1 |
Chandan Kumar |
Discourse Of Dissent: Languaging Resistance And Consciousness In Subaltern Literatures - Dalit And Black |
Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 2 / 144 - 166 |
2534-9538 |
2024 |
2 |
Dhanesh M |
Imagined utopias and lived dystopias: Literary imagination of the urban future in The Black Dwarves of the Good Little Bay |
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences (journal) / 15 / 2 (29) / - |
2069-1025 |
2024 |
3 |
Dhanesh M |
Wounded-Breast Stories: Re-Inking Lactating Woman as an Immutable Abject Self in Select Tribal Folktales |
Erothanatos / 8 / 4 / - |
2457-0265 |
2024 |
4 |
Muskaan |
Adaptive Pixel Resilience: A Novel Defence Mechanism Against One-Pixel
Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks |
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology / 12 / VII / 473 - 479 |
2321-9653 |
2024 |
5 |
Nayana George |
Identities At The Dinner Table: Commensality, Self-Perception, And Relationships In Anne Cherian?S A Good Indian Wife |
Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 3 / 154 - 169 |
2534-9538 |
2024 |
6 |
Nivea Thomas K |
Discourse Of Dissent: Languaging Resistance And Consciousness In Subaltern Literatures - Dalit And Black |
Studies in Linguistics, Culture and FLT / 12 / 2 / 144 - 166 |
2534-9538 |
2024 |
7 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Politics of Symbolising Female Characters in Paulo Coelho's By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / - |
0975-2935 |
2024 |
8 |
Arya P V |
Cultivating Inclusivity in Social Spaces |
Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 27 / - |
0012-9976 |
2023 |
9 |
Chandan Kumar |
Echo Construction and Ad hoc Categories: Semantics of Group Reference in Magahi |
Rupkatha Journal / 15 / 2 / 1 - 16 |
0975-2935 |
2023 |
10 |
Chandan Kumar |
Numeral Classifier and Plurality: The Puzzle of Quantification in Magahi |
Journal of South Asian Linguistics / 13 / 1 / 1 - 16 |
1947-8232 |
2023 |
11 |
Dhanesh M |
The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans |
Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 |
0252-8169 |
2023 |
12 |
Dhanesh M |
The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of
the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s
The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans |
Journal Of Comparative Literature And Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 |
0252-8169 |
2023 |
13 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
Slow Violence in Vikram Chandra?s Sacred Games: An Ecocritical Reading
Sic Journal of Literature, Culture, and Literary Translation / 13 / 2 / 1 - 12 |
1847-7755 |
2023 |
14 |
Nivea Thomas K |
The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of
the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s
The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans |
Journal Of Comparative Literature And Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 |
0252-8169 |
2023 |
15 |
Nivea Thomas K |
The Prison Within: Analysing the Intersection of the Subject and the Social in Barindra Kumar Ghose?s The Tale of My Exile: Twelve Years in the Andamans |
Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics / 46 / 2 / 39 - 45 |
0252-8169 |
2023 |
16 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Changing Ways of Watching Content: But Has Anything Changed? |
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 53 / 28 / 111 - 112 |
0012-9976 |
2023 |
17 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Rethinking Fate or 'Maktub' in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist through Taoism |
Cogent Arts and Humanities / 10 / 1 / 1 - 10 |
2331-1983 |
2023 |
18 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Literary Symbolism of Wolf and its Howl in Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym |
Literary Voice / 1 / 21 / 169 - 175 |
2277-4521 |
2023 |
19 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Redefining Photography in the Era of Artificial Intelligence |
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 58 / 42 / 64 - 65 |
0012-9976 |
2023 |
20 |
Renu Elizabeth Abraham |
The Political Uncertainties of the
United Kingdom-2022 and Stock
Market Reactions: An Event Study
Analysis for LSE and Other Major
European Stock Markets |
Editorial System - University of Pardubice Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series / / / - |
1804-8048 |
2023 |
21 |
Santosh Kumar |
Aging Bodies and Necropower: A Critical Study of Geronticide in Tamil Films K.D. and Thalaikoothal |
SIC Journal of Literature, Culture, Literary Translation / 14 / 1 / - |
1847-7755 |
2023 |
22 |
Vidya S |
Cinema of Uttarakhand |
Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 43 / 4 - 5 |
0012-9976 |
2023 |
23 |
Arundhathi |
Gender-based Spatial Segregation: Ladies' Compartments in the Mumbai Local Trains |
Gender, Place & Culture / NA / NA / 1 - 21 |
1360-0524 |
2022 |
24 |
Arundhathi |
Travel time activities: Mobility and femininities in the ladies' compartments of the Mumbai local trains |
Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory / 12 / 2 / 565 - 579 |
2049-1115 |
2022 |
25 |
Arya P V |
Towards Inclusivity within Knowledge and Culture |
Economic and Political Weekly / 58 / 21 / - |
0012-9976 |
2022 |
26 |
Arya P V |
Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses |
Asia Pacific Education Review / / / - |
1598-1037 |
2022 |
27 |
Arya S |
Geography of madness: communitarian psychiatry and spatial logic in The Third Population |
Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 6 / 890 - 906 |
2150-4865 |
2022 |
28 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Forbidden Cravings: Exploring socio-cultural ramifications of food practices in Aamis
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / 2 / - |
0975-2935 |
2022 |
29 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses |
Asia Pacific Education Review / / / - |
1598-1037 |
2022 |
30 |
Kekhronguu Dazo |
Personhood in Naga Culture |
Journal of North East India Studies (JNEIS) / 10 / 2 / 28 - 49 |
2278-1455 |
2022 |
31 |
Kekhronguu Dazo |
"Identity, Memory and Temporal Experience in Amitav Ghosh?s Gun Island" |
Routledge / / / - |
yet to receive |
2022 |
32 |
Kekhronguu Dazo |
Temporality and Personhood Among Nagas of Northeast India |
Himalayan and Central Asian Studies / 27:2 / / - |
0971-9318 |
2022 |
33 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
Ecocritical Representation of Karen Identity in the Andaman Islands in Shubhangi Swarup?s Latitudes of Longing |
Agathos / 14 / 1/2 / 181 - 190 |
2069-1025 |
2022 |
34 |
Nayana George |
Identity in Consumption: Reading Food and Intersectionality in Anita Desai?s Fasting, Feasting |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / 1 - 10 |
0975-2935 |
2022 |
35 |
Nayana George |
Commensality and Togetherness in Becky Chambers The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet |
Litera: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies / 32 / 2 / 621 - 633 |
1304-0057 |
2022 |
36 |
Nayana George |
Race and Borders in Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter Soldier |
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 127 - 138 |
2069-1025 |
2022 |
37 |
Nayana George |
Exploring Cross-cultural Comfort Food Narratives
in Beryl Shereshewsky's YouTube Videos |
Journal of Creative Communications / / / 1 - 14 |
0973-2594 |
2022 |
38 |
Nayana George |
The Preserver, The Arbiter, The Destroyer: The Sea as Adjudicator in Chemmeen |
Towards Excellence / 14 / 4 / 921 - 926 |
0974-035X |
2022 |
39 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Relevance of Symbols in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist |
Rupkatha Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / / / 1 - 11 |
0975-2935 |
2022 |
40 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Literary Symbolism of Mountain in Paulo Coelho's The Fifth Mountain |
Literary Voice / 1 / 18 / 279 - 284 |
2277-4521 |
2022 |
41 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Villains and Their 'Logic' in Contemporary Films |
Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) / 53 / 4 / 63 - 64 |
0012-9976 |
2022 |
42 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Race and Borders in Marvel Studios The Falcon and the Winter Soldier |
Agathos: An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences / 14 / 1 / 127 - 138 |
2069-1025 |
2022 |
43 |
Santosh Kumar |
Disability Discourse in Hindi Literature:A Review of Jeevan Sangram ke Yoddha: Divyang Patron ki Prasiddh Kahaniyan, edited and collected by Sandhya Kumari |
Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies / 2 / 1 / 72 - 76 |
2022 |
44 |
Sreelakshmi K M |
"Identity, Memory and Temporal Experience in Amitav Ghosh?s Gun Island" |
Routledge / / / - |
yet to receive |
2022 |
45 |
Yadukrishnan P T |
Labour migration, the Arabian Gulf, and the expanding territorial imagination in Malayalam cinema |
The Journal of Commonwealth Literature / 58 / 1 / 52 - 67 |
0021-9894 |
2022 |
46 |
Arya P V |
The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space |
Smart Learning Environment / 8 / / 1 - 24 |
2196-7091 |
2021 |
47 |
Arya P V |
What is Remembered in Pandemic: A Commentary on the Mediated Memories of Piety in COVID-19 |
Society / / / 1 - 7 |
1936-4725 |
2021 |
48 |
Arya S |
On graphic mental illness narratives: an interview with Clem Martini, Tatiana Gill and Tyler Page |
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics / 13 / 6 / 988 - 999 |
2150-4865 |
2021 |
49 |
Arya S |
Critique of DSM, medicalisation and graphic medicine |
Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 2 / 233 - 247 |
2150-4865 |
2021 |
50 |
Arya S |
?Fog of Medication?: psychiatric drugs, neurochemical selves, and graphic medicine |
Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics / 14 / 5 / 681 - 696 |
2150-4865 |
2021 |
51 |
Chandan Kumar |
Multiple determiners in Magahi: A case beyond Agreement |
Indian Journal of Language and Lingusitics / 3 / 1 / 32 - 45 |
2582-9726 |
2021 |
52 |
Chandan Kumar |
Multiple Determiners in Magahi: DP Structure and the Complex N |
Linguistics and Literature Studies / 10 / 2 / 11 - 24 |
2331-642X, 2331-6438 |
2021 |
53 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
The mobility paradigm in higher education: a phenomenological study on the shift in learning space |
Smart Learning Environment / 8 / / 1 - 24 |
2196-7091 |
2021 |
54 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
What is Remembered in Pandemic: A Commentary on the Mediated Memories of Piety in COVID-19 |
Society / / / 1 - 7 |
1936-4725 |
2021 |
55 |
Gaana J |
Affective Geographies and the Anthropocene: Reading Shubhangi Swarup's Latitudes of Longing |
Journal of Dharma / 46 / 2 / 165 - 182 |
0253-7222 |
2021 |
56 |
Nayana George |
Art and its Interpretation |
Economic and Political Weekly / 56 / 43 / 4 - 5 |
0012-9976 |
2021 |
57 |
Nayana George |
Consuming Identities in Foodways |
Economic and Political Weekly / 57 / 16 / 65 - 66 |
0012-9976 |
2021 |
58 |
Nayana George |
The Instability of the World: The Examination of Paranoia and Conspiracy in The Crying of Lot 49 |
IUP Journal of English Studies / 16 / 4 / 59 - 67 |
0973-3728 |
2021 |
59 |
Nayana George |
John Ashbery?s Poetics of Indeterminacy: Reading Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror and As We Know |
Drishti: the Sight / 10 / 2 / 212 - 216 |
2319-8281 |
2021 |
60 |
Nayana George |
English Textbook Analysis: Secondary Language Perspective from the Kerala State Board |
Towards Excellence / 14 / 1 / 410 - 416 |
0974-035X |
2021 |
61 |
Nayana George |
Memories of Trips and Tea: Sips of Remembrance in Rishad Saam Mehta's Hot Tea Across India |
Literary Voice / 1 / 17 / 194 - 200 |
2277-4521 |
2021 |
62 |
Rajat Sebastian |
"One World One People": Post-Truth Politics and Rebellion in Marvel?s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier |
Literary Voice / 2 / 13 / 314 - 319 |
2277-4521 |
2021 |
63 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Filmic Afterlives: Considerations on the Uncanny |
India International Centre Quarterly / 47 / 3 & 4 / - |
0379-9771 |
2021 |
64 |
Renu Elizabeth Abraham |
Agency and Self Expression: Fan Writing as Life Writing |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 13 / 2 / 1 - 13 |
0975-2935 |
2021 |
65 |
Renu Elizabeth Abraham |
Acculturation and Holistic Development in
Children in India: Educative Possibilities of
Children?s Edutainment Magazines in English |
New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship / / / 1 - 17 |
1740-7885 |
2021 |
66 |
Renu Elizabeth Abraham |
The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: An Analysis of the Representation of the Northeast in Tinkle?s Wing Star Series |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 14 / 2 / - |
0975-2935 |
2021 |
67 |
Santosh Kumar |
Book review: RESISTANCE or misguided beliefs of invincibility |
Research and Humanities in Medical Education (RHiME) / 9 / / 4 - 6 |
2350-0565 |
2021 |
68 |
Arya P V |
Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs |
The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 |
2200-2014 |
2020 |
69 |
Arya P V |
Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario |
Journal of Computers in Education / / / - |
2197-9987 |
2020 |
70 |
Arya S |
Sequential sadness: Metaphors of depression in clay jonathan?s depression comix |
Media Watch / 12 / 1 / 33 - 45 |
0976-0911 |
2020 |
71 |
Arya S |
Eye of the beholder': Psychiatric medical reasoning, narrative humility, and graphic medicine |
Rupkatha / 13 / 2 / 1 - 13 |
NA |
2020 |
72 |
Dhanesh M |
Spaces, Semantics, and ?Aesthetic Faculty?: Perspectives on Their Operative Plane of Concurrence, Constitution and Becoming |
SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH / 9 / 3 / 135 - 157 |
2582-3574 |
2020 |
73 |
Dhanesh M |
Performance-Narrative-Truth: On the Performativity of Life and the Problematics of News in the Late Capitalism Era |
Littcrit / / / - |
0970-8049 |
2020 |
74 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs |
The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 |
2200-2014 |
2020 |
75 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario |
Journal of Computers in Education / / / - |
2197-9987 |
2020 |
76 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Rhetorics in/of English Language Education in India: A Case of Digital Natives in Higher Education Programs |
The Journal of English as an International Language / 15 / 2 / 1 - 26 |
2200-2014 |
2020 |
77 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Why learning space matters: a script approach to the phenomena of learning in the emergency remote learning scenario |
Journal of Computers in Education / / / - |
2197-9987 |
2020 |
78 |
Gaana J |
'Amphibious Hisotriography': Reading Samanth Subramanian's Following Fish: Travels around the Indian Coast (2010) through the Actor-Network Theory |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 12 / 3 / 252 - 262 |
0975-2935 |
2020 |
79 |
Gaana J |
At the Interface of Colonial Knowing and Unknowing: A Critical Reading of the Golden Camellia in Amitav Ghosh?s River of Smoke |
South Asian Review / / / 1 - 13 |
2573-9476 |
2020 |
80 |
Gaana J |
'Kew'rious Gardens: Of Literary Isolations, Mobility, and Curiosity in Virginia Woolf's "Kew Gardens" |
Literary Geographies / 6 / 2 (2020) / 165 - 171 |
2397-1797 |
2020 |
81 |
Gaana J |
The Interstitial Representation of Militaristic Masculinity in Amitav Ghosh's 'Flood of Fire' |
Frame Journal of Literary Studies / 33 / 2 / 165 - 171 |
0924-7750 |
2020 |
82 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Women at Work: The Cultural and Creative Industries |
Studies in South Asian Film and media / / 11, 2 / - |
1756-493X, 1756-4921 |
2020 |
83 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Escaping the Future |
Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 39 / - |
2349-8846, 0012-9976 |
2020 |
84 |
Santosh Kumar |
Limelight in the Dark Times: Jyoti Kumari's 'Cylothon' |
Economic and Political Weekly / 55 / 35 / 73 - 74 |
0012-9976 |
2020 |
85 |
Santosh Kumar |
Introduction: Inaugural Issue of InJCDS 2020 |
Indian Journal of Critical Disability Studies / 1 / 1 / 2 - 11 |
2020 |
86 |
Sonia Ghalian |
Book Review: Indian Film Stars, edited by Michael Lawrence ( Publisher: British Film Institute) |
SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English / 58 / 1 / - |
0127-046X |
2020 |
87 |
Anagha Biju |
unveiling Trauma and Experiences of Disability through Cartoons and diary Writing in "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" |
Research Journey / / 243 / 20 - 24 |
2348-7143 |
2019 |
88 |
Chandan Kumar |
NP/DP Parameter and Classifier Languages: A Case of Magahi |
The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies / 1 / 1 / - |
2717-5413 |
2019 |
89 |
Devaleena Kundu |
Transacting Death: José Saramago?s Death at Intervals and the Politics of the Death Industry |
THANATOS / 8 2/2019 / / 203 - 216 |
2242-6280 |
2019 |
90 |
Devaleena Kundu |
Churching Online: A Study on Religious Authority and Tourism in a Digital Age |
Atna - Journal of Tourism Studies / 14 / 1 / 47 - 81 |
0975-3281 |
2019 |
91 |
Dhanesh M |
Towards the New Paradigm of Existence, Human to Posthuman: Reflections on Subash Chandran?s A Preface to Man. |
SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH, / 8 / 1 / 203 - 211 |
2582-3574 |
2019 |
92 |
Dishari Chattaraj |
Strategies for Facilitating Listening Skills among Foreign Language Learners in US Universities |
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research / 19 / 4 / 150 - 169 |
1694-2116 |
2019 |
93 |
Gaana J |
Editorial |
Artha-Journal of Social Sciences / 18 / 3 / - |
0975-329X |
2019 |
94 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
Rethinking Romanticism: Frankenstein, The X-Files, and the Postmodern Prometheus |
Literary Endeavour / X / 3 / 291 - 298 |
0976-299X |
2019 |
95 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
Innovations in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation: An Overview of Processes Undertaken at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) |
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology / XI / XII / 797 - 807 |
1006-7930 |
2019 |
96 |
Rajat Sebastian |
Women and Action: The Representation of Hollywood Superhuman Film Wonder Woman |
Labyrinth / 10 / 3 / 135 - 144 |
0976-0814 |
2019 |
97 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Decolonising Cultural Studies |
Artha: Journal of Social Sciences / 18 / 3 / 25 - 42 |
0975-329X |
2019 |
98 |
Santosh Kumar |
Book Review: Disability and Mothering: Liminal Spaces of Embodied Knowledge. Cynthia Lewiechi-Wilson and Jen Cellio (Eds.) Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2011. |
Peace Prints: South Asian Journal of Peacebuilding (Gender and Disability) / 5 / 1 / - |
2582-7871 |
2019 |
99 |
Chandan Kumar |
The Negative Particle na/ne and non-Negation in Magahi |
Journal of South Asian Studies / 24 / 2 / 89 - 128 |
1598-1061 |
2018 |
100 |
Dhanesh M |
On the Politics of Trauma and the Politics of Affect: Theorising the Strategy of Post-Truth
Politics |
(International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities / 6 / 12 / 1537 - 1548 |
2321-7065 |
2018 |
101 |
Dhanesh M |
On the Nature of Subaltern Studies |
GNOSIS / 5 / 2 / 142 - 150 |
2394-0131 |
2018 |
102 |
Gaana J |
A History of the Future: Time-Travel, Technology, Dystopia, and Postcolonial Anxiety in Vandana Singh's 'Delhi' |
Artha- Journal of Social Sciences / 17 / 3 / 73 - 97 |
0975-329X |
2018 |
103 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
Anthony Minghella and Madama Butterfly: A Conversation with Sir Mark Elder |
Libri: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation. / 7 / 1 / 24 - 28 |
2068-0627 |
2018 |
104 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
"Now that's The Music Talking": Musical Narratology, Fetishistic Emblems And Authentic Self-Representation in Anthony Minghella's The Talented Mr Ripley |
IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities) / 7 / 4 / 341 - 359 |
2321-7065 |
2018 |
105 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Editorial: Trajectories of the Moving Image in South Asia |
Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 191 - 201 |
2018 |
106 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Shadowing the Image Archive: In Media Res, Inside Nalini Malani's Shadow Plays |
Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 324 - 334 |
2045-6298 |
2018 |
107 |
Rashmi Sawhney |
Experimenta: Instigating a Counter-Cultural Film Platform in Bangalore. Shai Heredia in Conversation with Rashmi Sawhney. |
Moving Image Review and Arts Journal / 7 / 2 / 286 - 297 |
2045-6298, 2045-6301 |
2018 |
108 |
Sucheth P R |
Bhashaasangarshangalum Sahithyavum Raashtranthareeya Parisarangalil? (?Linguistic Conflicts and Literature in Transnational Contexts |
Malayala Pachcha / 1 / 8 / 220 - 233 |
2018 |
109 |
Chandan Kumar |
Plurality in Magahi language and reference to count/mass noun |
Language in India / 18 / 3 / 67 - 85 |
1930-2940 |
2017 |
110 |
Chandan Kumar |
Location of identity in language contact and replacement: A case of Hindiized Magahi and Magahi |
Language in India / 17 / 11 / 60 - 79 |
1930-2940 |
2017 |
111 |
Chandan Kumar |
Noun Particle /-wa/: A definite bare classifier in Magahi |
Interdisciplinary journal of Linguistics / 11 / / 166 - 186 |
0974-3421 |
2017 |
112 |
Chandan Kumar |
Structure of Relative clause: A comparative study of Hindi and Magahi |
Aligarh Journal of Linguistics / 7 / 2 / 155 - 172 |
2249-1511 |
2017 |
113 |
Dhanesh M |
I in the Eye: Situating Narcissistic Drive in a Sociology of Functional
Governance |
The Creative Launcher / 3 / 1 / 526 - 530 |
2455-6580 |
2017 |
114 |
Dhanesh M |
Imagining Post-Nation: Role of Technology, Discursive Practices and Popular Media.
International Journal of English Lanugage Literature and Humanities-IJELLH / 5 / 12 / 2 - 10 |
2321-7065 |
2017 |
115 |
Sucheth P R |
The Evolution of the Aesthetics of Migration Literature: A Historical Mapping |
Research Journal of English Language and Literature: A Peer Reviewed International Journal / 5 / 3 / 631 - 637 |
2395-2636, 2321-3108 |
2017 |
116 |
Sucheth P R |
Problematisation of Ethnicity in Indian Novels in English in the Era of Transnationalism |
Journal of Higher Education & Research Society A Refereed International / 6 / 1 / 703 - 711 |
2349-0209 |
2017 |
117 |
Vidya S |
Growing Number of Sexual Violence against Women in Kerala |
The Criterion: An International Journal in English / 9 / 1 / 239 - 245 |
0976-8165 |
2017 |
118 |
Chandan Kumar |
Particle 'wa' and its various linguistics and sociolinguistics implication in Magahi |
Interdisciplinary journal of Linguistics / 9 / / 150162 - |
0974-3421 |
2016 |
119 |
Gaana J |
Orality and the Archive: Teaching the Partition of India through Oral Histories |
Radical Teacher / 105 (2016) / / 44 - 53 |
1941-0832 |
2016 |
120 |
Gaana J |
Narrativising an English Department |
Artha Journal of Social Sciences / 15 / 38 / 41 - 65 |
0975-329X |
2016 |
121 |
Meghna Mudaliar |
The Gendered Self and the Invention of the Kashmiri Identity in "I, Lalla" |
The Quint: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly from the North / 8 / 3 / 225 - 235 |
1920-1028 |
2016 |
122 |
Santosh Kumar |
Gilchrist's Grammar: A Tool of Colonialism |
Indian Linguistics / 76 / 3-4 / 57 - 70 |
0378-0759 |
2016 |
123 |
Santosh Kumar |
An Interview with Prof Anita Ghai |
Language and Language Teaching / 5 / 10 / 46 - 52 |
2277-307X |
2016 |
124 |
Shaheen Ebrahimkutty A V |
Life behind the locked door: The Feminine Psyche in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things |
IEAE DIGITAL LIBRARY / Kadambari12 / Kadambari12 / 1 - 3 |
2016 |
125 |
Surya Kiran |
Animals in Life of Pi and the Ethics of Othering |
Indian Journal of Postcolonial Literatures / / / 43 - 51 |
0974-7370 |
2016 |
126 |
Surya Kiran |
The Politics of Space in A Fine Balance |
The Criterion: An International Journal In English / / 8 / 404 - 415 |
0976-8165 |
2016 |
127 |
Vidya S |
The Protesting Lens: Elements of Third Cinema in Abbas Kiarostami's Ten |
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) / 4 / 3 / 578 - 581 |
2395-2636, 2321-3108 |
2016 |
128 |
Dhanesh M |
Power and the Dialectics of Appropriation:
An Analysis of Power Operations in the World of Micros. |
Singularities / 3 / 1 / 135 - 140 |
2348-3369 |
2015 |
129 |
Surya Kiran |
Social Control and Formation of Dystopias in Ballardian Short Stories |
Singularities / / / 186 - 192 |
2348-3369 |
2015 |
130 |
Vidya S |
Children in Iranian Cinema |
Witness: The Analytical Journal of India / 16 / 04 / 18 - 19 |
2277-8918 |
2015 |
131 |
Dhanesh M |
The Old Wine in New Bottles?: An Evaluation of Contemporary Discourses and Their Creation of Gendered Spaces. |
International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities / 2 / 9 / 48 - 59 |
2321-7065 |
2014 |
132 |
Vidya S |
Role of Women in Iranian Cinema |
English Activities Update / 5 / 2 / 81 - 87 |
0976-3643 |
2014 |
133 |
Gaana J |
Visual Culture, Spectatorship and Humanitarian Disaster: "Vanni Eli" and the Representation of the Sri Lankan Civil War |
SAGE Journal of Creative Communication / 7 / 1 & 2 / 121 - 134 |
0973-2586 |
2013 |
134 |
Gaana J |
Ec(h)o-narrating Stories: Ecological Thought and Metanarrativity in Folktales |
Journal of Dharma / 39 (1) / 1 / 71 - 84 |
0253-7222 |
2013 |
135 |
Gaana J |
Borders of the Abject: Gender, Transgression and Subjectivity in the Poetry of Imthiaz Dharker |
Literaria / 1 / 1 / 85 - 102 |
2229-4600 |
2012 |
136 |
Indumathi S |
Do Koreans hate Indians? Fact checking viral online videos calling out Korean racism |
Media Asia / / / - |
2377-6277 |
2024 |
137 |
Jais Merlin P Augustine |
Development through ICT: A study on teachers? perspectives on challenges in online education for tribal students amid COVID-19 |
Multidisciplinary Science Journal, / 7 / 1 / 1 - 10 |
2675-1240 |
2024 |
138 |
Parashurama Kamath |
Development through ICT: A study on teachers? perspectives on challenges in online education for tribal students amid COVID-19 |
Multidisciplinary Science Journal, / 7 / 1 / 1 - 10 |
2675-1240 |
2024 |
139 |
Indumathi S |
Beyond Bollywood and Hindi: making a case for
other language films in India |
Media Asia / / / - |
2377-6277 |
2023 |
140 |
Indumathi S |
Romance and Hitchcock? Viewing master of suspense as master of romance |
Studies in European Cinema / / / - |
1741-1548 |
2023 |
141 |
Indumathi S |
Representation Of Gender And Childcare In
Popular Indian Advertisements From 2011 To 2021
Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies / 18 / 1 / 21 - 27 |
0973-9688 |
2023 |
142 |
Jais Merlin P Augustine |
Pandemic Communication through Public Service Broadcasters: A Study on Strategies of Covid-19 awareness creation in Kerala |
Communication and Journalism Research / / / 105 - 116 |
2348-5663 |
2023 |
143 |
Krishnapriya T K |
Examining Motherhood and Son-preference in Colonial Bengal: A Textual Analysis of Tagore?s Chokher Bali and Jogajog |
Gitanjali and Beyond / 1 / 6 / 45 - 61 |
2399-8733 |
2023 |
144 |
Indumathi S |
"National cinema" in India: exploring myths and
realities |
Media Asia / / / - |
2377-6277 |
2022 |
145 |
Indumathi S |
Reimagining North Korea in a new frame: review of
the series Crash Landing on You (2019)
Media Asia / / / - |
2377-6277 |
2022 |
146 |
Indumathi S |
Rom-coms In Neo-liberal Hollywood: A Formulaic Approach That Affects The Perception Of Love Among Viewers
Mass Communicator: International Journal of Communication Studies / 15 / 3 / 22 - 29 |
0973-9688 |
2021 |
147 |
Indumathi S |
Immortality and beyond: review of the film Seo Bok |
Media Asia / / / - |
2377-6277 |
2021 |
148 |
Indumathi S |
Media in everyday life: review of the series Reply 1988 |
Media Asia / / / - |
2377-6277 |
2021 |
149 |
Indumathi S |
Co-operative Movement in India: An Alternative Paradigm for Democratic Participation |
Deeksha: Bi-Annual Peer Reviewed Journal of Social Work / 19 / 1 / 38 - 59 |
2250-3919 |
2021 |
150 |
Krishnapriya T K |
The Parrot's Training in the pandemic: fallacies in India's educational response to COVID-19 |
Asia Pacific Education Review / 23 / June 2022 / 285 - 296 |
1598-1037 |
2021 |
151 |
Krishnapriya T K |
?Through their eyes, I can work? ? rural physicians' perceptions about mobile phone use among community health workers ? a qualitative analysis |
Health Education / 122 / 2 / 180 - 201 |
0965-4283 |
2021 |
152 |
Krishnapriya T K |
Relocating colonial women in resistance: An interpretation of Rabindranath Tagore?s Nastanirh and chaturanga |
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities / 13 / 2 / 1 - 10 |
0975-2935 |
2021 |
153 |
Neelatphal Chanda |
Creation and Consumption of Cultural Artefacts in the age of Insta-Culture |
Journal of Content, Community & Communication / 13 / 1 / 255 - 262 |
2456-9011 |
2021 |
154 |
Ashwini Arvind Falnikar |
Bt cotton and the voices of the widows in the face of farmer-suicides |
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication / 14 / 2 / 95 - 111 |
1751-3065 |
2020 |
155 |
Ashwini Arvind Falnikar |
Hindu nationalism and media violence in news discourses in India |
First Amendment Studies / 54 / 2 / 250 - 260 |
2168-9733 |
2020 |
156 |
Deepak B J |
The Internet's potential: A study of Indian news sites |
SEARCH (Malaysia) / 12 / 2 / 39 - 57 |
2672-7080 |
2020 |
157 |
Deepak B J |
Mediamorphosis of Regional Newspapers: Utilization of the Internet?s Potential by Kannada Media |
Asia Pacific Media Educator / 30 / 1 / 1 - 18 |
1326-365X |
2020 |
158 |
Ashwini Arvind Falnikar |
Critical Health Communication Method as Embodied Practice of Resistance: Culturally Centering Structural Transformation Through Struggle for Voice |
Frontiers / 4 / / - |
1663-4365 |
2019 |
159 |
Ajay Kumar |
Developing Reflective Practitioners Incorporating Faculty Research Into Management Education Curriculum |
Aweshkar / 26 / 1 / 68 - 79 |
0974-1119 |
2018 |
160 |
Anil Kumar P |
Service-Learning: A Curriculum for Deliberations and Demonstrations |
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews / 06 / 02 / 28 - 34 |
2349-5138 |
2018 |
161 |
Jais Merlin P Augustine |
Mediated Health Communication in Kerala: An Audience Perception |
Communication and Media studies / 8 / 1 / 97 - 106 |
2395-1559 |
2018 |
162 |
Anil Kumar P |
Video for Change: Adolescent Video Active Girls (VAG) Project |
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences / 09 / 01 / 100 - 106 |
0975-6795 |
2017 |
163 |
Jais Merlin P Augustine |
Evaluation of rural health communication: A micro level study of MR vaccination campaign in Kerala strategies: A micro-level study of MR vaccination campaign in Kerala |
Communication and Media studies / 7 / 1 / 73 - 86 |
2395-1559 |
2017 |
164 |
Neelatphal Chanda |
Media Education and Media Literacy: Conceptualising the
significance of critical and twenty-first-century literacies in media education
Journal of Content, Community and Communication / 5 / / 2225 - 2225 |
2395-7514 |
2017 |
165 |
Neelatphal Chanda |
Communication, Technology and Community: Envisaging an ICT Development Model in North-East India |
INTELLECTION / v / / 01 - 06 |
2319-8192 |
2017 |
166 |
Jais Merlin P Augustine |
The role of mass media in rural health communication: A micro level study in Kerala |
Communication and Media studies Journal / 6 / 1 / 61 - 72 |
2395-1559 |
2016 |
167 |
Neelatphal Chanda |
Integrating Classical Language to Modern Media Platforms: A Multimodal Approach towards Mainstreaming Sanskrit |
International Journal of Social Sciences and Management / 4 / 1 (2017) / - |
2091-2986 |
2016 |
168 |
Jais Merlin P Augustine |
Lifestyle disease communication in Health magazines ? a content analytical study on Manorama Arogyam and Mathrubhumi Arogyamasika |
Communication and Media studies / 5 / 1 / 73 - 80 |
2395-1559 |
2015 |
169 |
Indumathi S |
Why Remakes? A Critical Discourse Into The Trend of Remakes And Reboots In Hollywood Using Star Trek As A Case Study |
Pariprashna Academic journal / / / - |
0976-7150 |
2014 |
170 |
Parashurama Kamath |
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives with Special Reference to Industries in Dakshina Kannada in Karnataka |
Aspirare, An International Journal of Commerce & Management / 1 / 1 / 28 - 41 |
2394-0484 |
2014 |