


MTech, PGDBM, MPhil, PhD

 Print Profile

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 Inquiry into reverse logistics and a decision model International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 22-Jul-2019 33 / 03 / 353-382

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Inquiry into reverse logistics and a decision model
Name of Journal International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
Volume No 33
Issue No 03
Page No 353-382
URL https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=101160
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 22-Jul-2019
2 A Study on Factors impeding Online Buying of Household Items in Bangalore City Indian Journal of Marketing 05-Apr-2016 46 / 4 / 7-23

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A Study on Factors impeding Online Buying of Household Items in Bangalore City
Name of Journal Indian Journal of Marketing
Volume No 46
Issue No 4
Page No 7-23
URL http://www.indianjournalofmarketing.com/index.php/ijom/article/view/90526
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 05-Apr-2016
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title of Chapter/Article ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Case Study ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
Sl.No. Title Place of Publication ISBN No. Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Seminar Participant Right to privacy and Digital Space: Towards building a robust human rights legal framework 22/01/2025 Cochin Institute of Science and Technology International
2 Conference Participant International conference on new age technologies and Digital transformation for sustainable market development 26/07/2024 Christ University International
3 Conference Presenter 8th International conference on Economic Growth and development: Emerging trends Elimination of MUDA (Waste) using material information Flow chart in Pre-chassis Automobile assembly line. 29/11/2023 SDMIMD, Mysore International
4 Conference Moderator/Chair 8th International conference on Economic Growth and development: Emerging trends 29/11/2023 SDMIMD Mysore International
5 Conference Panelist 43rd World Management Congress 2022 16/12/2022 Christ University International
6 Seminar Participant Application of Lean six sigma in manufacturing 23/07/2021 Christ University International
7 Seminar Participant Innovation in health care during and after covid 19 crisis 17/07/2020 Ellipses innovation International
8 Seminar Participant Social entrepreunership and wealth creation 09/07/2020 Christ University International
9 Seminar Participant Professional excellence and politics in Institutions and Organisations 28/05/2020 Christ University International
10 Conference Co-presenter 5th International Conference on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Emerging Trends 15/11/2019 SDMIMD , Mysore International
11 Conference Moderator/Chair 5th International conference on economic growth and sustainable development:Emerging trends 15/11/2019 SDMIMD , Mysore International
12 Seminar Participant Oppurtunities and challenges of a frugal age : How frugal innovations can help secure affordable and green excellence 12/12/2018 Indian Institute of science Regional
13 Conference Co-presenter 4th International conference on Economic Growth and sustainable development: Emerging Trends Adoption of block chain technology for a more sustainable supply chain: Implementation challenges Co Presenter "s Name : N.Nainika (MBA Student, Batch 2016-18 ) 23/11/2018 Christ University International
14 Presenter 2nd International conference on Inclusive growth and Sustainable development A study of product returns in e-commerce industry in an Indian Scenario 18/11/2016 SDMIMD , Mysore International
15 Conference Moderator/Chair 2nd International conference on Inclusive growth and Sustainable development 18/11/2016 SDMIMD , Mysore International
16 Conference Presenter Relationship between demographic variables and online buying behavior among working women in Bangalore. - Christ University National
17 Participant National Conference on Emerging trends in Business - Department of Management studies, Christ University, Bangalore National
18 Participant Seminar on "Creativity for Enhancing Productivity" - Quality circle forum of India, Bangalore chapter. Regional
19 Participant Fourth Annual Conference on Achieving Global Comp - Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad National
20 Seminar Presenter "Manufacturing Excellence - Importance and ways to achieve it for Indian companies in a globally competitive world." - Christ University National
21 Conference Presenter Case study on Flipkart?s strategy on Amazon.com?s entry into India - Christ University National
22 Conference Presenter A survey on the Innovations in Online Retail Marketing - Christ University International
23 Conference Presenter A survey on privacy policies followed by e-business firms and its effects on privacy attitudes of consumers - Christ University International
24 Conference Presenter Drivers and challenges in M-Governance initiatives in Bengaluru - Christ University International
25 Participant Sixth CII Karnataka Annual Manufacturing Conferenc - Confederation of Indian Industry National
Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Key note address on : Importance of Reverse logistics in Supply Chain Management Felicitation program of members 17/12/2015 Indian Institute of Materials Management
Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 A study on the factors influencing online buying in fast moving consumer goods with particular reference to household goods Bhama .T Christ University April 2013
2 Determinants of Consumer Product Return Behaviour with respect to online shopping of apparels Dr Jeevananda. S
Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
Sl.No. Title of Invention Inventor(s) Filing Date
Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
Sl.No. Name of the Conference/Seminar Name of Organiser Level Date
Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Role Date
1 Supply chain analytics Centre for Executive education National Invited Resource Person/Trainer 07/11/2024
2 Advanced Timetable planning and Scheduling workshop School of Business and Management ,Christ University National Participant 02/08/2024
3 Demystifying AI and case study writing for Business educators School of Business and Management ,Christ University Institutional Participant 01/06/2024
4 Phd Candidate selection Dayananda Sagar University Institutional Invited Resource Person/Trainer 11/03/2024
5 MDP on SAP S/4 HANA School of Business and Management ,Christ University National Invited Resource Person/Trainer 06/03/2024
6 Lean six sigma for higher education Institutions AICTE National Participant 11/12/2023
7 Innovative teaching and learning methods SBM Christ University Institutional Participant 19/06/2023
8 Faculty Development program 1 2021 CEDBEC and HRDC Institutional Participant 16/06/2021
9 Hybrid teaching Staff development college, Christ University Institutional Participant 02/03/2021
10 Learning to teach online coursera International Participant 24/04/2020
11 Online teaching Academic Staff College, Christ University Participant 22/04/2020
12 Pedagogical leadership : Sharpening the saw and the digitisation of pedagogy Academic staff college Christ University Participant 20/05/2019
13 Strong certification program Anahat organisation limited Institutional Participant 19/11/2018
14 Revisiting Management : Thoughts and practices Academic staff college and Institute of Managemen Participant 21/05/2018
15 Case based teaching ,writing and Publication Christ Institute of Management , Lavasa, Pune Institutional Participant 15/07/2017
16 Innovative practices in Teaching , Learning and Evaluation Academic staff college and Institute of Management Participant 24/05/2017
17 workshop on "Emerging Technologies in supply chain and Materials Management" Indian Institute of Materials Management, Bangalore Chapter Regional Participant 16/02/2017
18 Competency Based curriculum CU Academic Staff College Christ University Institutional - 11/04/2016
19 Supply Chain Analytics workshop Institute of Management Hyderabad National - 20/01/2016
20 E-commerce driver for innovation in SCM Indian Institute of Materials Management National - 24/07/2015
21 Experiental learnng through Case Analysis Academic staff college and IMCU Institutional - 13/04/2015
22 Implementing ERP for SME Christ University Institutional - 06/12/2014
23 Programme on Warehouse Design and Development IIM Ahmedabad National - 22/09/2014
24 Contemporary Development in Management and Business Academic Staff college and CUIM - 26/05/2014
25 Critical Perspectives on Management Coursera ( Online course ) International - 13/01/2014
26 FDP on Introduction to Research and Data Analysis Reva Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore Institutional - 04/03/2011
Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 UGC NET July 2016 qualified UGC NET July 2016 qualified UGC 01 February 2017
Sl.No. Faculties Theme of Consultancy Type
Sl.No. Applicants Title Date Published


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