
All Programme List

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Open Until

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media, English/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Media, Public Affairs)

Delhi NCR Off Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Journalism and Digital Media, English/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Arts/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (English/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Media, Psychology/Honours/Honours with Research)

Delhi NCR Off Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Studies, Psychology/Honours)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology, English/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Music-Western Classical, Creative Media/Honours)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Performing Arts, Psychology/Honours)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media, Psychology/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Studies, Creative Media/Honours)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Music-Western Classical, Psychology/Honours)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media, Psychology/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 08-Dec-2024 29-Apr-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology, English/Honours/Honours with Research)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Bachelor of Arts (Performing Arts, Creative Media/Honours)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 09-May-2025 Apply

Master of Arts Applied Linguistics and TESOL

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 08-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

Master of Arts Media and Communication Studies

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

Master of Arts English with Communication Studies

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 08-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

Master of Arts (Digital Media with Analytics)

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 09-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

MA (Performing Arts - Bharatanatyam)

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration(PGDPSA)

Delhi NCR Off Campus 08-Dec-2023 28-Jun-2024

Master of Arts English with Communication Studies

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

Master of Arts English and Cultural Studies

Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus 08-Dec-2024 16-Mar-2025 Apply

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Media Studies

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English Studies

Delhi NCR Off Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Music

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English Studies

Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Cultural Studies

Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Media Studies

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English Studies

Bangalore Central Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English Studies

Bangalore Yeshwanthpur Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Media Studies

Bangalore Bannerghatta Road Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in English Studies

Pune Lavasa Off Campus 08-Dec-2023 09-Jun-2024



Articles in Journals

Sl.No. Name Title of the Paper Name of Journal / Vol. No / Issue No / Page Nos ISSN URL Academic Year
1 Kailash Koushik The Persistence of Untouchability: Working Conditions of Dalit Journalists in India Politicial Economy of Communication / 10 / / - 2357-1705

2 Kailash Koushik Global iPhone Local Labour: Exploring ICT Production, Labour and Cultural Production Society and Culture in South Asia / not available / not available / 1 - 23 2394-9872

3 Saurabh Das Leveraging history to invoke nationalism: from the annals of history to social engineering of present and future in Hindi cinema National Identities / / / - 1469-9907

4 Shantharaju S Dating Apps, Forms Of Abuse And Personality Type Psychiatria Danubina / 36 / 2 / 266 - 267 0353-5053

5 Alex P Joseph Basic human values of Indian management professionals: a demographic profile International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics / 17 / 6 / 689 - 704 1477-9048

6 Bhavana S Navigating Legal Tensions and Cultural Exchanges: Homosexual Rights in Contemporary India International Journal for the Semiotics of Law / / / - 0952-8059

7 Kannan S Gender Role Constructs Of Boys And Girls In Television Commercials Aimed At Children- A Comparative Analysis Journal of Visual and Performing Arts / 4 / 1 / - 2582-7472

8 Kannan S DOES THE EMPATHY MACHINE MAKE JOURNALISM STUDENTS COMPASSIONATE? AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts / 4 / 1(SE) / 107 - 118 2582-7472

9 Meljo Thomas India?s environmental policy paradox: dissecting India?s budgetary allocations for environment International Journal of Environmental Studies / 80 / 4 / - 0020-7233

10 Meljo Thomas Media Framing of Indian Green Fiscal Policy: A Survey of Environmental Policies Across Online News Portals Environment and Ecology Research / 11 / 5 / 712 - 726 2331-6268

11 Meljo Thomas The SDG conundrum in India: navigating economic development and environmental preservation International Journal of Environmental Studies / 81 / / 01 - 16 0020-7233

12 Meljo Thomas Memes as multimodal ensemble Multimodal Communication / 12 / 03 / 223 - 243 2230-6587

13 Meljo Thomas Building A Data Ethical Future : Data Policies And Frameworks Journal of Dharma / 48 / 2 / 231 - 248 0253-7222

14 Suparna Naresh Newspaper Coverage of Competitive Exams in India-Empowerment or Enslavement? Atishay Kalit / 10 / Prt. B ; Sr 18 / 31 - 38 2277-419X

15 Suparna Naresh Holding Sway Through Popular Appeal ? A Case Study of India?s Elections Springer Nature / / / - 0967-0912

16 Vikash Chauhan Digital Transformation and its impact on the Quality of Education in India: A study with reference to the New Education Policy Education and Society / 46 / 4 / 38 - 44 2278-6864

17 Vikash Chauhan Social Television and the Dynamics of Gender Representation: A Case Study of Netflix Original Series You Journal of Media and Communication / 7 / 2 / 110 - 123 2581-513X

18 Alex P Joseph Perovskites: Emergence of highly efficient third-generation solar cells International Journal of Energy Research / / / - 1099-114X

19 Alex P Joseph An outlook on zero-dimensional nanocarbons as components of DSSC Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery / / / - 21906815

20 Bhavana S AI-Based Metaverse Technologies Advancement Impact on Higher Education Learners WSEAS Transactions on Systems / 21 / / 178 - 184 1109-2777

21 Bhavana S Learning impact of recent ICT advances based on virtual reality IoT sensors in a metaverse environment Measurement: Sensors / 27 / / - 2665-9174

22 Bhavana S Gamified Learning and Assessment Using ARCS with Next-Generation AIoMT Integrated 3D Animation and Virtual Reality Simulation Electronics (Switzerland) / / / - 2079-9292

23 Bhavana S Next-Gen Mulsemedia: Virtual Reality Haptic Simulator?s Impact on Medical Practitioner for Higher Education Institutions Electronics (Switzerland) / 12 / 2 / - 2079-9292

24 Kannan S Nostalgic Appeal In Paper Boat Advertisements: Consumer Centricity And Instagram Presence Humanities And Social Science Studies / / 1 / - 2319-829X

25 Naresh Rao H Thou Shall Not: Journalistic Ethics in Times of Covid-19 Aruhu Kuruhu / 13 / 52 / 253 - 256 2347-5048

26 Nayan Jyoti Nath Gender differential in chronic diseases among older adults in India: Does living arrangement has a role to play? Aging and Health Research / 2 / / - 1552-6887

27 Nayan Jyoti Nath Exploring the challenges and prospects of healthcare reporting in India's Hinterland Observatorio / 16 / 03 / - 1646-5954

28 Ritu Raveendran Role of community radio in creating gender sensitization among the female listeners in Kerala, India Communicator / / / - 0588-8093

29 Saurabh Das Education suffering within structural inequalities: A Critical Discourse Analysis of a policy framework. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies / 20 / 3 / 243 - 285 1740-2743

30 Shantharaju S Are female characters the true symbol of post-feminism or an illusion of it? A study concerning films of Juhi Chaturvedi Shodha Prabha / 47 / 1 / 125 - 134 0974-8946

31 Shantharaju S Cinema and the non-violence versus violence discourse: a review of the film RRR Media Asia / 49 / online now / - 0129-6612

32 Suparna Naresh Setting Narrative through Instagram Posts: A Study of BBC's Reportage on Afghanistan Arab Studies Quarterly (ASQ) / 44 / 2 / 84 - 96 2043-6920, 0271-3519

33 Suparna Naresh Thou Shall Not: Journalistic Ethics in Times of Covid-19 Aruhu Kuruhu / 13 / 52 / 253 - 256 2347-5048

34 Aasita Bali An Exploratory Study on The Representation of Transgender Characters as Disgraceful and Disabled Beings in Gaming Media Journal of Tianjin University / 54 / 1 / - 0493-2137

35 Aasita Bali Special Educator?s and Guardians? Discernments Towards Online Special-Education Amid Covid 19 In India International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) / / / - 1308-5581

36 Aasita Bali Teaching Special Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study World Journal of English Language / 12 / 1 / 246 - 257 1925-0711

37 Geeta Kumari Teaching Data Journalism: A Systematic Review Journalism Practice / Online / Online / - 1751-2786, 1751-2794

38 Geeta Kumari Data journalists-perception and practice of transparency and interactivity in Indian newsrooms Media Asia / NA / NA / - 0129-6612

39 Nayan Jyoti Nath Effect of Food Insecurity On The Cognitive Problems Among Elderly In India BMC Geriatrics / / / - 1471-2318

40 Nayan Jyoti Nath Determinants of Hand Washing Practices (HWP) among adolescents (10-19 years) in India: Findings from CNNS data, 2016-18 Indian Journal of Social Work / / / - 0019-5634

41 Shantharaju S The Rising Popularity of Indian Horror Shows: Comparative Study of Select Indian and American Netflix Series Journal of Media and Social Development / 8 / 1 and 2 / 38 - 51 2320-8244, 2581-334X

42 Shantharaju S Intervention for Technology use among Families with Adolescents: A Case Series Journal of Psychiatry Journal / 1 / 1 / 47 - 50 2949-6950, 2949-6969

43 Shantharaju S Making the body public: Implications of the New standards of body-image International Journal of Social Psychiatry / 68 / 5 / - 0020-7640, 1741-2854

44 Shantharaju S Making the body public: Implications of the New standards of body-image International Journal of Social Psychiatry / 68 / 4 / - 0020-7640, 1741-2854

45 Suparna Naresh Popularity or Political Correctness- A Closer Look at The Big Bang Theory Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils / / / - 2148-9637

46 Suparna Naresh Journalism Today-?Redefining or Reinventing?? Dealing With News, Views and Other Grey Areas Mukt Shabd Journal / X / XI / 223 - 230 2347-3150

47 Aasita Bali Understanding Railways through Politics & Bollywood Songs Studies in Humanities and Social Science / 27 / 2 / 74 - 82 0972-1401

48 Naresh Rao H Media Narratives And The Resultant Public Perception: Brand Modi Journal of Critical Reviews / 07 / 11 / 3727 - 3738 2394-5125

49 Naresh Rao H Will the Death of Newspapers Mean Death of Democracy? Science, Technology And Development Journal / X / V / 219 - 229 0950-0707

50 Shantharaju S Declining Bargain Power: Streaming, Production, and Entertainment Labour Artha / 19 / 3 / 21 - 36 0975-329X

51 Shantharaju S The unrealized addiction: review of the book Irresistible by Adam Alter Media Asia / 48 / 1 / 80 - 81 0129-6612

52 Suparna Naresh Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, Who?s the Better of Them All?? Fashion Magazines: A Social Tool of Empowerment or Enslavement? International Journal of Social Science and Human Research / 03 / 10 / 229 - 234 2644-0695

53 Suparna Naresh Media Narratives And The Resultant Public Perception: Brand Modi Journal of Critical Reviews / 07 / 11 / 3727 - 3738 2394-5125

54 Suparna Naresh Will the Death of Newspapers Mean Death of Democracy? Science, Technology And Development Journal / X / V / 219 - 229 0950-0707

55 Suparna Naresh How 'Offensive' is offensive? A Closer Look at Controversial Advertisements Journal of International Women's Studies / 22 / 3 / 96 - 109 1539-8706

56 Suparna Naresh IKEA: From A Family Firm to A Global Enterprise International Journal of Management and Applied Science / 6 / 10 / 43 - 49 2394-7926

57 Suparna Naresh ?How you doin??? Why viewers in India love F.R.I.E.N.D.S Mukt Shabd Journal / 9 / 7 / 1124 - 1144 2347-3150

58 Aasita Bali Fake News and Social Media: Indian Perspective Media Watch / 10 / 3 / 737 - 750 0976-0911

59 Alex P Joseph Role of Management Education in Developing Basic Values and Skills among Professionals - A Review TEST Engineering and Management / 82 / / 8931 - 8936 0193-4120

60 Kannan S Change in Portrayal of Women in Select Indian TV Advertisements ? A Multidimensional Approach TEST Engineering and Management / 82 / / 12240 - 12251 0193-4120

61 Shantharaju S Indian Child Labour Laws And Their Treatment By The Indian Television Industry International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 2 / 616 - 622 2348-1269, 2349-5138

62 Shantharaju S Drawing screen similarities between Mandya and Madurai in popular cinema Studies in Indian Place Names / 40 / 66 / 1 - 12 2394-3114

63 Suparna Naresh Map the shift from offline to online International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 2 / 1 - 6 2349-5138, 2348-1269

64 Aasita Bali Analysis on Director Ram's Films International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature / 6 / 12 / 155 - 166 2347-4564, 2321-8878

65 Joel M Jacob The Art of Storytelling: An Impact Measurement Tool and Instigation for Framing New Management Strategy International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Research Chronicler / VI / Special Issue I / 23 - 27 2347-503X

66 Joel M Jacob Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry - The Role of Social Media Platforms ATNA, Journal of Tourism Studies / 14 / 1 / 83 - 96 0975-3281

67 Kannan S Depiction Of Beauty In Indian Television Advertisements Of Cosmetics And Its Perception Among College Girls International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 459 - 474 2349-5138

68 Kannan S The Role Of Hegemony In Select News Stories In Western Broadcast Media International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 1 / 896 - 901 2348-1269

69 Kannan S Representation of Odiyan Community in the Malayalam Film, ?Odiyan?. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 6 / 2 / 122 - 128 2348 -1269

70 Naresh Rao H The Role of New Media in Political Campaigns: A Case Study of Social Media Campaign for the 2019 General Elections Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research / 8 / 4 / 228 - 240 2278-4853

71 Naresh Rao H Content Analysis of Newspaper Framing of Chief Minister of Karnataka Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication / 5 / 3 / 1 - 7 2395-3810

72 Padmakumar M M The Narrativising of BJP in the INC'S Twitter Posts International Journal Of Research And Analytical Reviews / 6 / 2 / 713 - 720 2348-1269, 2349-5138

73 Rajesh A Aaram Thampuran - The Archetypal Celebration of Upper-Caste Hegemony International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature / 7 / 2 / 275 - 282 2347-4564, 2321-8878

74 Shantharaju S Content Analysis of Newspaper Framing of Chief Minister of Karnataka Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism and Mass Communication / 5 / 3 / 1 - 7 2395-3810

75 Shantharaju S The effectiveness of the Service-Learning component in Media Programmes: A case study International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 6 / 1 / 404 - 407 2348-1269, 2349-5138

76 Shantharaju S A Critical Study On The Depiction Of Female Characters In Game Of Thrones International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) / 6 / 2 / 102 - 108 2349-5138

77 Suparna Naresh Of Macho Men & Wimpy Women- Exploring the Sexist World of Advertising Universal Review Journal / 8 / 4 / 291 - 298 2277-2723

78 Suparna Naresh Sexism in Contemporary Advertising International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management (IJASRM) / 4 / 4 / 260 - 266 2455-6378

79 Meljo Thomas Professional Freedom and Satisfaction of Young Journalists in Kerala, India Communication and Journalism Research / 6 / 2 / 49 - 62 2348-5663

80 Meljo Thomas Privately Employed, Print Oriented, Professionally Educated, Less Experienced, and Badly Paid: A Professional Profile of Kerala Journalists. Communication and Journalism Research / 6 / 1 / 115 - 130 2348-5663

81 Saurabh Das Need for Personal Space: Legalizing Pornography in India Media Watch / 8 / 3 / 355 - 365 0976-0911

82 Shantharaju S The Jallikattu Fiasco: Week Long Protest against the Ban Enforced and the Role Played by Print Media Artha / 16 / 3 / 1 - 15 0975-329X

83 Shantharaju S Manifestation of Misogynic connotations in Digital Age: an empirical study of Social media users in the context of Gender Trolling Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 9 / 1 / - 2321-5828

84 Shantharaju S A Study on Persuasion by Media Coverage on Sustainable Waste (garbage) Management in Bengaluru Journal of Research and Development A Multidisciplinary International Level Refereed Journal / 8 / 4 / 25 - 34 2230-9578

85 Suparna Naresh Role of Interpersonal Communication and Employee Involvement in The Construction Sector: A Case Study Of SEWA International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 6 / 1 / 119 - 121 2320-2882

86 Suparna Naresh 'The Business of God'- Understanding the relevance of 'The Speaking Tree', a Times of India supplement on spirituality International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 6 / 1 / 880 - 884 2320-2882

87 Suparna Naresh Towards a Knowledge Society- State Contribution in Higher Education Journal of Advanced Research in Journalism & Mass Communication / 5 / 3 / 22 - 25 2395-3810

88 Aasita Bali Use of social media in India and Political Communication International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies / 3 / 4 / 243 - 253 2349-6959

89 Aasita Bali Song sequences and female representation in V. Ravichandra?select Kannada films International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS) / 7 / 4 / - 2249-2496

90 Aasita Bali A Study on Celebrity Advertising of Online Brands International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities / 7 / 1 / 96 - 103 2249-4642

91 Amutha Manavalan The IPL Model: Sports Marketing and Product Placement Sponsorship IJHSSI / 6 / 2 / 44 - 61 2319-7722

92 Meljo Thomas Personal and Professional Traits of Media Persons in Kerala: A Gender Perspective IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 21 / 10 / 27 - 34 2279-0845

93 Naresh Rao H The Award Wapsi Controversy: The Rise of Intolerance during the 2015 Bihar Elections Elixir International Journal / - / 105 / 46146 - 46149 2229-712X

94 Padmakumar M M Narrativising an English Department Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 15 / 38 / 41 - 65 0975-329X

95 Shantharaju S A Perspective Study on Fame of Pakistani Tele-Serials In India IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR - JHSS) / 21 / 9 / 8 - 13 2279-0837

96 Shantharaju S A Conceptual Analysis of the Competency of Television Music Reality Show Participants International Journal of Innovative Research and Development / 5 / 14 / 11 - 14 2278-0211

97 Suparna Naresh Of Vodka Martini and Aston Martin-The Lure of the Big Screen: A Closer Look At Product Placements As A Promotion Option- A Case Study Of 'Fashion' And 'Aisha' North Asian International Research Journals / 3 / 4 / 45 - 61 2454-9827

98 Suparna Naresh Role of Communication in Human Resource Management-An Explorative Study Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) / 3 / 5 / 385 - 391 2454-1362

99 Amutha Manavalan Understanding the emerging Integrated Marketing Strategies used in Marketing Tamil Films Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 21 / 2 / 33 - 37 2279-0837

100 Amutha Manavalan An Analogical Study of the Narrative Techniques Used In the Film Paradesi (2013) an Adaptation of Tamil Translation (Eriyum Panikaadu) of the Novel'Red Tea' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / Vol 5 / Issue 3 / 1 - 6 2319-7722

101 Kannan S Cultural constructs in popular television cartoon programs ? A content analysis International Journal of Research in Engineering and Social Sciences / 6 / 5 / 35 - 49 2249-9482

102 Meljo Thomas Journalist's Job Satisfaction: A Systematic Review of Theories, Determinants, and Measurements Communication and Journalism Research / 1 & 2 / 4 / 25 - 40 2348-5663

103 Suparna Naresh Sex, Sleaze and the Sinister-What the viewer wants from Hindi Horror Films? International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications / 5 / 6 / 1 - 5 2250-3153

104 Suparna Naresh The Nation Wants to Know- How Prime Time News Hour is Being Stage-Managed to Pander to the Ego of Big Names: A case Study of Arnab Goswami's News Hour International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS) / II / V / 163 - 170 2349-6959

105 Suparna Naresh New Media Usage among School Children of Bangalore Artha / 14 / 03 / 21 - 37 0975-329X

106 Aasita Bali Female Body In Indian Cinema-A Reflection Lingua- International Journal Linguistics, Literature and Culture / 1 / 1 / 93 - 108

107 Aasita Bali Politics of Twitter Engagement Media Matters / 4 / 1 / 25 - 31 2249-2542

108 Kannan S Educational Satellite Programmes Needs Fresh Life Communication Today / - / - / 27 - 34 0975-217X

109 Kannan S Analysis on Indigenous cultural practices followed by children in their day to day life Indian Journal of Current Research / 1 / 3 / 194201 - 2347-9213

110 Meljo Thomas Exposure of Journalism Students from Kerala and Karnataka: A Comparative Study Communication and Journalism Research / 3 / 1 & 2 / 139 - 147 2348-5663

111 Naresh Rao H Audience Perception of the Credibility Local News Channels International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications / 5 / 2 / 1 - 11 2250-3153

112 Naresh Rao H Net Credibility: How the Young Increasingly Trust the News Online International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS) / 5 / 4 / 241 - 256 2249-5894

113 Naresh Rao H Role of the Press in a Democracy: India Votes for Newspapers, Only Just Global Journal for Research Analysis / 4 / 3 / 1 - 3 2277-8160

114 Padmakumar M M An Ecology Intervention in an English Studies Programme: Contexts, Complexities and Choices Journal of Dharma / 39 / 1 / 1 - 20 0253-7222

115 Shantharaju S The Intermix of Social in Propelling the Social Change Indian Journal of Applied Research / 4 / 7 / 27 - 29 2249-555X

116 Shantharaju S The Changing Paradigm In Gender Constructed Texts In Media A Semiotic Approach International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences / 3 / 7 / 139 - 150 2278-6236

117 Suparna Naresh Celebrity PR in India-A Closer Look At Salman's Khan's PR Strategies Communication Today / 16 / 03 / 102 - 117 0975-217X

118 Suparna Naresh Public Relations,Corporate Communication and Development Communication Today / 17 / 04 / 97 - 112 0975-217X

119 Suparna Naresh Public Relations and Corporate Identities:Corporate Social Responsibilities-Genuine Concern or Mere Image Building? Artha, Journal of Social Sciences / 13 / 03 / 53 - 68 0975-329X

120 Suparna Naresh Marketing Films Through Social Realities: Shyam Benegal's 'Welcome To Sajjanpur'- A case Study International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications / 5 / 2 / 01 - 08 2250 -3153

121 Aasita Bali Gulaab Gang: Is It About The Battle Of Sexes Or Women Empowerment Or Cliches? Indian Research Journal / 1 / 7 / - 2347-7695

122 Amutha Manavalan Globalization and Contemporary Tamil Cinema: The face of change Artha, Journal of social sciences / 12 / 3 / 103 - 114 0975-329X

123 Meljo Thomas Kerala Journalists: Satisfied and Passion-led Professionals Communication and Journalism Research / 2 / 1 / 35 - 43 2348-5663

124 Meljo Thomas Perceived Literacy on News Media: A Study on Educated Youth Communication and Journalism Research / 2 / 2 / 45 - 57 2348-5663

125 Meljo Thomas Radio and Community Development: A Case Study of Radio Benziger, Community Radio for Fisher Folks Communication and Journalism Research / 2 / 2 / 10 - 18 2348-5663

126 Shantharaju S Shifting mold of Media Technology and Content with Main Trust on Pandora's Box Journal of Media an Social Development / 2 / 1 / 171 - 190 2320-8244

127 Padmakumar M M An Exploration of the Betweens and Beyonds in the Student-Teacher relationship: Toward Pedagogic Progress Excellence Through Innovation: Curriculum, Teaching, Learning, Research and Evaluation in Higher Edu / / / 108 - 113

128 Padmakumar M M From Feminity to Feminism, a review of Provoked Artha journal of Social Sciences / 6 / 1 / 129 - 130

129 Krishna Kumar Sharma Hindi Kahaniyon Men Shrimati Chitramudgal Ji Ka Sthan ALOCHANA JOURNAL (UGC CARE LIST-I) / 14 / 1 / 1 - 9 2231-6329

130 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Kerala scholars to astronomy and mathematics International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 10 / 4 / 1 - 3 2394-7519

131 Nagalakshmi S Impact of Technology on Sanskrit Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy A National Peer-Reviewed Research Journal / VOLUME: XXIII / 26 /2024 / 87 - 92 2250-1711

132 Reshma M L Naphrat ke soudaagar Alochana / 13 / 9/2024 / - 2231-6329

133 Krishna Kumar Sharma Gramya Krishak Jeevan Ka Darpan Maila Aanchal International Journal of Hindi Research / 8 / 4 / 61 - 63 2455-2232

134 George Joseph Adhunik Hindi kavya mein swachandatavad ka swaroop evam vikas-Ek anusandhatmak adhyayan.( Sahitya Samhita / 7 / 6 / 13 - 18 2454-2695

135 George Joseph Manavatavadi chetna ke pariprekshya mein Hindi ke mahakavi Jayashankar prasad aur Malayalam ke mahakavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom ka shastreeya adhyayan. ( मानवतावादी चेतना के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हिन्दी के महाकवि जयशंकर प्रसाद और मलयालम के महाकवि कुमारनाशान के काव्यों का शास्त्रीय अध्ययन | ) Sahitya Samhita (Peer-Reviewed Hindi Journal) / 7(2021) / 7-July-2021 / 1 - 6 2454-2695

136 George Joseph Saundarya bhavna ke pariprekshya mein Hindi kavi Jatashankar Prasad aur Malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom ka tulanatmak adhyayan.67;प्रí ; प्रसाद और कुमारनाशान के काव्यों का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन | Sahitya Samhita (Peer-Reviewed Hindi Journal) / 7 / 8 / 1 - 6 2454-2695

137 Krishna Kumar Sharma Hindi Upnyason Men Sisakta Krishak Jeevan International Journal of Hindi Research / 7 / 4 / 52 - 56 2455-2232

138 Nagalakshmi S Sanskrit-A Literary language International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 8 / 1 / 189 - 191 2394-7519

139 Nagalakshmi S Sanskrit-A literary Language International Journal of Sanskrit Research / 8 / 1 / 189 - 191 2394-7519

140 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Westerns Scholars to Sanskrit Literature Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research / 9 / 4 / 576 - 580 2349-5162

141 George Joseph 'Angrezi swachandadavad:Ek anusandhanatmak anuseelan. 'Sahitya Samhita' / 6 / 7 / 24 - 28 2454-2695

142 George Joseph Hindi ke mahakavi Jayashankar Prasad aur Malayalam ke mahakavi Kumaranasan ke kavyom mein aadmabhivyakti ki pravritthi- ek tulanatmak adhyayan. Sahitya Samhita / 6 / 6-June2020 / 23 - 27 2454-2695

143 Rathi M T Prob(e)abilities for Enhanced Research and Interdisciplinarity: An Exploration of Innovative Practices in English Studies, Languages, and Media IUP Journal of English Studies / 15 / 4 / 142147 - 142147 0973-3728

144 George Joseph Adhunik malayalam kavya mein swachandadavad ka swarup evam pravruthiyam-ek anusandhanatmak adhyayan. Drishtikon / 12 / 01 / 256 - 259 0975-119X

145 George Joseph 'Swachand prem ke pariprekshya mein adhunik malayalam sahitya ke mahakavi kumaranasan ke kavyom ka anusandhanatmak adhyayan' Nibandha Mala / 12 / 04 / 232 - 236 2277-2359

146 George Joseph Aadhunik Malayalam sahitya ke kavithray mahakavi Kumaranashan,Ulloor aur Vallathol ke kavya mein swachandadavadi pravrutthiyam-Ek anusandhanatmak adhyayan . Drishtikon / 12 / 5 / 450 - 454 0975-119X

147 Krishna Kumar Sharma Dishaheen Hoti Yuva Pidhi : Ek Vishleshnatamak Adhayayn International Journal of Research in Hindi / 1 / 2 / 03 - 06 2582-3493

148 Krishna Kumar Sharma Samajsevi Saint Kuriakose Elias Chavara Ka Vyaktitava, Ek Snkshipt Parichay International Journal of Research in Hindi / 1 / 2 / 41 - 42 2582-3493

149 Krishna Kumar Sharma Mata-Pita Ki Prasannta Men Nihit Jeevan Ka Saar SANSKRITIK AUR SAMAJIK ANUSANDHAN / 1 / 1 / 22 - 24 2582-5852

150 Krishna Kumar Sharma Shrishtachar Aur Sanskar Ek Vishleshnatamak Adhayayn International Journal Of Reserch In Hindi / 1 / 1 / 16 - 17 2582-3493

151 Mallika Krishnaswami Language Matters Online Interternational Interdisciplinary Research Journal / 9 / 01 / 254 - 258 2249-9598

152 Mallika Krishnaswami Exploring the Gandhian Search for Truth in R.K. Narayan's "The Guide" Literary Endeavour / X / 5 / 72 - 75 0976-299X

153 George Joseph Malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavya mein Yug Bodh malayalam kavi Kumaranasan ke kavya mein Yug Bodh / 4 / 4 / 56 - 58 2455-2232

154 Kavitha A French Feminism Vimal Vimarsh / 1 (Special Edition) / / 148 - 151 2348-5884

155 Kavitha A Digital Technology Engaging Pedagogy Through Hindi Wikipedia- A Case Study IJELLH- (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 8 / 234 - 243 2321-7065

156 Krishna Kumar Sharma Kathakar Chitra Mudgal Ji Ki Kahani Sngrah Painting Akeli Hai... Men Vyakati Snagharsh INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HINDI RESERCH / 5 / 3 / 25 - 27 2455-2232

157 Nagalakshmi S Contribution of Women to Sanskrit Literature Vimal vimarsh / 1 / 1, Special edition / 69 - 74 2348-5884

158 Rathi M T Initiation of Blended Learning through Kannada Wikipedia, Issues and Challenges- A Case Study Global Journal Of Human Social Sciences / 18 / 11 / 9 - 12 2249-460X, 0975-587X

159 Sebastian K A Digital Technology Engaging Pedagogy Through Hindi Wikipedia- A Case Study IJELLH- (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 6 / 8 / 234 - 243 2321-7065

160 Shivaprasad Y S Central College Karnataka Sangha-Shatamanada Smarane International Journal of Kannada Research / 4-Part C / 02 / 124 - 131 2454-5813

161 Shivaprasad Y S Initiation of Blended Learning through Kannada Wikipedia, Issues and Challenges- A Case Study Global Journal Of Human Social Sciences / 18 / 11 / 9 - 12 2249-460X, 0975-587X

162 Mallika Krishnaswami Blending the old with the new through technology - Sanskrit and E - Learning IJELLH / V / X / 57 - 64 2321-7065

163 Nagalakshmi S Ancient wisdom Journal of Veda Samskrta Academy - A National Refereed Research Journal / 9 / January - June 2017 / 43 - 48 2250-1711

164 Nagalakshmi S Blending the old with the new through technology - Sanskrit and E - Learning IJELLH / V / X / 57 - 64 2321-7065

165 Shivaprasad Y S Kanakana Ekathe-Prathyekathe Karnataka Bharathi / 42 / 02 / 118 - 127 2277-3088

166 Krishnaswami P Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic ' Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3156, 2348-3164

167 Krishnaswami P Organic Growyh of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

168 Krishnaswami P From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration / 5 / 1 / 19 - 23 2249-3093

169 Krishnaswami P Organic Growth of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic AnnanmarKathai (Elder Brothers? Story) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

170 Krishnaswami P Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3164, 2348-3156

171 Mallika Krishnaswami From Knowledge Tradition to Knowledge Economy: Positive Interludes in Indian Higher Education International Journal of Educational Planning and Administration / 5 / 1 / 19 - 23 2249-3093

172 Mallika Krishnaswami Organic Growth of Folk Epics: Ownership and Contestation of Tamil Folk Epic AnnanmarKathai (Elder Brothers? Story) International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention / 4 / 8 / 55 - 64 2319-7722, 2319-7714

173 Mallika Krishnaswami Mainstream Tradition and Exclusive Traditions: A Study of Kongu Folk Epic 'Annanmar Kathai' International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research / 3 / 3 / 220 - 224 2348-3164, 2348-3156

174 Mallika Krishnaswami Unopened Windows: European Existentialism and Indian Classrooms International Journal of English Language, Litearture and Humanities / 3 / 9 / 434 - 440 2321-7065

175 Mallika Krishnaswami U.R Ananthamurthy - A man more sinned against than sinning? Indian Literature / LVIII / 6 / 138 - 147 0019-5804

176 Mallika Krishnaswami Social Alienation and Camus 'The Outsider' Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 9 / 2 / 12 - 20 0975-329X

177 Mallika Krishnaswami Crisis and Modern Man - seen from the French and Indian Perspective Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences / 23 / / 192 - 196 2010-4626

178 Mallika Krishnaswami Bridging the Gap across Cultures through Literature Transtellar Journal of English and Literature / 3 / 5 / 49 - 52 2249-8028

179 Shivaprasad Y S H.Narasimhiah Vignana Sangathi / 19 / 03 / 9 - 11 0971-6769

180 Mallika Krishnaswami Crisis and Man:Literary Responses Across Cultures BORJ, Journal of Business Management and Social Sciences Research / 1 / 3 / 29 - 30 2319-5614

181 Shivaprasad Y S Kasubu Yerisi Mulugisida computergalu Yojana - Electronics mattu Mahiti Tantrajnana / 2 / 9 / 38 - 41 0971-8737

182 Anirban Debsarma Pandemic, theatre and performance: Democratizing the subalterns through the Theatre of the Oppressed Applied Theatre Research / 11 / 2 / 175 - 186 2049-3010

183 Anirban Debsarma Pandemic, theatre and performance: Democratizing the subalterns through the Theatre of the Oppressed Applied Theatre Research / 11 / 2 / 175 - 186 2049-3010

184 Paolo Pacciolla The Musical Journeys of a Goddess An integrative analysis of drumming, dancing, and ritual in the contemporary Kallaṯṯakuṟuppu tradition of kaḷameḻuttu pāṭṭu of central Kerala Analytical Approaches to Music of South Asia / Volume 1 (2023) / / - 44 2158-5296

185 Prabin V Symbolism and Gesters in Bharathanatyam and Kathak Anhad - Lok / 17 / / 135 - 139 2349-137X

186 Prabin V The Growth of Indian Classical Dance Over the years - A Comparitive Study between Bharathanatyam and Kathak Anhad - Lok / 17 / / 130 - 134 2349-137X

187 Muthulakshmi G Chittaiswaras- The Quintessnece of ragas and Raganga ragas Anhad Lok / 8 / 2 / 160 - 164 2349-137X

188 Muthulakshmi G Sthalapuranam and Import Facts Found in Muthuswamy Dikshithar's Compositions On Lord Vishnu/Krishna Modern Tamizh Research / 9 / 30 / 102 - 107 2321-984X

189 Paolo Pacciolla Rain of Life, Rain of Music: Music as Life Power in Indian Thought and Contemporary Musical Traditions South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies / / / - 1479-0270

190 Prabin V Studying Bharathanatyam Practitions Misconceptions regarding postedonial Bharathanatyam as a Revived Product Aran E-Journal / / Special Issue / 828 - 835 2582-399X

191 Prabin V Understanding Spiritual Perspective in Dance and Dance Therapy Aran E-Journal / Special Issue / Special Issue / 910 - 918 2582-399X

192 Sunil Kumar M P Sthalapuranam and Import Facts Found in Muthuswamy Dikshithar's Compositions On Lord Vishnu/Krishna Modern Tamizh Research / 9 / 30 / 102 - 107 2321-984X

193 Sunil Kumar M P Story elements and thematic story representations found in the Sanskrit Musical compositions composed by Maharaja Swathi Tirunal on Lord Krishna Anhad-Lok / 16 / 16 / 9 - 15 2349-137X

194 Muthulakshmi G Naladiyar - Priciples of justice PRANAV JOURNAL OF FINE ARTS. / 1 / 1 / 331 - 336 2582-9513

195 Muthulakshmi G The Role of Devarattam and its significance in Rituals and social Life Modern Tamizh Research / 9 / 4 / 349 - 360 2321-984X

196 Paolo Pacciolla The Brimming Vessel: An Analysis of the Ritual Repertoire of the Milavu from a Tantric Perspective Analytical Approaches to World Music / 9 / 1 / - 2158-5296

197 Sunil Kumar M P The Role of Devarattam and its significance in Rituals and social Life Modern Tamizh Research / 9 / 4 / 349 - 360 2321-984X

198 Ashokan O From Ritual Performance to Competition Item: Perils of a Tradition in Transition Chronicle of Humanities and Cultural Studies(CHCS) / 6 / 5 / 47 - 50 2454-5503

199 Paolo Pacciolla Bodies of silence, floods of nectar. Ritual music in contemporary Brahmanical temples of Kerala Yale Journal of Music and Religion / Vol. 7 / No. 2 / - 2377-231X

200 Muthulakshmi G Comparison of Musical terms of Tamil Music to Carnatic Music. Modern Thamizh Research / 7 / 3 / 385 - 387 2321 - 984X

201 Sunil Kumar M P A comparative study on Gurukula teaching tradition and Virtual teaching method of Carnatic Music Modern Thamizh Research / 7 / 4 / 85 - 87 2321-984X

202 Weligodage Thamari Nayanathara De Silva Meaning Making of Kathak Dance: A Semiotic Analysis of Two Kathak Dance Performances Journal of Information and Computational Science / 10 / 03 / - 1548-7741

203 Muthulakshmi G Concert - From sangam era to Modern period Innovations in Performing arts Upholding Tradition. / 1 / / 59 - 68 Not Available

204 Muthulakshmi G Concert from Sangam Era to Modern Period Innovations in Performing arts upholding Tradition / / / 60 - 68 Not Available

205 Robert Linton Tavis Ashton-bell On the Geometric Realisation of Equal Tempered Music Mapana Journal of Sciences / 18 / 3 / 53 - 75 0975-3303

206 Anil Joseph Pinto Reading More Intimately: An Interrogation of Translation Studies through Self-translation Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 3 / 1 / 66 - 72 0976-1861

207 Anil Joseph Pinto Rethinking Technology in Higher Education in India ELT Vistas / 2 / 1 / 58 - 63 0975-8526

208 Abhaya N B Esther reimagined: feminist essence in Sara Joseph's narrative International Studies in Catholic Education / 16 / 2 / - 2183-5136

209 Anagha S M T Vasudevan Nair and the Narrativisation of Valluvanadu EPW / LIX / / 199 - 200 0012-9976

210 Anupama Nayar C V The complexities of home and belonging in the Gulf-Malayalee experience: a close reading of Salim Ahamed?sPathemari (2015) CONTINUUM: JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES / / / - 1030-4312

211 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Poetry Writing Can Enhance Character Formation in School Students Through the Application of Rational Emotive Behavior Theory Journal of Poetry Therapy / 37 / 2 / - 1567-2344

212 Bidyut Bhusan Jena The Problem of Perception in Sandor Marai's Embers: An Advaitic Study Journal of Human Values / 32 / 5 / 1 - 9 0973-0737

213 Biju Itukkapparakkal M T Vasudevan Nair and the Narrativisation of Valluvanadu EPW / LIX / / 199 - 200 0012-9976

214 Gopika L Ramesh Narrativity and the Problematics of 'Authenticity' in Hungry Ghosts by Kevin Jared Hosein Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa / 36 / 1 / 82 - 93 1013-929X

215 Hephzibah Preethika F Silenced, Scarred and Shattered: Unmasking the Wounds of Child Sexual Abuse in Select American Memoirs World Journal of English Language / 15 / 1 / 160 - 171 1925-0703

216 Keziah Priyanka F Narrating Trauma as Victims of Human Trafficking in China: A Study on Select North Korean Memoirs World Journal of English Language / 15 / 1 / 446 - 453 1925-0703

217 Mithilesh Kumar Dirty Tracks Across the Border: Global Operations of Extraction, Labour and Migration at a Railway Station on the Bihar?Nepal Border Society and Culture in South Asia / Online First / Online First / - 2393-8617

218 Mithilesh Kumar Footloose Culture: Migrant Workers and Cultural Meanings of Labour Society and Culture in South Asia / 10 / 2 / 161 - 176 2393-8617

219 Rolla Das En route to Khardung La with Dhak Dhak Economic and Political Weekly / 59 / 3 / - 0012-9976

220 Sharon J Narrativity and the Problematics of 'Authenticity' in Hungry Ghosts by Kevin Jared Hosein Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa / 36 / 1 / 82 - 93 1013-929X

221 Sharon J Narrating Trauma as Victims of Human Trafficking in China: A Study on Select North Korean Memoirs World Journal of English Language / 15 / 1 / 446 - 453 1925-0703

222 Sharon J Silenced, Scarred and Shattered: Unmasking the Wounds of Child Sexual Abuse in Select American Memoirs World Journal of English Language / 15 / 1 / 160 - 171 1925-0703

223 Anupama Nayar C V The future of urban life: The technological and humanistic dimensions of cognitive cities AIP Conference Proceedings / / / - 0094-243X

224 Bhavani S The Effectiveness of Station Rotation Model of Blended Learning: A systemic Review South Indian Journal of Social Sciences / XXI / 7 / - 0972-8945

225 Divya Jyothi Miranda Building A Data Ethical Future : Data Policies And Frameworks Journal of Dharma / 48 / 2 / 231 - 248 0253-7222

226 Edwin Jeevaraj A Towards a Sustainable Future: The Need for Posthuman Ethics in the Anthropocene Era The Journal of Dharma / 48 / 2 / 211 - 232 0253-7222

227 Hephzibah Preethika F Sartrean Insights on Understanding the Repercussions of Rape Trauma in the Gripping Narratives of Roxanne Gay and Neesha Arter World Journal of English Language / 14 / 3 / 264 - 273 1925-0711

228 John Joseph Kennedy P The Problems and Challenges to English Language Teaching In India: A Review Using Schwab's Curriculum Commonplace' Framework South India Journal of Social Sciences / 21.7 / XXI, 7, July-Decembe / - 94 0972-8945

229 Joseph Edward Felix Teaching Language through Literature: Introducing Aspects of Literary Nonsense the IUP Journal of English Studies / 18 / 3 / 106 - 112 0973-3728

230 Keziah Priyanka F Defiance in the Shadows: Flames of Resilience in the Selected North Korean Memoirs World Journal of English Language / 14 / 3 / 188 - 195 1925-0711

231 Kishore Selva Babu Exploring Socio-Variational Patterns in Indian Adolescents? Lexical Diversity: Insights for Education International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research / 22 / 08 / - 1694-2493

232 Kishore Selva Babu Lexical Richness of Adolescents Across Multimodalities: Measures, Issues and Future Directions. IUP Journal of English Studies / / / - 0973-3728

233 Mithilesh Kumar Migration and development in India: The Bihar experience Rural Society / Online First / Online First / - 1037-1656

234 Reshma Jacob Acoustic Analysis of Heritage Konkani Speaker?s English Vaak Manthan / 8 / II / - 1625 2426-2149

235 Reshma Jacob Language Contact and Change: An Analysis of Heritage Konkani in Kerala Dialectologia / / / - 2013-2247

236 Ritika Banerjee Bacha Posh: Gender Construct in Afghan Culture Examined through the Lens of Children in Literature IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies / 8 / 2 / - 2187-4905

237 Rolla Das Born twice: A redemptive revisioning uncovering the metaphors of representation Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 15 / 3 / 1 - 19 0975-2935

238 Sharon J Bacha Posh: Gender Construct in Afghan Culture Examined through the Lens of Children in Literature IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies / 8 / 2 / - 2187-4905

239 Sharon J Defiance in the Shadows: Flames of Resilience in the Selected North Korean Memoirs World Journal of English Language / 14 / 3 / 188 - 195 1925-0711

240 Sharon J Sartrean Insights on Understanding the Repercussions of Rape Trauma in the Gripping Narratives of Roxanne Gay and Neesha Arter World Journal of English Language / 14 / 3 / 264 - 273 1925-0711

241 Shobana Mathews The Lives behind the Luxurious Threads: Beleaguered Sustainability of Kashmir?s Pashmina Artisans Textile Cloth and Culture / 22 / 2 / 462 - 480 1751-8350

242 Abhaya N B Humanising History through Graphic Narratives: Exploring Stories of Home and Displacement from the North-East of India Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / 1 - 18 0975-2935

243 Anandhu S Kunde Habba - The Profane and the Sacred Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 2349-8846

244 Anupama Nayar C V Towards Visibility: Subaltern Counterpublics in Paul Chirakkarode?s Pulayathara Contemporary Voice of Dalit / / / - 2456-0502

245 Anupama Nayar C V Kunde Habba - The Profane and the Sacred Economic and Political Weekly / / / - 2349-8846

246 Bidyut Bhusan Jena A Legend (Poem) Smoke Magazine / 69 / 69 / 1 - 10 2331-8570

247 Edwin Jeevaraj A Superiority as a Destroyer of Nature: An Analysis of Hughes? Hawk Roosting Bodhi International Journal of Research, Humanities, Arts and Science / 7 / Special issue 4 / 80 - 84 2456-5571

248 Mithilesh Kumar The Un-Human Beings: The Denial of Muslim Migrants- Bodies in India and Poland Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies / / / - 1369-801X

249 Rakhi L Lalwani The Sindhi Saga - A Glimpse into a Lost World Indian Literature / LXVI / IL327 / 139 - 143 0019-5804

250 Rolla Das Humanising History through Graphic Narratives: Exploring Stories of Home and Displacement from the North-East of India Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / 1 - 18 0975-2935

251 Rolla Das Un?casting? Universities: Examining the Intersections of Inclusive Curriculum and Dalit Pedagogies in a Private University in Bangalore, India Caste-A Social Journal on Social Inclusion / 4 / 1 / 154 - 166 2639-4928

252 Sushma V Murthy Incoherent Truths: The ?Mad Woman? in Triveni?s Psychoanalytical Fiction Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities / 12 / 2 / 14 - 21 2249-250 X

253 Vaidyanath Nishant The Limbu?Tamang Communities of Sikkim: History and Future of Their Demand for Reservation Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 1 / 17 - 20 2349-8846

254 Vaidyanath Nishant Subaltern Women in Fyodor Dostoevsky's Writings: A Critical Study Critic: Journal of the Centre of Russian Studies / / 20 / 38 - 44 2229-7146

255 Abhaya N B Decolonizing Home at Home in the Pandemic: Articulating Women's Experience English / 70 / 271 / 350 - 358 0013-8215

256 Arya Aiyappan Yakshi at the Crossroads: Gendering Horror and Trauma in Malayalam Horror-Comedies Quarterly Review of Film and Video / 38 / 6 / 1 - 18 1543-5326

257 Biju Itukkapparakkal Narrativizing travel in the post-colonial Indian Context: A close reading of the Select Travel Narratives of V.S. Naipaul and William Dalrymple. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / - 0975-2935

258 Deepali Mallya M Comic Memes and Sexist Humor in India: Tools for Reinforcement of Female Body-Image Stereotypes Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 13 / 4 / 1 - 11 0975-2935

259 Kishore Selva Babu Online Education and English Language Learning Among Tribal Students of Kerala ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - 1938-5862

260 Mithilesh Kumar Editorial: Postcolonial - Postsocialist Decolonial Investigations: A Programmatic Overture Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 20 / 2 / - 0975-329X

261 Mithilesh Kumar Before the Gig Economy Tracing the Transformations in Delhi?s Taxi Industry Economic and Political Weekly / 57 / 12 / 54 - 60 0012-9976

262 Shobana Mathews Nature's Lament : A comparitive Psychoanalytical Reading of Childhood trauma in select war narratives ECS Transactions / 107 / 1 / - 1071-6867

263 Sreejith D Thematic and Structural Manifestation of Kathakali in Anita Nair's Mistress: A Study Literature and Aesthetics / 31 / 2 / 58 - 78 1036-9368

264 Sreejith D Reading Theyyam As An Archive Of The Subaltern Community Of Northern Kerala ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts / 2 / 2 / 72 - 82 2582-7472

265 Sumanjari S Irony as an Agent of Precision in the Poems of Nissim Ezekiel International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences / 6 / 6 / 31 - 37 2456-7620

266 Sumanjari S Developing harmony in industrial relations for organizations International Journal of Science & Engineering Research / 7 / 2 / 59 - 62 2455-2631

267 Sumanjari S Animated videos for enlivening vocabulary acquisition among the first generation young learners The Online Journal of Distance Education and E-Learning / 10 / 1 / 1 - 10 2147-6454

268 Sweta Mukherjee Teaching through urban sensorium: urban spatiality as a smart learning environment. Smart Learning Environments / 9 / 4 / 1 - 14 2196-7091

269 Vaidyanath Nishant What is to be Done: To Have a Room of One?s Own Assonance / 22 / 22 / 77 - 85 2394-7853

270 Anupama Nayar C V What Numbers Never Revealed: Tracing Dalit Christian Modernity Through Malayalam Literature Contemporary Voice of Dalit. / / / - 2455-328X, 2456-0502

271 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar The Literary Reader: Sense and Sensibilities The IUP Journal of English Studies / / / - 0973-3728

272 Arya Aiyappan Padmarajans Enigmatic and Enduring Relationships Film International / 18 / 1 / 66 - 73 1651-6826

273 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Poems Erothanatos / 4 / 2 / 1 - 8 2457-0265

274 Deepali Mallya M Reconceptualising Female Disordered Eating and Body- Image Perceptions: A Gynocentric Trajectory Through the New-media Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 5 / 1 - 6 0975-2935

275 Deepali Mallya M Theorizing Race, Marginalization, and Language in the Digital Media Comunicacion y Sociedad / / / - 2174-0895, 0214-0039

276 John Joseph Kennedy P Death Rituals and Change among Hindu Nadars in a South Indian Village South Asia Research / 41 / 2 / - 0262-7280

277 Kankan Das Knowledge of Spelling Consonant Clusters in Young ESL Learners: A Study Language and Language Teaching / 9 / 18 / 10 - 18 2277-307X

278 Kankan Das What Guides Inference Generation?: A Study of Young Hindi Learners Studying in Challenging Contexts in India Indian Educational Review / / / - 0019-4700, 0972-561X

279 Shobana Mathews Pink Floyd's Time: An aural metanarrative exploring time through form , lyric and musical arrangement Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 5 / - 0975-2935

280 Sreejith D The Thematic Influence of Mahabharata in Anita Nair?s novel ?Mistress?:An Intertextual Study The Indian Review of World Literature in English / 16 / II / 1 - 4 0974-097X

281 Sreelatha R A Critical Review On Developing Reading Skills Using Smartphones By ESL Learners Journal of Critical Review / 7 / 17, 2020 / 1662 - 1664 2394-5125

282 Sumanjari S Significance of Tasks in English Language Teaching and Learning International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 8 / 6 / 1096 - 1110 2320-2882

283 Sumanjari S Affirming Art of Living for Senior Citizens: Study of Problems & Remedial Measures International Journal of Emerging Technologies & Innovative Research / 7 / 6 / 1733 - 1736 2349-5162

284 Sumanjari S Communicative Activities in Language Teaching- An Overview International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research / 9 / 6 (3) / 114 - 119 2277-7881

285 Sumanjari S Station Rotation Model as a Teaching Methodology for English Language in Primary Classrooms of India Journal of Critical Reviews / 7 / 14 / 3787 - 3793 2394-5125

286 Sumanjari S Digital Storytelling in the specification of active and passive voice from intermediate English curriculum Solid State Technology / 63 / 2S / 6308 - 6317 0038-111X

287 Sushma V Murthy Prob(e)abilities for Enhanced Research and Interdisciplinarity: An Exploration of Innovative Practices in English Studies, Languages, and Media IUP Journal of English Studies / 15 / 4 / 142147 - 142147 0973-3728

288 Abilash Chandran R Bhagavad Gita: The Paradox do Dharma and its Ontology? Tattva / 12 / 1 / 59 - 73 0975-332X

289 Anupama Nayar C V Bilingual Identity Crisis: Issues in Identity Formation and Language Learning in India The Asian EFL Journal / / / - 1738-1460

290 Bhavani S Quest for Identity in Toni Morrison?s The Bluest Eye: An African American Perspective Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research / 12 / 2 / 155 - 163 0022-1945

291 Bhavani S Undergraduate Rural Students' Perception on Soft-Skills Training Workshops to Enhance Employability Opportunities International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation / 24 / 04 / 2300 - 2306 1475-7192

292 Depak Saravanan N Secure Through Development: Evaluation of India's Border Area Development Programme Strategic Analysis / 43 / 6 / 1 - 14 0970-0161

293 Edwin Jeevaraj A Expressing the Marginalized self: Manifestation of Dalit Consciousness in the Poems of Vijila Chirappad Language in India / 20 / 2 / 1 - 9 1930-2940

294 Joseph Edward Felix The Need to Enhance Communication and Interpersonal Skills as Essential Soft Skills among Undergraduate Students Our Heritage / 69 / 41 / 10 - 15 0474-9030

295 Kishore Selva Babu Quest for Identity in Toni Morrison?s The Bluest Eye: An African American Perspective Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research / 12 / 2 / 155 - 163 0022-1945

296 Kishore Selva Babu Undergraduate Rural Students' Perception on Soft-Skills Training Workshops to Enhance Employability Opportunities International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation / 24 / 04 / 2300 - 2306 1475-7192

297 Mithilesh Kumar Political Theory at Large: How Migrants Shaped the Discourse and Practice of Colonial States.? Economic and Political Weekly / 54 / 26-27 / 30 - 31 0012-9976

298 Radhakrishnan Nair D Data To Wisdom SCMS Journal of Indian Management / 16 / 4 / 6 - 6 0973-3167

299 Radhakrishnan Nair D To think critically is to reason clearly SCMS Journal of Indian Management / 16 / 3 / 6 - 6 0973-3167

300 Rolla Das Editorial Tattva - Journal of Philosophy / 11 / 2 / 3 - 5 0975-332X

301 Saji Varghese Drinking Straw from Coconut Leaf: A Study of its Epicuticular Wax Content and Phenol Extrusion Properties Asian Journal of Plant Sciences / 18 / 3 / 139 - 147 1682-3974

302 Sumanjari S Learning and Assessment of English Language in Expeditionary Learning (EL) among undergraduate students International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research / 9 / 3 / 4659 - 4663 2277-8616

303 Sushma V Murthy Number Eights and Nebulous Centres: Locating Gender and Space in Anita Nair's Ladies Coupe Labyrinth: A Peer Reviewed International Journal of Postmodern Studies / 10 / 3 / 121 - 125 0976-0814

304 Abhaya N B Perpatetic World of the Indo-Fijian Diaspora in Brij V Lal's Mr Tulsi's Store Gnosis / 5 / 2 / 99 - 106 2394-0131

305 Anupama Nayar C V Becoming Knowledge Societies: A happiness Framework for Institutions of Higher Education in India Journal Of Dharma / 44 / 1 / 109 - 128 0253-7222

306 Arya Aiyappan Evolving Taste Publics in Contemporary Hindi Cinema IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 7 / 2 / 352 - 363 2321-7065

307 Bidyut Bhusan Jena "Hampi", "A Poet's Grave", "Bagha was Upset", "A Landscape of Longing", "Across the Night", "Monku", "The Rain" Muse India / 83 / 83 / 1 - 3 0975-1815

308 Bidyut Bhusan Jena "After the Rain: An Evening With Poet Ramakanta Rath" Lokaratna / 2 / 2 / 137 - 141 2347-6427

309 Biju Itukkapparakkal Writing Narratives of Travel Through Chronicles: A Study of William Dalrymple's City of Djinn and Nine Lives Literary Endeavour / Vol X / Special Issue / 460 - 462 0976-299X

310 Christine Ann Thomas effectiveness of blended classroom among varied streams of undergraduate language learners - an experimental study INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING / 8 / 1-C2 / 1166 - 1169 2277-3878

311 Daniel Gnanaraj S Time as a Destroyer and Preserver in Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day Literary Endeavour / 10 / 2 / 272 - 279 0976-299X

312 Edwin Jeevaraj A Kalam: A Good Human Being: A Study from the Select Biographies on Kalam Gynosis: An International Journal of Language and Literature / V / 3 / 44 - 52 2394-0131

313 John Joseph Kennedy P Detraditionalization: An Upshot of the Indigenous Social Coercions in Indian Rural Societies in the Twentieth Century: A reading of Social Change in Indian Classics International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts / VII / 2 / 28 - 34 2454-2415

314 John Joseph Kennedy P social Media, Civic Engagement and Political Participation Asian Review of Social Sciences / 8 / S1 / 20 - 25 2249-6319

315 John Joseph Kennedy P Metaxological sense in M K Gandhi's Hind Swaraj: A Perspective CASS Studies / 3 / 1 / 1 - 11 2581-6403

316 John Joseph Kennedy P Perpatetic World of the Indo-Fijian Diaspora in Brij V Lal's Mr Tulsi's Store Gnosis / 5 / 2 / 99 - 106 2394-0131

317 Kishore Selva Babu Arundati Roy: Drawing Parallels Between Urban Naxals and Feminists Literary Endeavour / X / Special Issue-2 / 58 - 60 0976-299X

318 Mithilesh Kumar Migrants, Smugglers, Traders and Treacherous Rivers:A Genealogy of the Bihar-Nepal Border from Treaty of Sugauli to c. 1947 Journal of Migration Affairs / 1 / 1 / 3 - 20 2582-0990

319 Rolla Das Is English Stand-Up Comedy in India Intersectional? Language in India / 18 / 9 / 240 - 249 1930-2940

320 Rolla Das Editorial Tattva Journal of Philosophy / 11 / 1 / 5 - 7 0975-332X

321 Rolla Das Editorial Tattva Journal of Philosophy / 10 / 2 / 3 - 5 0975-332X

322 Rolla Das Analysing the short film 'Juice' as a discourse of resistance International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities / 7 / 4 / 771 - 775 2321-7065

323 Rolla Das Artistry of Escape - A Critique of Gully Boy / 7 / 5 / 1305 - 1318 2321-7065

324 Sumanjari S Multicultural Voices- Perspectives of 'Glocal' in Ethnolinguistics International Journal of Current Advanced Research / 7 / 10(E) / 16016 - 16018 2319-6475

325 Sumanjari S Edification through 'Holism'- Paradigm shifts in Value Education International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews / 5 / 4 / 44 - 48 2348-1269

326 Sushma V Murthy Editorial Introduction Artha Journal of social Sciences / 17 / 3 / 5 - 8 0975-329X

327 Sushma V Murthy From Abjection to Inclusion: Intersectional Feminist Approaches to women and Nationalism in Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun Literary Endeavour / X / Special Issue / 1 - 3 0976-299X

328 Abilash Chandran R Function of Body as Symbolic Power in Sundara Ramaswamy's Pallakku Thookkikal Puthiya Panuval / 06 / 02 / 95 - 104 0975-573X

329 Anupama Nayar C V Turkey's Ban on Wikipedia- The Relationship Between Power and Knowledge in the Digital Age Asian Quarterly An International Journal of Contemprory Issues / 16 / 1 / 118 - 132 2229-581X

330 Bhavani S Vocabulary Instruction: Models based on classroom experiments The Journal of English Language Teaching / LIX / 4 / 29 - 34 0973-5208

331 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Poem: "The Last Boat" Rock Pebbles / XXI / III / 122 - 122 0975-0509

332 John Joseph Kennedy P The Magical Realist World of Sukumar Ray: A Study of Select Poems from the AbolTabol Collection International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities / 5 / 11 / 258 - 265 2321-7065

333 John Joseph Kennedy P Negotiation and Difference in Contemporary Cultural Artifacts: Examination of the Albums Antaragni and Jag Changa by Raghu Dixit as Third Space Pragati's English Journal / 17 / 02 / 67 - 78 0975-4091

334 John Joseph Kennedy P Football Fandom in India and Identity Construction: A study of Bengaluru Football Club's Fan Club West Block Blues Asia Pacific Journal of Research / 1 / LXXXVI / 68 - 71 2320-5504

335 Joseph Edward Felix Integrating Soft Skills with English Language Learning Language in India / 18 / 2 / 54 - 64 1930-2940

336 Joseph Edward Felix Incorporating and Enhancing the Speaking Skills of Degree Students as a Soft Skill Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities / 5 / 4 / 77 - 81 2321-788X

337 Reshma Jacob Features of Malayali English Consonants The Criterion / 8 / IV / - 2278-9529

338 Rolla Das Sundar Sarukkai on Indian Higher Education: Quality, Excellence in Neoliberal Times Tattva Journal of Philosophy / 10 / 1 / 89 - 93 0975-332X

339 Rolla Das Rajan Gurukkal on Indian Higher Education: Quality, Excellence in Neoliberal Times Tattva - Journal of Philosophy / 9 / 2 / 43 - 56 0975-332X

340 Shobana Mathews Bob Dylan: Poet of Disruption, Dissonance and an Aesthetic of Dissent. Rupkatha Journalon Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / IX / 1 / - 0975-2935

341 Sreejith D Sentiment Analysis of English Literature using Rasa-Oriented Semantic Ontology Man in India / 97 / 21 / 139 - 149 0025-1569

342 Sreejith D Sentiment Analysis of English Literature using Rasa-Oriented Semantic Ontology Indian Journal of Science and Technology / 10 / 24 / 1 - 11 0974-5645

343 Sumanjari S LOTS & HOTS-The Gym in English Language Classrooms International Journal of English: Literature, Language & Skills (IJELLS) / 7 / 1 / 177 - 181 2278-0742

344 Sumanjari S Dance, Literature & Language: The Entangle & The Swerve International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH) / 6 / 4 / 802 - 809 2321-7065

345 Sushma V Murthy Book Review: Minority Discourses in India: Narrating Centers and Peripheries Artha / 16 / 3 / 69 - 72 0975-329X

346 Anupama Nayar C V Joycean Novels- A Broad Secularizing Project Journal of Dharma / 40 / 1 / 49 - 67 0253- 7222

347 Anupama Nayar C V The Romantic Orientalists and the Nayars of Malabar: A Postcolonial Reading. NUANCES: A Journal of Humanistic Enquiry / 2 / 1 / 68 - 74 2395-0943

348 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Online Community Learning: Why does (Language) Learning without Classroom Interest Students of All Disciplines? A Case Study Journal of Education and Learning / 11 / 2 / 196 - 199 2089-9823, 2302-9277

349 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Turning Backward Hans India / / / 1 -

350 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Poems: "Still No Letters", "A Filled Void", "Those Memories", "You, Me and the Rain". Muse India / 71 / 71 / 1 - 4 0975-1815

351 John Joseph Kennedy P Politics of Centre Versus Periphery: Rohinton Mistry's triple marginal narratives in Family Matters Gandhigram Literary Review / 5 / 1 / 14 - 22 2278-8190

352 John Joseph Kennedy P A Search for Grounding source in Philosophy and Literature through the Self and the Other IOSR journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 21 / 11 / 28 - 29 2279-0837

353 John Joseph Kennedy P Transforming through Dialogue in Bernard Malamud's "The Assistant". Journal of Dharma / 42 / 1 / 67 - 84 0253-7222

354 Kishore Selva Babu Research Ethics: Inquiry To Current Educational Research International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Review / 1 / 2 / 86 - 90 2395-1877

355 Sreelatha R Dehumanization in Benyamin's Goat Days: A Narrative of the Gulf Diaspora Interdisciplinary Research Journal for Humanities / 7 / 1 / 154 - 159 2249-250X

356 Sushma V Murthy Looking Queer: Critical Frameworks for Transgender Aesthetics Gandhigram Literary Review / 5 / Summer 2016 / 45 - 54 2278-8190

357 Sweta Mukherjee Understanding Emotional Intelligence in the Language classroom The English Classroom / 18 / 1 / 115 - 126 2250-2831

358 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Exploring Silenced Subaltern Voices of Three-Fold Oppressed Dalit Women in "Akkarmashi" by Sharan Kumar Limbale: A Postcolonial Reading ROOTS (IJMR) / 2 / 3 / 13 - 15 2349-8684

359 Bhavani S Research Ethics: Inquiry To Current Educational Research International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review / 1 / 4 / 86 - 90 2395-1885

360 Daniel Gnanaraj S Identifying Identity: The Quest for Female Identity in Mukherjee?s Jasmine An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations / 4 / I / 283 - 285 2320-6101

361 John Joseph Kennedy P Literature And Social Wellbeing: An Ethical Re-Viewing Of The Inextricable Link Research Scholar -An International Refereed e-Journal of Literary Explorations / IV / II / 223 - 227 2320-6101

362 Joseph Edward Felix Being a Professional Teacher by Adopting a Reflective Approach in the Classroom Language in India / 18/2 / 18/2 / 8 - 14 1930-2940

363 Kishore Selva Babu Research Ethics: Inquiry To Current Educational Research International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review / 1 / 4 / 86 - 90 2395-1885

364 Rolla Das Intervening with Interjections: A Comprehensive Approach to Study Ambiguity in Natural Conversations Language in India / 15 / 7 / 248 - 265 1930-2940

365 Sweta Mukherjee The Impact of Learner Beliefs and Personality Types on Language Learning Strategies: An exploratory study Languaging: A journal of language teaching and language studies / 6 / 6 / 75 - 96 2229-323X

366 Abilash Chandran R The Essential Corporeality of Female Self in Contemporary Tamil Women Poets? / 4 / 1 / 1010 - 1019 2319-3174

367 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar MOOCs: A Disruptive Teaching-Learning Process in Interdisciplinary Boundaries International Journal of Language and Linguistics / 1 / 2 / 1 - 8 2374-8850, 2374-8869

368 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Digital Transactional Tools and Their Optimum Use in Language Learning: An Interdisciplinary Approach IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 19 / 11 / 49 - 52 2279-0837, 2279-0845

369 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Digital Transactional tools and Their Optimum Use in Language Learning:An Interdisciplinary Approach IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) / 19 / 11 / 49 - 52 2279-0845

370 Arya Aiyappan Artha: Journal of Social Sciences / 13 / 3 / - 0975-329

371 Bhavani S Science and Language- The Science of Teaching Language-Some Practical Tips IEEE / / / 82 - 84 978-1-4799-7238-8/14

372 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Poems: "The Days of Shadows", "Gnawing Love", "You", ?Unquenchable Thirst? Muse India / 46 / 46 / - 0975-1815

373 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Modern Oriya Literature and Translation Practices Muse India / 36 / 36 / - 0975-1815

374 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Book Review: Hip Hop Nature Boy and Other Poems by Ruskin Bond Muse India / 47 / 47 / - 0975-1815

375 Bidyut Bhusan Jena A Breeze through the Reeds Fringing a Lake of Seasons Muse India / / 60 / 1 - 6 0975-1815

376 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Poems: "The Gust of Wind", "A Footnote on Waiting", "Notes on a Relationship", "The Window was Closed Forever" Muse India / 61 / 62 / 1 - 2 0975-1815

377 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Editorial Tattva: Journal of Philosophy / 6 / 2 / 1 - 1 0975-332X

378 Christine Ann Thomas IMproving Accuracy in Business English through Integration of Social Learning Theory - An Experimental Study International Journal of Scientific Research / 03 / 01 / 115 - 116 2277-8179

379 Joseph Edward Felix The Need to Incorporate Outcome Based Teaching Methods in the Education System in India International Journal of Scientific Research / 4 / 4 / 32 - 33 2277-8179

380 Shobana Mathews Making Sense of Sound: reading the songs of Mark Knopfler as Aural Narratives English Studies International Research Journal / 2 / 1 / 52 - 54 2347-3479

381 Abhaya N B God has Signed: Nature, Divinity and Mysticism in the Poetry of Kuvempu Journal of Dharma / 39 / 1 / 39 - 46 0253-7222

382 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Exploring Liminal Images in Meena Alexander's Poems LITSEARCH / 3 / 3 / 19 - 27 2277-6990

383 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Memory as Meta-Existence: Reflections on The Sea, The Sea Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature and Language / 1 / 2 / 63 - 72 2278-9170

384 Bidyut Bhusan Jena Translating T. S. Eliot into Odia: A Critical Study of Gyanendra Verma?s Translation of Eliot?s The Waste Land LUMINAIRE / 3 / 1 / 111 - 116 2249-2542

385 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Post-colonial Gothic in Tony Morrison's Beloved Labyrinth / 3 / 3 / 156 - 159 0976-0814

386 Arul Prabaharan Gaspar Diaspora Experience between the creation and the creator: A closer look at the Diaspora connected character in Anita Desai's Fasting, Feasting Quest International Multidisciplinary Research Journal / 1 / 2 / 83 - 86 2278-44970

387 Arya Aiyappan Refracted Representations Deep Focus: Cinema / 1 / 1 / 63 - 68 2072-0373

388 Arya Aiyappan The Sign Language of Modern Hindi Cinema The New Frontier: New Literatures in English / 2 / / 119 - 129

389 Arya Aiyappan Samskaras in Hindi Cinema: A Semiotic Perspective Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / / 7 / 49 - 62 0973-8738

390 Arya Aiyappan When a Rudaali raises a Bawandar: The Marginalised get a Voice Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific / / 28 / - 1440-9151

391 John Joseph Kennedy P Rohinton Mistry's Novels as Writing Resistance: Accent on Human Rights American College Journal of English Language and Literature / 3 / 1 / 77 - 85 1725-2278-876X

392 John Joseph Kennedy P Discourse of Displacement: the subdued voices of the subaltern in Rohinton Mistry's Family Matters. Literary Explorer / 9 / 1 / - 0973-0524

393 Arya Aiyappan Urban/Rural Divide: Gender Politics in Middle Cinema in Hindi Samyukta: A Journal of Women's Studies / 9 / 2 / 72 - 82

394 John Joseph Kennedy P Bridging the Gender gap in Education - Challenges ahead Journal of Women's Studies / 2 / 2 / - NA

395 Sreejith D The Triumph of Individuality in Norman Mailer's 'The Naked and the Dead' The Indian Review of World Literature in English / 6 / 1 / 1 - 6 0974-097X

396 Chandan Kumar Discourse Of Dissent: Languaging Resistance And Consciousness In Subaltern Literatures - Dalit And Black Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 2 / 144 - 166 2534-9538

397 Dhanesh M Imagined utopias and lived dystopias: Literary imagination of the urban future in The Black Dwarves of the Good Little Bay Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences (journal) / 15 / 2 (29) / - 2069-1025

398 Dhanesh M Wounded-Breast Stories: Re-Inking Lactating Woman as an Immutable Abject Self in Select Tribal Folktales Erothanatos / 8 / 4 / - 2457-0265

399 Muskaan Adaptive Pixel Resilience: A Novel Defence Mechanism Against One-Pixel Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology / 12 / VII / 473 - 479 2321-9653

400 Nayana George Identities At The Dinner Table: Commensality, Self-Perception, And Relationships In Anne Cherian?S A Good Indian Wife Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 3 / 154 - 169 2534-9538

401 Nivea Thomas K Discourse Of Dissent: Languaging Resistance And Consciousness In Subaltern Literatures - Dalit And Black Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 2 / 144 - 166 2534-9538

402 Rajat Sebastian Politics of Symbolising Female Characters in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / - 0975-2935

403 Arya P V Cultivating Inclusivity in Social Spaces Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 27 / - 0012-9976

404 Chandan Kumar Echo Construction and Ad hoc Categories: Semantics of Group Reference in Magahi Rupkatha Journal / 15 / 2 / 1 - 16 0975-2935

405 Chandan Kumar Numeral Classifier and Plurality: The Puzzle of Quantification in Magahi Journal of South Asian Linguistics / 13 / 1 / 1 - 16 1947-8232

406 Dhanesh M The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

407 Dhanesh M The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal Of Comparative Literature And Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

408 Meghna Mudaliar Slow Violence in Vikram Chandra?s Sacred Games: An Ecocritical Reading Sic Journal of Literature, Culture, and Literary Translation / 13 / 2 / 1 - 12 1847-7755

409 Nivea Thomas K The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal Of Comparative Literature And Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

410 Nivea Thomas K The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 0252-8169

411 Rajat Sebastian Changing Ways of Watching Content: But Has Anything Changed? Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 53 / 28 / 111 - 112 0012-9976

412 Rajat Sebastian Rethinking Fate or 'Maktub' in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist through Taoism Cogent Arts and Humanities / 10 / 1 / 1 - 10 2331-1983

413 Rajat Sebastian Literary Symbolism of Wolf and its Howl in Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym Literary Voice / 1 / 21 / 169 - 175 2277-4521

414 Rajat Sebastian Redefining Photography in the Era of Artificial Intelligence Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 58 / 42 / 64 - 65 0012-9976

415 Santosh Kumar Aging Bodies and Necropower: A Critical Study of Geronticide in Tamil Films K.D. and Thalaikoothal SIC Journal of Literature, Culture, Literary Translation / 14 / 1 / - 1847-7755

416 Vidya S Cinema of Uttarakhand Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 43 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

417 Arundhathi Gender-based Spatial Segregation: Ladies' Compartments in the Mumbai Local Trains Gender, Place & Culture / NA / NA / 1 - 21 1360-0524

418 Arundhathi Travel time activities: Mobility and femininities in the ladies' compartments of the Mumbai local trains Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory / 12 / 2 / 565 - 579 2049-1115

419 Arya P V Towards Inclusivity within Knowledge and Culture Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 21 / - 0012-9976

420 Arya P V Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses Asia Pacific Education Review / / / - 1598-1037

421 Arya S Geography of madness: communitarian psychiatry and spatial logic in The Third Population Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 6 / 890 - 906 2150-4865

422 Dishari Chattaraj Forbidden Cravings: Exploring socio-cultural ramifications of food practices in Aamis Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / 2 / - 0975-2935

423 Dishari Chattaraj Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses Asia Pacific Education Review / / / - 1598-1037

424 Kekhronguu Dazo Personhood in Naga Culture Journal of North East India Studies (JNEIS) / 10 / 2 / 28 - 49 2278-1455

425 Kekhronguu Dazo "Identity, Memory and Temporal Experience in Amitav Ghosh?s Gun Island" Routledge / / / - yet to receive

426 Kekhronguu Dazo Temporality and Personhood Among Nagas of Northeast India Himalayan and Central Asian Studies / 27:2 / / - 0971-9318

427 Meghna Mudaliar Ecocritical Representation of Karen Identity in the Andaman Islands in Shubhangi Swarup?s Latitudes of Longing Agathos / 14 / 1/2 / 181 - 190 2069-1025

428 Nayana George Identity in Consumption: Reading Food and Intersectionality in Anita Desai?s Fasting, Feasting Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / 1 - 10 0975-2935

429 Nayana George Commensality and Togetherness in Becky Chambers The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / 32 / 2 / 621 - 633 1304-0057

430 Nayana George Race and Borders in Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 127 - 138 2069-1025

431 Nayana George Exploring Cross-cultural Comfort Food Narratives in Beryl Shereshewsky's YouTube Videos Journal of Creative Communications / / / 1 - 14 0973-2594

432 Nayana George The Preserver, The Arbiter, The Destroyer: The Sea as Adjudicator in Chemmeen Towards Excellence / 14 / 4 / 921 - 926 0974-035X

433 Rajat Sebastian Relevance of Symbols in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / 1 - 11 0975-2935

434 Rajat Sebastian Literary Symbolism of Mountain in Paulo Coelho's The Fifth Mountain Literary Voice / 1 / 18 / 279 - 284 2277-4521

435 Rajat Sebastian Villains and Their 'Logic' in Contemporary Films Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 53 / 4 / 63 - 64 0012-9976

436 Rajat Sebastian Race and Borders in Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 127 - 138 2069-1025

437 Santosh Kumar Disability Discourse in Hindi Literature:A Review of Jeevan Sangram ke Yoddha: Divyang Patron ki Prasiddh Kahaniyan, edited and collected by Sandhya Kumari Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies / 2 / 1 / 72 - 76

438 Sreelakshmi K M "Identity, Memory and Temporal Experience in Amitav Ghosh?s Gun Island" Routledge / / / - yet to receive

439 Yadukrishnan P T Labour migration, the Arabian Gulf, and the expanding territorial imagination in Malayalam cinema The Journal of Commonwealth Literature / 58 / 1 / 52 - 67 0021-9894

440 Arya P V The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space Smart Learning Environment / 8 / / 1 - 24 2196-7091

441 Arya P V What is Remembered in Pandemic: A Commentary on the Mediated Memories of Piety in COVID-19 Society / / / 1 - 7 1936-4725

442 Arya S On graphic mental illness narratives: an interview with Clem Martini, Tatiana Gill and Tyler Page Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics / 13 / 6 / 988 - 999 2150-4865

443 Arya S Critique of DSM, medicalisation and graphic medicine Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 2 / 233 - 247 2150-4865

444 Arya S ?Fog of Medication?: psychiatric drugs, neurochemical selves, and graphic medicine Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 5 / 681 - 696 2150-4865

445 Chandan Kumar Multiple determiners in Magahi: A case beyond Agreement Indian Journal of Language and Lingusitics / 3 / 1 / 32 - 45 2582-9726

446 Chandan Kumar Multiple Determiners in Magahi: DP Structure and the Complex N Linguistics and Literature Studies / 10 / 2 / 11 - 24 2331-642X, 2331-6438

447 Dishari Chattaraj The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space Smart Learning Environment / 8 / / 1 - 24 2196-7091

448 Dishari Chattaraj What is Remembered in Pandemic: A Commentary on the Mediated Memories of Piety in COVID-19 Society / / / 1 - 7 1936-4725

449 Gaana J Affective Geographies and the Anthropocene: Reading Shubhangi Swarup's Latitudes of Longing Journal of Dharma / 46 / 2 / 165 - 182 0253-7222

450 Nayana George Art and its Interpretation Economic and Political Weekly / 56 / 43 / 4 - 5 0012-9976

451 Nayana George Consuming Identities in Foodways Economic and Political Weekly / 57 / 16 / 65 - 66 0012-9976

452 Nayana George The Instability of the World: The Examination of Paranoia and Conspiracy in The Crying of Lot 49 IUP Journal of English Studies / 16 / 4 / 59 - 67 0973-3728

453 Nayana George John Ashbery?s Poetics of Indeterminacy: Reading Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror and As We Know Drishti: the Sight / 10 / 2 / 212 - 216 2319-8281

454 Nayana George English Textbook Analysis: Secondary Language Perspective from the Kerala State Board Towards Excellence / 14 / 1 / 410 - 416 0974-035X

455 Nayana George Memories of Trips and Tea: Sips of Remembrance in Rishad Saam Mehta's Hot Tea Across India Literary Voice / 1 / 17 / 194 - 200 2277-4521

456 Rajat Sebastian "One World One People": Post-Truth Politics and Rebellion in Marvel?s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Literary Voice / 2 / 13 / 314 - 319 2277-4521

457 Rashmi Sawhney Filmic Afterlives: Considerations on the Uncanny India International Centre Quarterly / 47 / 3 & 4 / - 0379-9771

458 Renu Elizabeth Abraham Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 13 / 2 / 1 - 13 0975-2935

459 Renu Elizabeth Abraham Acculturation and Holistic Development in Children in India: Educative Possibilities of Children?s Edutainment Magazines in English New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship / / / 1 - 17 1740-7885

460 Renu Elizabeth Abraham The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / - 0975-2935

461 Santosh Kumar Book review: RESISTANCE or misguided beliefs of invincibility Research and Humanities in Medical Education (RHiME) / 9 / / 4 - 6 2350-0565

462 Arya P V Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 2200-2014

463 Arya P V Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario Journal of Computers in Education / / / - 2197-9987

464 Arya S Sequential sadness: Metaphors of depression in clay jonathan?s depression comix Media Watch / 12 / 1 / 33 - 45 0976-0911

465 Arya S Eye of the beholder': Psychiatric medical reasoning, narrative humility, and graphic medicine Rupkatha / 13 / 2 / 1 - 13 NA

466 Dhanesh M Spaces, Semantics, and ?Aesthetic Faculty?: Perspectives on Their Operative Plane of Concurrence, Constitution and Becoming SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH / 9 / 3 / 135 - 157 2582-3574

467 Dhanesh M Performance-Narrative-Truth: On the Performativity of Life and the Problematics of News in the Late Capitalism Era Littcrit / / / - 0970-8049

468 Dishari Chattaraj Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 2200-2014

469 Dishari Chattaraj Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario Journal of Computers in Education / / / - 2197-9987

470 Dishari Chattaraj Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 2200-2014

471 Dishari Chattaraj Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario Journal of Computers in Education / / / - 2197-9987

472 Gaana J 'Amphibious Hisotriography': Reading Samanth Subramanian's Following Fish: Travels around the Indian Coast (2010) through the Actor-Network Theory Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 3 / 252 - 262 0975-2935

473 Gaana J At the Interface of Colonial Knowing and Unknowing: A Critical Reading of the Golden Camellia in Amitav Ghosh?s River of Smoke South Asian Review / / / 1 - 13 2573-9476

474 Gaana J 'Kew'rious Gardens: Of Literary Isolations, Mobility, and Curiosity in Virginia Woolf's "Kew Gardens" Literary Geographies / 6 / 2 (2020) / 165 - 171 2397-1797

475 Gaana J The Interstitial Representation of Militaristic Masculinity in Amitav Ghosh's 'Flood of Fire' Frame Journal of Literary Studies / 33 / 2 / 165 - 171 0924-7750

476 Rashmi Sawhney Women at Work: The Cultural and Creative Industries Studies in South Asian Film and media / / 11, 2 / - 1756-493X, 1756-4921

477 Rashmi Sawhney Escaping the Future Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 39 / - 2349-8846, 0012-9976

478 Santosh Kumar Limelight in the Dark Times: Jyoti Kumari's 'Cylothon' Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 35 / 73 - 74 0012-9976

479 Santosh Kumar Introduction: Inaugural Issue of InJCDS 2020 Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies / 1 / 1 / 2 - 11

480 Sonia Ghalian Book Review: Indian Film Stars, edited by Michael Lawrence ( Publisher: British Film Institute) SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English / 58 / 1 / - 0127-046X

481 Anagha Biju unveiling Trauma and Experiences of Disability through Cartoons and diary Writing in "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" Research Journey / / 243 / 20 - 24 2348-7143

482 Chandan Kumar NP/DP Parameter and Classifier Languages: A Case of Magahi The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies / 1 / 1 / - 2717-5413

483 Devaleena Kundu Transacting Death: José Saramago?s Death at Intervals and the Politics of the Death Industry THANATOS / 8 2/2019 / / 203 - 216 2242-6280

484 Devaleena Kundu Churching Online: A Study on Religious Authority and Tourism in a Digital Age Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies / 14 / 1 / 47 - 81 0975-3281

485 Dhanesh M Towards the New Paradigm of Existence, Human to Posthuman: Reflections on Subash Chandran?s A Preface to Man. SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH, / 8 / 1 / 203 - 211 2582-3574

486 Dishari Chattaraj Strategies for Facilitating Listening Skills among Foreign Language Learners in US Universities International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research / 19 / 4 / 150 - 169 1694-2116

487 Gaana J Editorial Artha-Journal of Social Sciences / 18 / 3 / - 0975-329X

488 Meghna Mudaliar Rethinking Romanticism: Frankenstein, The X-Files, and the Postmodern Prometheus Literary Endeavour / X / 3 / 291 - 298 0976-299X

489 Meghna Mudaliar Innovations in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation: An Overview of Processes Undertaken at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology / XI / XII / 797 - 807 1006-7930

490 Rajat Sebastian Women and Action: The Representation of Hollywood Superhuman Film Wonder Woman Labyrinth / 10 / 3 / 135 - 144 0976-0814

491 Rashmi Sawhney Decolonising Cultural Studies Artha: Journal of Social Sciences / 18 / 3 / 25 - 42 0975-329X

492 Santosh Kumar Book Review: Disability and Mothering: Liminal Spaces of Embodied Knowledge. Cynthia Lewiechi-Wilson and Jen Cellio (Eds.) Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2011. Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding (Gender and Disability) / 5 / 1 / - 2582-7871

493 Chandan Kumar The Negative Particle na/ne and non-Negation in Magahi Journal of South Asian Studies / 24 / 2 / 89 - 128 1598-1061

494 Dhanesh M On the Politics of Trauma and the Politics of Affect: Theorising the Strategy of Post-Truth Politics (International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities / 6 / 12 / 1537 - 1548 2321-7065

495 Dhanesh M Difference/Multiplicity/Resistance: On the Nature of Subaltern Studies GNOSIS / 5 / 2 / 142 - 150 2394-0131

496 Gaana J A History of the Future: Time-Travel, Technology, Dystopia, and Postcolonial Anxiety in Vandana Singh's 'Delhi' Artha- Journal of Social Sciences / 17 / 3 / 73 - 97 0975-329X

497 Meghna Mudaliar Anthony Minghella and Madama Butterfly: A Conversation with Sir Mark Elder Libri: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation. / 7 / 1 / 24 - 28 2068-0627

498 Meghna Mudaliar "Now that's The Music Talking": Musical Narratology, Fetishistic Emblems And Authentic Self-Representation in Anthony Minghella's The Talented Mr Ripley IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 7 / 4 / 341 - 359 2321-7065

499 Rashmi Sawhney Editorial: Trajectories of the Moving Image in South Asia Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 191 - 201

500 Rashmi Sawhney Shadowing the Image Archive: In Media Res, Inside Nalini Malani's Shadow Plays Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 324 - 334 2045-6298

501 Rashmi Sawhney Experimenta: Instigating a Counter-Cultural Film Platform in Bangalore. Shai Heredia in Conversation with Rashmi Sawhney. Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 286 - 297 2045-6298, 2045-6301

502 Sucheth P R Bhashaasangarshangalum Sahithyavum Raashtranthareeya Parisarangalil? (?Linguistic Conflicts and Literature in Transnational Contexts Malayala Pachcha / 1 / 8 / 220 - 233

503 Chandan Kumar Plurality in Magahi language and reference to count/mass noun Language in India / 18 / 3 / 67 - 85 1930-2940

504 Chandan Kumar Location of identity in language contact and replacement: A case of Hindiized Magahi and Magahi Language in India / 17 / 11 / 60 - 79 1930-2940

505 Chandan Kumar Noun Particle /-wa/: A definite bare classifier in Magahi Interdisciplinary journal of Linguistics / 11 / / 166 - 186 0974-3421

506 Chandan Kumar Structure of Relative clause: A comparative study of Hindi and Magahi Aligarh Journal of Linguistics / 7 / 2 / 155 - 172 2249-1511

507 Dhanesh M I in the Eye: Situating Narcissistic Drive in a Sociology of Functional Governance The Creative Launcher / 3 / 1 / 526 - 530 2455-6580

508 Dhanesh M Imagining Post-Nation: Role of Technology, Discursive Practices and Popular Media. International Journal of English Lanugage Literature and Humanities-IJELLH / 5 / 12 / 2 - 10 2321-7065

509 Sucheth P R The Evolution of the Aesthetics of Migration Literature: A Historical Mapping Research Journal of English Language and Literature: A Peer Reviewed International Journal / 5 / 3 / 631 - 637 2395-2636, 2321-3108

510 Sucheth P R Problematisation of Ethnicity in Indian Novels in English in the Era of Transnationalism Journal of Higher Education & Research Society A Refereed International / 6 / 1 / 703 - 711 2349-0209

511 Vidya S Growing Number of Sexual Violence against Women in Kerala The Criterion: An International Journal in English / 9 / 1 / 239 - 245 0976-8165

512 Chandan Kumar Particle 'wa' and its various linguistics and sociolinguistics implication in Magahi Interdisciplinary journal of Linguistics / 9 / / 150162 - 0974-3421

513 Gaana J Orality and the Archive: Teaching the Partition of India through Oral Histories Radical Teacher / 105 (2016) / / 44 - 53 1941-0832

514 Gaana J Narrativising an English Department Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 15 / 38 / 41 - 65 0975-329X

515 Meghna Mudaliar The Gendered Self and the Invention of the Kashmiri Identity in "I, Lalla" The Quint: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the North / 8 / 3 / 225 - 235 1920-1028

516 Santosh Kumar Gilchrist's Grammar: A Tool of Colonialism Indian Linguistics / 76 / 3-4 / 57 - 70 0378-0759

517 Santosh Kumar An Interview with Prof Anita Ghai Language and Language Teaching / 5 / 10 / 46 - 52 2277-307X

518 Shaheen Ebrahimkutty A V Life behind the locked door: The Feminine Psyche in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things IEAE DIGITAL LIBRARY / Kadambari12 / Kadambari12 / 1 - 3

519 Surya Kiran Animals in Life of Pi and the Ethics of Othering Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures / / / 43 - 51 0974-7370

520 Surya Kiran The Politics of Space in A Fine Balance The Criterion: An International Journal In English / / 8 / 404 - 415 0976-8165

521 Vidya S The Protesting Lens: Elements of Third Cinema in Abbas Kiarostami's Ten Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) / 4 / 3 / 578 - 581 2395-2636, 2321-3108

522 Dhanesh M Power and the Dialectics of Appropriation: An Analysis of Power Operations in the World of Micros. Singularities / 3 / 1 / 135 - 140 2348-3369

523 Surya Kiran Social Control and Formation of Dystopias in Ballardian Short Stories Singularities / / / 186 - 192 2348-3369

524 Vidya S Children in Iranian Cinema Witness: The Analytical Journal of India / 16 / 04 / 18 - 19 2277-8918

525 Dhanesh M The Old Wine in New Bottles?: An Evaluation of Contemporary Discourses and Their Creation of Gendered Spaces. International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities / 2 / 9 / 48 - 59 2321-7065

526 Vidya S Role of Women in Iranian Cinema English Activities Update / 5 / 2 / 81 - 87 0976-3643

527 Gaana J Visual Culture, Spectatorship and Humanitarian Disaster: "Vanni Eli" and the Representation of the Sri Lankan Civil War SAGE Journal of Creative Communication / 7 / 1 & 2 / 121 - 134 0973-2586

528 Gaana J Ec(h)o-narrating Stories: Ecological Thought and Metanarrativity in Folktales Journal of Dharma / 39 (1) / 1 / 71 - 84 0253-7222

529 Gaana J Borders of the Abject: Gender, Transgression and Subjectivity in the Poetry of Imthiaz Dharker Literaria / 1 / 1 / 85 - 102 2229-4600

530 Indumathi S Do Koreans hate Indians? Fact checking viral online videos calling out Korean racism Media Asia / / / - 2377-6277

531 Jais Merlin P Augustine Development through ICT: A study on teachers? perspectives on challenges in online education for tribal students amid COVID-19 Multidisciplinary Science Journal, / 7 / 1 / 1 - 10 2675-1240

532 Parashurama Kamath Development through ICT: A study on teachers? perspectives on challenges in online education for tribal students amid COVID-19 Multidisciplinary Science Journal, / 7 / 1 / 1 - 10 2675-1240

533 Indumathi S Beyond Bollywood and Hindi: making a case for other language films in India Media Asia / / / - 2377-6277

534 Indumathi S Romance and Hitchcock? Viewing master of suspense as master of romance Studies in European Cinema / / / - 1741-1548

535 Indumathi S Representation Of Gender And Childcare In Popular Indian Advertisements From 2011 To 2021 Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies / 18 / 1 / 21 - 27 0973-9688

536 Jais Merlin P Augustine Pandemic Communication through Public Service Broadcasters: A Study on Strategies of Covid-19 awareness creation in Kerala Communication and Journalism Research / / / 105 - 116 2348-5663

537 Krishnapriya T K Examining Motherhood and Son-preference in Colonial Bengal: A Textual Analysis of Tagore?s Chokher Bali and Jogajog Gitanjali and Beyond / 1 / 6 / 45 - 61 2399-8733

538 Indumathi S "National cinema" in India: exploring myths and realities Media Asia / / / - 2377-6277

539 Indumathi S Reimagining North Korea in a new frame: review of the series Crash Landing on You (2019) Media Asia / / / - 2377-6277

540 Indumathi S Rom-coms In Neo-liberal Hollywood: A Formulaic Approach That Affects The Perception Of Love Among Viewers Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies / 15 / 3 / 22 - 29 0973-9688

541 Indumathi S Immortality and beyond: review of the film Seo Bok Media Asia / / / - 2377-6277

542 Indumathi S Media in everyday life: review of the series Reply 1988 Media Asia / / / - 2377-6277

543 Indumathi S Co-operative Movement in India: An Alternative Paradigm for Democratic Participation Deeksha: Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal of Social Work / 19 / 1 / 38 - 59 2250-3919

544 Krishnapriya T K The Parrot's Training in the pandemic: fallacies in India's educational response to COVID-19 Asia Pacific Education Review / 23 / June 2022 / 285 - 296 1598-1037

545 Krishnapriya T K ?Through their eyes, I can work? ? rural physicians' perceptions about mobile phone use among community health workers ? a qualitative analysis Health Education / 122 / 2 / 180 - 201 0965-4283

546 Krishnapriya T K Relocating colonial women in resistance: An interpretation of Rabindranath Tagore?s Nastanirh and chaturanga Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 13 / 2 / 1 - 10 0975-2935

547 Neelatphal Chanda Creation and Consumption of Cultural Artefacts in the age of Insta-Culture Journal of Content, Community & Communication / 13 / 1 / 255 - 262 2456-9011

548 Ashwini Arvind Falnikar Bt cotton and the voices of the widows in the face of farmer-suicides Journal of International and Intercultural Communication / 14 / 2 / 95 - 111 1751-3065

549 Ashwini Arvind Falnikar Hindu nationalism and media violence in news discourses in India First Amendment Studies / 54 / 2 / 250 - 260 2168-9733

550 Deepak B J The Internet's potential: A study of Indian news sites SEARCH (Malaysia) / 12 / 2 / 39 - 57 2672-7080

551 Deepak B J Mediamorphosis of Regional Newspapers: Utilization of the Internet?s Potential by Kannada Media Asia Pacific Media Educator / 30 / 1 / 1 - 18 1326-365X

552 Ashwini Arvind Falnikar Critical Health Communication Method as Embodied Practice of Resistance: Culturally Centering Structural Transformation Through Struggle for Voice Frontiers / 4 / / - 1663-4365

553 Ajay Kumar Developing Reflective Practitioners Incorporating Faculty Research Into Management Education Curriculum Aweshkar / 26 / 1 / 68 - 79 0974-1119

554 Anil Kumar P Service-Learning: A Curriculum for Deliberations and Demonstrations International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 06 / 02 / 28 - 34 2349-5138

555 Jais Merlin P Augustine Mediated Health Communication in Kerala: An Audience Perception Communication and Media studies / 8 / 1 / 97 - 106 2395-1559

556 Anil Kumar P Video for Change: Adolescent Video Active Girls (VAG) Project Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 09 / 01 / 100 - 106 0975-6795

557 Jais Merlin P Augustine Evaluation of rural health communication: A micro level study of MR vaccination campaign in Kerala strategies: A micro-level study of MR vaccination campaign in Kerala Communication and Media studies / 7 / 1 / 73 - 86 2395-1559

558 Neelatphal Chanda Media Education and Media Literacy: Conceptualising the significance of critical and twenty-first-century literacies in media education Journal of Content, Community and Communication / 5 / / 2225 - 2225 2395-7514

559 Neelatphal Chanda Communication, Technology and Community: Envisaging an ICT Development Model in North-East India INTELLECTION / v / / 01 - 06 2319-8192

560 Jais Merlin P Augustine The role of mass media in rural health communication: A micro level study in Kerala Communication and Media studies Journal / 6 / 1 / 61 - 72 2395-1559

561 Neelatphal Chanda Integrating Classical Language to Modern Media Platforms: A Multimodal Approach towards Mainstreaming Sanskrit International Journal of Social Sciences and Management / 4 / 1 (2017) / - 2091-2986

562 Jais Merlin P Augustine Lifestyle disease communication in Health magazines ? a content analytical study on Manorama Arogyam and Mathrubhumi Arogyamasika Communication and Media studies / 5 / 1 / 73 - 80 2395-1559

563 Indumathi S Why Remakes? A Critical Discourse Into The Trend of Remakes And Reboots In Hollywood Using Star Trek As A Case Study Pariprashna Academic journal / / / - 0976-7150

564 Parashurama Kamath Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives with Special Reference to Industries in Dakshina Kannada in Karnataka Aspirare, An International Journal of Commerce & Management / 1 / 1 / 28 - 41 2394-0484

565 Aghil P Komban Navigating Precarity: Corporeal Vulnerability In The Gulf Migrant Experience Dhimahi / 25 / 5 / 131 - 138 0976-3066

566 Aghil P Komban The complexities of home and belonging in the Gulf-Malayalee experience: a close reading of Salim Ahamed?sPathemari (2015) CONTINUUM: JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES / / / - 1030-4312

567 Ajitha Krishnaprasad Perspectives of Teaching Poetry- To Facilitate Students Derive Aesthetic and Contemplative Appeal Journal of Education and Informatics Research / / / - 1526-4726

568 Marshal R Beyond the Stereotype: Complex Masculinities in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema Bodhi International Journal Of Research In Humanities, Arts And Science / / / - 2456-5571

569 Ajitha Krishnaprasad Generalized p-Transmuted Neutrosophic Distributions: Theory and its Applications International Journal of Neutrosophic Science / 24 / 3 / 201 - 219 2692-6148

570 Kiran Mamgain Domestic Violence against Women in the Name of Set of Beliefs, Culture, and Traditions in A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum Journal of Informatics Education and Research / 4 / 1 / 273 - 280 1526-4726

571 Marshal R The Impact of Blended Instruction on Secondary School Students' Academic Growth and Critical Thinking biogecko / / / - 2230-5807

572 Vinod Michael The Problems and Challenges to English Language Teaching In India: A Review Using Schwab's Curriculum Commonplace' Framework South India Journal of Social Sciences / 21.7 / XXI, 7, July-Decembe / - 94 0972-8945

573 Jithin Devassy An Empirical Study on Syllabus Design and English Language Teaching at Calicut University International Journal of Literacy, Culture and Language Education. / 3 / 3 / 39 - 56 2642-4002

574 Latha K Linguistic Shifts Caused by COVID-19 Epidemic in Twitter BioGecko / 12 / 03 2023 / 6146 - 6156 2230-5807

575 Sudeesh K Decoding the Master Code: An Analysis on the Elusive Feminine and the Evasive Moral Agent in Akira Kurosawa?s Rashomon Dialogist: International Journal of Literary Studies and Interdisciplinary Research / / / - 2583-1836

576 Sudeesh K Chasing the Cultural Matrix of Comedic Crime Sequences: A Study on the Comic Configuration of Crime in Malayalam Cinema IUN Journal of Social Sciences / IV / 1 / 43 - 53 2395-3128

577 Sudeesh K The Many Layers of Drishyam: Questions of Law, Desires and the Organically Uprooted Existence of a Family Man Dimapur Government College Journal / 1 / 5 / 76 - 84 2349-8269

578 Arun D M Leon Trotsky's Views on Literature The Literary Herald / 1 / 2 / 52 - 59 2454-3365

579 Julia Oinam A Study on the Effects of Online Gaming on Youth International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) / 7 / 6 / 1 - 10 2582-3930

580 Julia Oinam Age of Digitalization and The Shifting Terrain of Communication and Entertainment: A Review on Utilization and Dependency on Internet. European Chemical Bulletin / / / 8439 - 8448 2063-5346

581 Julia Oinam The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Consumer Purchasing Decisions European Economic Letters / 14 / 2 / 356 - 365 2323-5233

582 Biju K C A Study on Voyeuristic Culture Using Virtual Reality and its Effects in an Individual's Behaviour Industrial Engineering Journal / 15 / 10 / 619 - 623 0970-2555

583 Biju K C Exploring 3D painting and Joyful Learning with Virtual Reality Tilt Brush European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine / 10 / 1 / 1653 - 1671 2515-8260

584 Julia Oinam Portrayal of Women in Indian TV Advertisement International Education and Research Journal / 8 / 6 / 4 - 6 2454-9916

585 Julia Oinam Impact of stereotypes shown through Indian Classic Cinema TIJER International Research Journal / 10 / 5 / 930 - 948 2349-9249

586 Julia Oinam Impact of Daily Soaps on Women International Journal of Novel Research and Development / 8 / 5 / 440 - 442 2456-4184

587 Julia Oinam Analyzing the Change in Advertising Techniques for Small Businesses on Instagram International Journal of Novel Research and Development / 8 / 5 / 28 - 38 2456-4184

588 Julia Oinam Online gaming and youth: A study of ICT-mediated engagements and psychological effects International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts / 11 / 4 / 902 - 909 2320-2882

589 Julia Oinam A Comparative Review of the Study of Internet Addiction among Higher Secondary School Students nternational Journal of Early Childhood Special Education / 14 / 08 / 3070 - 3076 1308-5581

590 Rajashekar D A comparative analysis of public and private reality shows: a study on audience perception Department of Philosophy: Rabindra Bharati University / XXIV / 1, 2023 / - 0973-0087

591 Rajashekar D A study on changing trends in public and private channel serial programming formats in Karnataka Education and Society / 47 / / - 2278-6864

592 Rajashekar D Impact of e-education on employment opportunities - A study d, UGC CARE Listed ( Group -I) Journal Volume 11,S Iss 3, Dec 2022 / 11 / / - 2320 7876

593 Julia Oinam The Impact Of Public Service Announcement ? A Study Of The Outcomes During Covid - 19 International Education and Research Journal / 8 / 5 / 81 - 82 2454-9916

594 Biju K C Symbols of Chittara and its Contextual Relevance in the Society Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary / 4 / 10 / 101 - 132 2319-2801

595 Biju K C An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Mind-Mapping Samyoga / 10 / 1 / 1 - 9 2231-3362

596 Nirmala M N Out of Frame: The State and Film Labour in the Indian Film Industry The Indian Journal of Labour Economics / 56 / 3 / - 0019-5308



Sl.No. Author/Co-Author Type of Work Title of the Paper Title of Book/Chapter/Article/Case Study ISSN Academic Year
1 SAURABH DAS,ROMITA HANDA,DR VARSHA JAIN,DR AMIT KARAMCHANDANI Conference Proceedings Marketing in the Digital Age: Navigating Disruptions and Embracing Innovations Politics of Gendered Beauty: Misrepresentation(s) in Global Cosmetic Branding: Analysing the Discourses through Feminist and Social Constructivist Approaches 978-93-89934-72-4 2025
2 PAOLO PACCIOLLA (3801) Text book Enlivening Rhythms. Drumming in ritual performances of contemporary Kerala 9788119380220 2024
3 NEELATPHAL CHANDA,FLORIBERT PATRICK C. ENDONG Reference book Global Perspectives on Soccer and the Media and Entertainment Industry The Nexus between Football, Media, and Political Elites: Exploring Interactions, Influence, and Implications 9798369342985 2024
4 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Conference Proceedings Nishpatti Janapadaru Kandante Sharanaru 978-93-92427-86-2 2024
5 KRISHNAPRIYA T K (4479) Text book Digital Inequalities in Media Education in South Asia: Context and Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic Higher Education in Maldives amidst the Pandemic: An Intersectional Approach to Digital Education 9781032557526 2024
6 KRISHNAPRIYA T K,DR PADMA RANI,DR MANJUSHREE NAIK, DR. IOANNA FERRA,DR. FENIA FERRA,DR. KORINNA PATELIS,DR. ATHINA KARATZOGIANNI Text book Future Feminisms: Biolabour, Technofeminist Care, and Transnational Strategies 'Mere Paas Maa Hai (I Have My Mother)?: A Systematic Review of Myths and Realities of Motherhood in India 978-1-83797-415-3 2024
7 DHANESH M (3188) Reference book O. V. Vijayan: The Critical Insider (1st Edition) Orality, Literacy, and Modernity: A Reading of 'The Legends of Khasak' 9780367715748 2024
8 VIDYA SASIKUMAR Reference book Gender Voices: Narratives of New Dimensions (A Multidisciplinary Approach) Jafar Panahis Cinematic Resistance: Embracing the Spirit of Third Cinema in the Circle and Beyond ISBN: 978-93-6389-473-0 2024
9 NEELATPHAL CHANDA,VIKASH CHAUHAN,TANU SINGH,SOUMI DUTTA,SONALI VYAS,ÁLVARO ROCHA Reference book Explainable AI for Education: Recent Trends and Challenges A Path Analysis Model of Responsible Usage of AI and Its Effectiveness on the Quality of Education: Perspective from India 978-3-031-72409-1 2024
10 RESHMA M L (4630) Reference book Ikkisween Sadi ki Hindi Kavita Mein Vyangya 978-93-48200-88-4 2024
11 RAJASHEKAR D Text book NEXT-GEN JOURNALISTS GUIDE _ Art of storytelling, Mojo and Data journalism 978-93-6389-065 2024
12 SHARON J Text book Antara Antara: Between Cultures, Across Languages 979-8-89475-044-6 2024
13 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Sneha Sindhu Kailasam Avara Tollugattiya Avalokana 978-93-92427-59-6 2024
14 SHIVANAND TAVALI (4588) Reference book Sneha Sindhu Bahumukha Vyaktitvada Pradhyapakaru 978-93-92427-59-6 2024
15 SUDEESH K,JOSEPH CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY, MADHUMATI DESHPANDE Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism, Rise of the Lynch Mob, and Cultural Censorship 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
16 AASITA BALI,ARISHMITA ADITYA,RAJARSHI MAHAPATRA,SIDDHARTHA BHATTACHARYYA,AVISHEK NAG Reference book Intelligent Communication Networks Emerging World of the Metaverse: An Indian Perspective 9781003303114 2024
17 DHANESH M (3188) Conference Proceedings Proceedings of the CUNY Games Conference 10.0 Playing it out: Imagining Urban Studies Course through Gamified Learning Experiences 2024
18 LATHA K (3637) Conference Proceedings International Conference - Cum - Workshop on Language and Literature (ICWLL 2024) Role of English Language for Engineering Students 2024
19 DHANESH M (3188) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism and Digital Public Spaces 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
20 BIDYUT BHUSAN JENA Reference book The Big Book of Odia Literature, Edited by Manu Dash. I have my translations in it. Translations 978-0-143-46334-4 2024
21 RUCHIRA DATTA,PRADEEP SINGH, BENDANGWAPANG AO, NABAJYOTI DEKA, ,CHANDER MOHAN, CHHETAN CHHOIDUB Reference book Food Security in a Developing World: Status Challenges and Opportunities Food Security and its Impact on Society: Cases of Developing World 978-3-031-57282-1. 2024
22 MARSHAL R,PARDEEP SINGH Reference book Food Security in a Developing World: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities Food Security and Its Impact on Society: Cases of Developing World 9783031572821 2024
23 LATHA K ,PARDEEP SINGH Reference book Food security in a developing world:Status, Challenges and Opportunities Food Security and Its Impact on Society: Cases of Developing World 9783031572821 2024
24 RUCHIRA DATTA,PARDEEP SINGH Reference book Food Security in A Developing World: Status, Challenges and Opportunities Food Security and Its Impact on Society: Cases of Developing World 9783031572821 2024
25 DHANESH M (3188) Reference book Oxford Bibliographies Online Black Atlantic 2024
26 NARESH RAO H (98) Reference book Handbook of Digital Journalism- Perspectives from South Asia Ethics of Digital Journalism 978-981-99-6675-2 2024
27 NEELATPHAL CHANDA,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century YouTube and News Curation: Transformation of Populist Media Over the Years 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
28 BIJU K C,VISHNU ACHUTHA MENON,ROHIT BANSAL,AZIZA CHAKIR,ABDUL HAFAZ NGAH,FAZLA RABBY,AJAY JAIN Reference book AI Algorithms and ChatGPT for Student Engagement in Online Learning ChatGPT and Virtual Experience: Student Engagement in Online Script Writing - An Experimental Investigation Among Media Students 9798369342688 2024
29 SUCHETH P R (3149) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism and Museums 978-981-16-9859-0(Print) 978-981-16-9859-0(Onlin 2024
30 MEGHNA MUDALIAR (1617) Reference book Teaching Black Speculative Fiction: Equity, Justice, and Antiracism Reading and Engaging with Kacen Callender's Moonflower through Intersectional Pedagogies 100339129X 2024
31 SUCHETH P R (3149) Reference book Aesthetics of Contemporary Travel Writing 978-93-93052-46-9 2024
32 SHOBANA MATHEWS,DSVID A I MARTIN,ROBERT GALIN Reference book REMEMBERING ECHOES IN MIND AND HEART From Pastiche to Palimpsest: Reading Bangalore?s Layered History through the Microcosm of Koshy? Coffee House ISBN: 978-1-7395597-0-0 2024
33 RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM (604) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Digital Archives: The Politics of Everyday and the Ordinary 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
34 JEHOSON JIRESH J (3712) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Dravidian and Dalit Populist Cinema: Democratising the Tamil Film Space using Convictional Aestheticism 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
35 ABILASH CHANDRAN R (2209) Text book Novel Ezhuthum Kalai 978-93-95511-74-2 2024
36 MUSKAAN Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Between Populist Rhetoric: Linguistic Ingenuity and Mirage of Progress eBook ISBN 978-981-99-7802-1, Hardcover ISBN 978-9 2024
37 CHANDAN KUMAR,NIVEA THOMAS K,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism and Folk Performance 978-981-16-9859-0 2024
38 JULIA OINAM (4004) Reference book India's Presidency of G20: Leading the World Accountability of Digital MediaDuring the Pandemic: A Survey of Funding for Health Services and Distriution of Goods 978-81-9674-84-8 2023
39 ARYA AIYAPPAN (720) Reference book Gender and Popular Visual Culture in India: 'Benevolent' Sexism and Disguised Discrimination Decrypting "Free" Expression: AMMA-WCC Conflict and Comment Culture Rattling Malayalam Film Industry 978-1-032-56144-8 2023
40 ARYA AIYAPPAN (720) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Padmarajan?s Middle Films and Populism: A Paradox 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
41 JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY P,GIFTY JOSEPH Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Slam Poetry and the Politics of Template 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
42 SHANTHARAJU S,JYOTIRMOY PATHAK Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Communicating Through Sports: A Populist Take 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
43 EDWIN JEEVARAJ A,JOSEPH CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY ET. AL. Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Disability and Populism 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
44 KEKHRONGUU DAZO,SREELAKSHMI KM,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG, UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO, USA Text book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populism, Democracy and Dissent 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
45 ASHWATHI (3555) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
46 YADUKRISHNAN P T,VIDYA S,J. CHACKO CHENNATTUSERRY ET AL. (EDS.) Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Populist Imaginations in Contemporary Malayalam Cinema 978-981-16-9859-0 2023
47 AJAY KUMAR,JOSEPH C C,MADHUMATI DESHPANDE,PAUL HONG Reference book Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century Green Populism and Visual Culture 978-981-16-9859-0 2023