CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore



Syllabus for
Master of Philosophy (Economics)
Academic Year  (2019)

1 Semester - 2019 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
3 Semester - 2018 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
REC381 DISSERTATION - 0 10 200


Introduction to Program:
This is a full time research program of 12 to 18 months duration, in which scholars are trained to present their research findings. In preparation, they will complete prescribed courses aimed at giving them a thorough understanding of the principles of Economics and its application in various functional specializations. The ability to think systematically, and apply quantitative methods will give them the knowledge and skills to later work independently on their PhD dissertation.
Assesment Pattern

Different components of CIAs.

Examination And Assesments

CIAs are composed of different components and carry 50% weightage.



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Philosophical foundations of research are the scenario of higher education provided. Various approaches to research,  review of literature and application of theory are also included.

Course Outcome

  • Reflections on the hilosophical foundations of research
  • Knowledge of the history and context of higher education
  • Knkowledge about various approaches to research
  • Review of literature
  • Application of theory

Teaching Hours:14
Philosophical foundations of Research

Ethics and values in Research, Scope of Interdisciplinary, multi-disciplinary and cross disciplinary research, Doctoral Supervision and supervisory styles, Types of Doctoral Research and implications, Pedagogy and Research: Research Informed teaching and Problem Based learning

Teaching Hours:16
Higher Education

History of Higher Education, The notion of University, Disciplines and Domain knowledge, Accreditations and Educational Policy, The Public Intellectual

Teaching Hours:16
Approaches to Research & Review of literature

Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed methods, Relationship between Research Paradigms, Designs and methods, Research Designs and its types, Research methods, Conceptualisation of Research problem in different research approaches, Research questions, Review of literature: Research Topic, Review of Literature in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, Steps in conducting Literature Review, Literature map, Abstracting studies, Literature Summary matrix, , Types of Reviews, Identification of Research Gap, Overview of Style manuals, Operational and Theoretical Definitions

Teaching Hours:14
Application of theory

Theory in quantitative research, Writing a Quantitative theoretical framework, Theory in Qualitative and mixed methods, Research proposals format for quantitative, Qualitative and mixed methods (Practical)

Text Books And Reference Books:

Creswel, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Los angeles: University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  • Altbach, P. G., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. E. (2019). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution. BRILL.
  • Denzin, N.K. and Lincoln, Y.S. (eds.). (2011). The Sage handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Fink, A. (2019). Conducting research literature reviews: From the internet to paper. Sage
  • Fuller, S. (2019). Philosophy of science and its discontents. Routledge.
  • Herr, K. and Anderson, G.L. (2005). The action research dissertation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Johnson, A.P. (2005). A short guide to action research. Boston: Pearson Education. 
  • Kindon, S., Pain, R., and Kesby, M. (eds). (2007). Participatory action research approaches and methods. NY: Routledge.
  • McNiff, J. and Whitehead, J. (2006). All you need to know about action research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 
  • Reason, P. and Bradbury, H. (eds.). (2006). Handbook of action research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 
  • Stringer, E.T. (2007). Action Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 
Evaluation Pattern
  • Internal Assessements are designed to improve knowledge of and skill in all sections of the course
  • Each unit is evaluated separately and all units have equal weightage
  • Not attending more than four hours of lectures of each unit will require the scholar to repeat the unit

REC381 - DISSERTATION (2018 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:200

Course Objectives/Course Description


The important objectives of MPhil dissertation in Economics are:-

1) To provide rigorous training in economic theory, its techniques and applications, and in quantitative and qualitative research methods;

2) To develop students' competence in the assimilation of complex arguments, the analysis of practical issues, logical thought, quantitative and qualitative techniques, and effective communication, using a range of teaching methods;


The course therefore intended to conduct a research dissertation based on the area of interest of the scholars in Economics. A faculty member would be allotted as a Supervisor to them from the department. Through regular discussion with the Supervisor, the scholar should be able to identify a relevant and feasible research problem and conduct a research using appropriate methods.

The scholar is expected to submit a first draft of synopsis/proposal to the Research Committee of the department in a specified format in the first semester of the course work. The proposal presentation for the dissertation work would be held within two months’ time. Four bimonthly presentations are compulsory in addition to Proposal and Pre-submission presentation. The dissertation will be submitted only when the supervisor concerned is satisfied that it is worthy of consideration in part fulfillment of the MPhil Degree. The application for submission of the dissertation shall also be countersigned by the Head of the Department.  

Five Copies of Dissertation Report must be submitted in a specified format to the research committee for evaluation purpose at the end of III semester. At least one paper presentation at a seminar/conference is a must by each candidate. Evidence for the same should be submitted during the final submission of the dissertation. Scholars are also encouraged to publish papers in the National/International journals. Appropriate weightage will be given for the published work based on Research Committee’s recommendations.

Course Outcome

On completion of the MPhil degree students should have:

  1. acquired, a solid grounding in the principles and practice of various economic theories.  
  2. begun to acquire independent research skills and experience of putting them into practice;
  3. acquired sufficient knowledge and understanding of advanced economics to proceed to a career as a professional economist in industry or to a research degree.

Teaching Hours:0


Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

The Dissertation marks include presentation of the project Proposal (25 Marks), Presentation of Dissertation (25 Marks), Final Dissertation (100 marks) – double Valuation, and Viva after evaluation of the dissertation (50 Marks). The title page of the dissertation, cover format, University logo, etc. should strictly conform to the format of presentation as prescribed by the University and the dissertation (all copies) should carry a declaration by the candidate and certificate duly signed and issued by the guide. The dissertation should be hardbound in grey/blue colour. The contents of the dissertation may be divided into different chapters including: Introduction, Review of Literature, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Summary and Conclusion, Appendix (if any), Literature cited, Publications (if any) etc. The MPhil dissertation may generally be written in English (for subjects other than Languages).  

The candidates will be granted up to a maximum period of 18 months, after commencement of the course to submit their MPhil dissertation. In exceptional cases, the candidates may be allowed extension of time to submit their dissertation on payment of prescribed fee subject to successful completion of applicable coursework. However, such extension shall be for a maximum period of one year only. The MPhil dissertation will not be accepted for assessment, unless the candidate has paid the prescribed fees. The candidate shall submit five hard-bound copies and a soft copy (CD with word and pdf files) of his/her dissertation work for assessment.