International Service Learning Exposure Visit

International Service Learning Exposure Visit

Two members from the Centre for Service Learning visited the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and Ngee Ann Polytechnic for international exposure, supported by a grant from the United Board. The visit aimed to explore service learning practises at both institutions.

Highlights from Ngee Ann Polytechnic

  • Memorable Experience: The visit included a session at the Dialogue in the Dark lab, run by visually impaired staff and supported by service learning students, providing insights into the lives of visually impaired persons and the importance of an inclusive society.
  • Discussions: Focused on the Service Learning handbook and student involvement in SL courses. Ngee Ann Polytechnic has a strong history in service learning phases, with students required to complete at least one service learning module and opportunities for civic internships and overseas projects.
  • Key Personnel: The team met with Faith Ong, the Lead Catalyst in the Office of Service-Learning, and Viktor to discuss opportunities for webinars, conferences, and exposure camps in India, as well as joint research and online course development.
  • Opportunities: The government-mandated service learning curriculum lays guidelines for international initiatives. Ngee Ann Polytechnic is expanding its global relationships, especially with Vietnam and Cambodia.

Insights from Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

  • Key Focus Areas: SUSS emphasises Learn, Engage, and Capacity Building. They offer mandatory service learning courses and online courses available to faculty from other institutions.
  • Discussions: The team discussed service-learning practises and the planning and execution of the APRCSL conference, gaining insights for organising the upcoming meeting at CHRIST University.
  • Curriculum Enhancement: Included integrating cross-cutting service learning opportunities, publishing field research, and organising webinars and conferences.
  • Collaboration: Planned an MOU signing and future seminars with SUSS faculty.
  • Key Personnel: The team met with Cynthia Chang, Director of the Office of ServiceLearning & Community Engagement, Dr. Karl Ma, Mr. Jaison, and Ti Qui.
  • Purple Day Celebration: The visit coincided with the celebration, honouring people with unique abilities. Activities included assessing campus inclusivity and participating in the Purple Parade at SUN Tech City.

The visit to Singapore provided valuable insights and numerous collaboration opportunities, enhancing the service-learning initiatives of the participating institutions. The experiences at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and SUSS highlighted the importance of community engagement, inclusivity, and experiential learning. Discussions focused on enhancing curricula, organising conferences, and expanding international partnerships, demonstrating a solid commitment to service learning. Overall, the visit was engaging and fruitful, providing a comprehensive understanding of effective service-learning institutionalisation and fostering international collaboration.





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