CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore

DEPARTMENT OF psychology


Syllabus for
Master of Science (Behavioural Science)
Academic Year  (2020)



Introduction to Program:


Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome:

PO1: Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical foundations of behavioral science to Understanding and predicting human behavior

PO2: Understand and critique methods of critical analysis/research and articulate their influence on the field of behavioral science, economics, and sociology for an understanding of human behavior

PO3: Understand and demonstrate academic integrity, including honor code requirements within university, community and professional settings

PO4: Demonstrate the competency to understand neuroeconomics, business, analytics, and management to embrace contemporary practices.

PO5: Demonstrate leadership and self-management skills to work effectively in a variety of technical, social and group contexts.

PO6: Demonstrate a reflective practice, using professional development and self-care strategies to enhance professional competence.

PO7: Demonstrate interdisciplinarity, the ability to bring two or more disciplines, intellectual approaches, or methods from the other fields.

Assesment Pattern


Examination And Assesments
