The EPH (English, Political Science and History) program at the department integrates multi-disciplinary approaches to the Humanities and Social Sciences. It reinforces the symbiotic relationship between social and political histories, philosophies of the State and nationhood, varied discourses of culture, and the relevance of narrativizing these elements through the process of reading and writing literature. This combination of subjects, offered over 3 years of the B.A. Course, aims to equip students with the ability to address critical questions concerning contemporary social and political thought, comprehend and challenge established notions of the historical interventions into questions of individual and collective identities, and deploy literary readings and theoretical concepts in a wide array of careers ranging from creative and research writing to administration, political reform, public policy intervention and activism.
PO1. Academic expertise:
Exhibit academic expertise in the discipline’s seminal scholarly work with guided inquiries in the discipline’s areas of focus and put theoretical notions into practice through class discussions, presentations, and research output.
PO2.Critical Thinking:
Recognize, analyze, problematize, and engage with the structures underlying societies and communities, raise questions based on academic inquiry, and take informed actions reflected in class discussions, presentations, engaged participation in research, and internships.
PO3.Effective Communication & Social Interaction:
Communicate and operate effectively in multicultural spaces, function as collaborating members/leaders in teams in multidisciplinary settings, and engage sensitively with diverse socio-cultural contexts.
PO4. Ethics & Effective Citizenship:
Act with an informed awareness of issues, engage in initiatives that encourage equity and growth for all, respect different value systems, and engage with diversity and politicization in constructs of national/global identity and responsibilities reflected in their engagements with peers, society, class engagements, theory and practice.
PO5. Environment and Sustainability:
Demonstrate awareness of local, regional, national, and global needs and engage with their socio-cultural contexts along with environmental needs and concerns and demonstrate the close engagement with immediate communities and its documentation through class presentations and activities.
PO6. Self-directed and Life-long Learning:
Engage in continual learning, develop leadership skills, work on career enhancement, and adapt to changing professional and societal needs and can be familiarized through internships, practice-based research activities, extracurricular and association activities and placements.