Responsible Consumption and Production

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution together make the triple planetary crises. The root cause of these planetary crises is unsustainable consumption and production patterns. The global reliance on natural resources is steadily rising: it has increased by over 65% globally from 2000 to 2019.

Too much food is being lost or wasted in every country every day. During food production, which includes harvesting, transport, storage, and processing, 13.3% of the world’s food is lost after harvesting and before reaching the retail market. During consumption, which includes several levels, such as houses, grocery stores, restaurants, and households, 17% of total food is wasted at the consumer level.

Estimations show that most of the world’s electronic waste is not being safely managed. In e-waste collection rates, only 1.2% is collected in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1.6% in sub-Saharan Africa, and 46.9% in Europe and North America. Therefore, 22.8% of e-waste is collected on a global level. Multiple targets and indicators have been placed that are being implemented to ensure this 12th SDG goal.


Annual Reports:





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