


MSc, MPhil, PhD

 Print Profile

Sl.No. Title Name of Periodical Periodicity Date
Sl.No. Title Name of Journal Date of Publication Volume No/Issue No/Page No
1 A Coherent Algorithm for Noise Revocation of Multispectral Images by Fast HD-NLM and its Method Noise Abatement International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 30-Dec-2021 21 / 12 / 556-564

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article A Coherent Algorithm for Noise Revocation of Multispectral Images by Fast HD-NLM and its Method Noise Abatement
Name of Journal International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security
Volume No 21
Issue No 12
Page No 556-564
URL http://ijcsns.org/index.htm
Indexing Agency Web of Science
Date of Publication 30-Dec-2021
2 Image Denoising using Adaptive NL Means Filtering with Method Noise Thresholding Indian Journal of Science and Technology 22-Nov-2021 14 / 39 / 2961-2970

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Image Denoising using Adaptive NL Means Filtering with Method Noise Thresholding
Name of Journal Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Volume No 14
Issue No 39
Page No 2961-2970
URL https://indjst.org
Indexing Agency Web of Science
Date of Publication 22-Nov-2021
3 An Efficient Image Denoising Based on Weiner Filter and NeighSure Shrink International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 10-Dec-2019 9 / 2 / 76-80

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article An Efficient Image Denoising Based on Weiner Filter and NeighSure Shrink
Name of Journal International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
Volume No 9
Issue No 2
Page No 76-80
URL https://www.ijitee.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v9i2/A4905119119.pdf
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 10-Dec-2019
4 An Efficient Image Denoising Method based on Bilateral filter Model and Neighshrink SURE International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 30-Sep-2019 8 / 3 / 8470-

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article An Efficient Image Denoising Method based on Bilateral filter Model and Neighshrink SURE
Name of Journal International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
Volume No 8
Issue No 3
Page No 8470-
URL https://www.ijrte.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i3/C6629098319.pdf
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 30-Sep-2019
5 Improved Image Denoising with the Integrated Model of Gaussian Filter and Neighshrink SURE International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 30-Aug-2019 8 / 6 / -

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Improved Image Denoising with the Integrated Model of Gaussian Filter and Neighshrink SURE
Name of Journal International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Volume No 8
Issue No 6
Page No -
URL https://www.ijeat.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v8i6/F9020088619.pdf
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 30-Aug-2019
6 Image Contrast Enhancement by Scaling Reconstructed Approximation Coefficients using SVD Combined Masking Technique International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 28-Feb-2018 9 / 2 / 144-149

Additional information

Category Article in Research Journal
Sole Authored /Co Authored Co-Author
Title of Article Image Contrast Enhancement by Scaling Reconstructed Approximation Coefficients using SVD Combined Masking Technique
Name of Journal International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Volume No 9
Issue No 2
Page No 144-149
URL http://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=9&Issue=2&Code=IJACSA&SerialNo=18
Indexing Agency Scopus
Date of Publication 28-Feb-2018
Sl.No. Title URL Subject Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Book ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title of Chapter/Article ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Book Title Title of Case Study ISBN Month Year
Sl.No. Title Abstract Objectives Type Sponsors
Sl.No. Title Place of Publication ISBN No. Month Year
Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Symposium Participant Two day State level Symposium on 21st century kannada literature organized by Kannada Sangh 18/09/2024 Christ University Regional
2 Conference Organizer 5th Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2024) 04/09/2024 Christ University International
3 Symposium Panelist Principals' Consortium 02/07/2024 Christ School State Board in association with CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Christ Special School Regional
4 Conference Participant International Conference - Scientific advances in natural sciences and techniques (SAiNTS 2024) 21/03/2024 Christ University International
5 Seminar Participant National seminar on institutionalizing quality culture in higher educational institutions 07/09/2023 Christ University National
6 Conference Organizer IEEE International Conference on Contemporary computing and communications 21/04/2023 Christ University International
7 Conference Participant KSTA sponsored State level Science Conference in Kannada 14/09/2022 Karnataka College of Arts, Science and Commerece, Bidar and KSTA Bengaluru Regional
8 Conference Participant National Round Table Dissemination Conference (Hybrid) on Implementation of OBE in HEIs: An exercise in constructive alignment 07/04/2022 Christ University National
9 Seminar Participant Online Technical Talk: "Antenna Integration on Complex Platforms 19/03/2022 RF & Microwave Research Laboratory, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering CHRIST (Deemed to be University)in association with IEEE Student Branch and IEEE SB AP-S Regional
10 Seminar Participant Distinguished Lecture on DISTRIBUTED AMPLIFIERS: A Versatile Architecture 05/03/2022 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP S), Madras Chapter in association with School of Electronics Engineering (SENSE), VIT Chennai National
11 Seminar Participant Webinar on "4G to 5G-The Next Wireless Revolution" 26/06/2021 The Oxford college of Science, Bengaluru Regional
12 Seminar Participant One Day National Webinar on "Current trends in Digital signal/Image Processing and Career options" 25/06/2021 KLE's RLS Institute (Autonomous), Belagavi National
13 Seminar Keynote Speaker Two days National Webinar Series Internet of Things(IOT), Opportunities and Challenges 23/06/2021 M M Arts and Science College, Sirsi, Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka National
14 Conference Participant International conference on Python for education and scientific computing 19/12/2020 FOSSEE, IIT Bombay International
15 Seminar Participant One Day Global Webinar on ?Trends and Developments in Robotics? 23/10/2020 Christ University International
16 Seminar Participant Webinar Series Electronics Innovation during Pandemics 13/08/2020 B.V.J Science Centre the National College Jayanagar Campus National
17 Seminar Participant National Webinar on Advances in Wireless Communication 16/07/2020 P C Jabin Science College, Hubballi National
18 Seminar Participant Webinar on Advanced Embedded Systems Design for Emerging Technology 22/05/2020 SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru National
19 Seminar Participant Online Seminar on ?Advances in Wireless Communications ? 5G & other Wireless Technologies? 03/05/2020 Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru National
20 Conference Presenter International Conference on Innovative trends in Electronics and Communication (ICINEC 2019) Performance Evaluation of Image Enhancement algorithm using improved Wavelet Thresholding and Singular Value Decomposition 30/12/2019 Department of PG Studies and Research in Electronics, Kuvempu University International
21 Conference Participant International Conference on Sustainable Advanced Computing (ICSAC 2018) 02/03/2018 Christ University International
22 Conference Participant National Conference on the Idea of National University 26/07/2017 Christ University National
23 Conference Participant 9th KSTA Annual Conference on Science, Technology and Innovations in the 21st century 20/12/2016 KSTA and Christ University Regional
24 Symposium Participant One day Symosium on Minority Literature in kannada 26/08/2016 Sahitya Academy and Christ University Regional
25 Seminar Participant Discovering Raspberry Pi 23/07/2016 kits-n-spares, New Delhi National
26 Participant 6th Annual KSTA Conference 2013 6th Annual KSTA Conference 2013 - Karnataka Science and Technology Academy and Christ University Regional
27 Conference Presenter A Comparative Study on Image De-noising methods using Wavelets. - National
28 Conference Presenter Innovative Assessment Methods for the higher Education in the context of E-learning with emphasize on Electronics Subject. - National
29 Participant Engineering and Science Innovation Summit Engineering and Science Innovation Summit - National Instruments- NI Systems(India) Pvt Ltd Regional
30 Participant NIDays 2014 Conference NIDays 2014 Conference - National Instruments- NI Systems India Pvt Ltd Regional
31 Participant UGC sponsored National Conference on Recent trends UGC sponsored National Conference on Recent trends in computer science - Tumkur University, Dept of Computer Science National
32 Conference Presenter A comparative study of image De noising techniques using spatial domain and transform domain techniques. - National
33 Seminar Presenter Image Preprocessing-Applications - National
Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Embedded Systems: A career at the intersection of Hardware and Software IQAC initiative Special Lecture 13/02/2024 Smt. Saraladevi Satishchandra Agarwal Government First Garde College (Autonomous), Ballari, Krnataka
2 A talk on the miracle Electronic device that changed the world Celebration of 75 years of Transistor 13/10/2022 Christ Junior College, Bengaluru
3 A Talk on IoT - Opportunities 15/09/2022 Government First Grade College, Naubad, BIDAR
Sl.No. Title Genre Producer Copyrights
1 Semiconductor Devices Educational Centre for Concept Design(CCD), Christ University, Bengaluru
2 Fundamentals of Electronic Communication Educational Centre for Concept Design(CCD), Christ University, Bengaluru
3 Modulation and Demodulation Educational Centre for Concept Design(CCD), Christ University, Bengaluru
4 Optical Fibers in Electronic Communication Educational Centre for Concept Design(CCD), Christ University, Bengaluru
5 The Fundamentals of Television Educational Centre for Concept Design(CCD), Christ University, Bengaluru
6 Basic Electronic Instruments Educational Centre for Concept Design(CCD), Christ University, Bengaluru
Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Time - Frequency Analysis and its applications in Digital Image Processing Dr. B N Jagadale Kuvempu University
Sl.No. Title Name of Student Institution Month Year
Sl.No. Title of Invention Inventor(s) Filing Date
Sl.No. Name of the Research Project Investigator(s) Sponsors Internal/External
1 Implementation of a cost effective Programmable Digital Function Generator using Microcontroller. RDC Christ University Internal
Sl.No. Name of the Conference/Seminar Name of Organiser Level Date
Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Role Date
1 GigaWatt PV Technology(GWPVtech) , an International Workshop Department of Physics and Electronics, CHRIST (Deemed to be University),in collaboration with ISC Konstanz, Germany International Organiser & Participant 07/10/2024
2 7 - Day Yoga Workshop Department of Chemistry, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru Regional Participant 12/06/2024
3 Training program on ?Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner-Centered Approach? Teaching Learning Enhancement Cell (TLEC),CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore Institutional Participant 28/02/2024
4 Leadership Workshop Christ University Higher Education Leadership Institute Institutional Participant 02/02/2024
5 5 Day FDP on Revisiting UG - Physics experiments Department of Physics and Electronics, CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Institutional Organiser & Participant 16/01/2024
6 5 day FDP on Empowering Educators: Course planning and ICT tools for effective teaching Department of Physics and Electronics, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional Organiser & Participant 05/12/2023
7 Online National Level Workshop on AI for Educators: New Future Nodal Office, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Thiruvananthapuram Kerala National Participant 26/08/2023
8 FIVE DAY FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM(FDP) on EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Department of Computer Science, Dr. MGR Deemed to be University National Participant 07/08/2023
9 Workshop on VLSI to System Design- Silicon to End Application Approach All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), ARM education and STMicroelectronics National Participant 31/07/2023
10 Faculty Development Programme (FDP -I) 2023 CEDBEC and Staff Development College, CHRIST ( Deemed to be University) Institutional Participant 26/06/2023
11 5 day Faculty Development Program on curriculum design and revision with specific focus on OBE Staff Development College, CHRIST(Deemed to be University), Bengaluru Institutional Participant 05/12/2022
12 Faculty Development Programme I - 2022 Centre for Education Beyond Curriculum(CEDBEC) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC), CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Institutional Participant 06/07/2022
13 NPTEL E-Awareness workshop NPTEL, IIT Madras National Participant 13/08/2021
14 Faculty Development ProgrammeI - 2021 Centre for Education beyond Curriculum (CEDBEC) and Human Resource Development Centre(HRDC) Institutional Participant 16/06/2021
15 Quality Improvement Program on Hybrid teaching Staff Development college, CHRIST University Participant 02/03/2021
16 Two Days National Level Online FDP on the Theme of Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies Department of Electronics and Renewable energy, JAIN Deemed to be University National Participant 05/08/2020
17 Faculty Development Programme I - 2020 CEDBEC, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional Participant 15/05/2020
18 Quality Improvement Program on online teaching Academic Staff college- CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Participant 22/04/2020
19 Learning to Teach Online Coursera-Sponsored by CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore Central Campus International Participant 15/04/2020
20 Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems Coursera-Sponsored by CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Bangalore Central Campus International Participant 10/04/2020
21 QIP on Renewable Energy and Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Academic Staff college, CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Participant 26/05/2019
22 QIP on Renewable Energy and Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Academic Staff college, CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Participant 20/05/2019
23 QIP on Frontier areas in the subject and curriculum updation Academic Staff college, CHRIST(Deemed to be University) Organiser & Presenter 21/05/2018
24 QIP on Teaching, Learning and evaluation CU-Academic Staff college Participant & Presenter 23/05/2017
25 Digital Image Processing using MATLAB CSIR and Department of Computer Science, Christ University National Participant 03/03/2017
26 Quality Improvement Program(QIP) on Research and Publications CU-Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bengaluru-29 Institutional - 06/10/2016
27 Quality Improvement Program (QIP) on Research( Electronics ) CU-Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bengaluru - 28/03/2016
28 Quality Improvement Program (QIP) in Electronics CU-Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bengaluru Institutional - 03/10/2015
29 Quality Improvement Program(QIP) on Latest Trends in Industrial Electronics CU-Academic Staff College, Christ University, Bengaluru-29 Institutional - 27/10/2014
30 Lecture Workshop on Emerging Trends in Materials Science Department of Physics and Electronics, christ University in Association with JNCASR Bangalore National - 25/02/2014
31 Refresher Course in Physics and Electronics CU Academic Staff College, Christ University - 17/04/2013
32 Two Day Lecture workshop on Current Developments in Atomic Physics and Nuclear Physics Dept of Physics, Christ University in association with Indian Science academies Regional - 06/02/2013
33 National Conference on Emerging Technologies and higher education: New technologies and new pedagogies CEDBEC, Christ University, Bangalore-29 National - 28/11/2012
34 E-content Development for higher education CEDBEC, Christ University, Bangalore National - 29/03/2012
35 Electronic Instrumentation and Applications Dept of Electronics, Christ University National - 07/09/2011
36 Current trends in Novel Materials Dept of Physics, Christ University and Academy of Sciences Regional - 04/02/2011
37 e-waste, Regulations, Hazards, Solutions The Electrochemical society of India, IISc and Karnataka State Pollution control board, Bengaluru National - 29/01/2011
38 Technology for Blended and Distributed education CEDBEC, Christ University, Bangalore National - 18/08/2010
39 Innovative experiments with PHOENIX Inter Accelerator center (IUAC) National - 03/05/2010
40 Emerging trends in embedded systems Vijaya College, Bangalore National - 02/11/2009
41 Real time Embedded systems ISM, Bangalore National - 19/07/2009
42 Advanced experiments in Electronic communication and microprocessor Maharani's science College for women, Bangalore National - 05/03/2009
43 Microcontroller and Embedded systems Department of Electronics, Christ College, Bangalore National - 19/09/2008
44 Nano materials and Devices NMAIT, Nitte National - 16/08/2007
45 Educational Technology CEDBEC,Christ College National - 23/03/2007
46 FDP on Strategic Plan and SWOT Christ University Institutional - -
Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 BOS Member Member, BOS in Electronics (UG) Bharatiar University, Coimbatore, TN Bharatiar University, Coimbatore, TN 01.01.2013 to 2015
2 Completed a 9 week Online Course " Image and Video processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a stop at the hospital.authorised by Duke University and offered through Coursera with Distinction. Completed a 9 week Online Course(Signature Track/verified certificate)"Image and Video processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a stop at the hospital.authorized by Duke University and offered through Coursera with Distinction. Link for verification: coursera.org/verify/6ABZBQTRYH Duke University through Coursera 27 March 2014
3 Secured First Prize in State level 4th KSTA Kannada Vijnana Sammelana Awarded a cash prize of Rs. 4000/- for securing First place in Kannada Science Poem Recitation at State level 4th Kannada Vijnana Sammelana jointly organized by Karnataka College Bidar and Karnataka State Science and Technology Academy (KSTA), Bengaluru Karnataka Science and Technology academy (KSTA) and Karnataka College, Bidar 16 September 2022
4 BOS member (UG Electronics) Member of Board of studies(BOS) in M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce-Autonomous, Bengaluru M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science & Commerce-Autonomous, Bengaluru 29 June 2024
Sl.No. Faculties Theme of Consultancy Type
Sl.No. Applicants Title Date Published


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