CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore

DEPARTMENT OF social-work


Syllabus for
Master of Philosophy (Social Work)
Academic Year  (2017)

1 Semester - 2017 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
2 Semester - 2017 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
3 Semester - 2016 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
RSW381 DISSERTATION - 0 10 200


Introduction to Program:
Master of Philosophy ( Social Work) offered by Christ University is a research based program (research degree) which is meant to produce social work professionals in the most advanced and innovative social work research methods. Scholars will be equipped to take up careers in academics or research, and pursue doctoral programmes in Social Work. The program aims at providing scholars with opportunities to examine emerging specialties in the field of social work by employing scientific research methods. The intensive training as part of the M Phil programme will generate interest in evidence-based practice in social work. The M Phil Programme in Social work will be conducted based on a credit system of one year consisting of two semesters. The students have to submit the dissertation by the end of the second semester, after the completion of the course work. The programme covers a comprehensive package of training for research scholars which includes a solid grounding in research methods in general and in specific to social work research, writing articles for publications in peer reviewed journals, and communicating research findings to academic and other audiences. In addition, students are encouraged to focus on Individualized researches in specialized areas. Dissertation is an essential part of this course apart from the course work. Guides will be allotted to the scholars at the beginning
Assesment Pattern

Dissertation will be evaluated in 200 marks which will be based on  internal as well as external evaluations and thesis presentation.

Examination And Assesments

Evaluation Criteria

Continuous Internal Assessment will be based on the paper

CIA – 1:                                                                                  – 10 Marks      

CIA – 2:                                                                                 – 25 Marks      

CIA -- 3:                                                                                 – 10 marks      

Attendance                                                                            -- 5 Marks        

End semester Examination                                                      50 Marks      




Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:8
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Research Methodology is an intensive course work, the researchers are trained in general and specific methods of scientific research. They are provided in advance a detailed bibliography of primary and secondary sources which will give an overall view of the research methods and the various tools of scientific research which are developed and successfully applied worldwide. The course work includes different theories of empirical and analytical methods and strategies of research, fundamentals aspects and specifications of quantitative and qualitative research and their philosophical foundations, developing an appropriate and discipline specific terminology, the design and structure of a scientific research, presentation skills in various forms of scientific treatise etc. 

Course Outcome

Research scholar becomes enabled to identify problematic or insufficiently grounded premises in the axiomatic and methodic foundations of individual or specific disciplines as well as of interdisciplinary undertakings in research, and will develop thereby an adequate knowledge base for designing and implementing a research project.

Teaching Hours:10
Meaning of research and scope of research


Methodology, Philosophy of research – ontological, epistemological and ethical considerations, Identification of problem area, Formulation of research questions.

Teaching Hours:10
Introduction to social work research

Definition, factors affecting research in social work. Elements of research, concepts, constructs, variables- relation and association. Hypotheses- testing. Research process in social work                                    

Teaching Hours:10
Research designs

Exploratory, descriptive designs.  Pre experimental, quasi experimental and Experimental designs. Participatory and action research. Evaluation research

Teaching Hours:10
Data collection and sampling

Types of data collection: Primary and secondary.  Interviews, questionnaires.  Steps in preparing research tools.  Issues of validation and reliability,

Sampling: Probability and Non probability samples.  Sample size.

Teaching Hours:10
Analyze and interpretation of data

Use of statistics in social work research, Parametric and Non parametric tests

Interpretation and analysis of statistical applications. Data scrutiny, tabulation and presentation of data

Teaching Hours:10
Academic Writing and Ethics

Introduction to Academic Writing, Structure of Academic Writing, Reading for Research, Academic Styles, Plagiarism, Publication, Online Resources

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alston and Bowles, 2003, Research for social workers, An introduction to methods, Rawat publications

B.N. Ghosh, 1992, Scientific method and social research, Sterling publishers,

Babbie and Rubin, 2000, Research methods for social work, Brooks and Cole publishing company.

D.K. Laldas 2000, Practise of social research. Rawat Publishers

D.K.Laldas, 2005, Designs for social research, Rawat publishers.

D’cruz and Jones, 2006, Social work research – Ethical and political contexts. Sage publishers,

Grosof  and Sardy, 1985,A Research primer for the Social and behavioral sciences, Academic Press Inc.

Laldas. Bhaskaran Ed, 2008, Research methods for social work,  Rawat Publishers,

Monette, Sullivan, Dejong , 1990, Applied social research- Tool for human services, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc

Norman A. Polansky (ed) 1975 Social work research – Methods for the helping professions, The University of Chicago Press.

Shaw and gould, 2001, Qualitative research in social work, Sage publishers.


Teresa Morris, 2006, Social work research methods, Four alternative paradigms, Sage publications 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Alston and Bowles (2003). Research for social workers, An introduction to methods, Rawat        publications

B.N. Ghosh( 1992). Scientific method and social research, Sterling publishers,

Babbie and Rubin( 2000). Research methods for social work, Brooks and Cole publishing company.

D.K. Laldas (2000), Practise of social research. Rawat Publishers

D.K.Laldas( 2005), Designs for social research, Rawat publishers.

D’cruz and Jones, (2006) Social work research – Ethical and political contexts. Sage publishers.

Grosof  and Sardy, (1985)A Research primer for the Social and behavioral sciences, Academic      Press Inc.

Laldas. Bhaskaran Ed, (2008) Research methods for social work,  Rawat Publishers,

Monette, Sullivan, Dejong , (1990) Applied social research- Tool for human services, Holt,             Rinehart and Winston, Inc

Norman A. Polansky (ed) 1975 Social work research – Methods for the helping professions, The University of Chicago Press.

Shaw and Gould, (2001) Qualitative research in social work, Sage publishers,

Teresa Morris, (2006) Social work research methods, Four alternative paradigms, Sage        publications

The sage dictionary of social science methods, Edited by Victor Jupp, Publishers 2006

Wilkinson and Bhandarkar, (1983) Methods and techniques of social research, ,Himalaya   Publishing house.


Willam, Unran, Grinell, (1998) Social work research,. F.E. Peacock publishers. 


Evaluation Pattern


End semester Examination


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Qualitative research methodology helps social workers to understand a problem or change in a context. In-depth qualitative methodology helps to understand multiple factors and interaction of those factors and how such factors influence social problems. Current epistemological movement supports mixed methodology in research, in which the triangulation of findings from qualitative and quantitative studies is encouraged. This paper explores methods, process and techniques of qualitative research in social work. 

Course Outcome

Student will be prepared to use qualitative research techniques for understanding social problems in context. Knowledge and skills on qualitative research will equip students to understand findings of qualitative studies and to gauge the benefits of research findings, published in peer reviewed journals. Application of this research methodology will strengthen evidence based practices of social work. Students’ ability in problem identification and program evaluation will improve through qualitative research where multiple perspectives are considered to understand a context. 

Teaching Hours:8
Qualitative research

Objectives, theories, principles, application in social work, types and process. Approaches: Ethnography,Phenomenology, Field Research, Grounded Theory 

Teaching Hours:8
Methods of qualitative research and applications in social work

Participant Observation, Direct Observation, Unstructured Interviewing and Case Studies  

Teaching Hours:8
Stages of qualitative research

Problem formulation, selecting methodology, data collection, triangulation, Concurrent analysis, conceptualization of findings and reporting.

Teaching Hours:14
Analysis and documenting methods

Philosophies, principles and techniques. Coding, theme selection, Memoing, Integrative diagrams and sessions, Use of software and Use of NVivo. Use of Audio recording, interview notes, video recording, posters, story writing, conceptual mapping for theory building and report 


Teaching Hours:7
Applications, challenges and opportunities in Qualitative research

Criteria for Judging Qualitative Research: Credibility, Transferability, Dependability and Confirmability. Criticism against qualitative research: Subjectivity Vs objectivity, Inductive vs deductive, Exploratory/ descriptive Vs experimental. Stories for social change

Text Books And Reference Books:

Bryman, A. (1999). Qualitative research. London [u.a.: SAGE.

Davies, M. (2007). Doing a successful research project: Using qualitative or quantitative methods. Basingstoke [England: Palgrave Macmillan.

Denzin, N. (2005). The SAGE handbook of qualitative research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Glaser, B., & Strauss, A. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine Pub.


Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. (1989). Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Neuman, W. (2011). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches (7. ed., international ed.). Boston, Mass.: Pearson.

Seale, C. (2004). Qualitative research practice. London: SAGE.


Tutty, L. (1996). Qualitative research for social workers: Phases, steps, & tasks. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Evaluation Pattern

Continuous Internal Assessment will be based on the paper

CIA – 1:                                                                                  – 10 Marks      

CIA – 2:                                                                                 – 10 Marks      

CIA -- 3:                                                                                  – 25 marks      

Attendance                                                                            -- 5 Marks        

End semester Examination                                                       50 Marks      



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This paper orients the students to theoretical foundation of social work research methods and research tool.  This course will help the scholar to prepare  discipline specific research design and structure. 


·         To orient the student to theoretical frameworks and models related to the research problem

·         To provide in-depth knowledge of research methodology


·         To enhance the skills for  preparing  research proposal and  tool

Course Outcome

All dimensions of carrying out empirical research will be familiar to the student.  Researcher will learn scientific aspects of research, prepare research proposal and research tool.

Teaching Hours:10
Theoretical Framework

Theoretical frameworks and models related to the research problem.

Research questions

Scope of research

Implication to social work

Teaching Hours:10
Variables, Hypothesis

Dependent and independent variables- association and correlation.

Hypothesis formulation and testing.

Review of literature. 

Teaching Hours:15
Research Proposal

Preparation of research proposal

Teaching Hours:10
Research Tool

Preparation of research tool

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for Social Workers. An introduction to methods. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

Ghosh, B.N. (1992) Scientific Methods and Social Research, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.

Rubin, A. and Babbie, E. (2000) Research Methods for Social Work, 2nd edition. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole Publishing Company.

Laldas, D.K. (2005). Designs for social research. Jaipur: Rawat publishers. 

Heather D'Cruz & Martyn Jones (2004). Social Work Research—Ethical and Political Contexts. London: Sage publishers.

Grosof, M. S. and Sardy, H. (1985). A Research Primer for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Lal Das, D.K and Bhaskaran, V (eds.). (2008) Research methods for Social Work, New Delhi:Rawat publishers. 

Norman A. Polansky (ed) 1975 Social work research – Methods for the helping professions. Chicago:  The University of Chicago Press.

Shaw, Ian; Gould, Nick. (2001). Qualitative Research in Social Work. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications

Morris, T. (2006). Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for Social Workers. An introduction to methods. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

GhoshB N (1992), Scientific Method and Social Research. NewDelhi: Sterling publishers. 

Rubin, A. and Babbie, E. (2000) Research Methods for Social Work, 2nd edition. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole Publishing Company.

Laldas, D.K. (2005). Designs for social research. Jaipur: Rawat publishers

Evaluation Pattern

3 CIAs of 10 marks and one CIA for 15 marks.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The researcher is trained in   scientific research process and procedures. This course  will give an overview of the research methods and the various tools of scientific research.  This course will help the scholar to prepare  discipline specific research design and structure. Researcher will learn to prepare proposal, tools and  presentation skills.

Course Outcome

Researcher will learn scientific aspects of research, prepare  research proposal and research tool.

Teaching Hours:10
Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework amd Models related to the research problem. Research questions, scope of research and Implication to Social Work.

Teaching Hours:10
Variables, Hypothesis and Review of Literature

Dependent and independent variables-Association and coorrelation, Hypotheis formulation, testing and review of literature.

Teaching Hours:15
Research proposal

Preparation of research proposal

Teaching Hours:10
Research Tool

Preparation of Reseatch tool.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for Social Workers. An introduction to methods. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

Ghosh, B.N. (1992) Scientific Methods and Social Research, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.

Rubin, A. and Babbie, E. (2000) Research Methods for Social Work, 2nd edition. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole Publishing Company.

Laldas, D.K. (2005). Designs for social research. Jaipur: Rawat publishers. 

Heather D'Cruz & Martyn Jones (2004). Social Work Research—Ethical and Political Contexts. London: Sage publishers.

Grosof, M. S. and Sardy, H. (1985). A Research Primer for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Lal Das, D.K and Bhaskaran, V (eds.). (2008) Research methods for Social Work, New Delhi:Rawat publishers. 

Norman A. Polansky (ed) 1975 Social work research – Methods for the helping professions. Chicago:  The University of Chicago Press.

Shaw, Ian; Gould, Nick. (2001). Qualitative Research in Social Work. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications

Morris, T. (2006). Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for Social Workers. An introduction to methods. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

GhoshB N (1992), Scientific Method and Social Research. NewDelhi: Sterling publishers. 

Rubin, A. and Babbie, E. (2000) Research Methods for Social Work, 2nd edition. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole Publishing Company.

Laldas, D.K. (2005). Designs for social research. Jaipur: Rawat publishers

Evaluation Pattern


3 CIAs of 10 marks and one CIA for 15 marks.


RSW241C - GENDER STUDIES (2017 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


To understand the theories and concepts related to gender studies, domestic violence.

To understand Khasi culture. 

To learn about the role of  culture and religion on domestic violance.

·         To orient the student to theoretical frameworks and models related to the research problem.

·         To provide in-depth knowledge of research methodology.

  To enhance the skills for  preparing  research proposal and  tool.

Course Outcome

This paper orients the students to theoretical foundation of social work research methods and research tool.  This course will help the scholar to prepare  discipline specific research design and structure.

Teaching Hours:20
Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework and Models related to the research problem. Research questions scope of research Implication to Social Work.Conceptual Understanding of Domestic violance among women. Literature on culture, Religion and domestic violance.

Teaching Hours:15
Research Process

Literature review writing.

Develop methodology-Research design, sampling techniques,Inclusion and exclusion criteria, Tools development, Data collection techniques, Analysis Tools and Techniques

Identification of Dependent and independent variables 

Hypothesis formulation and testing

Teaching Hours:10
Preparation of research proposal and tool finalisation

Proposal Writing  and Tool Finalisation

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alston, M., & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for social workers: An introduction to methods. Psychology Press.

Das, D. L. (2008). Doing Social Research: A Source Book for Preparing Dissertation. Gyan Publishing House.

Göpfert, M. (2006, May). Heather D'Cruz& Martyn Jones (2004). Social Work Research—Ethical and Political Contexts. In Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research (Vol. 7, No. 3).

Grosof, M. S., &Sardy, H. (2014). A research primer for the social and behavioral sciences. Academic Press.

Polansky, N. A. (Ed.). (1975). Social work research: methods for the helping professions. University of Chicago Press.

Shaw, I., & Gould, N. (Eds.). (2001). Qualitative research in social work (Vol. 113). Sage. 


Morris, T. (2006). Social work research methods: four alternative paradigms. Sage.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Ellison, C. G., Bartkowski, J. P., & Anderson, K. L. (1999). Are there religious variations in domestic violence? Journal of Family Issues20(1), 87-113.

Martin, S. L., Tsui, A. O., Maitra, K., & Marinshaw, R. (1999). Domestic violence in northern India. American journal of epidemiology150(4), 417-426.

Fernández, M. (2006). Cultural beliefs and domestic violence. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1087(1), 250-260.

Kasturirangan, A., Krishnan, S., & Riger, S. (2004). The impact of culture and minority status on women’s experience of domestic violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse5(4), 318-332.
Jewkes, R. (2002). Intimate partner violence: causes and prevention. The lancet359(9315), 1423-1429.
Burton, B., Duvvury, N., Rajan, A., & Varia, N. (1999). Violence against women in India: evidence from rural Gujarat [by] Leela Visaria. Summary report.
Ackerson, L. K., & Subramanian, S. V. (2008). State gender inequality, socioeconomic status and intimate partner violence (IPV) in India: a multilevel analysis. Australian Journal of Social Issues43(1), 81-102

NasonClark, N. (2004). When terror strikes at home: The interface between religion and domestic violence. Journal for the scientific study of religion43(3), 303-310.

Ellison, C. G., Bartkowski, J. P., & Anderson, K. L. (1999). Are there religious variations in domestic violence?. Journal of Family Issues20(1), 87-113.

 Levinson, D. (1988). Family violence in cross-cultural perspective. In Handbook of family violence (pp. 435-455). Springer US.

Evaluation Pattern

3 CIAs of 10 marks and one CIA for 15 marks.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The researcher is trained in   scientific research process and procedures. This course  will give an overview of the research methods and the various tools of scientific research.  This course will help the scholar to prepare  discipline specific research design and structure. Researcher will learn to prepare proposal, tools and  presentation skills.

Course Outcome

The student learns to develop a theoritical frame work and finalise the research questions.  The student learns to finalise the proposal and submit it.   The students will develop the tool for data collection.   The students also will prepare the first draft of the initial chapters compliant of APA guidelines.

Teaching Hours:10
Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework amd Models related to the research problem. Research questions, scope of research and Implication to Social Work.

Teaching Hours:10
Variables, Hypothesis and Review of Literature

Dependent and independent variables-Association and coorrelation, Hypotheis formulation, testing and review of literature.

Teaching Hours:15
Research proposal

Preparation of research proposal 

Teaching Hours:10
Research Tool

Preparation of Research tool.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for Social Workers. An introduction to methods. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

Ghosh, B.N. (1992) Scientific Methods and Social Research, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.

Rubin, A. and Babbie, E. (2000) Research Methods for Social Work, 2nd edition. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole Publishing Company.

Laldas, D.K. (2005). Designs for social research. Jaipur: Rawat publishers. 

Heather D'Cruz & Martyn Jones (2004). Social Work Research—Ethical and Political Contexts. London: Sage publishers.

Grosof, M. S. and Sardy, H. (1985). A Research Primer for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. New York: Academic Press, Inc.

Lal Das, D.K and Bhaskaran, V (eds.). (2008) Research methods for Social Work, New Delhi:Rawat publishers. 

Norman A. Polansky (ed) 1975 Social work research – Methods for the helping professions. Chicago:  The University of Chicago Press.

Shaw, Ian; Gould, Nick. (2001). Qualitative Research in Social Work. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications

Morris, T. (2006). Social Work Research Methods: Four Alternative Paradigms. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Alston, M. & Bowles, W. (2003). Research for Social Workers. An introduction to methods. New Delhi: Rawat Publications.

GhoshB N (1992), Scientific Method and Social Research. NewDelhi: Sterling publishers. 

Rubin, A. and Babbie, E. (2000) Research Methods for Social Work, 2nd edition. Pacific Grove CA: Brooks and Cole Publishing Company.

Laldas, D.K. (2005). Designs for social research. Jaipur: Rawat publishers

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation is carried out through CIAs.  There are 3 CIAs of 10 marks and one CIA for 15 marks.



Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The researcher is trained in   scientific research process and procedures. This course  will give an overview of the research methods and the various tools of scientific research.  This course will help the scholar to prepare  discipline specific research design and structure. Researcher will learn to prepare proosal, tools and  presentation skills.


·         To orient the student to theoretical frameworks and models related to the research problem

·         To provide in-depth knowledge of research methodology

·         To enhance the skills for  preparing  research proposal and  tool

Course Outcome

All dimensions of carrying out empirical research will be familiar to the student.  Researcher will learn scientific aspects of research, prepare research proposal and research tool.

Teaching Hours:10
Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework amd Models related to the research problem. Research questions scope of research Imlication to Social Work.

Teaching Hours:10
Variables, Hypothesis and Review of Literature

Dependent and independent variables-Association and coorrelation, Hypotheis formulation, testing and review of literature.

Teaching Hours:15
Research proposal

Preparation of research proposal 

Teaching Hours:10
Research Tool

Preparation of Reseatch tool.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alston and Bowles, 2003, Research for social workers, An introduction to methods, Rawat publications 

B.N. Ghosh, 1992, Scientific method and social research, Sterling publishers, 

Babbie and Rubin, 2000, Research methods for social work, Brooks and Cole publishing company.

D.K.Laldas, 2005, Designs for social research, Rawat publishers. 

D’cruz and Jones, 2006, Social work research – Ethical and political contexts. Sage publishers, 

Grosof  and Sardy, 1985,A Research primer for the Social and behavioral sciences, Academic Press Inc.

Laldas. Bhaskaran Ed, 2008, Research methods for social work,  Rawat Publishers, 

Norman A. Polansky (ed) 1975 Social work research – Methods for the helping professions, The University of Chicago Press.

Shaw and gould, 2001, Qualitative research in social work, Sage publishers.

Teresa Morris, 2006, Social work research methods, Four alternative paradigms, Sage publications 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Alston and Bowles (2003). Research for social workers, An introduction to methods, Rawat  publications 

B.N. Ghosh( 1992). Scientific method and social research, Sterling publishers, 

Babbie and Rubin( 2000). Research methods for social work, Brooks and Cole publishing company.

D.K.Laldas( 2005), Designs for social research, Rawat publishers.

Evaluation Pattern

3 CIAs of 10 marks and one CIA for 15 marks.

RSW381 - DISSERTATION (2016 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:0
No of Lecture Hours/Week:0
Max Marks:200

Course Objectives/Course Description


Master of Philosophy (Social Work) offered by Christ University is a research based program (research degree) which is meant to produce professionals in the most advanced and innovative social work research methods. Students will be equipped to take up careers in academics or research, and pursue doctoral programmes in Social Work. The program aims at providing scholars with opportunities to examine emerging specialties in the field of social work by employing scientific research methods.

Course Outcome

By the end of the course the students are expected to have-

1.      A clear understanding about the various processes involved in Social research, including conceptualizing, theorizing, writing etc.

2.      A clear idea about the significance of methodology, the different methods available and their practical application in Social research.

3.      Attained a level of articulation in terms of presenting ideas and arguments in a comprehensive manner.

4.      Attained a level of maturity to plan and design a research project and carry it successfully to the final stages in a time bound manner.

 5.      A clear idea about the significance of knowledge production and the excitement and difficulties involved in it.

Teaching Hours:0


Review of Literature

Research Methodology

Analysis and Interpretation



Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Evaluation Pattern

Research Proposal    25

Pre-submission        25

Adjudication           100

Viva                           50