1 Semester - 2024 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MLIF131 | MICROBIOLOGY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF132 | BIOCHEMISTRY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF133 | CELL BIOLOGY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF134 | GENETICS | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF135 | MATHEMATICS FOR BIOLOGISTS | Generic Elective Courses | 2 | 2 | 50 |
MLIF136 | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Generic Elective Courses | 2 | 2 | 50 |
MLIF151 | MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY LAB | Core Courses | 8 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF152 | CELL BIOLOGY AND GENETICS LAB | Core Courses | 6 | 3 | 100 |
2 Semester - 2024 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MLIF231 | MOLECULAR BIOLOGY | - | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF232 | GENETIC ENGINEERING | - | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF235 | BIOSTATISTICS | - | 3 | 3 | 100 |
3 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MLIF331 | IMMUNOLOGY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MLIF331A | FOOD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH SCIENCES | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MLIF331B | BIOPHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY ASSURANCE | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MLIF331C | NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MLIF331D | ALGAL TECHNOLOGY | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MLIF331E | FORENSIC BIOLOGY | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MLIF331F | OCEANOGRAPHY AND FISHERY TECHNOLOGY | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MLIF331G | CANCER BIOLOGY | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
MZOO331 | DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MZOO332 | ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY | Core Courses | 4 | 4 | 100 |
MZOO334 | ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY | Core Courses | 3 | 3 | 100 |
4 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MLIF481 | DISSERTATION | - | 0 | 6 | 200 |
MLIF482 | INTERNSHIP | - | 0 | 6 | 200 |
| |
Introduction to Program: | |
This program is one of the most fundamental unit of basic sciences studied at Postgraduate level. The program helps to develop scientific tempers and attitudes, which in turn can prove to be beneficial for the society since the scientific developments can make a nation or society to grow at a rapid pace. After studying this program, students will be more equipped to learn and know about different biological systems, their coordination and control as well as evolution, behavior and biological roles of the animals in the ecosystem. Moreover, they will be able to qualitatively and quantitatively analyse evolutionary parameters using various bioinformatics and computational tools used in modern sciences. This will provide them ample opportunities to explore different career avenues. | |
Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome: PO1: Demonstrate theoretical and technical understanding of the concepts in animal sciencesPO2: Apply state of the art techniques in advanced animal science research PO3: Understand and critically appraise new data arising from the use of techniques and to interpret the implications of data for the welfare of the society PO4: Evaluate the commercial, ethical and regulatory aspects in animal sciences. PO5: Develop competency for employment and entrepreneurship PO6: Develop proficiency for competitive exams | |
Assesment Pattern | |
Evaluation will be done on the basis of CIA1 (10%), CIA2 [Mid Semester Examination] (25%), CIA3 (10%), Attendance (5%) and End Semester Examination (50%). CIA1: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks CIA2: MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION for 50 marks CIA3: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks Attendance in class: 10 marks END SEMSTER EXAMINATION: Consist of 2 sections. Section A consist of 10 questions carrying 5 marks each out of which students need to attempt 8 questions (8 X 5marks = 40 marks). Section B consists of 7 questions, carrying 12 marks each, out of which students need to attempt 5 questions (5 X 12 marks = 60 marks). | |
Examination And Assesments | |
The evaluation scheme for each course shall contain two parts; (a) internal evaluation and (b) external evaluation. 50% weightage shall be given to internal evaluation and the remaining 50% to external evaluation and the ratio and weightage between internal and external is 1:1. (a) Internal evaluation: The internal evaluation shall be based on predetermined transparent system involving periodic written tests, assignments, seminars and attendance in respect of theory courses and based on written tests, lab skill/records/viva and attendance in respect of practical courses. |
MLIF131 - MICROBIOLOGY (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Microbes play a very significant role in the lives of higher organisms. The paper surveys the features of microbes like bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and protozoa in order to make the students understand their biology so as to manipulate them. This course fulfils the basic knowledge in microbiology for those students who wish to pursue career in allied health fields and other technical programs. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Examine and evaluate the structure and functions of various microbes
CO2: Investigate and interpret the pathogenesis of microorganisms and their treatment
CO3: Demonstrate proficiency in microbial techniques to become competent for jobs in dairy, pharmaceutical, industrial and clinical research.
CO4: Design and execute experiments to understand the significance of microbes in the environmental sustainability and industrial products
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Introductory Microbiology
History of Microbiology, Physical and Chemical control of microorganisms, Classification and nomenclature of microorganisms, Bergey’s manual, Staining techniques - Gram’s, acid fast, capsular, flagellar and endospore staining. Microbial Taxonomy: Pure culture techniques (Streaking, spread plate, pour plate, serial dilution), Identification of microorganisms – Morphological, Biochemical, serological and molecular techniques. Microbial Culture preservation techniques. | ||||||
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Prokaryotic cell structure
Bacterial cell structure, classification based on shape and arrangement of cells, Cellwall, flagella, pili and capsule – structure & functions, endospore formation. Bacterial secretory system | ||||||
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Physiology of Microorganisms
Microbial metabolism: Aerobic, anaerobic respiration, fermentation, Catabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Bacterial photosynthesis, oxidation of inorganic molecules. Growth curve, factors affecting growth, Nutritional classification, Microbial associations (Mutualism, Syntrophism, Proto-cooperation, Commensalism, Ammensalism, Predation, Parasitism,), Stress physiology: effect of oxygen toxicity, pH, osmotic pressure, heat shock on bacteria, HSPs, thermophiles, halophiles, alkaliphiles, acidophiles, psychrophiles and barophiles and their adaptations and significance, Bacterial biofilm formation (mechanism and mode of resistance), Nitrogen fixation mechanisms and genes involved. | ||||||
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Viruses – Structure and classification based on shape and nucleic acid, Plant viruses – symptoms, transmission and control strategies of TMV, CaMV, Animal viruses - DNA viruses: Hepatitis B virus. RNA viruses: HIV, Nipah virus and Coronavirus (structure, infection cycle and risk factors) Bacteriophages-. Life cycle of Lambda phage.. Cultivation and assay of viruses: Cultivation of viruses in embryonated eggs, experimental animals and cell cultures. | ||||||
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Mycology and Phycology
Fungi:- Structural features, Ainsworth’s system of classification, salient features of division, reproduction of fungi, fungi as food, as plant pathogens, control measures of fungi, Mycorrhizae- ecto and endomycorrhizae, significance, Algae:- Salient features, classification (Fritsch’s) and reproduction, , Symbiotic algae, use as biofuel, Algae as SCP (advantages and disadvantages) | ||||||
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Medical Microbiology
Concepts of pathogenesis, virulence and epidemiology, Disease classification - Epidemic, endemic and pandemics, CDC and its role, normal human microflora, gut microbiota and its relevance. Major Bacterial disease –Tuberculosis. Major parasitic diseases –Malaria, Diagnosis and control of infections, Antibiotic – types and mechanism of action, biomedical waste management, nosocomial infections, Drug resistance in bacteria – causes and consequences, superbugs. | ||||||
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Applied Microbiology
Microbes in food manufacture (Yeast, Lactobacillus etc), food spoilage (Brucella, Bacillus, Clostridium, Escherichia etc, mycotoxins - aflatoxins, ochratoxins, ergot alkaloids), agriculture (Rhizobium, Trichoderma etc), environmental management, Biodegradation of Xenobiotics - hydrocarbons, pesticides and plastics, Bioleaching of Copper, Iron , Uranium, Gold. | ||||||
Text Books And Reference Books:
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
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Evaluation Pattern Evaluation will be done on the basis of CIA1 (10%), CIA2 [Mid Semester Examination] (25%), CIA3 (10%), Attendance (5%) and End Semester Examination (50%). CIA1: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks CIA2: MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION for 50 marks CIA3: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks Attendance in class: 10 marks END SEMSTER EXAMINATION: Consist of 2 sections. Section A consist of 10 questions carrying 5 marks each out of which students need to attempt 8 questions (8 X 5marks = 40 marks). Section B consists of 7 questions, carrying 12 marks each, out of which students need to attempt 5 questions (5 X 12 marks = 60 marks). | ||||||
MLIF132 - BIOCHEMISTRY (2024 Batch) | ||||||
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The paper is intended to develop understanding and provide a scientific basis of the inanimate molecules that constitute living organisms. It also gives a thorough knowledge about the structure and function of biological macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids), and the metabolic and bioenergetic pathways within the cell. Students learn to interpret and solve clinical problems. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Students will be able to
Understand the fundamental properties of biomolecules and their importance in biological systems
CO2: apply the knowledge of biochemistry to correlate the structure and functional relationships of biomolecules in living organisms.
CO3: demonstrate the importance of high energy, electron transport chain and ATP synthesis. CO4: identify the significance of enzymes, vitamins and hormones in human metabolism |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Foundation of Biochemistry and Bioenergetics
Forces and interactions of biomolecules; chemical bonds – Covalent and Ionic bond (bond energy), Stabilizing interactions (Van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interaction.), high energy molecules in living system (ATP, ADP, NAD, NADH, NADPH, FAD, FADH2). Buffers and Solutions: Concept of pH, pKa, titration curve, acids, bases and buffers, Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation, biological buffer solutions. Laws of thermodynamics, Concept of free energy, enthalpy, entropy, Coupled reactions, group transfer, biological energy transducers, redox potential. Principles of thermodynamics; Kinetics, dissociation and association constants; energy rich bonds and weak interactions; Bioenergetics. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Classification, structure and Properties of mono, oligo and polysaccharides. Chirality and optical activity, stereoisomerism, cyclic structure of monosaccharide, (pyranoses and furanoses) , structures of glucose. Absolute and relative configuration (D & L and R & S nomenclature). Disaccharides-structures of Maltose, Lactose, Sucrose, Trehalose, Raffinose. Polysaccharides. Structure and properties of homo and hetero polysaccharides. Storage polysaccharides. (Starch, Glycogen, cellulose, hemicellulose, and chitin) Derived sugars- Sugar acids (Aldonic, Aldaric and Saccharic acids), amino sugars. Derivatives of carbohydrates (Glycosaminoglycans, glycolipids, Proteoglycan and glycoproteins). Carbohydrate metabolism:Glycogenolysis, Glycogenesis, Glycolysis- Energetics and Regulation, Fermentation reactions (Lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation), Gluconeogenesis, Reciprocal regulation of Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis, Citric acid cycle- Energetics and regulation, Glyoxylate cycle. Pentose phosphate pathway. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:11 |
Amino acids - Structure, properties, classification and functions, modifications of amino acids in proteins, non-protein amino acids. Proteins - peptide bond, Ramachandran's plot, Structural organizations of proteins (primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary, Domains, Motifs & Folds),. Structure and functional classification of proteins. Structure- function relationship.Thermodynamics of protein folding, denaturation and renaturation with examples, chaperones and chaperonins. Protein turnover (ubiquitin-mediated). Membrane proteins: channels and pumps. Keratin, Silk fibroin, collagen triple helix and hemoglobin. Amino acid and Protein metabolism: Transamination, Deamination, Decarboxylation, urea cycle and its regulation, formation of uric acid. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Enzyme Kinetics
Enzymes: Enzyme nomenclature and classification. Isozymes, Coenzymes and cofactor, Metalloenzymes, membrane bound enzymes, Multienzyme complexes, Ribozymes, proteases, nucleases. Isolation and purification of enzymes. Factors affecting enzyme activity. Mechanism of enzyme action, Active site and Specificity of enzyme. Theories on enzyme substrate complex. Free energy of enzyme reactions. Steady state kinetics. Michaelis-Menton, and Lineweaver–Burk equations. Enzyme inhibition –competitive, non – competitive, uncompetitive, mixed and irreversible inhibition. Allosteric regulation in metabolic pathways. Applications of enzymes, enzyme engineering (Protein engineering). Immobilization of enzymes and their application. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Classification- Structure, properties, reactions and biological functions of lipids, role as cell membranes. Phospholipids, Sphingo and glycolipids, Steroids, cholesterol, bile salts, steroid hormones, Cerebrosides, lip amino acids, lipoproteins, lipopolysaccharides, eicosanoids (Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxane). Biosynthesis of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Beta oxidation of Fatty acids: activation, transport to mitochondria, metabolic pathway. Oxidation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Alpha and omega oxidation, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis, fatty liver, triglyceridemia, Tay-Sachs disease. | |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:4 |
Nucleic Acids
Structure and properties- Bases, Nucleosides, Nucleotides, Polynucleotides. Biosynthesis and regulation of purines and pyrimidines, Denovo and Salvage pathways, biodegradation of purines and pyrimidines. | |
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:3 |
Oxidative Phosphorylation
Electron transport chain, Electron transfer reactions in mitochondria, Electron carriers, Ubiquinone, Cytochromes, Iron sulfur centers, Methods to determine sequence of electron carriers, Fractionation of Multi enzyme complexes I, II, III, IV of Mitochondria and their inhibitors, Oxidative phosphorylation, ATP synthesis, Chemiosmotic model, Proton gradient, Structure of ATP synthetase, Mechanism of ATP synthesis, Brown fat, Regulation of Oxidative phosphorylation. | |
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Vitamins and Hormones
Vitamins: Classification, Chemistry and Biological Functions, Fat and water soluble vitamins. Role in metabolism, Vitamins as coenzymes. Metabolic Disorders – A, B, C, D, K. Hormones: Autocrine, paracrine and endocrine action. Endocrine glands. Classification of hormones, basic mechanism of hormone action, importance of TSH, T3, T4, Estrogen, Testosterone, HCG, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Progesterone, adrenaline, insulin and glucagon. Hormone imbalance and disorders: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Polycystic Ovarian Disorder PCOD), Insulin Dependent Diabetes. Plant Growth regulators: Physiological role and mechanism of action of plant growth hormones (Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Ethylene, abscisic acid and Brassinosteroids), receptors and signal transduction and Systemic acquired resistance (salicylic acid and jasmonic acid pathways). | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
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Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
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Evaluation Pattern CIA:
CIA total: 50% End Semester examination: 50% (100 marks)
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MLIF133 - CELL BIOLOGY (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This paper has been designed in a standard manner to impart knowledge of the cell and its various attributes among the post graduate students. The topics included in this paper gives not only the basic idea about the subject but also provides in-depth knowledge. Students get an idea about the cellular structures, as well as how these structures are helpful for the cell to communicate with its environment and transduction of various signals, whether intracellular or extra-cellular. Furthermore, students also learn the mechanism of mitotic and meiotic cell division as well as how the cell cycle is regulated. The course structure also fulfils the important criteria regarding the preparation of students for the competitive examinations, for e.g. National Eligibility Test (NET), conducted by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), as well as various other entrance examinations for pursuing doctoral research. |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Demonstrate knowledge on basic and advanced cell biology concepts to perform research.
CO2: Evaluate the significance of cellular activities in diseases.
CO3: Understand the concepts of signal transduction processes in cellular response towards external stimuli.
CO4: Examine various microscopic imaging techniques to explore biological processes and structures at cellular level.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction: Discovery of cells, basic properties and classes of cells. Study of cells: Microscopy: Brief overview of Light microscopy, phase contrast microscopy, electron microscopy, Confocal Microscopes, Scanning probe microscope, micrometry. Purification of cells and their parts: cells separation and culture, flow cytometry, fractionation of cell contents. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:12 |
Structure: History of studies on plasma membrane structure, Singer-Nicolson Model, Chemical composition of plasma membrane: lipids, proteins and carbohydrates; Dynamic nature of plasma membrane: role of lipids in membrane fluidity, lipid ordered state, lipid disordered state; membrane asymmetry - roles of flippases, floppases and scramblases; diffusion of proteins, restrictions of lipids and proteins mobility: fluorescence recovery after photo bleaching (FRAP), single-particle tracking, membrane domains and cell polarity. Functions: Movement of substance across the membrane: Energetics of movement of solute, partition coefficient, Simple diffusion: mechanism, ion channels and types (voltage, ligand and mechano-gated ion channels), Facilitated diffusion (Glucose transport, GLUT proteins) and active transport (Na+/K+ ATPase, Ca2+ ATPase, P and V-type ATPases, H+/K+ ATPase, ABC transporters); Cotransport(Uniport, Symport and Antiport); Membrane potentials and Nerve impulse: resting potential, action potential and its propagation as an impulse. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Cell wall: Primary wall, middle lamella and secondary wall; Lysosomes: structure and functions, autophagy; Endoplasmic reticulum: structure and functions of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum; Signal hypothesis, Golgi complex: structure and function and movement of materials through Golgi apparatus. Structure and function of mitochondria: Structure of mitochondria: mitochondrial membranes, mitochondrial matrix; Structure and function of chloroplast, photophosphorylation; carbon dioxide fixation: synthesis of carbohydrates in C3, C4 and CAM plants. Nucleus - structure and function, nuclear pore complex, lamina; Chromosome structure, solenoid model, Ribosomes, Peroxisomes and Glyoxyosmes. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Principles and importance; Whole mount preparation; Types of microscopic slides; Types of microtome; Process: Killing and fixing, Types fixation & fixatives, Dehydration, Microtome sectioning, Stains and staining, Mounting and mountants; Histochemical techniques for starch, protein, lipid and lignin; Specimen preparation for electron microscopy: Material collection, fixing, dehydration, embedding, sectioning and staining. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Study of cytoskeleton: Live cell fluorescence imaging, in vitro and in vivo single molecule assays; Microtubules: Structure, microtubule associated proteins, properties of microtubules with reference to the structures and functions of cilia and flagella; Intermediate filaments: structure and function; Microfilaments: basic Structure and function with reference to myosin.
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Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Extra cellular matrix; Communication between cells and extracellular materials: roles of integrins, focal adhesions and hemidesmosomes; Communication between cells and other cells: roles of selectins, immunoglobulin superfamily, cadherins, adherens junctions and desmosomes; Tight Junctions; Gap Junctions; Plasmodesmata. | |
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Signaling mediated by G-protein coupled receptors, second messengers, enzyme tyrosine kinase, steroid receptors, role of calcium and NO as intracellular messenger, signaling via extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of apoptosis, two-component signaling in plants and bacteria; Quorum sensing. | |
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Phases and progression of cell cycle; Control of cell cycle: Major events, cyclin dependent protein kinases (Cdks), suppression of Cdk by Cdk-Inhibirotry Proteins (CdI), dependence of Cdks on transcriptional regulation, biochemical switches in cell cycle, mitogen stimulated cell division: G1-Cdk and G1/S Cdk activities; Apoptosis: role of Caspases, Extrinsic and Intrinsic pathways, roles of Bcl2 and IAPs in apoptosis, inhibition of apoptosis by extracellular factors; Necrosis. Cancer: Benign and Malignant tumors, metastasis, oncogenes (retinoblastoma) and tumor suppressor genes (p53). | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
G. Karp, Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments, 6th ed. USA: Wiley and Sons, 2009. G. M. Cooper and H. E. Robert, The Cell: A Molecular Approach, 6th ed. USA: S Sinauer Associates Inc., 2013. B. J. Alberts, B. Alexander, and L. Julian, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 5th ed. New York: Garland Science, 2008. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
P. S. Verma and V.K. Agarwal, Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Ecology, New Delhi: S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd., 2010. A. Paul, Text Book of Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd ed. India: Books and Allied (P) Ltd;, 2011. | |
Evaluation Pattern Evaluation will be done on the basis of CIA1 (10%), CIA2 [Mid Semester Examination] (25%), CIA3 (10%), Attendance (5%) and End Semester Examination (50%). CIA1: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks CIA2: MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION for 50 marks CIA3: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks Attendance in class: 10 marks END SEMSTER EXAMINATION: Consist of 2 sections. Section A consist of 10 questions carrying 5 marks each out of which students need to attempt 8 questions (8 X 5marks = 40 marks). Section B consists of 7 questions, carrying 12 marks each, out of which students need to attempt 5 questions (5 X 12 marks = 60 marks). | |
MLIF134 - GENETICS (2024 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Outcome |
CO1: Analyze the concept of genetics involved in trait expression CO2: Understand the inheritance pattern of genetic disorders CO3: Examine the sex determination process in life forms
CO4: Evaluate the molecular mechanism involved in changes in the genetic structure of the population and evolution. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
History of Genetics
Mendelism – basic principles (brief study). Extensions of Mendelism, Multiple allele, Genetic interaction, Epistatic interactions, Non-Epistatic inter-allelic genetic interactions, Atavism/Reversion, penetrance and expressivity of genes. Nonmendelian inheritance – cytoplasmic inheritance.
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Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Sex Chromosomes and sex determinationin animals and plants
Sex Chromosomes and sex determination in animals and plants; Dosage Compensation of X-Linked Genes: Hyperactivation of X-linked genes in male Drosophila, Inactivation of X-linked genes in female mammals, Genes involved in sex determination,.Environment and sex determination, Hormonal control of Sex determination
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Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:10 |
Linkage and genetic mapping
Linkage and Crossing over - Stern’s hypothesis, Creighton and McClintock’s experiments, single crossover, multiple crossover, two-point cross, three-point cross, map distances, gene order, interference and co-efficient of coincidence. Haploid mapping (Neurospora), Mapping in bacteria and bacteriophages. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Inheritance of traits in humans
Pedigree analysis, determination of human genetic diseases by pedigree analysis, genetic mapping in human pedigrees.Heterochromatization in human beings,Human karyotype, Banding techniques, classification, use of Human Cyto-genetics in Medical science, Chromosomal abnormalities in spontaneous abortions | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:7 |
Quantitative genetics
Polygenic inheritance, Statistics of Quantitative Genetics: Frequency distributions, the mean and the modal class, the variance and the standard deviation, Analysis of quantitative traits: -The multiple factor hypothesis, Partitioning the phenotypic variance; QTL, effect of environmental factors and artificial selection on polygenic inheritance.
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Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Population genetics
(a) Gene pool, allele and genotype frequency. Hardy-Weinberg law and its applications, estimation of allele and genotype frequency of dominant genes, codominant genes, sex-linked genes and multiple alleles. Genetic equilibrium, genetic polymorphism. (b) Factors that alter allelic frequencies; (i) mutation (ii) genetic drift - bottle neck effect and founder effect (iii) migration (iv) selection (v) nonrandom mating, inbreeding coefficient. | |
Unit-7 |
Teaching Hours:8 |
Speciation and Evolutionary Genetics
Emergence of evolutionary theory; Genetic Variation in Natural Populations: variation in phenotypes, variation in chromosome structure; Molecular Evolution: Molecules As “Documents of EvolutionaryHistory”, Molecular Phylogenies, Rates of Molecular Evolution, the Molecular Clock, Variation in the Evolution of Protein Sequences, Variation in the Evolution of DNA Sequences, The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution, Mutation And GeneticDrift, Molecular Evolution and Phenotypic Evolution. Species concept; Types of speciation. Mechanism of speciation - Genetic divergences and isolating mechanisms. Patterns of speciation - allopatric, sympatric, quantum and parapatric speciation, Pre-mating and Post mating isolating mechanisms, role of isolation in Speciation, Convergent evolution; sexual selection; co-evolution; Human Evolution: Humans and the Great Apes, Human Evolution in the Fossil Record, DNA Sequence Variation and Human Origins. Interaction of Genotype and Environment. | |
Unit-8 |
Teaching Hours:5 |
Genetics and disease
Fundamentals of Bacterial and Viral Genetics, Genetic Transformation, Conjugation and the Escherichia coli Paradigm, Conjugation Systems Other than F, Genetics of Temperate Bacteriophages, Chromosomal aberrations: in oncogenes, Genetics of immune system,Congenital malformations,Invasive Prenatal diagnosis,Genetics and Society
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
1. Benjamin Lewin (2000). Genes VII. Oxford university press. 2. Gardner E J, Simmons M J, Snustad D P (1991). Principles of Genetics (III Edn). John Wiley and Sons Inc. 3. Snustad D P, Simmons M J (2000). Principles of Genetics (III Edn). John Wiley and Sons. 4. Strickberger (2005). Genetics (III Edn). Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 5. William S Klug, Michael R Cummings (1994). Concepts of Genetics. Prentice Hall. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
1. Robert J Brooker (2009). Genetics: Analysis and principles (III Edn). McGraw Hill 2. Daniel L Hartl, Elizabeth W Jones (2009). Genetics: Analysis of genes and genomes (VII Edn). Jones and Bartlett publishers. 3. D Peter Snustad, Michael J Simmons (2010). Principles of genetics (V Edn). John Wiley and Sons. 4. George Ledyard Stebbins (1971). Process of Organic evolution. 5. Roderic D M Page, Edward C Holmes (1998). Molecular Evolution: A phylogenetic approach. 6. Blackwell Science Ltd. 7. MaxtoshiNei, Sudhir Kumar (2000). Molecular Evolution and phylogenetics. Oxford University Press. 8. Katy Human (2006). Biological evolution: An anthology of current thought. The Rosen publishing group, Inc. 9. Monroe W Strickberger (1990). Evolution. Jones and Bartlett publishers. 10. E d w a r d A . B i r g e, Bacterial and Bacteriophage Genetics, 5th Ed. Springer | |
Evaluation Pattern Evaluation will be done on the basis of CIA1 (10%), CIA2 [Mid Semester Examination] (25%), CIA3 (10%), Attendance (5%) and End Semester Examination (50%). CIA1: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks CIA2: MID SEMESTER EXAMINATION for 50 marks CIA3: Assignment/test/poster preparation/review writing etc. for 20 marks Attendance in class: 10 marks END SEMSTER EXAMINATION: Consist of 2 sections. Section A consist of 10 questions carrying 5 marks each out of which students need to attempt 8 questions (8 X 5marks = 40 marks). Section B consists of 7 questions, carrying 12 marks each, out of which students need to attempt 5 questions (5 X 12 marks = 60 marks). | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:50 |