CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Arts and Humanities

Syllabus for
Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media, English, Psychology)
Academic Year  (2022)

1 Semester - 2022 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
AEN121 ADDITIONAL ENGLISH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
CNM111 CRITICAL THINKING Skill Enhancement Courses 4 4 100
CNM131 MASS COMMUNICATION Core Courses 4 4 100
ENG122 DEVELOPING ACADEMIC SKILLS - I Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 2 50
FRN121 FRENCH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
HIN121 HINDI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
KAN121 KANNADA Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 03 100
SAN121 SANSKRIT Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
TAM121 TAMIL Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
2 Semester - 2022 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
AEN221 ADDITIONAL ENGLISH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
CNM211 STRATEGIC STORYTELLING Skill Enhancement Courses 3 3 50
CNM251 SOFTWARE FOR MEDIA Skill Enhancement Courses 4 4 100
ENG222 DEVELOPING ACADEMIC SKILLS - II Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
FRN221 FRENCH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
HIN221 HINDI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
KAN221 KANNADA Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 03 100
SAN221 SANSKRIT Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
TAM221 TAMIL Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
3 Semester - 2021 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
AEN321 ADDITIONAL ENGLISH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
CNM051 SERVICE LEARNING Skill Enhancement Courses 2 2 50
CNM331 PRINT MEDIA Core Courses 4 4 100
CNM351 PHOTOGRAPHY Skill Enhancement Courses 4 4 100
ENG322 PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION - I Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 2 100
EST331 AMERICAN LITERATURES Core Courses 5 4 100
FRN321 FRENCH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
HIN321 HINDI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
KAN321 KANNADA Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 03 100
PSY331 LIFE SPAN DEVELOPMENT Core Courses 5 5 100
PSY351 PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS AND EXPERIMENTS - I Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2 2 100
SAN321 SANSKRIT Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
TAM321 TAMIL Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
4 Semester - 2021 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
AEN421 ADDITIONAL ENGLISH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
CNM051 SERVICE LEARNING Skill Enhancement Courses 2 2 50
CNM431 MEDIA RESEARCH Core Courses 4 4 100
CNM441A SOCIAL MEDIA Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
CNM441B BROADCAST MEDIA Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
ENG422 PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION - II Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 2 100
FRN421 FRENCH Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
HIN421 HINDI Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
KAN421 KANNADA Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 03 100
PSY451 PSYCHOLOGICAL STATISTICS AND EXPERIMENTS - II Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2 2 100
SAN421 SANSKRIT Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
TAM421 TAMIL Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 3 3 100
5 Semester - 2020 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
CNM531 READING FILMS Core Courses 4 4 100
CNM541A ADVERTISING Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 50
CNM541B PUBLIC RELATIONS AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
CNM581 MEDIA INTERNSHIP Core Courses 0 2 50
PSY531 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY Core Courses 4 4 100
PSY541B SCHOOL AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY541C SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY541D CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY541E INTRODUCTION OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
6 Semester - 2020 - Batch
Course Code
Hours Per
CNM631 MEDIA RESEARCH Core Courses 4 4 100
CNM641A MASS COMMUNICATION, CULTURE AND ETHICS Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
CNM641B MASS COMMUNICATION AND RIGHTS Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
EST641A CULTURAL STUDIES Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 04 100
EST641B INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 04 100
EST641C INTRODUCTION TO SHORT STORY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 04 100
EST641D INTRODUCTION TO FILM STUDIES Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 04 100
EST641E ECOLOGICAL DISCOURSES AND PRACTICES Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
EST641F REVISITING INDIAN EPICS Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY641A POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY641B MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY641D CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY641E INTRODUCTION TO FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY641F HEALTH AND WELLBEING Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY641G COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY Discipline Specific Elective Courses 4 4 100
PSY651 PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS AND ASSESSMENT-II Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses 2 2 100


Introduction to Program:

The Communication and Media programme is a three-year rigorous orientation aimed at equipping students with skills, knowledge, and attitude that enable them to aspire for leadership roles in the domain of media and communication. In the first semester, ?Introduction to Mass Communication? has been designed to help students understand the varied conceptions, practices, problems and possibilities of mass communication. ?Critical Thinking? is aimed at introducing the students to different aspects of critical thinking, its methods and processes and go on to provide a platform for practice. In the second semester, the core course on ?Print Media Production? will introduce students to the basic computer skills needed for page layout, graphic design and web design. The other key aim is to enable the student to pick up effective reporting, interviewing and editing skills meant for the print media. The skill enhancement course for the second semester - Strategic Storytelling - hopes to enable the students to move beyond automated execution of media roles and responsibilities and creatively make an effective difference. Broadcast Media is a core course in the third semester, which will provide students with hands-on training in producing and editing broadcast programmes. The skill enhancement course for the semester Software for Media - will teach them the varied audio, video software and production techniques. ?Social Media? will introduce the students to the fast-emerging domain and equip them to understand the medium, its dynamics and produce media content for varied audience groups. Understanding Films is a course where the domain of cinema as an important media of communication would be analysed. At the end of the second year, students will be required to do an internship in either print/radio/television/cinema/ social media and provide a detailed report. In the fifth semester, students would be doing an elective course either on ?Advertising? or Public Relations. In the sixth semester, Media Research is introduced as a core course. For the discipline specific-electives, this semester offers Mass Communication, Culture and Ethics as one choice and Mass Communication and Rights as the other choice. The electives are aimed at strengthening the theoretical base of the students in the domain of media and communication.

Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome:

PO1: Demonstrate foundational knowledge in the domains of print media, visual media, digital media and advertising and public relations

PO2: Apply different media and communication skills like reporting, editing, designing, producing multimedia content that are informed by critical thinking and storytelling approaches

PO3: Practice media with a social outlook that is driven by the ethical, legal, professional and cultural sensibilities of the time and spaces we inherit

PO4: Apply basic theoretical and research-driven approaches in the domains of Media and Communication, English Literature and Psychology

PO5: Utilize the acquired knowledge and skills from the domains of Media and Communication, English Literature and Psychology to pursue higher education

PO6: Demonstrate a coherent understanding and comprehensive knowledge of the fundamental process underlying human behavior in the multidisciplinary learning context.

PO7: Demonstrate scientific inquiry and sensitivity to diversity while applying psychological concepts to everyday life and real-world situations.

PO8: Use the knowledge of psychology to enhance self-awareness, well-being, interpersonal relationships, career-decision making, and social responsibility in personal and professional domains.

PO9: Demonstrate an understanding of literatures in English and translation and appreciate the role that historical context plays in the creation and interpretation of literary works.

PO10: Develop critical thinking and imagination through fiction and nonfiction and to familiarize students with cultural diversity.

PO11: Analyze the role that intersections among race, gender, class, sexuality, and/or national or global history play in literary studies.

PO12: Design, conduct and communicate basic psychological research following fundamental methods and ethical standards.

PO13: Apply critical and theoretical approaches to the reading and analysis of literary and cultural texts in multiple genres

Assesment Pattern

Most of the assessments are formative, building on the learning contexts enabled by the curriculum. Feedback is ensured in most of the contexts. Assessment models are chosen to assess and ensure the learning outcomes.

Examination And Assesments

Continuous assessments would be carried out for all courses. Considering the learning requirements of the students, a variety of evaluation practices will be put to use. Assessments like regular written exams, viva voce, online submissions, demonstration-based assessments, etc. would be used.  


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The Additional English course is offered as a second language course and seeks to introduce the students to the nuances of English literature in its varied forms and genres. The students who choose Additional English are generally proficient in the English language. Hence, instead of focusing on introducing them to language, challenging texts in terms of ideas, form, and technique are chosen. Additional English as a course is designed for students in place of a regional language. Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), foreign nationals and students who have not taken Hindi, Kannada, Tamil or French at the Plus 2 or Class XII levels are eligible to choose Additional English. The course is taught for students from different streams, namely, BA, BSc, BCom, and BBA in the first year and for BA, BSc and BCom (Regular) in the second year.

The first year syllabus is an attempt by the Department of English, Christ University to recognize and bring together the polyphonic Indian and Indian sub-continental voices in English in English translation for the Additional English students of the first year. This effort aims to familiarize the students with regional literatures in translation, Indian Writing in English (IWE) and literatures from Pakistan, Nepal and Srilanka, thereby, enabling the students to learn more about Indian culture and ethos through writings from different regions of the country. We have tried to represent in some way or the other the corners of India and the Indian sub-continent in this microcosmic world of short stories, poems and essays


There is a prescribed text bookfor the first year students, compiled by the Department of English, Christ University and intended for private circulation.

The first semester has a variety of writing from India, Pakistan and Nepal. The various essays, short stories and poems deal with various socio-economic, cultural and political issues that are relevant to modern day India and the Indian sub-continent and will enable students to comprehend issues of identity-politics, caste, religion, class, and gender. All of the selections either in the manner of their writing, the themes they deal with or the ideologies that govern them are contemporary in relevance and sensibility, whether written by contemporary writers or earlier writers. An important addition to this syllabus is the preponderance of North-Eastern writing which was hitherto not well represented. Excerpts from interviews, autobiographical writings, sports and city narratives are added to this section to introduce students to the varied genres of literature.

The objectives of this course are

to expose students to the rich literary and cultural diversity of  Indian literatures

to sensitise students on the social, political, historical and cultural ethos that has shaped the nation- INDIA

to enable to grasp and appreciate the variety and abundance of Indian writing, of which this compilation is just a passing glance

to learn and appreciate India through association of ideas in the texts and the external contexts (BhashaUtsav will be an intrinsic help in this endeavour)



Course Outcome

CO1 CO 2: iv) Understand the cultural, social, religious and ethnic diversities of India v) it will be able to be analytical and critical of the pluralistic society they live in through the activities and assignments conducted vi) be aware of the dynamics of gender, identity, communalism and politics of this vast nation through its literature.

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Keki N Daruwala     “Migrations”


2.      Kamala Das            “Forest Fire”


3.      Agha Shahid Ali      “Snow on the Desert”


4.      Eunice D Souza       “Marriages are Made”

Text Books And Reference Books:

Contemporary knowledge of the soci-political situation in the sub-continent

The text book copy "Reading Diversity"

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

On-line resources to appreciate the text through the Comprehension Questions

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1:  Classroom assignment for 20 marks keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50


End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4 x 5 = 20

Section B: 2 x 15= 30

Total                   50


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course on Critical Thinking will enable the student to see through fallacies in an argument. It provides conceptual clarity, necessary tools, and opportunities to critically decode complex issues. The course aims to empower the student to logically analyse and arrive at a critically and ethically sound decision in diverse communication contexts.

The facilitator plans to train students

      to reason well, improve analytical abilities and make logical decisions

      to build their arguments based on a premise

to take a logical stand on contemporary issues, belief systems, and ethical options

Course Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate their knowledge about the components of arguments.

CO2: Construct complex arguments both in verbal and written forms.

CO3: Recognise, analyse and evaluate arguments in real life.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1:  Classroom assignment for 20 marks keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50


End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4 x 5 = 20

Section B: 2 x 15= 30

Total                   50


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course covers both the historical evolution of media as well as contemporary developments and issues. Students will be encouraged to participate in discussions where key theories will be analyzed and possible applications discussed. Course work will include weekly chapter readings from the course text, quizzes, and regular participation in on-line discussion forums which will require writing and reflection.

Course Outcome

CO1: Relate to the meaning, need and process of communication through definitions, concepts, terms imbibed in class

CO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the various models and theories of communication and mass communication.

CO3: Apply communication theories to real life situations.

CO4: Analyse the influence of communication and mass communication on society.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1:  Classroom assignment for 20 marks keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50


End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4 x 5 = 20

Section B: 2 x 15= 30

Total                   50


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Academic Skills are a blend of theoretical ability to recognize the nuances of language aspects and hands-on training to exercise the acquired knowledge in reasoning, reading and writing. Academic Skills focus on developing research skills through careful reading and critical writing that are considered foundational and crucial in textual scholarship and knowledge production. The participants of this course will determine their areas of interest in conceptualizing their seminal work and constructing a reasoned argument. This course prompts the participants to take their learning-receptive skills and productive skills in a purpose-driven and practice-oriented mode on a contextual basis.

The course deals with receptive skills (reading) and productive skills (writing). In fact listening and speaking skills are not directly involved but act as a higher cognitive process. This course facilitates the participants with varied practices, tasks, exemplars, sample papers to practice with context-driven reading material. It runs for one full academic year with specific learning outcomes which are two-fold – conceptual grasp and textual application. The whole course and its structure involve Bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation and synthesis.


To enable the learner

       acquire higher order receptive and productive skills

       develop reading skills at the higher education level

       be aware of functional grammar to improve research writing skills

       grasp and apply the mechanics in academic writing skills

       use study skills for research-based knowledge dissemination (writing a paper or presentation)



Course Outcome

CO1: Awareness of different approaches to knowledge, a critical and creative bent of mind that leads to a content-based investigation.

CO2: Working knowledge of different purposes of writing, especially persuasive (argumentative), analytical, and informative writings paves the way for research-based reading and writing.

CO3: Application of functional grammar and mechanics that enhance conceptual clarity, communicative style, and style of writing

CO4: Hands-on experience in a research culture which is discipline-specific in nature

CO5: Experiential learning through participatory learning and service learning

CO6: Awareness of problem-based learning and need-based learning

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1:  Classroom assignment for 20 marks keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in mind the objectives and learning outcomes of the course.

Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50


End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 4 x 5 = 20

Section B: 2 x 15= 30

Total                   50


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

This course will serve as an introductory course for British Literature. The course will locate the texts in their respective socio-political and historical contexts. The selection aims to introduce different genres of British literature.


Course Objectives


  • To introduce  students to the socio-political, religious, cultural, and linguistic aspects of the UK through English literary texts
  • To help students understand texts as products of a historical, political and cultural processes
  • To enable students to identify different forms, genres and subgenres in literature
  • To sensitize students to human values through an exposure to socio-historical concerns of subjectivity, identity, community and nationhood.
  • To sharpen critical appreciation and analytical writing skills through an introduction to models of literary criticism

Course Outcome

CO1: Students will be able to discern the socio-political, religious, cultural, and linguistic aspects of the UK through English literary texts

CO2: Students will be able to analyse and critique texts as products of a historical, political and cultural processes

CO3: Students will be able to identify different forms, genres and subgenres in literature

Teaching Hours:5
The Anglo-Saxon Period and The Medieval Period

Emergence of English language, History of England from 42 BC to Norman Conquest- salient features

 Impact of Norman rule on English social structure, English language in the medieval period,mystery, morality plays and miracle plays, feudalism 

Text Books And Reference Books:

Chaucer: The Prioress from Prologue to The Canterbury Tales

William Shakespeare:          

Sonnet 116

‘O that this too solid flesh would melt” Soliloquy by Hamlet in Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2

‘To Be or Not To Be’ Soliloquy by Hamlet in Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1


Francis Bacon: “Of Truth”

John Donne: “Canonization”


John Milton: Excerpt from Satan’s speech in Book 1, Paradise Lost

John Dryden:  First three stanzas of “Mac Flecknoe”

Alexander Pope: Belinda’s Boudoir from The Rape of the Lock

Addison and Steele: “Character of Will Wimble”

Oliver Goldsmith: “Beau Tibbs”


Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer / Christopher Marlowe: Dr. Faustus 

William Wordsworth: “Lines Written in Early Spring”

S.T. Coleridge: “Christabel”

Shelley: “Ode to the Westwind”

Keats: “La Belle Dame Sans Merci”

Charles Lamb: “Dream Children”

Mary Shelley: Frankenstein

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 8th Ed. New York: Wardworth, 2005. Print.

Ferguson, Margaret, Mary Jo Salter and Jon Stallworthy. Eds. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th Ed. New York: WW Norton, 1996. Print

Gordden, Malcom, and Michael Lapidge. The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature. Rpt Cambridge: CUP, 2006. Print.

Gupta, Ambika Sen. Selected College Poems. Rpt. Hyderabad: Orient Longman,   1999.

Herman, Daniel. The Cambridge Companion to Narrative. Cambridge: CUP, 2007. Print.

John, Eileen, and Dominic McIver Lopes. Philosophy of Literature: Contemporary and Classic Readings. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. Print

Maxwell, Richard, and Katie Trumpener. The Cambridge Companion to Fiction in the Romantic Period. Cambridge: CUP, 2008. Print

Sampson, George.The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature, 3rd Ed. Cambridge: CUP, 2005. Print

Ramarao, Vimala. Ed.Explorations. Vol I. Bangalore: Prasaranga, Bangalore University, 2004. Print


Shingle, Michael. Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe. New York: WW Norton, 1994. Print

Evaluation Pattern


  1. group presentations on topics relevant to British literature/Art and literary movements
  2. an exhibition/display based on different eras, movements and literary and non-literary genres


CIA III will be a moddle test on the Novel


These are suggested examples of CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3. Example : only 1 soliloquy may be taught.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination: 3 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of 12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)



Total: 100 Marks

FRN121 - FRENCH (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


French as a second language in the UG program. The method Génération A1 consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 6 units preceded by an initial section of 'Welcome'. The structure of each unit marks a real learning journey.


Course Objectives

·       To develop linguistic competencies and sharpen oral and written communicative skills

·       To familiarize learners to certain aspects of francophone civilization.

·       To enable learners to engage in simple everyday situations

Course Outcome

CO1: To train the students in correct pronunciation of French.

CO2: To enable students to write correct sentences with appropriate grammar structure and vocabulary.

CO3: To familiarise students with the culture and expressions in French.

CO4: To enhance oral and written comprehension in French.

CO5: To make them proficient in reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in French.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern


  1. group presentations on topics relevant to British literature/Art and literary movements
  2. an exhibition/display based on different eras, movements and literary and non-literary genres


CIA III will be a moddle test on the Novel


These are suggested examples of CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3. Example : only 1 soliloquy may be taught.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination: 3 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of 12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)



Total: 100 Marks

HIN121 - HINDI (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

The detailed text book “Samakaleen Hindi Kavitha” edited by Dr.N Mohanan is an anthology of contemporary Hindi Poems written by representative poets of Hindi Literature. From the medieval poetry ' Kabir Ke Dohe and Sur ke pad 'is also included.  The poets reflect on the social, cultural and political issues which are prevalent in our society since the medieval period. Hindusthani sangeeth-parampara eva kalakar is one of the module. Since translation is a significant area in language and literature, emphasis is being given on it in the syllabus.Bharath ki pramukh sanskruthik kalayein  Yakshagana,Kathakali,Ram Leela,Krishna Leela etc. included in the syllabus to enrich cultural values among students.

Course Objectves: 

Students will be exposed to read, analyse and appreciate poems by learning poetry. Through translation, students will be able to develop translation skills while translating from other language articles. Students will be able to analyses critically the different cultural art forms by learning about the Famous cultural art forms of India.

Course Outcome

CO1 : Improve the analytical skills through critical analysis of the poems.

CO2: Analyze the different aspects of Hindustani musical traditions and musicians.

CO3: Enhance the translation skills.

CO4: Improve the basic research skills while doing the CIAs.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern


  1. group presentations on topics relevant to British literature/Art and literary movements
  2. an exhibition/display based on different eras, movements and literary and non-literary genres


CIA III will be a moddle test on the Novel


These are suggested examples of CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3. Example : only 1 soliloquy may be taught.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination: 3 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of 12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)



Total: 100 Marks

KAN121 - KANNADA (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course is taught in the  I Semester for BA/B.Sc. students. The selected Poems (Vachanas & Keerthanas ) from Medieval Literature  & Modern Kannada ( Navodaya)  literature are prescribed.  Texts will help students to understand the writings of  Poets as well as  story writers. Short stories of Sara Abubakar, Ravindranath Tagore, and K.P. Poornachandra Tejaswi  & Folk tales are prescribed. The syllabus will extend the concerns of family, family relationship, social justice and marginalization. Students should be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Kannada as well as to demonstrate cultural awareness.


Course Outcome

CO1: to understand the values in Medieval Kannada Literature.

CO2: to appreciate the aesthetic aspects of music in Keerthana

CO3 : to understand the art of developing short stories

CO4: to imbibe the cultural aspects in Modern Kannada Stories

CO5 : improves reading, writing and speaking skills

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern


  1. group presentations on topics relevant to British literature/Art and literary movements
  2. an exhibition/display based on different eras, movements and literary and non-literary genres


CIA III will be a moddle test on the Novel


These are suggested examples of CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3. Example : only 1 soliloquy may be taught.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination: 3 Hours


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of 12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)



Total: 100 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course is an introduction to the study of basic psychological processes offered to the first-semester undergraduate students of psychology. It is an introductory paper that gives an understanding of the field of psychology, scope, and multiple perspectives and disciplines that provide a holistic picture of human behaviour. Students will learn the key concepts, classic examples, and modern and practical applications of fundamental psychological theories, methods, and tools. Emphasis is on the basic psychological processes of personality, learning, consciousness, motivation and emotion. This course allows them to learn the basics and demonstrate the skills that a student needs to move on to the more specific and in-depth psychology courses that follow. 

Course Outcome

CO1: Explain fundamental concepts, principles, theoretical perspectives, and arguments from across a range of psychology content domains like learning, personality, motivation and emotion to various situations and contexts.

CO2: Critically evaluate the different schools of thought in psychology

CO3: Define the basic biological process that influences behavior

CO4: Analyze methods of scientific inquiry, evidence-based thinking, and critical thinking skills to psychological phenomena and examples of psychological science

Teaching Hours:15
History and Schools of Thought

In this unit, we will examine the history of Western psychological theorizing from its beginnings in ancient Greece, through to the schools and perspectives of psychology including Structuralism, Functionalism, Psychodynamic, Biological, Behavioristic, Gestalt, Cognitive, Cross-cultural, Humanistic and Evolutionary. The aim is both to build a familiarity with psychology’s intellectual origins and to foster an awareness of its many false steps, dead-ends, and alternative pathways to gain a better appreciation of the social, cultural, and, above all, psychological influences on the theorizing of psychologists. Students will be able to define psychology and understand what psychologists do and identify the major fields of study and theoretical perspectives within psychology and know their similarities and differences. In the end, students will be ale to gain a better appreciation of why contemporary psychology takes the shape it does, describe the evolution of psychology and the major pioneers in the field, identify the various approaches, fields, and subfields of psychology along with their major concepts and important figures and describe the value of psychology and possible careers paths for those who study psychology

Text Books And Reference Books:

 Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and Variations (Briefer Version, 9th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

King, L. A. (2010). Experience Psychology. McGraw-Hill.

Gazzaniga, Heatherton, Halpern (2015). Psychological Science, 5th Edition, Norton.

Feldman.S.R.(2009).Essentials of understanding psychology ( 7th Ed.) Tata Mc Graw Hill.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks

SAN121 - SANSKRIT (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Janakiharana of Kumaradasa is the first Sanskrit mahakavya, so far as the extant literature goes, to deal solely with the whole of the Ramayana story. Its further interest is that it was produced in Ceylon, showing thereby the wider world over which Sanskrit had its sway. After manuscripts of the full text of the poem in twenty cantos had to come to light in South India, what is now presented was the first systematc and critical study to be undertaken to the author and the text and its position vis-a-vis other Mahakavyas. In addition to the above study and the critical edition of the cantos which were at that time unpublished the examination of the large number of extra-verses found in some MSS of the text and showing them as interpolations.

Course Outcome

CO1: To understand the theme of epics

CO2: To develop new perspectives..

CO3: To appreciate the styles and thoughts of individual poets.

CO4: To focus on the poetical, artistic, cultural and historical aspects of the poetic works.

CO5: To enhance translation and interpretation skills.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks

TAM121 - TAMIL (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Poems of Bharatiyar and Bharatidasan and poems by women poets with feminine sensibilities  will initiate the students into the modern period with all its complexities. The short stories by Ambai offers a matured vision of life through a varied characters and situatins. A new concept, Cultural Studies, will take the students beyond prescribed syllabus to include music, theatre, painting and films out of whcih the art form of music is taken up for the first semester.

Course Outcome

CO1: To make the students experience the impact made by Bharathiyar and Bharathidasan during the 20th century and to bring them to the realities of 21st century.

CO2: They will also learn, on their own, about the nuances of music and a unique aesthetic experience it offers

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The second semester has a variety of writing from India, Pakistan and Srilanka. The various essays, short stories and poems deal with various socio-economic, cultural and political issues that are relevant to modern day India and the Indian sub-continent and will enable students to comprehend issues of identity-politics, caste, religion, class, and gender. All of the selections either in the manner of their writing, the themes they deal with or the ideologies that govern them are contemporary in relevance and sensibility, whether written by contemporary writers or earlier writers. Excerpts from interviews, autobiographical writings, sports and city narratives are added to this section to introduce students to the varied genres of literature.

The objectives of this course are

to expose students to the rich literary and cultural diversity of  Indian literatures

to sensitise students on the social, political, historical and cultural ethos that has shaped the nation- INDIA

to enable to grasp and appreciate the variety and abundance of Indian writing, of which this compilation is just a passing glance


to learn and appreciate India through association of ideas in the texts and the external contexts (BhashaUtsav will be an intrinsic help in this endeavour)


Course Outcome

CO1 CO 2: iv) Understand the cultural, social, religious and ethnic diversities of India v) it will be able to be analytical and critical of the pluralistic society they live in through the activities and assignments conducted vi) be aware of the dynamics of gender, identity, communalism and politics of this vast nation through its literature.

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Jayanta Mahapatra    “Grandfather”


2.      Meena Alexander    “Rites of Sense”


3.      K.Satchidanandan      “Cactus”


4.      Jean Arasanayagam   “Nallur”

Text Books And Reference Books:

The textbook "Reading Diversity"

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Online references for Comprehension Questions in the textbook

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: Classroom assignment/test for 20 marks keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

Question Paper Pattern        

Mid Semester Exam: 2 Hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50

End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 5 x 5 = 25

Section B: 5 x 15= 75

Total                   100











Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course has been conceptualized in order to help students understand that stories are universal and all around us. From the personal to the political domain, stories work upon us, even telling us who we are for us and others. Storytelling tools can be strategically employed deftly depending upon the concern, context and the target audience to create an impact. However, it is a nuanced art which requires specialised and rigorous orientation. This course attempts to provide such an understanding to the communication professionals of tomorrow.

Course Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate what a story is and the rudimentary elements that make a story

CO2: Decode how storytelling is strategically used in media contexts

CO3: Employ storytelling tools in different forms of media

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: Classroom assignment/test for 20 marks keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

Question Paper Pattern        

Mid Semester Exam: 2 Hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50

End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 5 x 5 = 25

Section B: 5 x 15= 75

Total                   100










CNM251 - SOFTWARE FOR MEDIA (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course offers an outline of the concept of graphic design  and the immense professional opportunities it provides. Students will be taken on a journey through the great works of past and present iconic graphic designers. Students will be introduced to the most popular designer sites encompassing work within the various industries that designers work in and trained to produce content using media software.

Course Outcome

CO1: Define and trace the development of Graphic Design

CO2: Identify the numerous design careers which are available

CO3: Evaluate designs (your work and others) for audience, meaning and effectiveness

CO4: Identify and use the Elements and Principles of Design in a decisive fashion

CO5: Distinguish between the types of graphic images used

CO6: Understand and use color to communicate ideas to others

CO7: Understand the principles of graphic placement

CO8: Use typography effectively in a design

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: Classroom assignment/test for 20 marks keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

Question Paper Pattern        

Mid Semester Exam: 2 Hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50

End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 5 x 5 = 25

Section B: 5 x 15= 75

Total                   100











Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



This course introduces the learners to six important areas: Principles of Writing, Features of Writing, Essay Organization, Précis Writing, Academic Presentation and Research Writing. The course design gives more weightage to productive skills based on their rudimentary receptive skill acquisition occurred in semester one. The participants of this course will exercise their textual scholarship and translate their areas of interest into meaningful writing. This course directs the learners to produce basic academic presentations which should be career-oriented and of social relevance. Bloom’s taxonomy of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation and synthesis becomes the substructure of this course instruction.








       To acquire critical and creative thinking


       To develop the taste for theory of knowledge


       To be aware of professional and research driven presentation skills


       To apply the mechanics in academic writing skills


       To use research skills to take a position in writing (writing a paper or presentation)


Course Outcome

CO1: Awareness of different approaches to knowledge, a critical and creative bent of mind that leads to a content-based investigation.

CO2: Working knowledge of different purposes of writing, especially persuasive (argumentative), analytical, and informative writings paves the way for research-based reading and writing.

CO3: Application of functional grammar and mechanics that enhance conceptual clarity, communicative style, and style of writing

CO4: Hands-on experience in a research culture which is discipline-specific in nature

CO5: Experiential learning through participatory learning and service learning

CO6: Awareness of problem-based learning and need-based learning

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1: Classroom assignment/test for 20 marks keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

CIA 2: Mid-semester written exam for 50 marks

CIA 3: Collage, tableaus, skits, talk shows, documentaries, Quizzes or any proactive            creative assignments that might help students engage with India as a cultural space. This is to be done keeping in tune with the course objectives and learning outcomes.

Question Paper Pattern        

Mid Semester Exam: 2 Hrs

Section A: 4x5= 20

Section B: 2x15=30

Total                  50

End Semester Exam: 2 hrs

Section A: 5 x 5 = 25

Section B: 5 x 15= 75

Total                   100











Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

This course will build on the previous course and continue the objectives of the previous course. The completion of this course should provide sufficientground to introduce literary theory in their fourth semester and postcolonial studies in the later semesters.


Course Objectives


  • To introduce  students to the socio-political, religious, cultural, and linguistic aspects of the UK through English literary texts
  • To help students understand texts as products of a historical, political and cultural processes
  • To enable students to identify different forms, genres and subgenres in literature
  • To sensitize students to human values through an exposure to socio-historical concerns of subjectivity, identity, community and nationhood.
  • To sharpen critical appreciation and analytical writing skills through an introduction to models of literary criticism

Course Outcome

CO1: Students will be able to discern the socio-political, religious, cultural, and linguistic aspects of the UK through English literary texts

CO2: Students will be able to analyse and critique texts as products of a historical, political and cultural processes

CO3: Students will be able to identify different forms, genres and subgenres in literature

Teaching Hours:30
Middle, Late Victorian Age and After

Darwin and the publication of Origin of Species, Victorian morality, utilitarianism, working class struggles, realism, naturalism, neorealism, Marxism 

Text Books And Reference Books:

Alfred Lord Tennyson: “Ulysses”

Robert Browning: “Porphyria’s Lover”

Gerald Manley Hopkins: “TheWindhover”

Charles Dickens: Great Expectations/David Copperfield/Tale of Two Cities

Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion

W B Yeats: “Easter 1916”

T.S. Eliot: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

James Joyce: “The Dead”

Katherine Mansfield: “A Cup of Tea”

 Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party

Adrien Mitchell: “The Question”

Ted Hughes: “Hawk Roosting”

Benjamin Zephaniah: “Dis Poetry”

Neil Gaiman: Coraline

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 8th Ed. New York: Wardworth, 2005. Print.

Corcoran, Neil. The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-CenturyEnglish Poetry. Cambridge: CUP, 2007. Print

Davis, Alex, and Lee M Jenkins. The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Poetry. Cambridge: CUP, 2007. Print

Ferguson, Margaret, Mary Jo Salter and Jon Stallworthy. Eds. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. 4th Ed. New York: WW Norton, 1996. Print

Gupta, Ambika Sen. Selected College Poems. Rpt. Hyderabad: Orient Longman,1999. Print

The Cambridge Companion to Narrative. Cambridge: CUP, 2007.Print.

John, Eileen, and Dominic McIver Lopes. Philosophy of Literature: Contemporary and Classic Readings. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. Print

Kaplan, Fred, and Monod, Sylvere. Hard Times. New York: WW Norton, 2002. Print

Sampson, George. The Concise Cambridge History of English Literature, 3rd Ed. Cambridge: CUP, 2005. Print


 Ramarao, Vimala,. Ed. Explorations. Vol II. Bangalore: Prasaranga, Bangalore. Print

Evaluation Pattern



1. A class test / presentation / exhibition/ performance based on the texts prescribed




       1. A moodle test on the play / short stories/ age


These are a few suggested CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 hrs


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination Pattern


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)


Total: 100 Marks




  1. For all texts Norton Editions are to be treated as the official prescribed editions.
  2. For critical material The Cambridge Companion Series of CUP, Case Book Series of Macmillan and Palgrave, and Norton series of WW Norton are officially prescribed.

FRN221 - FRENCH (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


French as a second language in the UG program. The method Génération A1 consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 6 units preceded by an initial section of 'Welcome'. The structure of each unit marks a real learning journey.


Course Objectives

·       To develop linguistic competencies and sharpen oral and written communicative skills

·       To familiarize learners to certain aspects of francophone civilization.

·       To enable learners to engage in simple everyday situations

Course Outcome

CO1: To familiarize students with French words and pronunciation.

CO 2: To enable students in reading and writing skills

CO 3: To enhance the listening and speaking skills.

CO 4: To make them proficient in the language skills.

CO 5: To enable the communication skills in french.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern



1. A class test / presentation / exhibition/ performance based on the texts prescribed




       1. A moodle test on the play / short stories/ age


These are a few suggested CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 hrs


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination Pattern


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)


Total: 100 Marks




  1. For all texts Norton Editions are to be treated as the official prescribed editions.
  2. For critical material The Cambridge Companion Series of CUP, Case Book Series of Macmillan and Palgrave, and Norton series of WW Norton are officially prescribed.

HIN221 - HINDI (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


 Course Description:



The text book ”Samakaleen Kahaniyam is a contemporary socio-political issues based story collection edited by Dr.Vanaja  Published by Rajpal and sons, New Delhi.  In this semester four visual texts/film appreciation and famous four film directors of India from different languages have been incorporated along with conversation writing and practices to improve the spoken skills of the students.




Course Objectives:


Students are exposed to the world of Hindi fiction particularly short stories. Film appreciation helps them to improve their writing and analytical skills and know more about the thematic and technical aspects of Cinema.  The module ‘Film Directors’ will inspire students to achieve professionally and personally.  Conversation practice enable them to use the correct form of language by which spoken communication skill will be enhanced.


Course Outcome

CO1 : Improve the analytical skills through critical analysis of the stories.

CO2 : Understand the thematic and technical aspects of Hindi movies through the visual text.

CO3: Improve the basic research skills while doing the research article creation for CIAs.

CO4: Improve the spoken skills by conversation practices.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern



1. A class test / presentation / exhibition/ performance based on the texts prescribed




       1. A moodle test on the play / short stories/ age


These are a few suggested CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 hrs


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination Pattern


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)


Total: 100 Marks




  1. For all texts Norton Editions are to be treated as the official prescribed editions.
  2. For critical material The Cambridge Companion Series of CUP, Case Book Series of Macmillan and Palgrave, and Norton series of WW Norton are officially prescribed.

KAN221 - KANNADA (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: The prescribed play AMRAPALI  by Dr. Prabhushankar, and the selection of short stories, Essays and Academic science writings are the texts for Second semester Kannada The Legend of Amrapali originated in the Buddhist Jataka Tales some 1500 years ago. Amrapali is a great character in the Indian history. She was known as a dancer and also a philosophical thoughts oriented woman. A key goal of this course will be to familiarize students with the basic techniques of analysing written drama and its stages performances. The selected prose will extend the concerns of Environment,  Folk beliefs and social justice.

Course Objectives: Students will be able to read drama scripts in Kannada and understand main ideas and details in different kinds of dramatic scripts.  The Play improves listening comprehension of different types of spoken texts-for main ideas, details and speakers’ attitude and emotions. It helps in develop and use language learning strategies for all language skills.

Course Outcome

CO1 : to analyze and interpret texts and performances both in writing and orally

CO 1: to demonstrate the knowledge of theatre

CO2: to improve creative writing skills

CO3 : to practice collaborative skills in various theatrical contexts

CO5 : to analyze a variety of short stories/fiction

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern



1. A class test / presentation / exhibition/ performance based on the texts prescribed




       1. A moodle test on the play / short stories/ age


These are a few suggested CIAs. However, during the course of teaching, there could be other suggestions, and CIAs could be slightly modified based on class dynamics and calibre of students.


Selected Texts chosen to be taught may be revised / used as extended reading which may be tested in CIA 1, 2 or 3.


Mid Semester Examination CIA II: 2 hrs


Section A: Short Notes – 5x3 marks= 15 (5 questions out of 7)

Section B: Essay Questions – 2x10 marks = 20 (2 questions out of 3)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 1x15 marks = 15 (1 question out of 2)


Total: 50 Marks


End Semester Examination Pattern


Section A: Short Notes – 10x3 marks = 30 (10 questions out of12)

Section B: Essay Questions – 4x10 marks = 40 (4 questions out of 6)

Section C: Long Essay Questions – 2x15 marks = 30 (2 questions out of 4)


Total: 100 Marks




  1. For all texts Norton Editions are to be treated as the official prescribed editions.
  2. For critical material The Cambridge Companion Series of CUP, Case Book Series of Macmillan and Palgrave, and Norton series of WW Norton are officially prescribed.


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course is conceptualised to help students understand basic cognitive processes as they affect the individual. The course introduces students about different cognitive concepts such as perception, memory, attention, intelligence, language and thought in the various manifestations of the study of mind and behaviour. It introduces the basic framework on how psychologists scientifically study and understand the cognitive processes through various quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry. The course also takes through the various applications on how the human mind works in different situations and in our everyday life such as the applications of human memory in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern machines. Students will have the opportunity to examine these concepts from multiple psychological perspectives and to reflect upon the applicability of these concepts. 

Course Outcome

CO1: Define the basic cognitive process that influences behaviour

CO2: Explain how the influence of behaviour, cognition, and the environment affects behaviour.

CO3: Compare and contrast various models, theories and methods in understanding cognitive processes.

CO4: Apply these concepts to explain everyday life events and situation.

Teaching Hours:15
Sensation and Perception

An introduction to the study of the human senses and perceptual processes. We will trace what happens to the physical stimulus as our sensory systems analyze it to produce complicated perceptions of the world around us. We will explore the fact that many complex perceptual phenomena draw upon explanations at the physiological, psychological, and cognitive levels. Topics on sensory perception in non-human animals may also be covered. Data gathered from psychophysical research and studies of both humans, and other animals will be discussed. The unit will review the mechanisms and principles of operation of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell; Differentiate between sensation and perception; Explain the process of vision and how people see colour and depth; Explain the basics of hearing, taste, smell, touch, pain, and the vestibular sense; Define perception and give examples of gestalt principles and multimodal perception

 Laboratory Demonstration: Illusion experiment, Depth Perception, Colour Blindness test, Dexterity test 

Text Books And Reference Books:

Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and Variations (Briefer Version, 9th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

King, L. A. (2010). Experience Psychology. McGraw-Hill.

Gazzaniga, Heatherton, Halpern (2015). Psychological Science, 5th Edition, Norton.

Feldman.S.R.(2009).Essentials of understanding psychology ( 7th Ed.) Tata Mc Graw Hill.

Baron, R.A and Misra, G. (2014). Psychology (Indian Subcontinent Edition).Pearson Education Ltd.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks

SAN221 - SANSKRIT (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


1.     Jatakamala of  Aryashura is the text prescribed and approved in the B.O.S.  The selected chapters will be taught in the classroom.  And also the selected portion from the Grammar.  This book not only teaches the morals to the students but also to learn Sanskrit easily Students can make the sentences with simple words.   It also makes the student to think how the same topic is thought by different students in different situations their understanding is really intelligent.  The students can learn different qualities by studying this course. 

Course Outcome

CO1: To Specify the classification and characteristics of fables

CO2: To understand the text in detail with application.

CO3: To learn in depth the morals of the fables

CO4: To learn human behaviour.

CO5: To acquire a comprehension of compounding syllables.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks

TAM221 - TAMIL (2022 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This paper has a few collections from the ‘Individual Poems’ of Avvaiyar and Kalamegam to show the students the ingenuity with the poets of the period mixing  intelligence with creativity. The unconventional and unorthodox views of life seen through theological eyes of Siddhas are included. It also introduces the power of oral tradition through a collection of interviews recorded and transcribed. These voices are from the marginalized communities which had no opportunity to voice out their pains and sorrows.. Students will be exposed to the art form of theatre through self experiece using internet resources like You Tube 

Course Outcome

CO 1: Recall and categorize the concepts of literature.

CO 2: Understand the true essence of the texts, and inculcate them in their daily lives.

CO 3: Recognize and apply the moral values and ethics in their learning.

CO 4: Comprehend the concepts in literature and appreciate the literary text.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description


This course is taught in the second year for students from different streams, namely BA, BSc


and BCom. If the first year syllabus is an attempt by the Department of English, Christ


University to recognize and bring together the polyphonic Indian voices in English and Indian


regional literatures in translation for the Additional English students of the first year, the


second year syllabus intends to take that project a little further and open up the engagement


of the students to texts from across the world. The syllabus - selection of texts will


concentrate on readings from South Asian, Latin American, Australian, Canadian, and Afro-


American. It will voice subaltern concerns of identity, gender, race, ethnicity and problems of


belongingness experienced by humanity all over the globe.


The syllabus will extend the concerns of nation and nationality and marginalization,


discussed within the Indian context to a more inclusive and wider global platform. We have


consciously kept out ‘mainstream’ writers and concentrated on the voices of the subalterns


from across the world. There is an implicit recognition in this project that though the aspects


of marginalization and the problems facing subalterns are present across cultures and


nations, the experiences, expressions and reflections are specific to each race and culture.


The course will address these nuances and specificities and enable our students to become


more aware and sensitive to life and reality around them. This will equip the students, who


are global citizens, to understand not just the Indian scenario, but also situate themselves


within the wider global contexts and understand the spaces they will move into and negotiate


in their future.


There is a prescribed text book Blends: Voices from Margins for the second year students,


compiled by the Department of English, Christ University and intended for private circulation.

Course Objectives


The course objectives are


 to enable students to look at different cultures through Literature


 to help students develop an understanding of subaltern realities and identity politics


 to inculcate literary sensibility/taste among students across disciplines


 to improve language skills –speaking, reading, writing and listening


 to equip the students with tools for developing lateral thinking


 to equip students with critical reading and thinking habits


 to reiterate the study skills and communication skills they developed in the previous


year and extend it.

Course Outcome

CO1 : more culturally, ethically, socially and politically aware citizens of the world..

CO2: it will enable students to become aware of the nuances of cultures, ethnicities and other diversity around them and become sensitive towards them.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks

CNM331 - PRINT MEDIA (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course has been conceptualized in order to introduce students to the field of journalism, both newspapers and magazines. It takes the students through the process of reporting, writing varied news-based stories and features and editing for perfection. Finally, it introduces the students to page designing software for publishing newsletters and magazines.

Course Outcome

CO1: Appreciate the historical evolution of print journalism in the country.

CO2: Write varied forms of content for the print platforms.

CO3: Write for, edit and design a lab newsletter and/or magazine and publish.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks

CNM351 - PHOTOGRAPHY (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Through this course students will be exposed to aesthetics and technicalities of photography with hands-on experience, through diverse assignments.

Course Outcome

CO1: Will have a basic understanding of the different genres of photography

CO2: Will be able to produce relevant, contextual and quality pictures according to media house?s requirement

CO3: Will be eligible to pursue higher studies in specialized genres of photography

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



·         To enable learners to understand the basic nuances of communication

·         To enable learners to judge audience perception in communication

·         To enable learners to understand basic psychological aspects required in communication

·         To enable learners to write for various purposes of communication

·         To enable leaners to use appropriate means of oral communication

Course Outcome

CO1: ability to judge audience requirements in oral and written communication and communicate accordingly

CO2: ability to use specific styles in communication to be effective

CO3: ability to understand workplace structures and requirements to communicate

CO4: ability to handle difficulties and challenges in communication

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA       CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment)-Total Marks- 50 

CIA-1: Activity-based Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
CIA-2: Mid sem Exam-Case/Scenario-based Question- 25 Marks; Department level 
CIA-3: Individual Assignment- 10 Marks 
Attendance- 5 Marks 

ESE Pattern      ESE (End Semester Examination) Total Marks- 50 , 02 HOURS

Question paper pattern
Section A- (Short Answers) 02 marks x5Qs =10 Marks
Section B- (Essay Type) 10 marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
Section C-(Compulsory: Case Study) 10 marks x 1Q =10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


  • To introduce the students to the socio-political, religious and cultural aspects of America through literary texts
  • To enable students to  read texts as products of  historical, political and cultural context
  • To provide insights into different styles of writing over different centuries
  • To encourage clear understanding of different genres and prosody/forms/literary devices.
  • To enable learners to give their perspective on the texts prescribed
  • To brainstorm learners to use their knowledge of History, Psychology, Sociology, etc to read literary works

Course Outcome

CO1: Identify different influences on American literature & Provide an account of European colonization of American

CO2: Demonstrate a familiarity with native America literature

CO3: Use American history to analyze different pieces of American literature

CO4: Trace the development of American literature through different eras

Teaching Hours:10
Beginnings to 1700

Description: This unit will introduce American History and literature. An outline of important events would be briefed.

  • The Navajo Creation Story
  • John Smith- The New Land
  • Anne Bradstreet – In Honour of that Highness
Text Books And Reference Books:

Text compiled for internal circulation

Essential Reading

  1. Roger Williams: from A Key into the Language of America
  2. Anne Bradstreet: from Contemplations
  3. Context: Cultures in Contact: Voices from Anglo-American’s “New” World (17C)]
  4. Sarah Kemble Knight (1666-1727)
  5. The journal of Madame Knight
  6. Context: Tradition and Change in Anglo-America
  7. Philip Freneau (1752-1832)
  8. The Indian Student or Force of Nature
  9. Washington Irving (1783-1859)
  10. From A History of New York
  11. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
  12. From The Last of the Mohicans
  13. William Apess (1798-?)
  14. An Indian’s Looking-Glass for the White Man
  15. Context: Indian Voices
  16. Herman Melville (1819-1891)
  17. TheParadise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids
  18. Sarah Margaret Fuller (1810-1850)
  19. From Woman in the Nineteenth Century
  20. From American Literature; Its position in the present time, and prospects for the future
  21. Sojourner Truth (1797
  22. Address to the first Annual Meeting of the American Equal Rights Association
  23. Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)
  24. The colored people in America
  25. Context: Literature and the “Woman Question”
  26. Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo (1808-1890)
  27. An account of the Gold Rush
  28. Context: Voices from the Southwest
  29. Lydia Howard Huntley Sigourney (1791-1865)
  30. The suttee
  31. Sherwood Anderson
  32. From Winesburg, Ohio
  33. John Dos Passos
  34. From U.S.A
  35. Elizabeth Bishop
  36. In the waiting room
  37. Tennessee Williams
  38. Portrait of a Madonna
  39. Sylvia Plath
  40. Lady Lazarus
  41. Robert Lowell
  42. Skunk hour
  43. Alice Walker
  44. The child who favoured daughter
  45. Adrienne Rich
  46. Upper Broadway
  47. Gary Snyder
  48. Sixth-month song in the foothills
  49. Vladimir Nabokov
  50. From Lolita
  51. Ralph Ellison
  52. From Invisible Man
  53. Thomas Pynchon
  54. Entropy
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

  1. Abel, Darrel. American Literature, Volume 1: Colonial and Early National Writing, (ed)
  2. Abel, Darrel. American Literature, Volume 2: Literature of the Atlantic Culture, (ed) Abel, Darrel.
  3. Recent American Literature to 1930, (ed) Heiney and Downs Lenthiel H, Volume 3; Barron’s Educational Series
  4. Recent American Literature After 1930, (ed) Heiney and Downs, Lenthiel H. Volume 4; Barron’s Educational Series
  5. Literary History of The United States:  (ed) Spiller, Thorp, Johnson, Canby, Ludwig, Third Edition: Revised; Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
  6. The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume 1, Second Edition; (ed) Lauter, Yarborough et al, Heath
  7. The Harper American Literature, Compact Edition; (ed) McQuade, Atwan et al, Harper and Row
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern


CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

Individual or group work




Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam


Section A

10 marks

Section B

20 marks

Module I



Module II



Module III



Module IV



 End Semester Exam


Section A

15 marks

Section B

20 marks


Module I




Module II




Module III




Module IV





Section A – 15x4 = 60

Section B – 20x2 = 40

The prescribed texts could form the subject matter of CIA 1 as well as CIA 3.


In particular, the texts could be extended to meet CIA 3 requirements.  

FRN321 - FRENCH (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description -French as a second language in the UG program. The method Génération A2 consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 6 units preceded by an initial section of 'Welcome'. Continuing from where A1 left, it aims to enhance learning skills further. The structure of each unit marks a real learning journey into different aspects of the French language and culture.

 Course Objectives

·       To develop linguistic competencies and sharpen oral and written communicative skills further

·       To enhance awareness of different aspects of francophone civilization.

·       To enrich the learner’s vocabulary

·       To enable learners to engage in and discuss simple topics with ease


Course Outcome

CO1: To familiarize students with pronunciation and vocabulary of the French language.

CO 2: To enable students to read and write correctly in the French language.

CO 3: To equip students with communicative skills in the French language.

CO 4: To enable students to speak and understand the French language.

CO5: To make students proficient in the French language.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern


CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

Individual or group work




Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam


Section A

10 marks

Section B

20 marks

Module I



Module II



Module III



Module IV



 End Semester Exam


Section A

15 marks

Section B

20 marks


Module I




Module II




Module III




Module IV





Section A – 15x4 = 60

Section B – 20x2 = 40

The prescribed texts could form the subject matter of CIA 1 as well as CIA 3.


In particular, the texts could be extended to meet CIA 3 requirements.  

HIN321 - HINDI (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



Course Description:

The detailed text book “Shambook” is a Khanda Kavya written by Jagdeesh Gupta. To improve the creative writing skills, Nibandh, Kahani and Kavitha lekhan are included.Bharathiya chitrakala is also a part of the syllabus to improve the knowledge aboutIndian paintings.

Course Objectives:

Students are exposed to different forms of poetry especially, KhandaKavya. It will help them to understand the contemporary socio-political issues.By learning about the tradition of Indian painting and legendary painters of India , students get to know about the richness and culture  of the Indian paintings. Creative writing sharpens their thinking, analytical  and writing skills 

Course Outcome

CO1 : Improve their analytical skills through critical analysis of the poetry.

CO2: Improve their basic research skills while doing the research based CIAs.

CO3: Improve their writing skills through creative writing.

CO4: Understand the contribution of Indian paintings and painters.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern


CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

Individual or group work




Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam


Section A

10 marks

Section B

20 marks

Module I



Module II



Module III



Module IV



 End Semester Exam


Section A

15 marks

Section B

20 marks


Module I




Module II




Module III




Module IV





Section A – 15x4 = 60

Section B – 20x2 = 40

The prescribed texts could form the subject matter of CIA 1 as well as CIA 3.


In particular, the texts could be extended to meet CIA 3 requirements.  

KAN321 - KANNADA (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Language Kannada is offered to students of third Semester BA/B.Sc as Second language for fifty marks. Students of this semester will study an anthology of Modern Kannada Poetry and an Autobiography of Laxman Gaikwad. This course prepares the students to understand the new era. At the dawn of the twentieth century, B.M. Srikantiah, regarded as the “Father of modern Kannada Literature”, called for a new era of writing original works in modern Kannada while moving away from archaic Kannada forms. Students will study modern Kannada poetry from B.M.Sri to Dalit poet Dr. Siddalingiah. An anthology of modern poetry is selected to understand the beauty of modern Kannada poets through their writings. Uchalya is an autobiographical novel that carries the memories of Laxman Gaikwad right from his childhood till he became an adult. Laxman Gaikwad took birth in a criminal tribe of India belonging to Orissa/ Maharastra. The original text is translated to Kannada by Chandrakantha Pokale.


Course Objectives:

Understand and appreciate poetry as a literary art form.

Analyse the various elements of Poetry, such as diction, tone, form, genre, imagery, symbolism, theme, etc.

Appreciates to  learn the elements of autobiography.

Course Outcome

CO 1: able to define autobiography

CO2: delineate different types of autobiography

CO3 : outline a personal autobiography

CO 4: proficiency in communication skills

CO5 : understand the principles of translation

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern


CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

Individual or group work




Question Paper Pattern

Mid Semester Exam


Section A

10 marks

Section B

20 marks

Module I



Module II



Module III



Module IV



 End Semester Exam


Section A

15 marks

Section B

20 marks


Module I




Module II




Module III




Module IV





Section A – 15x4 = 60

Section B – 20x2 = 40

The prescribed texts could form the subject matter of CIA 1 as well as CIA 3.


In particular, the texts could be extended to meet CIA 3 requirements.  


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course has been conceptualized in order to provide a general introduction to various developmental concepts across the different stages of the lifespan, with the nature versus nurture debate as a concurrent theme. The course is described through three perspectives: physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. Emphasis will be on the major transitions from fetal development through death in the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains. Research methods in developmental psychology are addressed explicitly and are also addressed alongside each major research study and theory discussed. This course includes discussion on the influences of cultural issues and technological advancements. This course addresses classic developmental theories and research as well as provides an overview of current developmental topics across the lifespan.

Course Outcome

CO1: Define basic concepts, issues, debates and theories in the field of developmental psychology.

CO2: Explain human development as progressing through different stages and domains.

CO3: Identify the role of family, peers and community in influencing development at different stages

CO4: Explain scientific research methods used to study human development.

Teaching Hours:15

Importance of Life-span Development; Historical Perspective; Characteristics of Life-span Development; Nature of Development; Overview of Theories of Development: Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Information processing, Behavioural, Socio-Cognitive, Ethological and Ecological theories; Major Issues and Debates in Developmental Psychology; Studying Development - Sequential, Cross-sectional and Longitudinal approaches.          

Text Books And Reference Books:

Santrock, J. W. (2018). A Topical Approach to Life-span Development (9th Ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Berk, L. C. (2008). Child Development. Prentice Hall of India (Pvt) Ltd.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

 Papalia, D. E. (2004). Human Development (9th Ed.). Tata McGraw Hill.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The coursework aims to provide undergraduate psychology students knowledge and hands-on practice of experimental psychology and statistics. The course imparts training in classic as well as contemporary experiments in the field of Psychology. Students will conduct experiments in the field of Psychology from the domains of learning and cognition. In the process they will be provided an understanding of central concepts in the field such as designing an experiment, variables, hypothesis etc. This course is planned to provide a framework for the development of assessment practices. Attention will be given to issues of identifying and selecting test instruments, conducting the assessment process in an ethical and considerate manner, interpreting norm referenced and criterion referenced test scores and writing APA style reports. The course introduces students to computer assisted experiments. The course would help students to evaluate, modify and develop psychological experiments. Statistical techniques covered will include descriptive statistics including concept of normality, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and pie charts and graphs, as well as use of a common statistical program (SPSS) to analyze data. Laboratory periods stress the techniques of data analysis using computers.

Course Outcome

CO1: Understand the basic principles of experimental psychology.

CO2: Conduct, Score, Interpret and Report psychological experiments following ethical protocols and APA guidelines.

CO3: Analyze experimental data with the knowledge of basic statistical techniques and software packages like SPSS, MS-Excel or JAMOVI.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks

SAN321 - SANSKRIT (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Sundara Kanda is the only chapter of the Ramayana in which the hero is not Rama, but rather Hanuman. The work depicts the adventures of Hanuman and his selflessness, strength, and devotion to Rama are emphasized in the text. Bhoja only wrote 5 kāṇdas (up to the Sundarakāṇda), and there is a story about this: that he was inspired to write this work the night before a battle, that as he finished the Sundarakāṇda it was time to go, and that he announced that the Yuddhakāṇda would be enacted in the battlefield against the invader, but sadly he never returned. Others have composed a Yuddhakāṇda to complete the work.

The main objective of the students is to understand the champu Kavyas based on the sam.  

The Origin and development of the Champu.

Course Outcome

CO1: To analyse the content of the text in detail with examples

CO2: To Deliberate the classification and characters of the epic

CO3: To understand the delight of the text.

CO4: To demonstrate an increased ability to read and understand Sanskrit texts

CO5: To understand the prefixes and suffixes and changing the sentences in grammar.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks

TAM321 - TAMIL (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Araillakiyam, bakthi illakiyam, ikala illakiyamn the major allakiyams.The influence myths and puranas are delineated through the good deeds for a better lifestyle.The  Cultural Studies part will have an overview of Indian painting both traditional and modern with special reference to mythology and literature

India 2020- Abdul Kalam



Course Outcome

CO1: Recall and categorize the concepts of literature.

CO2: Understand the true essence of the texts, and inculcate them in their daily lives.

CO3: Recognize and apply the moral values and ethics in their learning.

CO4: Comprehend the concepts in literature and appreciate the literary text.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course is taught in the second year for students from different streams, namely BA, BSc and B Com. If the first year syllabus is an attempt by the Department of English, Christ University to recognize and bring together the polyphonic Indian voices in English and Indian regional literatures in translation for the Additional English students of the first year, the second year syllabus intends to take that project a little further and open up the engagement of the students to texts from across the world. The syllabus - selection of texts will concentrate on readings from South Asian, Latin American, Australian, Canadian, and Afro-American. It will voice subaltern concerns of identity, gender, race, ethnicity and problems of belongingness experienced by humanity all over the globe.

The syllabus will extend the concerns of nation and nationality and marginalization, discussed within the Indian context to a more inclusive and wider global platform. We have consciously kept out ‘mainstream’ writers and concentrated on the voices of the subalterns from across the world. There is an implicit recognition in this project that though the aspects of marginalization and the problems facing subalterns are present across cultures and nations, the experiences, expressions and reflections are specific to each race and culture. The course will address these nuances and specificities and enable our students to become more aware and sensitive to life and reality around them. This will equip the students, who are global citizens, to understand not just the Indian scenario, but also situate themselves within the wider global contexts and understand the spaces they will move into and negotiate in their future.


There is a prescribed text book Blends: Voices from Margins for the second year students, compiled by the Department of English, Christ University and intended for private circulation. 

The course objectives are

·         to introduce the students to look at different cultures through Literature

·         to help students develop an understanding of subaltern realities and identity politics

·         to inculcate literary sensibility/taste among students across disciplines

·         to improve language skills –speaking, reading, writing and listening

·         to equip the students with tools for developing lateral thinking

·         to equip students with critical reading and thinking habits

·         to enable them to grasp and appreciate the variety and abundance of subaltern writing, of which this compilation is just a glimpse 

·         to actively engage with the world as a cultural and social space (to be facilitated through proactive CIAs which help students to interact and engage with the realities they face everyday and have come across in these texts)

·         to learn and appreciate India and its place in the world through association of ideas in the texts and the external contexts


·         to reiterate the study skills and communication skills they developed in the previous year and extend it.  

Course Outcome

CO 1: to help students develop an understanding of subaltern realities and identity politics · to inculcate literary sensibility/taste among students across disciplines

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks

CNM051 - SERVICE LEARNING (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Mode of operation: 6-8 students per group will be visiting the adapted school/college/activity centre on a set day in the timetable. They will be spending at least 2 hours in the field per week, although it’s left to students’ discretion if wanted to spend more time with the community. In total, a student will be spending at least 24 hours in the field. The teacher in-charge will be accompanying the students whenever time permits. However, a member from the chosen organisation will be monitoring the physical presence and involvement of Students. Students ought to submit a weekly report duly signed by the organisation’s in-charge.

Course Outcome

CO1: Will be able to realize the importance of sharing the knowledge gained with others in need.

CO2: The students could choose between taking up social service-oriented careers and other core media careers.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks

CNM431 - MEDIA RESEARCH (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



Course Description: This course aims to introduce the students to research and its methods in the domain of media studies and offer support for those who would like to pursue careers along the research line.

Course Objectives

  •            Familiarize students with the process of research

  •            To enable the student to formulate a research proposal

  •            To sharpen their investigative capacities

  •            To educate them about data collection and how to analyze data

  •            To conduct an independent research on a media topic

Course Outcome

CO1: Articulate a clear research question/problem

CO2: Formulate a hypothesis

CO3: Identify and apply appropriate research methodologies

CO4: Define, articulate, and use terminology/concepts/theory in their field

CO5: Use library and other tools to search for existing body of research relevant to their topic

CO6: Know existing body of research relevant to their topic and explain how their project fits

CO7: Work collaboratively with other researchers, using listening and communication skills

CO8: Work autonomously in an effective manner, setting and meeting deadlines

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks

CNM441A - SOCIAL MEDIA (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



Social media has disrupted communication channels and created challenges for the way we interact with each other – as an individual, organization, society, professional or consumer. This course explores the pervasive impact social media is having on our society socially culturally and theoretically. It also provides students with the new possibilities and limitations of the platform with which present society and its interactions are shaped. Finally, the course offers the students with the practical skills to have an edge on the strategies to be followed on social media as a user, producer and consumer.This course provides students with the evolution of social media and its use across various spheres of life. It also helps them explore the new possibilities and limitations of social media.



  • To establish a theoretical understanding

  • To acquire and build upon the skills to use social media to its full potential


Course Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate understanding of the features of popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

CO2: Compare and contrast the purpose and features of different types of social media, including: blogs, social networks, wikis, and photo and video streaming sites.

CO3: Create and maintain social media accounts on various platforms.

CO4: Apply the understanding in creating a social media-based campaign for a socio-political cause

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks

CNM441B - BROADCAST MEDIA (2021 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course will introduce students to the skills necessary for radio, television and video reporting. They will develop the practical skills necessary to craft television and multi-media journalism. In addition to that, they will learn television story planning, writing to vision, interviewing and use of digital camera and editing programs. In doing so, students will develop an appreciation of the television and radio industry and the skills required to work in multimedia environments. 

Course Outcome

CO3: CO 1 : Idea of TV news room structure CO 2: preparation of user generated content for TV and Radio CO 3: Demonstrate proficiency in recording and editing for video & audio productions.

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



·         To enable learners to write for various purposes

·         To enable learners to make presentation of various kinds

·         To enable learners to develop content for various contexts

·         To enable learners to develop technical writing skills

·         To enable leaners to use appropriate means of oral communication

Course Outcome

CO1: ability to judge audience requirements in oral and written communication and communicate accordingly

CO2: ability to use specific styles in communication to be effective

CO3: ability to understand workplace structures and requirements to communicate

CO4: ability to use written form of communication appropriately

Text Books And Reference Books:
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
Evaluation Pattern

CIA (Continuous Internal Assesment) - Total Marks - 50    

  • CIA I   – Activity-based Individual Assignment  - 10 Marks    
  • CIA II  – Mid Semester Examination- Case/Scenario-based Questions- 25 Marks; Department Level                  
  • CIA III – Individual Assignment                        - 10 Marks
  • Attendance                                     = 5 Marks 

ESE (End Semester Examination) : Total Marks - 50, 02 Hours

Question paper pattern

  • Section A (Short Answers)                 2 Marks x 5Qs = 10 Marks
  • Section B (Essay Type)                      10 Marks x 3Qs = 30 Marks
  • Section C (Compulsory: Case Study)  10Marks x 1Qs = 10 Marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course aims to introduce the students to concepts, concerns, critical debates in theorising literary texts and expose them to the applicability of these theoretical frameworks. It will enable students to critically perceive and engage with the production of meanings, significations and negotiations. This paper  will act as a bridge to Cultural Studies; Popular Culture; Indian Literatures; Postcolonial Studies; Ecological Studies and other studies that will be introduced in the final year and English Honours.

Course Outcome

CO1: Display familiarity with basic theories in literature

CO2: Apply theories as frameworks to analyze literary and other texts

CO3: Debate on the feasibility of theory in application to lived reality

CO4: Demonstrate an understanding of the arguments and limitations of different theoretical perspectives

CO5: Argue for their takes on several theoretical positions with justification

Teaching Hours:10
Introducing Theory: Literature and the Need for Criticism and Theory

I.1 What is Literature?

I.2 What is Literary Criticism; Literary/Critical Theory?

1.3 Literary Criticism/Theory: Key Ideas: Plato to Leavis 

(An Overview of the development of theory)

Text Books And Reference Books: