Entrance Requirements (for BA.Music/Creative Media)
• Eligibility for the programme is a pass at the +2 level (Karnataka PUC / ISC / CBSE / NIOS / State Boards) in any stream (Humanities, Social Sciences, Commerce & Management, Sciences) from any recognised Board in India.
• Candidates writing the +2 examinations in March-May 2025 may apply with their class X and XI marks.
Students pursuing International curriculum must note that eligibility is according to AIU stipulations:
• Applicants pursuing IB curriculum must have 3 HL and 3 SL with 24 credits.
• Applicants pursuing GCE / Edexcel must have a minimum of 3 A levels with a grade not less than C.
• It is preferred that applicants to the programme have at least some experience in reading western notation.
Please refer to the detailed Audition Guidelines below:
1. Apply as per guidelines stipulated to get the E-admit card
2. The Department of Western Music, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) currently offers practical specialisation only in Voice and Piano. Thus, we only accept candidates who are willing to specialise in either voice OR piano. Please note the guidelines below:
• NRI _ International (Outside India) candidate has to record a video of themselves performing TWO contrasting pieces: preferably from the western art traditions one technique-focused, another musicality-focused, according to the following guidelines:
- Candidates are to state the sentence "This recording is for my 2025 audition for [name of programme applied] at CHRIST university. I will be performing [introduce your piece name and composer]"
- If two separate recordings are made, this introductory sentence is to be repeated at the beginning of the second recording.
- Ideally these pieces must be contrasting in styles (to display both technical and emotional abilities).
- An individual piece is to be roughly 2-5 minutes in length as a minimum. No repeats within a piece are necessary.
- The camera should be pointed in a way to show the performer (and Piano / keyboard if applying) clearly.
- Ensure that the audio quality is sufficiently audible, and that your audition is recorded in one take. No editing of the video or the audio is allowed.
- Posture and technique will be considered when watching your video.
- Please refer to the sample repertoire mentioned below for voice and piano.
• PLEASE NOTE: As already mentioned, currently we offer practical specialisations in only Voice and Piano
- Therefore, the audition videos will be accepted for voice OR piano only, and NOT for any other instruments.
- Also, The student can either opt to specialise in Voice OR Piano. NOT BOTH.
• Candidate is to email a link to their recorded video to music.admissions@christuniversity.in by at least THREE days BEFORE the date of their interview, otherwise your interview will be forfeited.
3. Once recorded, the candidate is to upload their video to either Google Drive or YouTube with access and/or external viewing enabled so faculty can watch the recording.
4. During the interview with the department of music, each candidate will be asked to undertake some basic musical aural tests such as imitating rhythms and melodies; and will be interviewed based on their professionalism, attitude, academic and musical experiences.
Guidelines for Vocal auditions:
Submit a performance of two vocal works:
• One of the vocalizes of Vaccai (any of the list of choice - Intervals of Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth)
• Any simple Arias / Art songs.
• Please find below the sample list of arias and composers for vocal audition submission:
- Caldara "Come Raggio di Sol"
- Caldara " Sebben, Crudele"
- Pergolesi "NINA"
- Giordani "Caro Mio Ben"
- Scarlatti " O Cessate di Piagarmi"
- Caccini "Amarilli, Mia Bella"
• PLEASE NOTE: Additional Requirements for Voice:
- A certificate from a certified ENT(MBBS) / phoniatric (no more than 6 months old) that shows a healthy throat / vocal condition.
- It is preferred that applicants to the programme have at least some experience in reading western notation.
Guidelines for Piano auditions:
• Ideally any 2 Western classical piano pieces of the candidates choice.
• Sample list of composers: J.S. Bach, D. Scarlatti, Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Chopin, Liszt, Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Debussy, Ravel, Satie, to name a few.
- The candidate is free to choose piano works by any of the western classical composers of their choice. The list above is only for reference.
• It is preferred that applicants to the programme have at least some experience in reading western notation.
Prerequisite Musical Knowledge
1. Read western music notation in treble and bass clefs.
2. Scribe western music notation with accuracy.
3. Name notes of all major; natural, harmonic and melodic minor scales.
4. Identify diatonic intervals and triads aurally. (Preferred)
5. Basic conducting patterns: 2/4; 3/4; 4/4; 6/8; 9/8 & 12/8. (Preferred)
Recommended Performance & Musical Background
1. Grade 6 practical certificate from any recognised music accreditation (ABRSM, Trinity Guildhall, AMEB, etc.).
2. Grade 5 theory certificate from any recognised music accreditation (ABRSM, Trinity Guildhall, AMEB, etc.).
Values Sought:
1. Studious disposition
2. Determined: Practices often
3. Leadership potential
4. Creative thinker
5. Pragmatic problem-solver
6. Emotionally expressive
7. Curious learner
8. Culturally open-minded
9. Optimistic
Requirements have been negotiated with industry representatives (Music academies, associations and societies in Bangalore)
Submitted Audition (SA) |
Micro Presentation (MP) | Personal Interview (PI)
Academic Performance (AP)
Submitted Audition (SA): Candidate will be given a score based on their video submissions.
Micro Presentation (MP): Candidate should be able to talk for 90seconds, on a topic given by the panel.
Personal interview (PI): duration: 10 minutes
Academic Performance (AP): Assessment of past performance in class 10 and class 11/12
The selection process (SA_MP_PI) will be held in person at the venue and date selected while submitting the application form online.
As per
E Admit Card
Venue Based
The selection process E-Admit card will be generated 3 days prior to the scheduled selection process date.
- Please note that the preferred date for selection process will be allotted, subject to availability of slots.
- Candidates failing to appear for the selection process at the stipulated date, time and venue will be considered as “Not Selected”.
- Request for change in selection process dates, time and centre will not be entertained.
- Candidates must report for the selection process on the allotted date and at least 30 minutes prior to the time stipulated in the selection process admit card along with a valid identity (ID) proof (Driving License/Passport/Electoral ID/Aadhar Card) in original, without which the candidates will not be permitted to appear for the selection process.
- The candidates are requested to start early to avoid traffic congestions.
- No TA/DA or any accommodation facility will be admissible for appearing for the selection process at CHRIST (Deemed to be University).
- Cellular phones, satellite phone, scientific calculators, calculators etc., are not allowed into the selection process venue.
- Candidates have to access their selection process admit card from the link “Application Status" from the University website and print the same.
- CHRIST (Deemed to be University) will not be held responsible for any inadvertent error that may have crept in the online submission of application or selection processes admit card/results being published.
The candidate will have to appear for the selection process on the allotted date, time and venue mentioned on the selection process admit card with the following original documents and a set of photocopy:
The selection process admit card (Mandatory).
Copy of the filled-in printed application form (Mandatory).
One copy of the online payment acknowledgement slip (Mandatory).
Statement of marks of class 10 & 11/12 (Mandatory).
A valid Photo ID (Driving License/ Passport / Electoral ID / Aadhaar Card) (Mandatory)
Candidates falling under any of these categories (NRI / PIO / OCI / SAARC / AFRICA / ASEAN / OTHER FOREIGN NATIONALS / NRI SPONSORED CATEGORY) have to submit:
Copy of Passport and Visa Details (Mandatory).
Candidates applying under PIO or OCI have to produce the copy of PIO or OCI card whichever is applicable (Mandatory).
Candidates applying under NRI sponsored category must submit sponsor willingness letter (Mandatory).