


MA, MPhil

 Print Profile

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
1 Supermodels in the Making Society Monthly 01/05/2004
2 Any Rubbish I Write Gets Published: Khushwant Singh Comes Clean Society Monthly 01/05/2004
3 Fashion Fame Society Monthly 01/01/2004
4 Horse Play Society Monthly 01/01/2004
Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 The Political Uncertainties of the United Kingdom-2022 and Stock Market Reactions: An Event Study Analysis for LSE and Other Major European Stock Markets Editorial System - University of Pardubice Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series 13-May-2024 / / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article The Political Uncertainties of the United Kingdom-2022 and Stock Market Reactions: An Event Study Analysis for LSE and Other Major European Stock Markets
Name of Journal Editorial System - University of Pardubice Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series
Volume No
Issue No
Page No -
URL https://editorial.upce.cz/scipap
Indexing Agency ABDC and SCOPUS
Date of Publication 13-May-2024
2 The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 01-May-2022 14 / 2 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Author Name (s) RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM (604)
Title of Article The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series
Name of Journal Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Volume No 14
Issue No 2
Page No -
URL http://rupkatha.com/
Indexing Agency Web of Science and Scopus
Date of Publication 01-May-2022
3 Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 27-Jun-2021 13 / 2 / 1-13

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Sole
Title of Article Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing
Name of Journal Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Volume No 13
Issue No 2
Page No 1-13
URL http://rupkatha.com/
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 27-Jun-2021
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title of Chapter/Article ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Case Study ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
Sl.No. Title Place of Publication ISBN No. Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Moderator/Chair Illness, Wellness & Fitness: Rethinking Medical Humanities in the Age of Precarity 20/01/2025 Christ University National
2 Conference Presenter International Conference on Litetarture, Society and Global Media Generative AI and the ?Postanthropocentric?: A Critical Reflection on the Post-literary and Technoutopian Digital Media 13/09/2024 Jain University International
3 Seminar Moderator/Chair Urban Labyrinths: Cultural Perspectives on City Spaces 16/03/2024 Christ University National
4 Conference Presenter Modernities Redefined: Perspectives from South Asia Creating a Sustainable Eco-verses: Negotiating Climate Emotions through Eco-Storytelling 22/02/2024 Gitam University International
5 Conference Moderator/Chair Ecospective: Ecological Discourses in South Asia 11/01/2024 Christ University National
6 Seminar Presenter Posthumanism: Towards a U/(Dys)topia Generative AI and the Postanthropocentric: A Posthumanist Reading of Technocentric Creativity 14/11/2023 University of Calicut International
7 Symposium Participant Translation in the Indian Scenario: Practices and Promises in the Twentieth Century 09/10/2023 Christ University National
8 Seminar Panelist A Seminar on A Prelude to Indian English Literature 07/09/2023 St Phiomena's College, Mysuru Regional
9 Symposium Participant Cinematic Cultures: Intersection of Film and Society 25/03/2023 Christ University National
10 Conference Moderator/Chair Vachana 23: Fol-verse: Exploring Folk Cultures in the 21st Century 10/01/2023 Christ University National
11 Conference Moderator/Chair Wonderland of Pictures and Conversations: Reimagining Children in/and of Graphic Narratives from East Asia 27/10/2022 Christ University National
12 Seminar Panelist Lumiere O Lit A Seminar on Exploring Cultures and Society in the 21 Century Literature 12/09/2022 Bangalore City University National
13 Symposium Panelist Research Colloquium on 'New Approaches to Children's Literature' 28/01/2022 Shreemati Nathibhai Damodar Thackeray Women's University, Mumbai National
14 Seminar Participant NEP: The Road Ahead - "Transforming Higher Education in India" 27/01/2022 Christ University National
15 Conference Convenor International Conference on Children and Childhood: Imaginaries in Children's Literature and Films in India and Other Asias 11/11/2021 Christ University International
16 Conference Presenter International e-Conference on Contemporary Trends and Development in Cultural Studies and the Humanities Decentred Fandoms: Theorising of Online Hindi Television Fandoms in India 22/10/2021 New Literaria; Department of History, Humanities and Society, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy and Department of English, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, India International
17 Seminar Participant Rethinking South India: Cultural Traditions and Knowledge Structures 11/09/2020 Manasa Trust and Kateel Ashok Pai Memorial College, Shimoga National
18 Conference Participant Translation and the Glocal: Texts, Identity, Politics and Cultural Survival 27/08/2020 Department of English, Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand International
19 Seminar Participant Journeying through Wonderlands: What's so Popular about Alice and Tintin 21/08/2020 Department of English and IQAC, Shyamprasad College, Calcutta National
20 Seminar Participant Recontextualizing Gender 01/07/2020 Marivanios College, Trivandrum International
21 Conference Moderator/Chair Synthesize Interdisciplinary Conference 11/12/2019 Christ University International
22 Seminar Panelist Writing for Media and Research Heuristics 14/10/2019 Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies National
23 Symposium Participant Rethinking English Studies: The Cultural Turn and Its Possibilities 14/02/2019 Christ University National
24 Conference Presenter National Conference on English Language Teaching, Literature and Cultural Studies Fan Writing and Identity Formation: A Reading of Fan Writing as Life Narratives 28/12/2018 RIESI, Bengaluru and ELTIF, Thalassery National
25 Conference Presenter Synthesize: An Interdisciplinary Conference Fan Writing and Identity Formation: A Reading of Digital Fan Writing as Life Writing 18/12/2018 Christ University International
26 Seminar Presenter Life Writing as Social History: Reading Across Cultures Fan Writing as Life Writing: A Deliberation 12/04/2018 Kuvempu University National
27 Seminar Presenter Creative Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Children's Edutainment Magazines and Holistic Development: A Study of the Acquisition of Social and Cultural Capital in Children 12/12/2017 Department of English, Sullamussalam Science College, Areacode International
28 Conference Presenter Macaulay to Globalization: Shifting Perspectives of English classrooms in Indian Higher Education in the 21st century Practicing Cultural Studies in English Studies Classrooms 10/11/2017 Christ University National
29 Seminar Panelist Consuming Cultures: Representations and Discriminations 18/03/2017 Christ University National
30 Seminar Moderator/Chair Mayabazaar: Re-framing the Hero in the Cinemas of India 16/03/2017 Christ University National
31 Conference Participant Synthesise: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Management and Social Sciences 10/03/2017 Christ University National
32 Seminar Participant A Big Little World: Perspectives on Children's Literature in India 21/02/2017 Christ University National
33 Seminar Participant Cosmpolitan Spaces: Indian Literature and Counterpoints of Modernity 03/11/2016 Sahitya Akademi and BGR, Christ University National
34 Conference Presenter Language Teaching and Literature "Amar Chitra Kathas and the Popular Culture Industry" 25/02/2016 Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain First Grade College National
35 Seminar Participant Protean Frames: International Seminar on Contempor 12/01/2016 Department of English, Christ University International
36 Seminar Moderator/Chair Narrating Centers and Peripheries: Minority Discourses in India 12/01/2015 Department of English, Christ University National
37 Seminar Moderator/Chair Mayabazaar: Re-viewing 100 Years of Indian Cinema 19/02/2014 Christ University, Department of English National
38 Seminar Presenter The Politics of Popular Culture: Current Trends in Popular Culture "The Implied Reader-Viewer Vs. the Real Reader-Viewer: A Study of the Construct and the Constructed in Amar Chitra Kathas" 10/09/2013 Marthomma College, Thiruvalla, Kerala National
39 Seminar Participant English Language in Higher Education 29/01/2013 Department of English, Christ University National
40 Seminar Participant Reading Indias: Narratives Discourses Imaginings 21/02/2012 Department of English, Christ University National
41 Symposium Presenter Christ University Forum of Humanities and Social Sciences Gender Constructions in Amar Chitra Kathas: A Perspectives 27/08/2011 Christ University Institutional
42 Seminar Participant Diasporic Writing: Themes and Concerns 18/03/2011 Department of English, Jyoti Nivas College Regional
43 Seminar Participant Thinking Subjectivities: National Seminar 09/02/2011 Department of English, Christ University National
Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Basic Techniques in Report Writing, Editing and Proofreading Guest Talk - Workshop 26/08/2019 St Claret College
2 Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism Guest Talk 22/07/2019 St Claret College
3 Modalities of the Popular: Popular Culture as Dialectics of Class Conflicts and Resolutions Stuart Hall Memorial Lecture Series 11/02/2019 School of Business Studies and Social Sciences, CHRIST( Deemed to be University)
4 The New English Student: Transgression and Creation English Studies Orientation 22/06/2018 Department of English, CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
5 Popular Culture: An Overview Consuming Cultures 2017 18/03/2017 Christ University, Department of ENglish
6 Children's Literature and its Social Implications Inter-disciplinary Knowledge Sharing Session 11/03/2016 Department of Sociology and Social Work, Christ University
7 Academic Writing QIP 31/03/2015 Department of Hotel Management, Christ University
Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 The Politics of Cultural Representation in Select Amar Chitra Kathas Dr. Shyamala A Narayan Jamia Millia Islamia, Central University February 2009
Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
1 "Appropriation and Commercialization of Mythology: A Reading of Amish Tripathi's Shiva Trilogy" Lakshmi Dileep Christ University May 2016
2 "The Deified Celebrity: Understanding Representations of Celebrity Worship in India" Vidya Balakrishnan Christ University May 2016
3 "Emerging Feminist Perspectives in Select Novels of Kavita Daswani" Sreejata Paul Christ University
4 A Textual Study of Angst in Jean-Paul Sartre?s Nausea and Franz Kafka?s The Trial Vipin George Christ University May 2013
5 Globalisation and Indian Popular Fiction: A Select Study of the Works of Chetan Bhagat Ashna Mary Jacob Christ University May 2014
Sl.No. Title of Invention Inventor(s) Filing Date
Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Indian Children?s Magazine Fiction in English: Evolution and Development Internal
2 Indian Children's magazine fiction in English: Evolution and Development RENU ELIZABETH ABRAHAM Internal
Sl.No. Name of the Conference/Seminar Name of Organiser Level Date
Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Role Date
1 Digital Humanities: Bridging Traditions and Technologies in Liberal Arts Jain University International Participant 14/10/2024
2 Graphic Novels and Comics as a New Pedagogical Approach Gokul Global University, Siddhpur National Participant 01/01/2024
3 Research Methodology Department of English and Other Indian and Foreign Languages, VFSTR Deemed to be University, Vadlamudi, Guntur National Participant 05/12/2023
4 Faculty Development Programme - 1 Christ University, Bangalore Institutional Participant 26/06/2023
5 Curriculum Design and Revision Academic Staff College and Department of English and Cultural Studies Institutional Participant 05/12/2022
6 Research Tools and Methodologies Academic Staff College and Department of English and Cultural Studies Institutional Participant 01/08/2022
7 Workshop on Research Writing and Documentation Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies Institutional Invited Resource Person/Trainer 18/07/2022
8 FIRST SEMESTER OPTIONAL ENGLISH SYLLABUS AS PER NEP 2020 IQAC & Department of English, SFS College in Association with Bangalore University English Teachers? Association & Government First Grade College, Vijayanagar,Bangalore Regional Participant 14/01/2022
9 International FDP on Recent Trends in Professional and Research Writing Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, ITER and Rupkatha Journal International Participant 15/04/2021
10 Erudite Lecture Series-1 Department of History Participant 05/09/2020
11 An International Web Lecture Series IQAC & the Department of English Participant 23/06/2020
12 Forum for Active Involvement in Research Government Arts and Science College, Kondotty Invited Resource Person/Trainer 13/03/2020
13 Writing for Media and Research Heuristics Acharya Institute of Graduate Studies National Invited Resource Person/Trainer 14/10/2019
14 Capacity Building for Constructive Alignment Christ University Institutional Participant 03/10/2019
15 Instilling Research Rigour in Students Christ University-Media Studies Invited Resource Person/Trainer 21/05/2019
16 Enhancing Pedagogic Practices, Research and Consultancy Christ University Invited Resource Person/Trainer 20/05/2019
17 Promoting Research Among Students Christ University-BGR Invited Resource Person/Trainer 20/05/2019
18 National Workshop on Developing learning Resources for Rural and Disadvantaged Learners RIESI, Bengaluru and ELTIF, Thalassery National Participant 28/12/2018
19 Phenomenology and Grounded Theory School of Business Studies and Social Sciences National Participant 02/10/2018
20 The Story Studio: Masterclasses in Storytelling and Writing for Children School of Business Studies and Social Sciences National Organiser & Participant 14/02/2018
21 Multidsciplinary Research and Academic Engagements School of Business Studies and Social Sciences Institutional Organiser & Participant 23/05/2016
22 Gendering Moving Frames Department of English and Suchitra Film Society Regional Participant 09/01/2016
23 English Language and Literature in India: Approaches , Themes and Concerns CU-Academic Staff College Participant 22/05/2015
24 Routledge Editorial Workshop 2014 Christ University and Taylor and Francis Group Regional Participant 25/09/2014
25 Jabberwocky Department of English, Christ University, Bangalore-29 Institutional Organiser & Participant 13/08/2014
26 Research Concerns and Methods in Contemporary English Studies Department of English, Christ University Participant 18/03/2014
27 "Corpus: A Workshop on Gender Discourses" Deapartment of English, Christ University Institutional Participant 26/02/2014
28 Developing Learning Centred Curriculum Department of English, Chirst University Institutional Participant 18/01/2014
29 Jabberwocky: A Literary Carnival Department of English, Christ University Institutional Organiser & Participant 20/08/2013
30 How to Write and Get Published in Scientific Journals and Publish Manuscripts Springer, Christ University and Edanz Regional Participant 28/01/2013
31 Towards Quality Research for Research supervisors Department of English, Christ University Institutional Participant 18/08/2012
32 Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Higher Education Christ University, Academic Staff College Participant 25/04/2012
33 Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Skills Christ University National Participant 12/11/2009
34 Effective Classroom Communication and Teaching Skills CEDBEC, Christ University National Participant 12/11/2009
Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) University Grants Commission 13 June 2011
2 Publication Publication of a Postcard review in a Scopus indexed Journal Vol. 59, Iss. 4, p. 68 Ibby 20 January 2022
3 Membership in English Language Teacher's Association ELT@I is the English Language Teacher's Association of India ELT@I 01 February 2022
Sl.No. Faculties Theme of Consultancy Type
Sl.No. Applicants Title Date Published


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