1 Semester - 2024 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
CS190 | FORMULAS AND DESIGN | - | 1 | 1 | 50 |
MAIS131 | POLITICAL THEORY | Core Courses | 4 | 04 | 100 |
MAIS133 | INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS134 | WORLD HISTORY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS135 | INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS141A | FRENCH | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS141B | CHINESE | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS141C | KOREAN | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
2 Semester - 2024 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MAIS231 | INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS232 | US AND LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS233 | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS234 | SOUTH ASIA | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS241A | FRENCH | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS241B | CHINESE | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS241C | KOREAN | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS291 | INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS | Interdisciplinary Elective Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MCN291 | CLIMATE CRISES, DISCOURSES AND ACTIONS | Interdisciplinary Elective Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MEL291 | BORDERS, MIGRATIONS AND IDENTITIES | Interdisciplinary Elective Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MSA291 | CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY | Interdisciplinary Elective Courses | 60 | 4 | 100 |
3 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MAIS332 | INTERNATIONAL LAW | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS333 | CENTRAL ASIA AND RUSSIAN STUDIES | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS334 | COMPARATIVE POLITICS | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS335 | EAST AND SOUTH EAST ASIAN STUDIES | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS351 | RESEARCH PAPER | - | 0 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS382 | SUMMER INTERNSHIP | Core Courses | 0 | 2 | 100 |
4 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MAIS351 | RESEARCH PAPER | Core Courses | 0 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS431 | EUROPEAN STUDIES | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS432 | CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACE STUDIES | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS433 | AFRICAN STUDIES | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS434 | WEST ASIA | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MAIS435 | CHINA AND THE WORLD | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
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Introduction to Program: | |
Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS) is an inter-disciplinary programme; students integrate and apply knowledge across disciplines in order to analyze global issues and problems. It equips students with analytical and critical skills to understand contemporary international politics and prepare them for a range of professions that require knowledge of international affairs. The Programme is designed to provide graduates the expertise and skills appropriate for a range of public and private sector careers where an advanced knowledge and understanding of contemporary international societies is integral to their work. | |
Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome: PO1: Establish comprehension and have an in-depth and clear understanding of historical and contemporary global politics, its various actors and institutions.PO2: Apply the knowledge in analyzing and bringing creative solutions to complex international issues through cooperation, conflict resolution, diplomacy and creative thinking. PO3: Demonstrate critical, analytical, research, problem-solving, self-learning and communication skills required for a range of careers in public and private sectors and also for self-employment. PO4: Demonstrate entrepreneurship, innovativeness, and continuous learning. PO5: Exhibit dynamism, consultative decision-making, team building and such other leadership qualities. PO6: Develop civic sense, inclusiveness, empathy, humility, integrity and display appreciation of diversity, environmental sensitivity and global perspective of issues. | |
Assesment Pattern | |
20% of the marks for Factual writing 60% of the marks for Interpretation, Analysis 20% of the marks for Writing style that arguments, cohesion, paragraphs and overall writing. grammar,
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Examination And Assesments | |
Continuous Internal Assessment 100 marks CIA 1 Written assignments 20 marks CIA 2 Mid Semester Examinations 50 marks CIA 3 Written assignments and presentations 20 marks Attendance 10 marks. End Semester Examinations 100 Marks |
CS190 - FORMULAS AND DESIGN (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:15 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:1 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:1 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description
This course aims at equip students with hands-on Digital Skills required for preparing classroom assignments. Also, upskill in Digital technologies to work efficiently, so that students are industry-ready and employable.
Course Objectives
This course will help the learner to
Course Outcome |
CO1: Understand the applications of MS Excel and Digital portfolios.. CO2: Apply the various tools such as Excel, Canva, Google sites and mind mapping tools to simplify and enable creative office contents.
CO3: Create formulas, digital portfolio contents for effective office management. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
MS Excel :
Introduction to excel - Interface , Tabs, Ribbons, document windows, navigation , Office button - Entering, Editing and formatting Data: entering data, Fonts, fills, alignment, paste special, moving finding , replacing a value, cell style - Formatting Numbers - Currency format, format painter, formatting dates - Managing worksheets - Naming worksheets , copying worksheets, adding, deleting and hiding worksheets, grouping worksheets - moving copying , deleting , hiding grouped worksheets - modifying rows and columns - insert / modify rows and columns. Understanding formulas : using operators , creating formulas , auto sum, common formulas, searching for formulas , copy formulas - Change view, auto fill, custom lists - Conditional formatting, Tables, Data tools , Conditional logic, - charts , format charts - style , layouts, label, options, title, legends.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Digital Portfolio Creation:
Understand basics of Portfolio through Google Sites - Understand Layout , options , settings - Understand Insert, Pages, themes - Adding banner - adding image, text , embed YouTube video , maps - content to site - create links format the text content - create Resume site , create team site - share , collaborate - publish the site - Create Digital portfolio - share the link.
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Canva for Design:
Concept of Design - Raster Graphics and Vector Graphics - Canva Basics - design for web / social media/ presentation / print - selecting the dimension - selecting the background - inserting the images / colour - adding elements - Choose right fonts - Using templates - collaborate and work together - save export.
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Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:3 |
Mind Mapping Tools:
Understanding mind mapping - tools available - practice coggle for mind mapping - creating mind mapping for simple topics - sharing, collaboration, export.
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Text Books And Reference Books:
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
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Evaluation Pattern CIA - 50 | |
MAIS131 - POLITICAL THEORY (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:04 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
COURSE DESCRIPTION v To help students understand the evolution and growth of modern political theory. v The encourage critical and reflective analysis and interpretation of political concepts and practices based on such a conceptual understanding. v To understand the concepts, meaning and theories of political science, which will help them to analyse the challenges in contemporary states, societies and cultures.
v To develop an inquisitive attitude towards the current political issues and be able to connect them to the prominent theories of political science. COURSE OBJECTIVES v To explore the core concepts, theories and debates in political theory so that students imbibe an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the paper. v To encourage critical and reflective analysis and interpretation of political concepts and practices based on such a conceptual understanding. To engage students critically and constructively with the challenges of an increasingly dynamic political theory and philosophy
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the major theories, their competing interpretations and debates. CO2: Demonstrate greater clarity of the key concepts and their relationship to divergent ideological milieus, as well as maximization of the goals of the SDG's CO3: Display critical and analytical skills with appropriate knowledge and understanding of the core concepts, theories and debates, and use them as part of the political vocabulary of one's outlook and research. CO4: Demonstrate a sense of responsibility and situational awareness to present-day realities |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
UNIT 1: Understanding Political Theory
Ø Approaches to Modern Political Theory- 1 Historical, Normative, Ontological Ø Approaches to Modern Political Theory –2 Empiricism, Positivism Ø State Sovereignty in the age of Globalisation | |||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Unit 2 Contemporary Perspectives on Liberty, Equality, Justice & Rights
| |||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Unit- 3 Contemporary Ideological Debates in Political Theory
| |||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 4: Perspectives in Political Theory ? 1 10 hrs
Unit 4: Perspectives in Political Theory – 1 10 hrs Ø Dependency Theories Ø Post-Modernism Ø Feminism | |||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Perspectives in Political Theory ? 2 10 hrs
Perspectives in Political Theory – 2 10 hrs Ø Communitarianism Ø Multiculturalism Ø Cosmopolitanism Green Political Theory
| |||||
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Press, 2004, pp. 19-80 10. Laski, H.J. (2007). Grammar of Politics. New Delhi: Surjeet. 11.Gauba, O.P. (2010), An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan Publishers, Delhi. 12. Nandy, Ashis. “An anti-secularist manifesto”, Gandhi’s significance for today (1989): 244-264.
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Evaluation Pattern
| |||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description This is a course on the principles of Economics and International Economics for students who have not majored in Economics. The second purpose is this course is a preparation to study International Political Economy in the subsequent semester. It provides a fundamental understanding of economic transactions and interactions between economic agents generically and between countries. The course is designed to teach foundational economics and is structured as – first on Microeconomics, second on International Economics and policy, and third on Macroeconomics focusing on social accounting as well as policy tools of macroeconomic management. The course also deals with the political economy trajectories of economic concepts. Course Objectives 1) Introduce students to principles of Microeconomics Macroeconomics. 2) Provide a foundational understanding of International Trade theories, and policies. 3) Introduce students to the Political Economic dimensions of economic concepts. 4) Develop the logic of economic inquiry and reasoning. |
Course Outcome |
CO 1: Identify and distinguish between different types of market structures as well as their influence on the economy and society. CO 2: Explicate the foundational ideas of trade theory and international trade policy. CO 3: Identify and analyse inefficiencies caused by trade policies. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to Microeconomics
Introduction to economics, Production Possibility Frontier and Opportunity cost. Basics of Supply, Demand and Market Equilibrium. Indifference Curve Analysis: indifference curves, Budget Line and Consumer Equilibrium. Types of Market structure: Perfect and Imperfect Markets and Market Failure. Political Economy of Market: Invisible Hand and Market Imperialism. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Political Economy of Aggregate Demand and Keynesian Closed Economy: Macro Law of Supply and Demand; Fallacy of Says Law; Fiscal Policy; and Income and Expenditure Multipliers. Political Economy of Money, Banking and Finance and Monetary and Fiscal Policy interventions. Inflation: Types, Effects and Inflation Control Policies. Unemployment: definition and problem of defining unemployment; policy related to unemployment. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to International Economics
Political Economy of International Trade and Finance: Absolute Cost Advantage; Comparative Cost Advantage – Economic Case for trade; Distributional Effects of International Trade; Open Economy Macroeconomics; Political Economy of IMF Conditionalities. Source of Comparative Advantage: H – O Theorem and Leontief Paradox. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
International Trade Policy
Tariffs and their effect on an economy. Non – Tariff Barriers: quotas, voluntary export agreements, subsidies, buy national policies, product and safety standards, and content requirements. Terms of Trade and Factors affecting terms of trade. Exim Policy. Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments: Balance of Payments Accounts; Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments, effects and measures to correct disequilibrium. Foreign Exchange Markets and systems and Purchasing Power Parity Theory. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Hahnel, R. (2002). The ABC of Political Economy - A Modern Approach. Pluto Press. Oatley, T. (2019). International Political Economy. Routledge. Rubinfeld, R. S. (2018). Microeconomics. Pearson. Salvatore, D. (2013). International Economics. Wiley. Wells, P. K. (2009). Microeconomics. Worth Publishers. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Rubinfeld, R. S. (2018). Microeconomics. Pearson. O’Brien, R. G. (2015). Microeconomics. Pearson | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA - 1: Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% CIA – 2: Midsemester Examination – 25% CIA – 3: Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% End Semester Examination: 50% Attendance: 5% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The study of international relations takes a wide range of theoretical approaches. Some emerge from within the discipline itself; others have been imported, in whole or in part, from disciplines such as economics or sociology. This course introduces students to some of the most important theory and practice for studying international relations. It provides a fairly comprehensive overview of the major political developments and events starting from the twentieth century. Students are expected to learn about the key milestones in world history and equip them with the tools to understand and analyze the same from different perspectives. The aim of the course is to understand International relations and its multidisciplinary nature where the student will be accommodated with contemporary trend of multidisciplinary discourse.
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate analytical aptitude to studying various concepts and theories of International Relations CO2: Identify and describe the main similarities and differences among the major IR theories. CO3: Understand the historical evolution of IR theory over the course of time |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
International Relations: Meaning, nature, scope and importance; Meaning, elements, evaluation of national power, Approaches to International Peace: Balance of Power; Collective Security; Disarmament and arms control and War | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Emmanuel Kant on perpetual peace, Hugo Grotius on International Relations, Karl Smith, Thucydides, Confucius, Arthashastra, Thomas Hobbes, Aquinas. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Idealism, Realism, Liberalism, Neo-Realism and Neo-Liberalism, System theory World Systems, Functionalism and Neo-functionalism, New-world order, Dependency theory, Game theory and Marxist approaches | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Historical sociology, Normative theory, Social Constructivism, Postmodernism, post- colonialism, critical theory and Neo- Marxist Approaches in IR | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Alternative approaches to IR theory
Non-traditional Security threats in International Relations, Green Politics in International Relations, Globalization and new orders of non-State actors, and Feminist Theories, Language and Symbols in International Relations | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Nicholson, M. International Relations: A Concise Introduction. New York: Palgrave, 2002. 1-4. Print. Smith, M. and R. Little. “Introduction.” Perspectives on World Politics. New York: Routledge, 2000. 1-17. Print. Baylis, John and Steve Smith. The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. 4thedn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. 1-6. Print. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Nicholson, M. International Relations: A Concise Introduction. New York: Palgrave, 2002. 1-4. Print. Cox, M. “From the Cold War to the War on Terror.” The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. Eds. John Baylis and Steve Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 141-155. Print. Bull, H. “The Balance of Power and International Order”. Perspectives on World Politics. New York: Routledge, 2000. 1-17. Print. Dunne, T. “Liberalism.”The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. Eds. John Baylis and Steve Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. 185-203. Print. Keohane, R.O. and Joseph S. Nye. “Trans-governmental Relations and the International Organisation.” Perspectives on World Politics. Eds. M. Smith and R. Little. New York: Routledge, 2000. 229-241. Print. Moravcsik, Andrew. “Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics.” International Organisation51.4 (1997): 513-553. Print. Keohane, Robert O. and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Power and Interdependence. 3rd edn., Addison-Wesley, 2000. 3-52. Print. Snyder, Jack. Myths of Empire: Domestic Politics and International Ambition. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1991. Print. Tickner, Ann J. “You Just Don’t Understand: Troubles Engagements Between Feminists and IR Theorists.” International Studies Quarterly 41.4 (1997, December): 611-632. Print. Peterson, Spike. Gendered States: Feminist (Re)Visions of International Relations Theory. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1992. Print. Enloe, Cynthia. Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. Print. Cohn, Carol and Cynthia Weber. “Missions, Men and Masculinities.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 1.4: 435-451. Print. Moravcsik, Andrew. “Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics.” International Organisation51.4 (1997): 513-553. Print. Keohane, Robert O. and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Power and Interdependence. 3rdedn., Addison-Wesley, 2000. 3-52. Print. Halliday, F. Rethinking International Relations. London: Macmillan, 1994. 147-166. Print. Nicholson, M. International Relations: A Concise Introduction. New York: Palgrave, 2002.120-122. Print. Galtung, J. “A Structural Theory of Imperialism.”Perspectives on World Politics. Eds. M. Smith and R. Little. New York: Routledge, 2000. 292-304. Print. Wallerstein, I. “The Rise and Future Demise of World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis.” Perspectives on World Politics. Eds. M. Smith and R. Little. New York: Routledge, 2000. 292-304. Print. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25% CIA III – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% Attendance – 05% End Semester Examination – 50% TOTAL 100% | |
MAIS134 - WORLD HISTORY (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
COURSE OBJECTIVES: : It is essential to understand how the contemporary world, its priorities and articulations are rooted in the modern period. Broadly identified as beginning from 1800’s and lasting till 1950’s, Modernism was a conceptual movement that influenced the progress of History and Culture of the entire world. It was this pre war world that engineered the historical, political, social, economic and cultural sensibilities of Contemporary period and hence it becomes crucial to understanding International Relations. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Correlate the history of the world in a holistic manner, by understanding the process through which histories of different areas are interlinked with politics, society and culture. CO2: Apply, trace and link the ideas, debates and practices of the contemporary society with that of the pre war period. CO3: Critically analyse the context in which the present global history is shaping up and link it to issues of environment and gender. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Europe in 19th C .
Liberalism and Nationalism in the early 19th century b) Social Darwinism c) Nationalism and nation States: Unification of Italy and Germany. d) The Romantic era: Concerns and Features- Romanticism and Musical Nationalism of Richard Wagner – Romanticism in Art and Literature of Goya and Wolfgang von Gothe -Intellectual background of Romanticism: Kant, Hegel and Marx | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Africa and Colonialism
Colonialism in Africa b) Pre colonial and colonial Africa : European presence c)Scramble for Africa d) Consolidation of colonial rule: Raw materials and markets, peasant producers, economic impact, early expressions of nationalism. e)The People and Cultures of Africa: Religion and Society in early Africa, African literature and literary movements, impact of African culture on the West.
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
Asia between 18th and early 20th centuries.
a) Ruptures in Ottomanization,and the issue of eastern question b) Arab nationalism – Arabia during the world wars. c) Western interventions and regional friction in China: Anglo Chinese confrontations, revolution and the republic- Japan: Period of assertion 1860 to 1920. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
The Americas
a) USA: Formation of national identity – Struggle for nationhood: westward expansion and the civil war – Idea of USA: i)The age of Jazz ii) Literature: Emerson and David Thoreau iii) Architecture: Frank Lyod Wright b) Early colonial empires in Latin America: Portugal, Spain and France, the age of conquistadores, Portuguese empire in the Atlantic, c) Plantation economy, Slave trade and its impact on Europe. c) Colonial culture and liberation movements. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Sneh Mahajan, Issues in Twentieth Century World History, Macmillan,2010 2010 2. Kevin Shillington, History of Africa, Palgrave Macmillan 2012 3. Edited, US History, Rice University, 2017 4.Meenaxi Phukan, Rise of the Modern West, Trinity Press 1998
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Hobsbawm, Eric. Age of Extreme: The Short Twentieth Century 1914-1991. London: Abacus, 1995. 2. Carr, E.H. International Relations between the Two World Wars: 1919 – 1939. NewYork: Palgrave, 2004. 3. Taylor, A.J.P. The Origins of the Second World War. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1961. 4. Carrthuthers, S.L. “International History, 1900- 1945.”The Globalisation of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. Eds. John Baylis and Steve Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 6 Calvocoressi, P. World Politics: 1945 – 2000. Essex: Pearson, 2005. 7. Scott, L. “International History, 1945 – 1990.” The Globalisation of World Politics An Introduction to International Relations. Eds. John Baylis and Steve Smith.
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Evaluation Pattern SCHEME OF VALUATION CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation 10% CIA II – Mid Semester Examination 25% CIA III – Research Topic 10% Attendance 05% End Semester Examination 50% TOTAL 100%
Scheme of Evaluation: For all Sections 50% of the marks for Factual writin 40% of the marks for Interpretation, Analysis 10% of the marks for Writing style that include grammar, vocabulary, spelling ,presentation | |
MAIS135 - INDIAN FOREIGN POLICY (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Indian foreign policy reflects the perceptions and priorities of our political, economic and military leaderships from time to time in relation to the neighbourhood, middle and big powers. This is evidenced from the continuity and change in Indian national security and foreign policy.
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the mechanics of foreign policy making and the issues that influence the policy in order for them to develop a perspective on the emerging trends in Indian foreign policy |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the basic features and determinants of Indian foreign policy; CO2: Comprehend the foreign policy making mechanisms and appreciate the complexities involved CO3: Analyse India's neighbourhood policy CO4: Know the history of and current Indian policy with regards to global and regional powers. CO5: Examine Indias role in the global order. CO6: Appraise the continuity and change in India's foreign policies |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Foundations of Indian Foreign Policy
Doctrinal Aspects; Determinants: domestic and international; Evolution of Indian foreign policy, pre-Independence, post-Independence, Non Aligned Movement, Cold War and Security Politics | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Making of India?s Foreign Policy: Institutions, Structure, and Processes
Institutions, Structure, and Processes:Structure of Indian Government, Political System, Ministry of External Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office, Research & Analysis Wing, Role of Think Tanks, Media, Role of the Prime ministers | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
India?s Neighbourhood policy from Nehru era to Modi era
Evolution of Indian relations with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan and South-East Asia since Independance | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
India?s Relations with Regional and Major Powers
US, Russian Federation, PRC, Japan, European Union and UK, East and West Asia, African Countries, Australia and South America
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
India and the global order
India’s role in Nuclear, economic and Climate change regimes; India and regional groupings
| |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Continuity and Change in 21st Century
India’s response to Globalization, Terrorism, Energy Security, Global Pandemics. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
· Bajpai, Kanti, Basit, Saira, Krishnappa, V. eds., India’s grand Strategy: History, theory, cases (2014) New Delhi, India: Routledge. 582 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-73965-8
India’s Foreign Policy, New Delhi: Pearson, 2009.
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
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Evaluation Pattern SCHEME OF VALUATION · CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% · CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25% · CIA III – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation 10% · Attendance – 05% · End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100% | |
MAIS141A - FRENCH (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
'Travailler en français en entreprise' is a professional French course at elementary level (A1/A2). It has been designed for students whose French is part of the professional project, or people already integrated into the world of work. 'Travailler en français en entreprise' (French in business) is a pragmatic method, based on an action-based approach: students are regularly put in situations through role plays and case studies. The professional situations and the tasks proposed are varied and realistic and thus give rise to written and oral productions close to the authentic. 'Travailler en français en entreprise' (French in business) includes ten units that address a wide range of topics related to the business world. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Students will be able to listen and understand basic French texts CO2: read, understand and apply rules in French grammar/ translation CO3: write sentences / dialogues in French CO4: be familiar with French culture CO5: have minimal exchanges with French clientele |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Salutations - Greetings
Introducing oneself, others / Basic expressions | |||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Faire Connaissance - Getting to know
The unit includes a conversation, document, vocabulary, know-how and case studies | |||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Vie professionnelle, vie personnelle - Professional and Personal life
| |||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Traiter un problème - Dealing with a problem
The unit includes a conversation, document, vocabulary, know-how and case studies | |||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Voyager pour affaires - Travelling for business
The unit includes a conversation, document, vocabulary, know-how and case studies | |||
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading French Course Grammar - Bertenshaw, French websites like Bonjour de France, Fluent U, Learn French Lab, Point du FLE etc | |||
Evaluation Pattern CIA 1 - Quiz on simple grammar / Basic expressions / Role Play CIA 2 - Written test CIA 3 - Quiz on various aspects of France and French / Test of the four skills | |||
MAIS141B - CHINESE (2024 Batch) | |||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Given the growing influence of China in the changing world order and the fact that Chinese language is one of the 6 official languages of UN, this basic level course offers an opportunity to the International Studies students to discover and learn this much intriguing ancient, east asian language perceived as the most difficult in the world. This beginner’s level course will:
Course Outcome |
CO1: Be able to understand and have basic communication in given situations. CO2: Be able to identify and write characters covered in the semester and pronounce the Chinese words correctly CO3: Demonstrate an understanding of brief history of the language as well as it's unique features and appreciate the linguistic and cultural differences |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Xiexie: retroflex, tone and spelling rules, radicals, compound strokes
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Ni hao : pinyin, tones, characters, putonghua
| |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Numbers, days and date
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Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Initiation: Introduction to the language, country and the Text Book
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
How have you been lately?
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Which country do you come from?
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
How many people are there in your family?
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
What time do you have class tomorrow?
| |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
HSK 1 : an introduction
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern
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MAIS141C - KOREAN (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of the Korean language and develop their proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Korean. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in basic Korean grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structures, enabling them to engage in simple conversations and comprehend written texts at the beginner level. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate understanding of the Korean alphabet (Hangeul) and correctly pronounce and write Korean syllables. CO2: Recognize and use a basic range of Korean vocabulary related to everyday life, including greetings, introductions, numbers, time, dates, and common activities. CO3: Acquire cultural knowledge related to Korean customs, traditions, and etiquette, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively with Korean speakers and appreciate the Korean culture. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Introduction to the Korean Alphabet (Hangeul)
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Greetings and Basic Expressions
· Lesson 3: Classroom Korean and Greetings · Lesson 4: I’m a graduate student. (Asking and answering personal questions) · Lesson 5: What is this? (Asking names of objects and responding) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Daily Life and Activities
· Lesson 6: Do you have any tissues? (Asking and answering about ownership) · Lesson 7: Please give me some orange juice. (Making requests, Expressing quantities) | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Describing actions and properties
· Lesson 8: What are you doing? (Asking and answering about present actions) · Lesson 9: Where do you go? (Expressing destination of movement) · Lesson 10: What tastes delicious? (Basic adjectives, Expressing negatives) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Numbers, Time, and Dates
· Lesson 11: How much is it? (Buying things) · Lesson 12: When is the final test? (Discussing time, days, dates and events) | |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Basic Grammar and Sentence Structure
· Lesson 13: It’s cold outside. (Asking and answering about the weather) · Lesson 14: Where is the bookshop? (Asking and answering about locations)
| |
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Cultural sensitivity in language use
· Lesson 15: Korean culture and Etiquette (group presentations) | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern
| |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description All social labour, whether domestic or international, has a significant economic sphere. However, the economic sphere is not independent of the influence of the political sphere of the activity. This course is designed to bring about an academic engagement of the interface between the economic and the political spheres of social activity. It explores the symbiotic playoff of international trade and policy's economic and political aspects. Course Objectives 1) To provide an introductory analysis of theories of political economy. 2) To provide a basic history of international political economy. 3) To apply theories of political economy in order to explain the dynamic operation of the global economy as an interaction between economics and politics. |
Course Outcome |
CO 1: Conceptualise and briefly explain the theoretical frames of international political economy. CO 2: Use the basic tools of economics and political science to analyse the nature of international economic competition and interdependence. CO 3: Explain and analyse the dynamics of financial liberalisation, sovereign debt crisis and the politics of economic distribution. CO 4: Define economic regionalism and analyse the Euro-zone crisis. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introduction to International Political Economy
Meaning of International Political Economy. Theoretical and Methodological Traditions in the study of International Political Economy. Role of interest and institutions in International Political Economy. Characteristics of the world economy.
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction to the Global Trade System and Cooperation
Evolution of the World Trade system: WTO; Hegemonic Stability Theory; New directions and challenges in the international trade system. The Political Economy of International Trade Cooperation: Trade Bargaining and the dynamics of cooperation; the enforcement problem. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:17 |
Approaches to Trade Politics
Society Centered Approach: Factor Incomes and Class Conflict Model; Sectoral incomes and industry conflict model; Interests and their organisation: Collective Action Problem in trade policy; Political Institutions providing state policy. State Centered Approach: Infant industry case; political foundation of industrial policy as a trade tool; High Technology industries: strategic trade theory; strategic rivalry. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
International Monetary System
Contemporary international monetary system: conflict and cooperation in the 1980s; Financial Crisis of 2007 – 2009; analysis of exchange rate cooperation. Society Centered Approach to Monetary and Exchange rate policy: Keynesian Revolution; Models of Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies: Electoral Model; Partisan Model; and Sectoral Model. State Centered Approach: Monetary Policy – Unemployment relationship; Time – Consistency Problem; Independence of Central Banks. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Hahnel, R. (2002). The ABC of Political Economy - A Modern Approach. Pluto Press. Oatley, T. (2019). International Political Economy. Routledge. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Gilpin, R. (2011). Global Political Economy: Understanding the international economic order. Princeton University Press. Stiglitz, J. (2002). Globalisation and its Discontents. Norton: New York. Ravenhill, J. (2011). Global Political Economy. Oxford University Press. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA - 1: Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% CIA – 2: Midsemester Examination – 25% CIA – 3: Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% Attendance: 5% End Semester Examination: 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description:The United States has been a dominant force of global significance afterthe Second World War and Latin America remains a precursor to theGlobal South in several ways since early 19th century when most ofLatin American states were decolonised. To capture this scenario, thiscourselooksatsomekeyeventsandprocesses from foreign policyperspective.IttracestheevolutionoftheAmericanforeignpolicywitha historical perspective and brings its contemporary nuances. Brazil andArgentina comprise main focus in the Latin American leg of the course. Course Objectives: 1.Torelatespecific eventsandprocessestolargeronesontheUS annd Latin America.
2.To Make an informed estimate of future trends in U.S. politics and/or foreign policy based on existing theories and evidence; 3. Tolearntopredictthecourseofactionthecountriesmighttakebased on the past decisions. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: The student is able to review the existing literature and acquire a broad knowledge and understanding of history, geopolitics, political culture, and political economy in the United States and Latin America.
CO2: Sharpen structured writing skills and communication on issues relevant to the area.
CO3: Refine their approach and academic attitude to look at the pressing issues in the United States and Latin America from a foreign policy perspective. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
US Foreign Policy
Evolution of US Foreign Policy- Munroe Doctrine, Neutrality, Exceptionalism, World War I & II | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Cold War and its Impact
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Foreign Policy of Brazil , Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern 1. CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% 2. CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25% 3. CIA III – Research Topic – 10% 4. Attendance – 05% 5. End Semester Examination – 50%
| |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description:
Course Objectives: The main objectives of the course are:
Course Outcome |
CO1: Illustrate familiarity with the basic concepts and approaches to the study of research methodology. CO2: Employ the basics of research methods, techniques, and approaches and assist in the accomplishment of exploratory as well as result-oriented research studies. CO3: Identify the research problem and develop acumen to ask the right questions and provide appropriate answers. CO4: Develop analytical writing skills. CO5: Inculcate inquisitive nature that can result in fruitful research and learning and also aware of research ethics. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Foundations of Research
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Problem Identification & Formulation
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:16 |
Research Techniques
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Research Design and Report
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Approaches and Theories
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
Ahuja, Ram. Research Method, Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2001 Art, Robert J. and Jervis, Robert International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues, Longman, 2010 Dhiman, AK and SC Sinha. Research Methodology, Ess Ess Publication, New Delhi, 2002 Fowler, Flyod J. (Jr). Survey Research Methods, Sage, Beverley Hills, 1984. Gerring, John 2004. “What is a Case Study and What is it Good for?”American Political Science Review 98, pp. 341-354 Lantis, Jeffrey S, Lynn M. Kuzma and John Boeher, eds. The New International Studies Classroom: Active Teaching, Active Learning, Lynne Rienner,Publishers, Boulder,2000. Misra, Rabi N and Sharma, R. P. Research Methodology and Analysis, Discovery Publishing, New Delhi, 2006 Morgan, David L. Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: A Pragmatic Approach, Sage, New Delhi, 2014 Paul, K. Hatt and William J. Goode. Methods in Social Research, McGrawHill-Koga-Kausha, Tokyo, 1982 Phophalia, AK. Modern Research Methodology: New Trends and Techniques, Paradise Publishing, 2010 Silverman, David (Ed). Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice, Sage, New Delhi, 2004
Sprinz, Detlef F. and Wolinsky, Yael, Cases, Numbers, Models: International Relations Research Methods | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Phophalia, AK. Modern Research Methodology: New Trends and Techniques, Paradise Publishing, 2010 Silverman, David (Ed). Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice, Sage, New Delhi, 2004 | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25% CIA III – Research Topic – 10% Attendance – 05% End Semester Examination – 50% TOTAL 100% | |
MAIS234 - SOUTH ASIA (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
South Asia is home to the world’s most populous nation states, characterized by religious diversity and one of the fastest-growing regional economies. The vast peninsula is situated at the crossroads of West Asia and East Asia, and dominates the shipping lanes of the Indian Ocean. As international attention shifts to Asia, the states of South Asia are expected to play a more prominent role in shaping the affairs of this huge continent.
This paper provides a foundation to understand the dynamics of this crucial region and offers students the opportunity to concentrate on a part of the world whose importance in international affairs is increasingly recognized by the policy and corporate communities. It includes studying land use systems, political ecology, utilization of and access to natural resources, health issues, food security, ethnic conflicts, wars and migration studies. To achieve a comprehensive understanding of human-environment interactions at the interface between local and global processes, it gives an insight into the central dilemmas of modern politics, economic development and social change present in the region. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Analyse the significance of the region's geography and how this landmass has shaped the history, polity, society and economy of South Asia. CO2: Trace the evolution of foreign relations among the countries of the region. CO3: Examine the political initiatives undertaken towards economic regionalism which resulted in the creation of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Physical and Human Geography of South Asia
Geology, Landforms, Climate,Settlement, Population, Historical Geography | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
South Asian Regional Identity: Composition, aspiration and Constraints
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:14 |
Government and politics of South Asia
Governance: State Formation, Political Elite, Insurgency and Terrorism, Civil War, Militarization: Civil-Military Relations, Introduction of Nuclear Weapons, Territorial Disputes: Role of Super Powers: Political, Economic, Military, Social Dimensions | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Foreign Policy of South Asian countries - Inter-regional conflicts and subsequent relations
a. Kashmir b. Rann of Kutch c. Farakka d. Ethnic conflicts | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, creation and evolution, trade flows and treaties, barriers to intra-regional trade, challenges and opportunities | |
Text Books And Reference Books: 1) South Asia’s Geography of Conflict (August 2010), Robert D. Kaplan 2) South Asia: Political and Economic Region, DrNitasha Malhotra, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi 3) South Asia in a Globalising World: A Reconstructed Regional Geography, 2002, Prentice- Hall, Bradnock, RW & Williams, G 4) The Changing Map of Asia: A Political Geography, 2007, East, W Gordon 5) Countries in Transition :A Brief Review of the Emerging Political Economy of Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Maldives, and Nepal, South Asia Occasional Paper Series 3, Asian Development Bank, Manila 6) Foreign Assistance and its Impact on Civil-Military Relations: A Case Study of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal (Thesis) by Bobby Chand, March 2014 , Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, US 7) Government and Politics in South Asia, Boulder, Col.: Baxter, C., Kennedy, C., Malik, Y., &Oberst, R. (2002) Westview Press. 8) Mutual Suspicions, Murthy, Padmaja, (2000) Knowledge World, NewDelhi | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Government and Politics in South Asia, Boulder, Col.: Baxter, C., Kennedy, C., Malik, Y., &Oberst, R. (2002) Westview Press. Mutual Suspicions, Murthy, Padmaja, (2000) Knowledge World, NewDelhi | |
Evaluation Pattern
· CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% · CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25% · CIA III – Research Topic – 10% · Attendance – 05% · End Semester Examination – 50%
TOTAL 100% | |
MAIS241A - FRENCH (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
'Travailler en français en entreprise' is a professional French course at elementary level (A1/A2). It has been designed for students whose French is part of the professional project, or people already integrated into the world of work. 'Travailler en français en entreprise' (French in business) is a pragmatic method, based on an action-based approach: students are regularly put in situations through role plays and case studies. The professional situations and the tasks proposed are varied and realistic and thus give rise to written and oral productions close to the authentic. 'Travailler en français en entreprise' (French in business) includes ten units that address a wide range of topics related to the business world. Course objectives include the ability - to speak and understand simple conversations - to understand basic grammar - to write simple sentences. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: The students will be able to listen, understand and respond to aspects of the business world CO2: demonstrate better understanding of the socio-cultural and business aspects CO3: recall and apply a higher level of grammar principles CO4: write sentences/ dialogues pertaining to various contexts viz hotel, restaurant, industry etc CO5: Communicate effectively with people in the corporate world |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Echanges hors bureau - Exchanges outside the office
The unit includes a conversation, document, vocabulary, know-how and case studies | ||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Vendre - Sales / Selling
| ||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Collaborer - Collaborating
| ||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Commercialiser - Marketing
| ||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
| ||
Text Books And Reference Books: Travailler en français en entreprise - Méthode de français sur objectifs spécifiques - Niveaux A1 /A2 du CECR - Bernard GILLMANN - Edition Didier 2007 | ||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Becherelle Book series, French Course Grammar - Bertenshaw , French websites like Bonjour de France, Fluent U, Learn French Lab, Point du FLE etc | ||
Evaluation Pattern CIA 1 - Quiz on grammar tenses etc / Presenting a product CIA 2 - Written test CIA 3 - Quiz on various aspects of French culture / Oral and written comprehension / Oral and written production | ||
MAIS241B - CHINESE (2024 Batch) | ||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Semester 2 Chinese course will be a continuation of the previous course to help students consolidate the basics and further develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and prepare for HSK (level 2), an international standardized exam conducted by Confucius Institute Headquarters(Hanban, a public institution) in affiliation with the Government of China. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Students will have a repertoire of about 500 characters in Mandarin CO2: They will possess the vocabulary and common sentence patterns necessary for the day to day situations given in the units covered in the second semester CO3: They will know the important dates, festivals and places in China and some salient features of Chinese culture |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Happy birthday to you
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
The library is to the north of the cafeteria
1- Functions: Asking for directions, about words one does not understand, describing locations, consoling someone, expresseng not hearing or clearly understanding 2- Language points: nouns of locality, "zài在" sentences, "you有"or"shì是" to indicate existence, "gēn跟"/"gěi给"+noun/pronoun prepositional construction, "hao ma好吗?","duì ma对吗?"questions 3- Chinese characters: compound character, radicals 竹, 足, 彳 4- Cultural knowledge: The local style dwellings in China | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
How much is half a kilo of apple?
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
I'm not feeling well at all
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
It's getting cool
| |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Merry Christmas + HSK2 practice
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern
| |
MAIS241C - KOREAN (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course is a continuation of the previous course(semester 1). The objective of this course is to build upon the foundations established in the Beginner's Korean Language Course and further develop students' proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Korean. By the end of the course, students will have a deeper understanding of beginner-intermediate Korean grammar, vocabulary, and cultural aspects, enabling them to engage in more complex conversations and express themselves more fluently in Korean. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Expand their Korean vocabulary to include a broader range of beginner-intermediate level words and expressions. CO2: Demonstrate comprehension of more complex grammatical structures and sentence patterns in Korean. CO3: Develop listening skills to understand and extract information from spoken Korean in various contexts and engage in extended conversations on a variety of topics. CO4: Deepen their understanding of Korean culture, customs, and traditions, allowing for culturally appropriate communication and appreciation of Korean society. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Introducing family members
· Lesson 1: This person is my father. (Asking and answering about family) · Lesson 2: What did your mother use to do? (Honorific speech) | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
· Lesson 3: Try it on. (Suggesting)
· Lesson 4: Is there a longer skirt? (Describing things)
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Trip and hobbies
· Lesson 5: I’m going to go to Jeju. (Talking about travel plans and experiences) · Lesson 6: I liked to go hiking. (Asking and answering about hobbies)
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Bank and Post office
· Lesson 7: I want to open an account. (Making a polite request) · Lesson 8: I came to mail a package. (Indicating purpose and method of action) | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
· Lesson 9: You have to take line 3. (Talking about an obligation) · Lesson 10: Cross the crosswalk and turn right. (Explaining directions) | |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
· Lesson 11: Can you come to our gathering tomorrow? (Asking and answering about availability) · Lesson 12: I came because I have a sore throat. (Explaining the cause or reason for a subsequent result)
| |
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Student life
· Lesson 13: I ride my bike at a park or school. (Talking about choices) · Lesson 14: May I use a pencil on the test? (Expressing permission and prohibition) · Lesson 15: I’m drinking coffee while doing my homework. (Expressing present continuous actions)
| |
Text Books And Reference Books: I Love Korean 2 사랑해요한국어2 - Student's Book (English and Korean Edition), by Seoul National University Language Education Institute I Love Korean 2 사랑해요한국어2 - Workbook (English and Korean Edition), by Seoul National University Language Education Institute
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading I Love Korean 2 사랑해요한국어2 - Student's Book (English and Korean Edition), by Seoul National University Language Education Institute I Love Korean 2 사랑해요한국어2 - Workbook (English and Korean Edition), by Seoul National University Language Education Institute
| |
Evaluation Pattern
| |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course introduces and explores the role, functions, and effectiveness of core International Organizations in the context of conremporary world politics and global governance. The focus will be on the nature and effectiveness of International Organizations both from a theoretical and practical perspective . The course examines the performance of International Organizations on issues of peace and security, economic and social development, democratization, and human rights. Particular emphasis will be placed on the recent trends of cooperation and competition among states in international organizations. Course objectives: 1. To understand the historical evolution and growth of modern international organizations. 2. To provide students a basic understanding of the functioning and the role of international organizations, across a variety of issue areas in international politics. 3. To familiarize students with the core academic debates about the role of international organizations. 4. Demonstrate the theory and practice of international organizations in international politics
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate theoretical and analytical aptitude for studying and analyzing International Organizations CO2: Develop an understanding of the relationship between International Organizations, Globalization, and Global Governance CO3: Develop a thorough understanding of the role and significance of International Organizations and their significance in global governance CO4: Demonstrate the skills to analyze the nature and implications of the increasing tendency of cooperation and competition among key International Organizations |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:11 |
Ø Theories of International Organizations Ø Conceptualisation and Characteristics of International Organizations Ø Classification of International Organizations | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Ø Treaty of Westphalia (1648) Ø Concert of Europe (1815-1914) Ø Hague Conventions (1899 & 1907) Ø Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)
Ø League of Nations: Challenges and Dilemmas
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Ø Evolution, Growth and Working of the UN - an Overview Ø UN and Sustainable Development Goals: Global Impact Ø UN Peacekeeping Forces: Changing Role & Complexities Ø UN Reforms: Challenges and Trends | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:13 |
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Ø Contemporary Issues and Trends in the Working of the IMF and World Bank Ø WTO: Structures, Working and Dispute Settlement Mechanism Ø WTO Reforms
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
1. Margaret Karns and Karen Mingst (2009) International Organizations: The Politics and Process of Global Governance. Boulder: Lynne Reinner Publishers 2. Clive Archer (2011) International Organizations, 3rd edn.London.Routledge 3. Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore (2004) Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics. Ithaca: Cornell UP. 4. Paul Kennedy (2010) The Parliament of Man: The Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations. Toronto: Harper Collins. 5. Thomas D. Zweifel (2006) International Organizations and Democracy: Accountability, Politics, and Power, Lynne Rienner Publishers. 6. Inis Claude Jr. (1980) From Swords into Ploughshares: The Problems and Progress of International Organization, 4th edn, New York Random House. 7. Thomas G Weiss and Sam Daws (eds) (2007) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, New York, Oxford University Press. 8. A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System (2004), Published by the WTO 9. Le Roy Bennett, James K. Oliver (2001) International Organizations: Principles & Issues, Pearson. 10. Lynne Rienner (2015) International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Margaret Karns and Karen Mingst (2009) International Organizations: The Politics and Process of Global Governance. Boulder: Lynne Reinner Publishers. Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore (2004) Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics. Ithaca: Cornell UP. Paul Kennedy (2010) The Parliament of Man: The Past, Present, and Future of the United Nations. Toronto: Harper Collins. 5. Thomas D. Zweifel (2006) International Organizations and Democracy: Accountability, Politics, and Power, Lynne Rienner Publishers. Inis Claude Jr. (1980)From Swords into Ploughshares: The Problems and Progress of International Organization, 4th edn, New York Random House. Thomas G Weiss and Sam Daws (eds) (2007) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations, New York, Oxford University Press. David Armstrong., et al. (2005), International Organization in World Politics: The Making of the Twentieth Century, Palgrave Macmillan. Clive Archer, (2011) International Organizations, London. Routledge Lynne Rienner (2015) International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance Le Roy Bennett, James K. Oliver (2001) International Organizations: Principles & Issues, Pearson. International Organizations: Politics, Law, Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2018) Jan Clabbers, (2015) An Introduction to International Organizations Law, Cambridge University Press Martin Daunton, Amritha Narlikar, Robert M. Stern, eds., (2012), The Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization, Oxford University Press. Mitsuo Matsushita, Thomas J. Schoenbaum, Petros C. Mavroidis, Michael Hahn (2015) The World Trade Organization, Oxford University Press Carol, Lancester (2006) Foreign Aid: Diplomacy Development, Domestic Politics, University of Chicago Press. A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System (2004), Published by the WTO
Ian Hurd,(2018) International Organizations, Cambridge University Press. | |
Evaluation Pattern SCHEME OF VALUATION 1. CIA I – Class Test / Assignment / Presentation – 10% 2. CIA II – Mid Semester Examination – 25% 3. CIA III – Class Test/ Assignemnt/ Research Topic – 10% 4. Attendance – 05%
5. End Semester Examination – 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The United Nations website states that “Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and it is happening even more quickly than we feared.” Assessing the enormous impact of climate change, its intensity and complexity, many theorists call it to be a threat multiplier. Climate change negatively impacts not just the varied facets of our environment; the millions of species on the earth; our social, economic, cultural and political well being; but even our physiological and psychological health. Recent research points out that the climate crisis intrudes adversely into our neurological landscape.
This course attempts to introduce the student to the domain of climate studies from a humanities and social sciences perspective. Beginning with an introduction to environment, ecology and climate studies, this course feeds on the growing literature on understanding and responding to climate change. This syllabus hopes to empower the learner by introducing some of the key and critical discourses on the climate and explore strategies for promoting climate resilience and equity. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate one's basic knowledge about the terms and concepts related to environment, ecology and climate. CO2: Explore the social, economic, and political factors driving climate change and exacerbating environmental inequalities. CO3: Examine the disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities, including Indigenous peoples, low-income populations, and communities of caste and colour. CO4: Critically evaluate policies and initiatives aimed at promoting climate resilience, adaptation, and mitigation while advancing social justice goals. CO5: Engage in discussions and activities aimed at fostering awareness, empathy, and action on climate justice issues. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Introduction to Environment, Ecology and the Climate
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Climate Crises
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Climate Discourses
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Climate Ethics and Justice
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Climate Action
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern The course shall have a regular CIA- MSE -ESE model. Assessment Outline CIA1: Selection and evaluation of a case study from India - 20 Marks MSE: Centralised Written Examination - 50 Marks (2 Hours) CIA3: Group Presentation & Exhibition - 20 Marks
ESE: Centralised Written Examination - 50 Marks (2 Hours) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course introduces the students to the notions and concepts of borders, bordering, territorialization and its implications on the understanding of nation, identities, geopolitics, and geoeconomics. The course provides a wide range of topics in an interdisciplinary way in order to understand the multiple manifestations of borders at the global, national, and local level. This course combines rigorous theoretical framework to analyze borders with the requirements of empirical research work. Fieldwork is an integral component of the course. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: After completing this course students will be able to: Apply concepts and theories of borders, migration and identities in understanding real life social, political and cultural phenomena. CO2: After completing this course students will be able to: Conduct field research using qualitative methods in diverse areas of social activity. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Conceptualizing Borders and Global Bordering Practices
Unit Description: This unit will introduce the students to the concepts used in the larger field of Border Studies. The unit is designed to acquaint the students of the various approaches in studying borders. Vaughan-Williams, N. (2016) ‘Borders’, in Ni Mhurchu, A. and Shindo, R. (eds.), Critical Imaginations in International Relations, London: Routledge, pp 11-27
Rumford, Chris (2012) ‘Towards a Multiperspectival Study of Borders‘ Geopolitics, 17:4 pp 887-902 Mezzadra S, Neilson B (2012). “Between Inclusion and Exclusion: On the Topology of Global Space and Borders.” Theory, Culture & Society. 29(4-5):58-75. doi:10.1177/0263276412443569 Stacey K. Sowards (2019) Bordering Through Place/s, Difference/s, and Language/s: Intersections of Border and Feminist Theories, Women's Studies in Communication, 42:2, 120-124, DOI: 10.1080/07491409.2019.1605131 Walia, Harsha (2021) Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist
Nationalism | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Migration as Border Crossing Practice
Unit Description: This unit is designed to make students aware of the phenomena of crossing national and international borders as an everyday practice that redefines the notion and practices of nationhood, subjecthood, and citizenship. Mountz, A. (2015) ‘In/visibility and the Securitization of Migration: Shaping Publics through Border Enforcement on Islands’, Cultural Politics, Volume 11, Number 2: pp. 184-200. Samaddar, Ranabir (2020). Borders of an Epidemic: Covid-19 and Migrant Workers. Samaddar, Ranabir (1999). “Shefali” in The Marginal Nation: Transborder Migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal Gloria E. Anzaldúa (1987). Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza Foucault, Michel (2003) Society Must Be Defended: Lectures at the College de France, 1975- 76, edited by Mauro Bertani and Alessandro Fontana. New York: Picador | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Margins of Identities
Unit Description: This unit acquaints the students with the complexities that surrounds the issue of identity, care, and welfare when looked through the lens of borders. Identities in this unit is studied as a bordering practice that constitutes caste, race, gender, and biopolitics. Mbembe, Achille (2003) ‘Necropolitics’ Public Culture 15.1 11-40. Tyler, Imogen (2018) ‘The hieroglyphics of the border: racial stigma in neoliberal Europe,' Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol 41 Issue 10, pp. 1783-1801. Ritu Menon (2003). “Birth of Social Security Commitments-What Happened in the West.” Farhana Ibrahim (2005). "Defining a Border: Harijan Migrants and the State in Kachchh." Economic and Political Weekly , Apr. 16-22, 2005, Vol. 40, No. 16 (Apr. 16-22, 2005), pp. 1623-1630
Fernandez, B. 2017. “Queer Border Crossers: Pragmatic Complicities, Indiscretions and Subversions” | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Geopolitics and Geoeconomics in a Bordered World
Unit Description: This unit serves as an introduction to the interdisciplinary relation and interface between political economy, international relations, and political theory. Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson (1999). Borders in Cyberspace: Information Policy and the Global Information Infrastructure Michael G. Plummer, Peter J. Morgan and Ganeshan Wignaraja (2016). Connecting Asia Infrastructure for Integrating South and Southeast Asia Hillman, Jonathan E (2020). The Emperor’s New Road: China and the Project of the Century. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Schmitt, Carl (2003) The Nomos of the Earth: In the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cultural Representations of Border
Unit Description: Borders and bordering practices have left an indelible mark on the culture and art of nations and communities. This unit through analysis of films, literature, and popular culture discusses aesthetic representation of borders. Saadat Hasan Manto- “Toba Tek Singh” and “The Dog of Tetwal.” (Literature) No Man’s Land (Film) This Side, That Side (Graphic Narratives) Partition Museums (Museum) | |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
This unit will be a guided introduction to qualitative research methods in the studying of border at various scales-municipal, city, district, state, and nation. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: Saadat Hasan Manto- “Toba Tek Singh” and “The Dog of Tetwal.” (Literature) Schmitt, Carl (2003) The Nomos of the Earth: In the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Brian Kahin and Charles Nesson (1999). Borders in Cyberspace: Information Policy and the Global Information Infrastructure Michael G. Plummer, Peter J. Morgan and Ganeshan Wignaraja (2016). Connecting Asia Infrastructure for Integrating South and Southeast Asia Hillman, Jonathan E (2020). The Emperor’s New Road: | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA I: For CIA 1, the student will be asked to do a pilot study of a chosen bordering practice either at the city or the state level. It will be evaluated on the selection of theme, rationale
of the study, theoretical and methodological framework, (20 marks). CIA II - Mid Semester Examination: Section A (10X5=50 marks) – Centralized. These will be written examination to test conceptual understanding of the units. CIA III: The student is required to use the data collected in the pilot study and develop a first draft of a research paper which will include literature review, completely worked out methodological section, preliminary data analysis and findings. (20 marks) End Semester Examination: Centralized examination of 100 marks. | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:60 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Description: This course introduces the idea of CSR from a conceptual, historical and theoretical perspective and also addresses the ongoing debates. Detailed analysis of the policies and frameworks related to CSR implementation in India is made considering the employability of CSR professionals. While discussing the scope of CSR for sustainable development, references will be made to SDG goals.
Course Outcome |
CO1: Explain the conceptual and theoretical framework of CSR. CO2: Explain the history and evolution of the concept of CSR and the debates around it both at the global and national levels. CO3: Discuss the legal framework for CSR implementation in India. CO4: Evaluate the potential of CSR to meet the SDGs. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:20 |
Introduction to CSR
1. CSR: Definition, Concepts, Elements of Social Responsibility, drivers of CSR, CSR Pyramid (AB Carroll) 2. History and Evolution of CSR (International) 3. History and Evolution of CSR (India) 4. CSR in Global Context - Norms and principles, codes of conduct, certification and labelling, reporting, management standards, social investment, lending, governmental actions. | ||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Theoretical Foundations of CSR
1. Instrumental theories: Maximizing the shareholder value, strategies for achieving competitive advantage, cause related marketing 2. Political theories: corporate constitutionalism, integrative social contract theory, corporate citizenship 3. Integrative theories: Issues management, principle of public responsibility, stakeholder management, corporate social performance 4. Ethical theories: Normative stakeholder theories, the common good approach, universal good and sustainable development | ||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
CSR and Sustainable Development Goals
1. CSR as a tool to achieve SDGs : CSR and social value creation 2.CSR and Inclusive Growth (SDGs 1,2,4,5,9) 3. SR and Environmental Sustainability ( SDGs 13,14,15) 4. CSR and Labour Related Issues (SDG 8) 5. CSR and Public health : Responses during Covid-19 (SDGs 3,6)C 5. Ethical and Governance Issues related to CSR : good vs bad industries (case study: tobacco companies and CSR) | ||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Implementation and Governance of CSR in India
1. Evolution of Indian CSR Framework -Pre Companies Bill 2012 2. Companies Act 2013 3. Amendments to Companies Act Section 135 4. Case studies on CSR implementation – Agencies, Models & Best practices | ||||
Text Books And Reference Books: Agarwal, S. (2008).Corporate Responsibility in India.New Delhi: Sage. Crane, A. (ed.). (2008). The Oxford handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility.Oxford Handbooks Online. Crowther, D., &Guler A. (2008).Corporate Social Responsibility.Ventus Publishing House. GoI (2011).National Voluntary Guidelines. New Delhi: Ministry of Corporate Affairs. GoI (2013).Companies Act. New Delhi: Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Maira, A.(2013). India’s 2% CSR Law.Economic and Political Weekly, 48 (38) Mele, D., &Garriga, E. (2004).Corporate Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory. In Journal of Business Ethics. 51-71. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. | ||||
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading Baxi, C.V &Rupamanjri S R. (2012).Corporate Social Responsibility. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. Bob &Hartsuikar. (2007). Theory of CSR: Its Evolutionary Path and Road Ahead.Oxford :Blackwell. Brammer, S., Jackson &Matton. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility And Institutional Theory: New Perspectives On Private Governance. Socio-Economic Review.3-28. Burchell, J. (2008). The Corporate Social Responsibility Reader. New York: Routledge. ElAlfy, A. (2020). Redefining strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) world. Mullerat, R. (2010). International Corporate Social Responsibility: the role of corporations in the economic order of the 21 st century. Austin: Aspen Publishers Prasad, K. (2009). Corporate Governance. New York: Prentice Hall India. Rodrigues &Branco. (2007). Positioning Stakeholder Theory within the Debate on Corporate Social Responsibility. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and OrganisationalStudies.12(1). Schonherr, N., Findler, F., & Martinuzzi, A. (2017). Exploring the interface of CSR and the sustainable development goals. Transnational Corporations, 24(3), 33 47. Steiner, J. F & Steiner, G. A. (2009).Business, Government and Society (12 thed.). New York: McGraw Hill. Sundar, P. (2013). Business and community: The Story of Corporate Responsibility in India. New York: Sage | ||||
CIA 1 - 10 CIA 2 Mid Sem-25 CIA 3 - 10 Attendance - 5 Endsem exam - 50 | ||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Outcome |
CO1: To become familiar with the theories, arguments and debates of important International Relations strategic thinkers both western and Indian. CO2: To develop an in-depth understanding of the critical issues and challenges associated with contemporary world politics. CO3: To develop analytical and critical abilities based on a variety of assignments and presentations that will be part of the course requirement. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Unit 1: Western Strategic Thinkers
Western Strategic Thinkers Hans Morgenthau Kenneth Waltz Barry Buzan John Mearsheimer | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Unit 2: Indian Strategic Thinkers
Indian Strategic Thinkers Kautilya K.M.Panikkar K.Subrahmanyam Mohammed Ayoob Bharat Karnad
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
A New International Order in post-1990s
1. The End of History - Francis Fukuyama, 2. Jihad vs. McWorld - Benjamin R. Barber, 3. The Class of Civilizations - Samuel P. Huntington | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Major issues in contemporary World Politics -1
Major Issues in Contemporary World Politics – 1 Human Security Energy Security Maritime Security Nuclear Security Environmental Security
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Major Issues in Contemporary World Politics - 2
Major Issues in Contemporary World Politics –2 International Terrorism Forced Migrations Drug Trafficking Arms Trafficking Money Laundering
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
K. Subrahmanyam (2007) India and the Nuclear Challenge, Lancers International K. Subrahmanyam (1983) Indian Security Perspectives, ABC Publishing House Panikkar KM (1951) India and the Indian Ocean: an Essay on the Influence of Sea Power on Indian History Panikkar KM (1956) Principles and Practice of Diplomacy. Mohammed Ayoob, Third World Security Predicament Mohammed Ayoob (1990) India and Southeast Asia, RoutledgeBharat Karnad (2005) Nuclear weapons and Indian Security: the Realist Foundation s of Strategy Bharat Karnad (2018) Staggering Forward : Narendra Modi and India’s Global Ambition, Penguin Viking Mearsheimer, John (2001) The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, New York, W.W. Norton Morgenthau, Hans (1973) A Realist Theory of International Politics’ in Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace , (New York: Alfred A. Knopf) Kenneth Waltz (2010) Theory of International Politics, New York, Waveland Press. Waltz, Kenneth N (2002) ‘The Continuity of International Politics’, in Ken Booth and Tim Dunne.eds.,Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of Global Order , (London, Palgrave) Mearsheimer, John (2001) The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, New York, W.W. Norton Morgenthau, Hans (1973) A Realist Theory of International Politics’ in Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace , (New York: Alfred A. Knopf)
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading REFERENCES K. Subrahmanyam (2005) Shedding Shibboleths: India's Evolving Strategic Outlook, G.B.Books K. Subrahmanyam (2003) Self-Reliance and National Resilience, Abhinav Publications K. Subrahmanyam (2007) India and the Nuclear Challenge, Lancers International K. Subrahmanyam (1983) Indian Security Perspectives, ABC Publishing House Panikar KM (1951) India and the Indian Ocean: an Essay on the Influence of Sea Power on Indian History Panikar KM (1956) Principles and Practice of Diplomacy Panikar KM (1954) Asia and Western Dominance Panikar KM (1997) Malabar and the Portugese Mohammed Ayoob (1990) India and Southeast Asia, Routledge Mohammed Ayoob, Third World Security Predicament Mohammed Ayoob (2011) The many Faces of Political Islam, University of Minnesota Press. Bharat Karnad (2005) Nuclear weapons and Indian Security: the Realist Foundation s of StrategyBharat Karnad (2018) Staggering Forward : Narendra Modi and India’s Global Ambition, Penguin Viking Bharat Karnad (2008) India's Nuclear Policy, Praeger Security InternationalBharat Karnad, (2014) India’s Rise: why it’s Not a Great Power John Baylis and Steve Smith and Patricia Owens (2015) The Globalisation of World Politics : An Introduction to International Relations, London, OUP. Buzan, Barry, ‘The Timeless Wisdom of Realism?’ in Smith, Steve, Booth, Ken and Zalewski, Marysia, eds., (1996) International Theory: Positivism and Beyond, Cambridge University Press Mearsheimer, John, ‘Structural Realism’ in Tim Dunne et al, eds., International RelationsTheories, Oxford, 2007 Mearsheimer, John (2001) The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, New York, W.W. Norton Morgenthau, Hans (1973) A Realist Theory of International Politics’ in Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace , (New York: Alfred A. Knopf) Morgenthau, Hans (1970) Truth and Power: Essays of a Decade, 1960-1970,(new York, Praeger). K N Waltz, ‘The Origins of War in Neo - Realist Theory’, The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, , Vol. 18, No. 4, (Spring, 1988), pp. 615-628
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA I- 20 marks CIA II- 50 marks CIA III- 20 marks | |
MAIS332 - INTERNATIONAL LAW (2023 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
1. To understand and appreciate the scope of principles and concepts of Public International Law and the issues concerning legal status and relations of States and 2. To appreciate the contribution of International Law in conducting such relations with special regard to functional areas and dispute settlement.
Course Outcome |
CO1: describe the nature of international law, and distinguish it from domestic law CO2: list out and describe in detail the sources and subjects of international law CO3: apply concepts of international law to situations of international relations |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
· Nature, Scope, Basis and Binding Nature of International Law · Origin, History and Progressive Development · Distinction between Public and Private International Law · Relationship between International Law and Municipal Law and State Practices Cases for reference 1. The Paquete Habana (1899) 115 US 677 | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
· Sources of International Law and States Practices · Subjects of International Law |