate the skills needed for working/teaching for equity.

8 )     possess the vision as well as the quest for creating equity in school and society.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Multicultural Education


Course Syllabus;

Process of Reflection;

 Historical Timeline of Multicultural Education

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Census of India

Teaching Hours:12
Equity Literacy


Basic Principles

Ten Committments

Five Approaches to Equity: Toward a Transformative Orientation

Five Paradigm Shifts for Equitable Educators

Equity Case Studies & Analysis

Social justice and equity: Key principles for guiding action on the right to education

Multiculturalism in India

Teaching Hours:12
Single Group Studies & Multicultural Education in India

Socioeconomic class



Religion and Caste

Sexual Orientation


Teaching Hours:12
Multicultural Curriculum

Multicultural Curriculum Model: Overview & Big Ideas

Multicultural Curriculum Model: Transformative Intellectual Knowledge

Multicultural Curriculum Model: Teacher Beliefs

Multicultural Curriculum Model: Assessments;


Teaching Hours:12

Multilingualism: Central Concepts

Bilingualism/Multilingualism and Second Language Acquisition

Language issues in India

Tapestry of Language Learning

Tapestry of Language Learning

Course learnings as a way of life

Text Books And Reference Books:

See Additional Information

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

See Additional Information

Evaluation Pattern

See Additional Information


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Child and adolescent development is a study of the physical, emotional, social and cognitive factors of growth and development of children from birth through adolescence. Topics covered include principles, stages and theories of growth and development with a focus on normal and atypical development, developmental transitions, the socio-economic context of development and wellness at each stage of development. We will consider developmental challenges and the applications of child development theory and research to educational settings. This course provides future educational psychologists with a foundation from which to conceptualize and apply developmental theory and research.  

Course Objectives: This course will help the learner to understand

  • Atypical growth and healthy development, and practical understanding of how to help children and adolescents 
  • Processes of child development and apply this knowledge to understand the developmental needs of learners
  • Theories of child development 
  • The systemic and environmental factors that affect child development, behaviour and learning 
  • Biopsychosocial and eco-systems model of development


Course Outcome

Course outcomes: By the end of the course, the learner will be able to:

  • Describe Systemic and environmental factors that affect child development and functioning
  • Compare and contrast how different theories of development explain changes related to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional influences (such as socio-economic status, gender, special needs, culture, religion, schools, peers, and family) on physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development
  • Apply the developmental theories and specific evidence-based research findings to understand the learners  
  • Apply developmental concepts and theories to every day relationships and situations.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to Life-Span Development

 Importance of studying Life-Span Development, Characteristics of life-span development, Nature of Development, Scope of Life span development

 Social contexts of lifespan development. Importance of studying Life-Span Development, Characteristics of life-span development, Nature of Development, Scope of Life span development

 Social contexts of lifespan development. 

Teaching Hours:20
Biological Processes in Human Development

Part 1: Biological Bases to explain Human Development                                         (10 hours)

Heredity-Environment Correlations; Important physical changes; Challenges for psychological development.

Sleep Disorders across life span; Eating disorders in Adolescence, Obesity in adulthood, Chronic diseases and disorders in the Aging process. Bio-psycho social model of health.

Part 2: Endings of Life                                                                                                     10 hours)

Biological and social theories of aging, Successful aging; Death, Causes for death across life span, Suicide in adolescence and adulthood; Facing one’s own death, coping with the death of someone else.

Teaching Hours:10
Cognitive Processes and Development

Piaget and Vygotsky?s theory of cognitive development; Age related challenges to cognitive development

Teaching Hours:20
Socio-Emotional Processes and Development Across Life Span

Part I: Development of Emotion, Temperament, Attachment and Love: Bowlby, Ainsworth, Sternberg. Development of Identity: Ericksons theory; Parenting. Moral Development, Contexts of moral development: Kohlberg's theory, Fowlers Theory; life cycle theories: Levinson

Part 2: Introduction to counselling for developmental disorders

Text Books And Reference Books:

Berk, L. E. (2016). Exploring lifespan development. Pearson.

Broderick, P.C., & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professionals. (3rd Ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Santrock, J. (2016). A topical approach to lifespan development, (8th revised edition). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Arnett, J. J. (2014). Adolescence and emerging adulthood. New York, NY, USA:: Pearson Education Limited.

Belsky, J. (2013). Experiencing the Lifespan (3rd Edition). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

Feldman, R. S. (2015). Discovering the life span. (3rdEds). Pearson Global Education


Newman & Newman (2003). Development through life: A Psychosocial Approach. USA: Thomson Wadsworth.          

Evaluation Pattern

Pedagogy: The Primary instructional strategies include lectures, in-class and threaded (LMS) discussions, student presentations, application, and occasional activities. We will be covering almost all of the topics in the syllabus, highlighting the main points of each unit. I will present a short lecture on the topic, which we will discuss. Following this, students will get into small groups, and each group will work on a case study, classic reading, or a project that relates to the topic. These are applied exercises that will help the material “come alive” and make the class more active learning experience. Meaningful engagement in this course will require careful review of assigned texts and learning resources, and systematic reflection prior and post to class.


Assessment Detail (Rubrics and instructions are shared on the submission links)


CIA-1 (30 Marks) = In-class activity and Quiz (30 marks) 
CIA- 2 (30 Marks) = 

Brief description of In-Class activities assignment (IAs): An online assignment to allow students to demonstrate an understanding of the theoretical perspective and to encourage students to think about how to apply to topics covered in the course. (Read the attachment for detailed instructions)


End Semester Competency Examination: Written Exam- 2 hours - (50 marks, then reduced to 30 marks)
Exam consisting of multiple choice and short answer questions  (20 marks), and essay type questions ( 30 marks). The exam will assess students’ ability to understand key principles and course content.
Formative assessments will be conducted at the end of each topic module - these are for feedback on topic knowledge and are not included in the grade calculation

MEP151 - PRACTICUM (2019 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: This practical course has been conceptualized in order to train students in formative helping and observation skills. The developmental model of training is followed. Through this course the students are trained in basic counseling skills, such as attending skills, basic listening sequence, observation skills, along with ethics in a multicultural context through dyad and triad work. They will alos gain opportunities t observe cass room settings in externship sites as directed by the course teachers

Course objectives : After the completion of this course, a student will be able to:

  • Demonstrate Basic helping Skills.
  • Reflect more on themselves as developing counsellors.
  • Demonstrate a few counselling techniques.

Course Outcome

Course outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

  • Recognize Ethical issues in a multicultural context.
  • Understand what multicultural competence entails.
  • Demonstrate Attending Skills.
  • Demonstrate appropriate questioning skills in a counseling session
  • Demonstrate client observation skills.
  • Use encouragers and be skilled in paraphrasing and summarizing.
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of Reflection of feeling.
  • Conduct a brief counseling session integrating all skills learnt appropriately.
  • Gain self-awareness through reflective writing and journaling.

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 1

Introduction to counselling skills; Micro skill approach to counselling; Ethics and multicultural issues in counselling.

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2

Attending Behaviours; Questions; Client observational Skills; Encouraging, Paraphrasing and Summarizing.

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 3

Reflection of Content, Reflection of Feeling

Teaching Hours:15
Unit 4

Integrating Listening Skills

Text Books And Reference Books:

 Ivey, A.E., & Ivey, M.B.(2007). Intentional Interviewing and Counselling. Thomson: Brooks/Cole.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Evans, D.R. , Hearn, M.T., Uhlemann, M.R., & Ivey, A.E. (2008). Essential Interviewing: A Programmed Approach to Effective Communication.  Thomson: Brooks/Cole.
Nelson-Jones, R. (2008). Basic Counselling Skills: A Helper’s Manual. New Delhi: Sage Publications.

Evaluation Pattern

For 4 credit core papers (100 marks)

CIA-1 (30 marks)

CIA-2 (30 marks)

Class Participation (5 marks)

Attendance (5 marks)

ESE (30 marks)

All CIAs are must pass assessments, A grade of 50% is required to pass . If a student fails to meet the grade, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all CIAs to be eligible to write the ESE. The passing grade for the ESE is 40%. The ESE is a Viva Voce Examination




Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course description: In this course students will spend four hours a week or a total of 30 hours during the semester involved in supervised community service. Students are encouraged to work alongside NGO’s or other professional bodies. Students will engage in activities such as children, adolescents and youth teaching/tutoring, community organization, psychological assessment and mental health awareness. Reflections on their interactions are integral part of this course. Student engagement will be assessed by a supervisor.

Course objectives: This course will help the learner: 

  • To build awareness about the requirements of the society.

  • To identify the needs of underprivileged communities.

  • To create mental health awareness among children, adolescents and youth.

Course Outcome

Course outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

  • Understand the mental health related and other issues in our society
  • Identify the needs of underprivileged population.
  • Address the mental health issues among various communities.

Teaching Hours:2

Community service: The concept, Objectives and Scope; Need for community and Academia (University) interface. The role of psychologist in community service: Social Psychologist, Community Psychologist & Counselor. Outcomes of community service: Personal outcome; Social outcome, Learning outcome and Career outcome.

Teaching Hours:30


Students in groups will partner with various NGO’s and organizations working in the areas of education, development, interventions and mental health. As part of the course requirement the students will be involved in the community oriented activities of the organizations they affiliate with. The NGO’s or Organizations along with the faculty coordinator will be responsible for the process delivery. These placements will offer students hands-on experiences in working with various issues in community and facilitate meaningful learning.

Teaching Hours:13

Reflection is a core component of Community service. It is a period of critical thinking performed by the student and is based on a specific or overall experience of the student.   It guides students towards greater personal development by coming to a better understanding of their own values, opinions, and assumptions. The types of reflection which can be used are, class discussion, brainstorming, sharing of critical personal and group incidents, directed writings, experiential research paper, student portfolios and so on. The students are expected to discuss in groups at the end of this course using the following guidelines.

Reason for choosing the organization

•The planning phase of service learning initiatives

•Logistics for the initiative of the action


•Execution of the action initiative

•Specific learning outcome


Text Books And Reference Books:

 America’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth (2004). Connecting Communities with Colleges & Universities.  909 North Washington Street, Suite 400, Alexandria,VA 22314-1556.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Bringle, R. G. & Hatcher, J. A. (1996). Implementing Service Learning in Higher Education.   The Journal of Higher Education, 67(2), 221-239.

Evaluation Pattern

For 2 credit papers (50 marks)

CIA-1 (15 marks)

CIA-2 (15 marks)

Class participation & Attendance (5 marks)

Summative Assessment (15 marks)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course is a part of the first year, even semester Master’s program in Educational Psychology and involves a core methodology that underlies the understanding of human behaviour. This would help in developing domain knowledge by enhancing observation and critical analytical skills. It will also provide students with an understanding of normal mental processes and their relationship to brain, mind and behavior. Application to the practice of understanding and evaluating behaviour in the context of educational psychology will be highlighted in this course and would aim at enhancing self-awareness and self-regulation.


Course Outcome

By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

·   Develop an understanding of normal mental and behavioural processes

·   Draw connections between brain, mind and behaviour and demonstrate the relationships through observations and reasoning.

·   Evaluate the theories and principles in the context of education.

·   Understand the scientific basis of theories in educational settings.

Teaching Hours:15
Basic Processes In Psychology

Consciousness; Intelligence; Learning theories- (Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Social Learning Theories, Cognitive Learning Theories [Latent, Insight, Concept, Rule-Governed]); Theories of Motivation and Emotions(Instinct approaches, Drive-Reduction approaches, Arousal approaches, Incentive approaches, Cognitive approaches, Process and Content approaches, Need for achievement, Need for power, Human needs and motivation- Biological basis of motivation, James- Lange theory, Cannon- Bard theory, Schachter- Singer theory, Neuroscience of emotions); Theories of Personality(Psychodynamic, Behavioural, Humanistic, Temperament, Trait and Type)


Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2

Brain and Brain mechanisms (structure and functions); Cognitive psychology (Process of Attention and its theories, Sensation and Perception, Memory), Social Psychological Processes (Social Influence, Prejudice, Attribution, Attitudes, Aggression, Social Cognition, Groups, Prosocial Behaviour)

Text Books And Reference Books:

Aggarwal, J.C. (2001). Basic Ideas in Educational Psychology. Shipra Publication

Baron, R.A. (1995). Psychology: The Essential Science. Allyn and Bacon

Carlson, N. (2000). Physiology of Behaviour. Allyn and Bacon 

Eysenck, M.W.,& Keane, M.T. (2015) Cognitive Psychology: A Student's Handbook (7th Ed.). Psychology Press.

Feldman, R. S. (2014). Understanding psychology. McGraw-Hill Education.

Galotti, K.M. (2017). Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory (6th Ed.) SAGE Publications, Inc.

Gilovich, Keltner, & Nisbett (2012). Social Psychology (3rd Ed). W.W. Norton and Company

Hall, C. S., Lindzey, G., & Campbell, J. B. (1957). Theories of personality. Wiley.

Harris, K. R., Graham, S. E., Urdan, T. E., McCormick, C. B., Sinatra, G. M., & Sweller, J. E. (2012). APA educational psychology handbook, Vol 1: Theories, constructs, and critical issues (pp. xxx-621). American Psychological Association.

Kellogg, R.T. (2012). Fundamentals of Cognitive Psychology (2nd Ed.). Sage South Asia.

Mikulincer, M. E., Shaver, P. R., Dovidio, J. F., & Simpson, J. A. (2015). APA handbook of personality and social psychology, Volume 2: Group processes. American Psychological Association.

Morgan, C.T., King, R.A., Weisz, J.R., & Schopler, J (1986) Introduction to Psychology (International Student Edition). McGraw Hill Book Co.

Ross, L., Greene, D., & House, P. (1977). The “false consensus effect”: An egocentric bias in social perception and attribution processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13(3), 279-301.

Weiten, W. (2007). Psychology: Themes and variations. Cengage Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Alexander, P. A., & Winne, P. H. (2012). Handbook of educational psychology. Routledge.

Coon, D., & Mitterer, J. O. (2012). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior with concept maps and reviews. Cengage Learning.

Goldstein B E (2010). Sensation and Perception (8th Ed.). Wadsworth.

Matlin M W (2013). Cognitive Psychology (8th Ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2016). Theories of personality. Cengage Learning.

Solso, R, L. (2014). Cognitive Psychology. (8th Ed.). Pearson Education.

Woodworth R S & Schlosberg H (1954). Experimental Psychology. Holt McDougal

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: 20 marks

CIA 2: 25 Marks

Class participation & Attendance: 5 marks

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 25/50 to pass the course.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course prepares students to know, understand, and apply evidence-based practices of assessment as educational psychologists. With the lens of educational equity, students will be able to design differentiated assessments, including authentic assessments, guided by backward design learning outcomes; provide feedback; analyze and report assessment data with a view to improving teaching and the curriculum. The use of technology is integral to the course.

Course Outcome

At the end of the course, students must be able to:

  1. articulate the purposes of classroom assessment
  2. differentiate between assessment and evaluation
  3. differentiate between formative and summative assessments
  4. differentiate among assessment for learning, assessment of learning, and assessment as learning
  5. articulate the importance of assessment for learning
  6. state learning outcomes using Backward Design
  7. design effective selected-response assessments and constructed-response assessments
  8. understand the role of observation as assessment
  9. design differentiated assessments
  10. develop effective holistic and analytic rubrics
  11. apply strategies to construct reliable and valid assessments
  12. differentiate between norm- and criterion-referenced assessments
  13. critically evaluate authentic assessments
  14. assess self and peer work
  15. provide feed-up, feedback, and feed-forward
  16. create marking schemes
  17. analyze assessment data
  18. use technology for assessment
  19. use technology for providing feedback
  20. synthesize assessment data (report results) for instructional and curricular decision-making

Teaching Hours:60
List of assessment Labs

Assessment & Educational Psychologists

Introduction to Assessment

Assessment for Learning (AfL); including, use of technology

Backward Design

Traditional Assessments:

Selected-Response Assessment: Multiple Choice

Traditional Assessments:

Selected-Response Assessment:

Matching; True-False

Traditional Assessments:

Constructed Response Assessment: Essay 

Traditional Assessments: Constructed Response Assessment: Short-Answer


Assessment as Learning (AaL)

Criteria for selecting assessments; Reliability; Validity; Variety, formality and frequency; Norm- & Criterion- Referenced Assessments

Authentic Assessments

Differentiated Assessments:

RAFT; GRASPS; Tic-Tac-Toe; Structured Academic Controversy

Differentiated Assessments:

Cubing; Think Dots

Self-Assessment & Peer Assessment; 

Assessing Group Work; 

Feedback: Types (Rapid & Motivational); Principles; Delivery (Language),Video Feedback, personalized Learning

Tools for Assessment: Rubrics

Summative Assessments; Marking Schemes; Moderating; Analyzing & Reporting Assessment Data

Text Books And Reference Books:

Reynolds, C. R., Livingston, R. B., and Willson, V. (2011). Measurement and assessment in education, (2nd ed.). New Delhi: PHI.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Black, P., & William, D. (2010). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Kappan Magazine, 92(1), 81-90.

Rudner, L., & W. Schafer. (2002). What teachers need to know about assessment. Washington, DC: National Education Association. Retrieved from

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 30 Marks

Class participation: 5 marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 38/70 to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course(CIA+ESE).


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This is a practical course aimed at familiarizing students with different assessment methods including psychological tests. A range of Personality, Intelligence, Aptitude and Achievement tests are covered.

Course objectives: The course is intended to help students 

  • Demonstrate competence in administering, scoring and interpreting a range of psychological tests.

  • Identify relevant tests to be used for specific counselling needs.

Course Outcome

Course outcomes: By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

  1. Administer and interpret Intelligence tests
  2. Administer and interpret Personality measures
  3. Administer and interpret Aptitude and Career Interest scales

Teaching Hours:10
Unit 1

The purpose of assessment in counselling. Assessment principles. Overview of assessment areas: Initial assessment in counselling – Case history, MSE: Identifying a clients problem using a clinical interview (Children, adolescents, adults)

Teaching Hours:20
Unit 2

Intelligence and general ability testing (BKT, Bhatia’s battery, Vineland Social Maturity Scale, Bharatraj Development Schedule). Measuring Achievement and aptitude (DBDA)

Teaching Hours:10
Unit 3

Assessment in career counselling (Comprehensive Interest Schedule), Developmental assessment in counselling and therapy (DCT). Spiritual assessment strategies

Teaching Hours:20
Unit 4

Appraisal of personality (16PF, MAPS, MBTI, EPQ-R, TAT, SCT, CAT, Rorschach- Demo only)

Text Books And Reference Books:

Test Manuals

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Test Manuals

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%
End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
CIA 1: 30 marks
CIA 2: 30 Marks
Class participation: 5 marks
Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 38/70 to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)
The passing grade for the ESE is 40%
An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course.(CIA+ESE)


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course introduces the students to carry out research in school psychology as practitioners and as scholars. Toward this end, students will learn to identify a research problem, frame research questions, review the literature, determine the best sampling techniques, decide on the type of research (historical, descriptive, experimental, or action) as well as the approaches (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), data collection, suitably analyze the data, report, and discuss the findings. The course will also focus upon research ethics and academic writing.

Course Outcome

At the end of the course, students must be able to:

  1. apply the topics learnt in the course to write a draft research proposal 
  2. identify a suitable research problem
  3. make a case for the study
  4. frame research questions
  5. review the literature
  6. identify the sample
  7. choose a suitable approach to study the identified problem
  8. apply suitable quantitative measures
  9. describe the different qualitative approaches
  10. explain ways to analyze the data, report, and discuss the findings
  11. demonstrate understanding of research ethics by completing a course

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to research problem

Introduction to Research in School Psychology

Types of Research Types of Educational Research

Research Ethics Online Course; The Research Process; The Research Report

Introduction, Framework, Research Questions Identifying the Research Problem & Finalizing the Topic

Creating a Research Space (C.A.R.S)

Teaching Hours:15
Review of Literature

Purpose and Goals of Literature Review

Types of Review: Systematic; Metanalytic:Metasynthetic;Thematic;Chronological

Preparing a draft paper

Teaching Hours:15
Quantitative Research Designs

Sampling Designs 

Descriptive Research

Experimental Research

Teaching Hours:15
Qualitative Research Designs

Genres of qualitative research

Trustworthiness and Ethics

Data collection methods

Managing, Analysing, and Interpreting Data

Text Books And Reference Books:

Best, J. W., Kahn, J., & Jha, A. K. (2016). Research in Education (10th ed). Chennai: Pearson Education. American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Publication Manual (6th ed.). Retrieved from 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual (7th ed.). Retrieved from American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication Manual (7th ed.). Washington DC: Author.

Kettler, R. J. (2019). Research methodologies of School Psychology: Critical skills. New York, NY: Routledge. Denzin, N., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2013). Strategies of qualitative inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Denzin, N., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Fowler, F. J. (2014). Survey research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hugh, C. (2018). Research methods and statistics in psychology. London, England: Routledge.

Lunenburg, F. C., & Irby, B. J. (2008). Writing a successful thesis or dissertation: Tips and strategies for students in the social and behavioral sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Lambert, M. (2019). Practical research methods in education: An early researcher's critical guide. Oxon, England: Routledge.

Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research (6th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice. London, England: Sage.

Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1997). Grounded theory in practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Walliman, N., & Buckler, S. (2008). Your dissertation in education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Wyse, D., Selwyn, N., Smith, E., & Suter, L. E. (Eds.). (2016). The BERA/SAGE handbook of educational research. New York, NY: Sage.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 30 Marks

Class participation: 5 marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 38/70 to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course(CIA+ESE).

MEP282 - INTERNSHIP (2019 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course is designed to provide an observership based learning opportunity for the students. The course helps the student engage with the school setting and apply the knowledge and skills developed in the course of the programme in a school setting. The course aligns with the overarching Programme Outcomes of developing Professional and Practical Competencies.


Course Outcome

By the end of the course the learner will be able to:

  • Understand different aspects of working in an educational setting through observation
  • Demonstrate professionalism in the workplace


Teaching Hours:0
Unit I

In this course, students will spend one day a week during the semester in an Observership at a School.

Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)  - 70%

End semester examination (ESE) - 30%   

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

CIA 1: 30 marks

CIA 2: 30 Marks

Class participation: 5 marks

Attendance: 5 marks 

All CIAs are must pass assessments with a passing grade of 50%. If a student does not meet the passing grade for CIA, s/he will have to repeat the CIA again before moving to the next CIA. The student must pass all the CIA components with an overall CIA mark of 38/70 to be eligible to write the ESE. 

End Semester Examination (ESE)

The passing grade for the ESE is 40%

An overall grade of 50% is required to pass the course (CIA+ESE).