CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore

DEPARTMENT OF professional-studies


Syllabus for
Bachelor of Commerce (Professional)
Academic Year  (2018)



Introduction to Program:
BCom professional is a unique course aimed at a higher level career placement for undergraduates. This course provides the option of training for CIMA and CS or Insurance to every student. The syllabus of the course is also tailored to enhance the prospects of students in pursuing these professional courses. The simultaneous pursuit of CIMA and CS or Insurance along with competent curriculum of BCom-P prepares the students to pursue higher academic and professional interests.
Assesment Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment. Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:

End Semester Exam (ESE)                                                     :           50%

Mid Semester Exam (CIA-2)                                                  :           25%

Continuous Internal Assessments (CIA- 1& 3)                      :           20%

Attendance                                                                             :           05%

Total                                                    :          100%                          


  • Written Examinations consists of:

§  -Mid Semester Exam – 50 marks   (2 hours duration)

§  -End Semester Exam – 100 marks (3 hours duration)

  • A student should have secured minimum 40% marks in the ESE to pass.
  • In aggregate for each paper, for internal and end semester put together, at least 40 marks out of 100 must be secured to pass.
  • CIA– I: Objective type tests / quiz; regular Q & A during class sessions, current affairs presentations.


  • CIA – II: Mid Semester Examination (MSE)

Ø  2 hours paper for 50 marks

Ø  50% of the marks secured out of 50 will be included for ESE aggregate for each                     paper.

Ø  Bar code system to maintain objectivity.


  • CIA– III: Group work consisting of written report, PPT presentation and viva for each individual member.
Examination And Assesments


·         Written Examination

·         Quiz Sessions

·         Assignments

·         Field study reports

·         Periodic Tests

·         MOOC

·         Assessment of Class Participation in case studies and discussions


·         Any other appropriate method identified by the instructor that would ensure objective assessment of the student performance.