


MA Mass Com., MA Org.Leadership

 Print Profile

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title of Chapter/Article ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Case Study ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
Sl.No. Title Place of Publication ISBN No. Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter Pramana International Research Conference Navigating the Creator Economy: Innovations in Journalistic Storytelling and Democratic Integrity in India 02/02/2025 Symbiosis Centre for Media and Communication (SCMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, Maharashtra International
2 Conference Presenter Future Communications: Rethinking society culture and governance AI & Journalism in South Asia: Debates and Directions 08/04/2024 Pondicherry University International
3 Conference Moderator/Chair Media Meet 2023 06/09/2023 Christ University International
4 Conference Organizer Media Meet 2022 25/08/2022 Christ University International
5 Conference Moderator/Chair Media Meet 2020 - International Virtual Conference 29/08/2020 Christ University International
6 Conference Convenor Media Meet 2020 - International Virtual Conference 27/08/2020 Christ University International
7 Seminar Participant International Webinar on Journalism in the time of Covid-19 - Edition II 27/06/2020 Christ University International
8 Seminar Participant International Webinar on Constructive Journalism 16/06/2020 Christ Nagar College, Trivandrum International
9 Conference Co-presenter International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences - (ICGBEFSS-20) K-drama Consumption and its aftermath: focussing on behavioural and lifestyle changes in the students of CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru 14/06/2020 Society for Education International
10 Conference Participant Visual Cultures in Contexts: Affect, Subversion and Resistance 19/02/2020 Christ University International
11 Conference Moderator/Chair Pratibimb 2020 - A National Level Film and Documentary Festival 27/01/2020 Christ University National
12 Conference Participant National Conference on Secularism, State and Interfaith Dialogue 24/09/2019 Christ University National
13 Conference Participant 6th Talk Journalism 20/09/2019 The Vox Foundation National
14 Conference Presenter Media as Mission Conference What the Bible says to Media Professionals - Bible Reading 24/02/2018 Christian Media Professionals Fellowship National
Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
Sl.No. Title of Invention Inventor(s) Filing Date
Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
Sl.No. Name of the Conference/Seminar Name of Organiser Level Date
Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Role Date
1 Training Programme on Communication Skills and Perosnality Development National Sample Survey Office (Field Operations Division), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, Government of India Regional Invited Resource Person/Trainer 24/06/2024
2 Truth Seekers: In Pursuit of a Media-Literate World Centre for Prace Praxis, Department of Media Studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) & The Media Triangle Regional Organiser & Presenter 13/10/2023
3 5 day Faculty Development Program on Curriculum Design and Revision with specific focus on OBE Staff Development College Institutional Participant 05/12/2022
4 Coaching Skills for Leaders Coaching 4 Growth Ltd International Participant 25/10/2022
5 Best Practices for Quality Enhancement - Storytelling for Teaching St Joseph's Degree & PG College, Hyderabad Institutional Invited Resource Person/Trainer 16/03/2022
6 Cultivating a Leadership Mindset for the 21st Century St Joseph's Degree & PG College, Hyderabad Institutional Invited Resource Person/Trainer 14/03/2022
7 QIP on Emerging Trends in English Language and Teaching - "Social Media for Educators" School of English Language, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Pune Lavasa Campus - The Hub of Analytics Invited Resource Person/Trainer 28/06/2021
8 FDP-I 2021 Faculty Development Programme (FDP I), Preferred Future: Ideas and Strategies CEDBEC & HRDC, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore Institutional Participant 16/06/2021
9 5 day QIP on Hybrid Teaching CHRIST University Staff Development College Participant 02/03/2021
10 Once upon a Story - A Crash Course in Storytelling Small Tales Regional Participant 23/02/2020
11 Human Centered Design Firedotfly & Dept.of Media Studies, CHRIST Institutional Organiser & Participant 15/02/2020
12 Storycrafting: Branding in Action Storycrafting & Dept. of Media Studies, CHRIST Institutional Organiser & Participant 01/02/2020
13 Building Bridges at Workplace - a Storytelling Workshop British Council, Bengaluru International Participant 17/10/2019
14 Research as Culture in the Department Academic Staff College Participant 20/05/2019
15 Summer Workshop on Data Analysis using NVIVO Centre for Advanced Research and Training (CART) Institutional Participant 17/04/2018
Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Organizer Served as a Faculty Coordinator of the 10th International Playback Theatre Network Conference at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) which featured 300+ Foreign Delegates including Theatre Artists IPTN & CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 08 December 2020
Sl.No. Faculties Theme of Consultancy Type
Sl.No. Applicants Title Date Published


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