CS07 Introduction to Database Management System
Theory: 45 hours
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Computer
Unit 1
Data, Database, Database management system(DBMS), Characteristics of the database approach, Role of Database administrators, Role of Database Designers, End Users, Types of DBMS, Applications of DBMS, Advantages of Using a DBMS and When not to use a DBMS .
(7 Hours)
Unit 2
Data Models – Categories of data models, Schemas, Instances, and Database state. DBMS Architecture and Data Independence – The Three schema architecture, Data independence. DBMS Languages and Interfaces.
(7 Hours)
Unit 3
Using High Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design, Example Database applications. Entity types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys. Relationships, Relationship types, Weak Entity Types and Drawing E-R Diagrams.
(7 Hours)
Unit 4
Relation, Integrity constraints - domain, entity and Referential integrity constraints, Basic Relational Algebra operations, select, project and join operations. Functional dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases - Normalization concepts, first, second, third normal forms, Boyce-Codd normal form.
(9 hours)
Unit 5
Queries, sub queries, correlated sub query, views, updation of a database through views, Update, Delete. Hands on Experience.
(15 hours)
Text Book:
1. Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems,2nd Edition, Addison – Wesley
Reference books :
1. O`neil Patric & O`neil Elizabeth, Database Principles, Programming and Performance, 2nd Edition, Margon Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
2. Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 4th Edition, Mc Graw Hill